|Goodbye Again| kazuscara

By Zzzurui

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When I turned back, at the foot of the final set of stairs, I saw the look on his face. How could I go and b... More


83 4 8
By Zzzurui

About You and I



There are italicized brackets added in for quick translations at your convenience, though they might not all be accurate. Thank you for your continued support!


After brunch with the Wangsheng Funeral Parlour director, the king of Liyue left for a walk through the streets.

The storm that followed the lone boat at sea was most definitely the one which held the Shogun. The rain poured hard on the paved streets as many Liyuens scrambled past under their waxed umbrellas.

It wouldn't be much more than half a day for the lightning to land on the prairies and mountains of Liyue, and for that, Zhongli hoped the prince of Inazuma wouldn't have run too far. But then he remembered his most loyal knight.

"Xiao," he called out to the humid air and a gust of wind crawled up behind him.

"My Lord," the young voice replied and bowed his head low. The boy still appeared young, though he was one of the oldest adepti within Liyue.

"Keep an eye out for the prince of Inazuma," Zhongli said as he turned and looked into the aureate eyes of his son who stood under the pouring rain. He turned the umbrella so they both shared it, "And if you do find him, be sure to avoid force." He smiled with sympathy to his most faithful follower, who nodded and disappeared into another shadow of the wind. If it were up to him, he would have kept the adeptus away from the nation's problems and politics, but Xiao had always been persistent in helping his father.

The streets and ports of Liyue Harbour began to appear like a ghost town as people hurried inside. The storm picked up heavy wafts of wind to send boats rocking in the port, and the wooden frames of windows to shake. Just as a storm followed, so too did the wind.

Hurrying under the shade of a closed restaurant, a viridescent cape billowed in the wind. The short person hid with his cape and hood, but it felt like the wind would blow him away, "That cranky old woman sure is mad, isn't she?"

"It's impolite to speak of another nation's ruler in that way."

The bard turned his attention behind him, the familiar Yaksha glaring at him with his piercing eyes, almost as if his spear weren't sharp enough. "How do you know I'm talking about the Shogun?" he laughed and motioned for the other to join him under the cover of the patio. "And hurry up and join me! You might get sick if you keep walking around in the rain."

The prince of Liyue approached and stood next to the other, scoffing as if the rain were nothing, "We adepti don't get 'sick' like humans."

"You make the weather to be nothing, but I know you love the snow."

Xiao felt his face heat up in embarrassment while the bard laughed. The rain continued to pour down, but now it wasn't so cold and unbearable.

Birds twittered outside throughout the valleys and falls of Fontaine. What would usually bring great joy to humans, forced Scara to wake up with a sour mood.

What a great start to the day.

He opened his eyes only because of the overbearing anxiety of being caught. Rather than his mundane life back in Tataratsuna filled with nothing but the same dull days passing by, he found it quite rejuvenating to sleep, even as he had never done so often.

A blurred figure stood at the foot of his bed. He fixes his veil as his vision becomes clear, it was just Kazuha.

Wait, Kazuha?

Remembering that name fully woke him up. The bare back of Kazuha, a few noticeable scars tracing down it, and his light taupe hair curling over his shoulders.


Scara turned his face away and brought his hands to his face. This feeling of embarrassment, ah yes, just like the one time he horribly failed his dancing lessons, but this was worse. This warm feeling is growing on his face again, why, though?

Kazuha was still half-asleep as he changed, so he didn't hear Scar awake up until he turned back around to see the flustered face of the other.

"Ah-," he felt his face heat up a bit, but he smiled in place of his tinge of embarrassment. He didn't find it a problem when he had started changing since they were both men, but maybe that was the drowsiness in his speaking.

"Good morning," he chuckled with reluctance.

To any other, Scara would have yelled at the person, but he found himself swallowing down his embarrassment and letting Kazuha off the hook for now. "Good morning.."

The two prepared to leave in silence. For Kazuha, it was a comfortable silence, while for Scara, it was beyond awkward.

"Ready?" Kazuha still searched to meet eyes with Scara when he talked, but the veil always was like a wall between them. After a nice rest under a roof coupled with proper blankets and a bed, he felt just as refreshed as his companion, enough to forget about the employee's mistake the night before when they first arrived.

He handed over the key and the dreary man gladly took it, shooting a glance between the two of them with suspicion before requesting payment of twenty-six thousand mora. Kazuha could feel his dignity crack at the gaudy price.

Scara took notice of Kazuhas' defeat, deciding to step up for the other. Walking closer to the counter, he gave the man a bag of the amount of mora needed. Giving him a stare for a reason and one reason only before putting his act on once again, "Here you go, have a great day!"

The man behind the counter gladly took the bag and registered it before replying with a cautious 'good day'.

Kazuha was glad Scara was prepared, but the price was simply too much for one night. He began to wonder how they would manage through until they arrived in Fontaine. At least, he hoped wherever the other planned was a destination not much farther. "Thank you, Scara," he mumbled with some shame, glancing into Scara's eyes. The most he had on him was around four thousand mora, and that counted the amount Scara tipped him with the day before.

Kazuha drew in a breath as they left the expensive hotel and took in the bright morning of Fontaine folk, busy with business and mora handling.

"Where to now?" he turned to his companion, tilting his head so his hat wasn't in the way of showing his smile.

Scara looked to Kazuha, smiling back at him, but quite hesitant to tell the other his intentions on where to go. Why did he care so much anyway? If Kazuha knew or not wouldn't change where he planned to go.

Standing on his tiptoes, he points to Fontaine, giving Kazuha a defeated look. "Past Fontaine... One day, I might tell you the reason I'm going so far. Maybe I'll tell you everything if things happen according to my wishes."

When he turned back to face Kazuha, he saw his old friend. The resemblances between them were needless to say; it was obvious they were of the same clan, but why did that bother him? He wouldn't let another betray him. He had learned enough times that humans were not to be trusted, but where his heart was absent, the empty space told him otherwise.

Kazuha listened closely, noticing how Scara turned away in such a manner that denoted the wall between them might grow higher. What did he see in him to make him avoid his eyes like that?

"To the North, I assume then?" he brushed off the idea and spoke as he began heading in the direction of the masses of tall buildings and ordained luxuries.

The dirt paths now turned to paved roads with horses carrying knights and the roaming peoples selling fruits. Kazuha always loved going through different nations' towns, where he could experience more than he could imagine, but most of all, it carried his worries away.

Soon, they were able to see the grand castle of the queen of Fontaine, and the beautiful buildings grew to become more expensive by the minute.

The sun above beamed midday, a perfect time for them to take a break with some lunch. Kazuha could feel his stomach growl as the lingering scents of Fontaine cuisine and baked goods floated in the air around them.

Scara glanced at his companion through the slit of his hat. He had nearly forgotten the greatest difference between them. While Scara required nothing to live this curseful immortal life, Kazuha had to do all the things that made him so human.

Said man soon stopped as they head past the palace and back into more of a rural city surrounding the kingdom, where prices would be more considerable. "How about we rest for a bit? I do admit I am a bit hungry," he turned to Scara, motioning towards an indoor restaurant with some hope.

"Sure, I'm quite hungry too." He lied.

The restaurant was grand in every way. From the high ceilings with hanging chandeliers to the rolled-out carpets that made them feel mighty, everything spoke high-class dining. Then, the way that the people dressed, it was like they walked into another world. Will he even be able to speak their language? Did he even learn their language in his Palace?

"It's quite different here, huh?"


The different scents of foods and the bustling people dressed in breast coats and layered dresses were definitely different for the two of them. They could both agree on only ever heard of such places in stories or fairy tales, but it was only Kazuha that could find beauty in their situation, while Scara could only stand there, feeling small.

As they walked in, a waitress at the front greeted them and spoke to Kazuha first, seeming to ask how many people, but Kazuha was not adept in the many languages of Teyvat. He glanced at Scara with hesitation, his smile wavering with uncertainty. Maybe Kazuha needed more sleep. He had completely forgotten the language barrier.

It took a moment for Scara to process what the woman said, but he nodded at Kazuha with assurance. "Bonjour! euh- ça te dérangerait de nous conduire à une table ? Prenez votre temps si vous en avez besoin." [["Good morning! uh- would you mind leading us to a table? Take your time if you need it."]]

"Bien sûr, de cette façon," [["Of course, this way."]] the waitress responded and led them to a table for two, handing out a menu to both of them before leaving.

Kazuha listened in awe between their conversation, silent as he followed to their table before speaking out. He beamed and looked at Scara with admiration. "I didn't know you could speak French. I'm glad you're able to, otherwise, we might have had to settle with some fish again," he laughed.

Scara only smiled. "Let's look at what they have, shall we?" he exhaled in relief. For once, he was glad The Shogun was there to force lessons onto him though it was tough.

The lively atmosphere of the restaurant seemed to match Kazuha perfectly. Maybe it was destiny for him to travel with Scara to Fontaine. He took off his hat and leaned it on the bags he placed on the floor beside his chair.

After opening the menu, Kazuha felt himself shrink away again. He turned the menu to Scara and chuckled hesitantly, "It's all in French.."

He closed the menu and set it aside, internally wishing he had taken some time to learn more languages. "You could order for me. I do insist on paying this time around though."

Scara giggled at the sight of Kazuha struggling. He found it cute. Wait. Huh? Cute? Anyways- "Sure, I don't mind."

He looked through the menu, finding a dish. There was an ominous grin creeping on his face. Calling for a waiter, he pointed out the dish to her, "Excuse-moi! Je voudrais en commander deux, s'il vous plaît et merci." [["Excuse me! I would like to order two, please and thank you."]]

Kazuha watched in admiration as Scara ordered. He could see the aristocrat in the other now that he saw him in a more formal setting. Who is he?

As the waitress leaves, Scara makes conversation with Kazuha, "I wanna know something. What would you do if I ever lost my veil? It would be bound to happen someday." He was genuinely curious. Something did depend on his answer though. If it's an answer he likes, he might just reveal himself sooner or later.

Kazuha was brought back to the moment as Scara spoke to him, the question sending him into a daze. It was the first time something close to his personal opinion was asked. He had thought a few times what he would do if Scara took off his veil, or if he accidentally saw who he was. Would that change what he thought of him?

"Well," he started and began to fiddle with the neatly wrapped packet of utensils. "If by 'losing' you mean the wind blew it away, for instance, I think I might risk looking you in the eye at the moment."

He paused and thought for a moment, his carefree smile almost hardening. "But if you mean by taking it off, I don't think I'll be able to look away."

Scara listened to Kazuha, almost in shock by his answer. How is he so accepting?

Maybe he's not like them at all.

Though taking account of Kazuha's words, a warm feeling grows on his face. Though keeping his composure as he smiles. "Suit yourself, Kazuha. I don't mind, whatever happens, happens," saying so, Scara began to fiddle with his fingers, not knowing what much to do. Even if he was the one to ask the question, he was left dumbfounded by his answer.

Hearing Scara's response, he could feel his uncertainty shift away along with the loud restaurant around them. He could feel the connection between them grow, and a warmth in his chest. He wanted to look into the eyes of the man that sat right in front of him, to see in his heart and understand more.

Just in time, the waiter walks towards the table, serving the dishes.

As the food is served, Kazuha takes in the foreign appearance and scent of the dishes. He couldn't put to words how he felt for the food yet, but he was excited to try. He unwrapped his napkin to take our a fork and knife, wondering what his 'interesting' dish was. "So what is this dish called?"

Scara couldn't hold in his laugh as he tried pronouncing the name, "The escargots de Bourgogne."

Laughing at the name, though, Scara knew it would taste good from recognizing an ingredient in there. He couldn't help but also laugh at what could become of Kazuhas' reaction.

Kazuha hesitated at first, but began to lighten up when he saw Scara laughing. He genuinely seemed to be having a good time for once.

"To be honest, I ordered this just to mess with you." He began to pick up the snail and twist the fork to separate the meat from the shell. As he lifted his veil and ate the meat, he reassured Kazuha, "Don't worry though, it's really good!"

Continuing to eat the meat from the snail shells, he felt like he was truly connected with Kazuha. He made him feel like he was truly a friend of his. Did he think the same of him?

Seeing this, Kazuha decided to be brave and try the odd dish. He wouldn't even try to attempt to pronounce the name. He knew he would only sound funny.

After watching Scara's process of properly eating the snails, Kazuha took an attempt at it. It wasn't hard to see through Kazuha's expressions as he took a weak bite of the meat.

He was silent, chewing and thinking over the odd taste. Then he smiled, "I never thought I'd ever try something so different. Thank you."

It felt to have been a long time since Kazuha had a meal such as this with someone. Even when he travelled on the Crux he didn't frequent any big dinners. He then began to wonder, what does his new companion think of him?

Scara chuckled at Kazuha's reaction before smiling at the thanks, giving him a nod. He had forgotten what it was like to bond with someone after so long. "You're welcome. I mean, it's better to try stuff, because you'll never know if you will like it," he said before he took another bite of the meat, deciding to relax. There's no way someone could get him in Fontaine, right?

"To be honest, I wanna talk a little more. I would like to know more about you."

At this point, he only kept asking questions, so he could hear more of Kazuha's voice. For some reason, it made him feel calmer than he usually is. He would be irritated most of the time, but Kazuha, he couldn't figure out why he felt so much calmer around him.

"You go first."

Kazuha nearly choked on his food as he heard Scara's response. He searched to meet the other's eyes before he glanced away. For some reason, he felt heat rise to his face. He never minded talking about himself in the past with anyone, but knowing Scara, he was more than surprised.

"Well," he smiled and brushed stray hairs away from his face. "What exactly would you like to know about? I've been a wanderer for a while now, and I have plenty of stories to share, but I wouldn't want to bore you with so many."

Kazuha could recall a time when he shared stories like this with his closest friend back in Inazuma, where he had just begun his life as a traveller to the lands of Teyvat and a rookie in surviving the outdoors.

After hearing Kazuhas' response, Scara instantly got excited. He couldn't stop himself from grinning like an idiot. He's always wondered what people's experiences of travelling are like since he's always been stuck inside a palace. What has that samurai got him into?

"I don't mind at all, I think being a wanderer means many interesting stories. I'm intrigued, so I'll be glad to hear as many as you'd like to share. I've never heard any other story than from my family." Scara looked into Kazuha's eyes, trying to make him feel his stare behind his veil.

"I just want to get to know you."

Hearing Scara's response to his blatant honesty suddenly made Kazuha feel small. He didn't mind sharing with the other much about himself, but the idea of being asked about it all made him realize how much he had to tell.

Kazuha felt the eyes of the other even if he couldn't see them through the veil. He wanted to see into whatever coloured eyes were behind the veil, to know more about him too, but he couldn't yet. It made him want to stop time at the moment to ask the greatest question: What troubles you?

He hummed and thought for a moment, eating another snail before he spoke, "I suppose I'll start with the importance of my blade."

Kazuha pat the sheathed katana and thought about the melancholy, a bittersweet smile forming as he spoke about it, "The blade I carry is from my home, forged by my lineage with a variety of metals. I've had it since I became a wanderer, which was a while before I could even consider myself an adult."

He closed his eyes for a moment; the peace in his heart, when he resonated with the world around him, was calming. "My blade has been the best companion through my troubles and triumphs. That's why I was so fervent about it back in Mt. Aocang."

Scara listened to Kazuha talk about his sword. He never knew one could have such an attachment to a weapon or item. He only felt an attachment to humans.

"I'm still very sorry about what I did." He wanted to say more but shut his mouth for the better. He still wonders how Kazuha can be so forgiving. Better question: How did he get so attached to him in such a quick time?

Kazuha looked back to the other, not intending to bring up his guilt on it. He knew Scara was sincere. "It's alright. I understand you meant well," he said as he returned the smile.

Scara nodded as Kazuha reassured him. How is this man so forgiving? That doesn't matter now. His priorities are getting to Snezhnaya and only that. Then he'll get Kazuha off of him, right?

"I do think the design is cool, though," he continued before smiling at Kazuha and eating another snail. "Let's see if I can share something about me.."

His ears perked up at the mention of Scara sharing something too. The only thing Kazuha knew, which came from his deductions, was that Scara had run away from something in Inazuma, and it was highly likely he was of some nobility.

Going through things to share about himself without sharing information about where he comes from, he finally found something to tell. "I like bitter food and drinks. For some reason, sweets just don't do it for me." That was true. Just thinking about the taste of sweets makes him almost hurl.

"Ah, I see," he said as he gazed off to the plate of snails before looking back up into Scara's eyes. All of the cuisines he had hoped to one day share with Scara that consisted of sugar were then scratched off the list. "What would you say is your favourite food then? I think it's quite obvious what mine is considering I've made it for you twice now."

Scara thought for a moment. He never knew what his favourite was, given the many dishes served to him in the past it never crossed his mind, but a drink did. "I don't know a favourite food of mine, but I do have a favourite drink. I would say bitter tea certainly brightens my mood." He took a sip of his water.

Kazuha's eyes wandered for a moment, unconsciously staring as Scara took the glass to his lips. Then he took his eyes away and looked down to his lap. He felt shameful for staring at the lips of someone he considered to now be a friend. Even when he had first met Tomo, Kazuha never felt this strange sense of connection immediately.

Scara then wondered. Why did Kazuha become a wanderer? Did he run from something, too?

The plate of snails was now empty, so Kazuha seized this moment to pay. "Shall we return to our journey?" he said as he withdrew his pouch of mora from his pocket and began to count off how much might be needed for the dinner.

The streets were filled to the fullest with the citizens of Fontaine and tall fancy buildings, though Scara had his eyes on something different out there. Freedom. Freedom is what he had his eyes on. He was brought back to reality thanks to Kazuha, turning to him with a smile on his face.

"Sure, let's go," he said as he fixed his veil and stood up.

Walking out of the restaurant, he turned his head and tossed a small bag of mora to Kazuha as a payback.

"As always, expect mora flying your way."

Just after Kazuha adjusted his hat, mora came flying his way. He caught it and felt a smile creep up on his face again, "Thank you." For some reason, he felt his heart skip a beat at the sound of that. He placed a hand over his heart and blinked twice. What was that?

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