•Dadzawa•~Your Safe~

By Magsismehname

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You were abu!$ed and tested on by your bio dad. You Finally are free once you go to UA More



663 9 2
By Magsismehname

!Slight tw !
~A i z a w a s P o v~
What is going on with Asuki this morning. She's usally the most energetic and flying around but today she barley even opened her wings or had energy, she showed up late which she never does, and that she flinched at me when I asked why she's late. She put her arm up like she thought I was gonna hit her.. I was lost in thinking until I heard someone call my name."Aizawa?" I turned to see Bakugo. " what's up Bakugo?" I asked rubbing my eyes. " uh well Asuki . She looks like she got in a fight with a villain. She had a huge black eye and bruises and cuts everywhere. I'm only saying this cuz she was acting really sus. Not like a care " Bakugo scoffed then walked away . I was about to find Asuki but she had found me. She was running and ramed right into me.'woah Asuki. Are you okay.?" I said making sure she didn't fall. "Yup!!! I'm fine!" She said shaking badly then running off. I saw something fall out of her pocket and looked down to see bloody bandages. Idk what went in my brain but I just had a feeling I needed to check on her. I Follower her to the ally. I stayed hidden as I waited.
"ASUKI DID YOU NOT COVER UP YOUR FACE WHEN YOU WENT TO SCHOOl!?"i heard a large man yell."I-I did b-but during t-training they wouldn't stick no longer.."I heard Asuki say bowing in front of her father. He walked over to her a smacked her. She fell to the ground pretty hard. I couldn't step in yet. I had to make sure it was the right person. He walked over to Asuki and grabbed her and shoved her to some man in a mask. He took her and dragged her. I slowly followed them and picked up my phone. I found Hizashi's number. I texted him: ' get a room at the dorms ready. I'm gonna bring someone to live there. I know there not ready but set up a room. Then meet me at ********' . I sent it and continued to follow. I watched as the walked in the house. I quickly ran after them but the door had shut already. This was no door I seen . It required a code to open. "I need to find a new way in." I told my self putting my goggles on my head.I need anwsers. First she's dead now she's here. I went around back and found a normal door. As I was about to open the door I heard a scream form inside. It sounded like Asuki. I couldn't help but feel bad for the kid . Being abused by her dad. I opened the door and I went in. I saw a picture the looked odd I went near it and tryed to open in. I felt around the wall and three bricks pressed inwards. I pressed all the bricks and the picture opened. I see stairs leading into a basement looking place. I went down the stairs and heard crys and screams. I didn't not expect to see what I saw next. I saw Asuki Strapped into a chair with needles injected into her skin, her arms and legs were cut open and a needle in on cut. Not only was this man neglecting and abusing but using her as a test subject. "BOSS SOMEONE GOT IN!" I heard a worker scream. "BOSS GET YOYR STUFF AND EVACUATE!" Another screamed . I seen Asuki father running out of the place while the workers panicked. Asuki looked to be passed out. One work was about walking towards her. " we need the child to be dead.. if the place got caught Ashi I mean boss said to kill her. " one said holding a blade ready to stab her. No. I grabbed the worker with my scarf and pulled him away from her . I jumped out from my place I wrapped both in my scarf then threw them into the wall. They were the only ones in there. I called the police and waited . I was trying to figure out how to get the straps off Asuki. The police showed up and I had no luck and getting the straps fully off. There was locks on them I couldn't get off. I heard the police come down the stairs . They went over to the workers who I had tied up and investigated. "I cant get these locks off her." I told the police stressed out. One police took out a master key and managed tk unlock all the locks. As I went to see Asuki my phone ringed. I picked it up And seen a text from Hizashi.'sho what's going on I'm outside with the car why are there cops everywhere?' I sighed as I looked at my phone. I sent a text back saying to stay outside. The police started questioning me and what happened. I explained everything from when I first met the child until now. "She has no legal guardian now. We tried to contact her family and th eh want nothing do do with Ashi and her, mother is not known and she has no place . She also has no files" the Police man said. I Crouched in front of Asuki bandaging her up as much as I can until I get her to recovery girl . I don't trust the hospitals. *stressed sigh* "since she don't have a Legal Home where gonna have tk uh place her in a orphanage.." the police said rubbing his head. "No." I said under my breath still wrapping up Asuki. "What?" The Police Said. "I . Said . NO." I retorted standing up. " your not gonna place her in that damn system. Orphanages just use the orphans as child slaves. You really think it's a good idea to put this TRAUMATIZED kid who went threw actual HELL into a place that treats kids like slaves? Yea no. I'm not letting that happen. She's coming with me. " I scoffed crossing my arms. "E-eraser you can't uh take this child. She's going into the system.where she I'll get adopted by someone." The police said walking to me. " uh no she's not bc I already decided I'm gonna be her Legal Guardian. So yea I can take her." I said. " uhm you can't do that." The police man said. " well I just did." I scoffed walking to Asuki. "Eraser you can't do that you don't got paperwork." The man said . " I'm gonna get them tomorrow. I have to worry about helping her right now." I said picking up the child. "Before you say 'you can't do this ' i can ans did. Your Not stoping me. She's not going to a slave house . " I Said walking out of the basement with Asuki in my arms. I walked out Ana seen Hizashi leaning on his car .  "Hizashi." I called out. He looked over at me and ran over with wide eyes. " woah.Is that askui? What I'm the heck had happened yo?" He questioned. I explained everything to him . "Wowzers. This poor child. Is she gonna be placed in that recked up system?" He asked. "I'm not gonna let this child go to that slave house. She Has been threw enough already Hizashi." I said . "Did you get the room at the dorms set up? I know the Kids arnt meant to go to the dorms until Friday (3 days away) but she can't Go no where else.i also Might have agreed to be her legal guardian. If not she would be placed into the slave house." I said ." Let's get her to recovery girl. Then let her Rest . I'm gonna try to talk to her once she wakes. " I Said . Hizashi ran over ans opens the door. He helped me gently put her in the car. Hizashi was about to drive until he got out and put a blanket on Suki.
Later that night~
                            ~ A i z a w a  p o v~
I got her to recovery girl and now she's at the dorm in the room we gave her resting. I have been sitting with her all night to make sure she's okay and if she wakes up . 2:48 am . *sigh*i Heard- the door open and see Hizashi standing in the door way. I got up and walked out in the hall to see what he needed. He was staying over to also help with Asuki. "Yes , Hizashi? ' I said tiredly rubbing my eyes. "How's little listener doing.?" He said quietly. I have really never heard him talk this quiet. " she's doing okay.. though I think she's really sore.. I mean she did get cut opened and recovery girl healed her but she's also need to heal on her own.' I explained peeking to make sure asuki is okay. 'Sho I have never seen you this worried about a child before. ' Hizashi said . "I'm a hero it's my job Hizashi. I don't care if it's a child , adult but if I see someone getting hurt expecly if I personally know them , I step in. The amount of kids that have killed them selves from this type of toxic house hold is unbelievable. I'm not gonna let it happen to another innocent child.' I said yawning. ' do you want me to watch her while you can rest?' Hizashi offered. I shook my head. "I can handle it. I also do need to talk to her. " I said walking back into asukis room . "If I need you mic I will send you a text okay? " I said to Hizashi before shutting the door slightly not letting light in. Hizashi nodded and left . About a half hour later I fell asleep while watching asuki and I heard a whining noise that woke me. I woke up and looked around and seen asuki bawled up in the corner of her bed. "Asuki.?" I said slowly not trying to startle her. " why why why why why why why.." she kept repeating. "Asuki what's wrong.?" I asked "why would you do that! No Ashi is gonna come back and kil you and it's gonna be all my fault! I'm the reason people die and I don't need you to die!" She said breaking down in tears."Asuki it's okay and what do you mean.?" I said sitting foward slightly. "You took me from Ashi! He's gonna get. Mad and kill you and it's gonna be my fault! I'm the reason people die Mr.Aizawa.. h-he says I'm dangerous and that my quirks are deadly.." she said putting her head in her knees. " Asuki I know this is gonna be hard to awnser but what all happened." I said worrilingy . "N-no if I tell you your gonna die! If I tell anyone what my dad has done they die and it's my fault! People only die because of me! It's my fault ! My dads gonna come for you and he's gonna hurt you and it's gonna be all my fault! I'm not gonna sit around and watch the people I care about die! " she said breathing really hard. "Asuki I promise he won't hurt you . Calm down. " I said gently getting up and sitting on the bed. She put her hands on her head and wasn't breathing normally. She's having a panic attack. "H-h-how do I k-know your not gonna hurt me..? H-how do I know I -I can trust you.." she said panicking and sobbing. I didn't want to touch her because i didn't want her to get way overwhelmed right now. " Asuki I promise i wouldnt hurt you and you can trust me. Ashi isn't gonna bother you or hurt you ever again and I will make sure of that. To get to you he's gonna have to go threw me. " I said slowy putting my hand on her shoulder. She took a deep breath and then admitted everything Ashi did to her..

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