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A new life
⚠️ TW! ⚠️
S u k i s P o v
About 6 months At UA . Life was good besides at home with my dad. He was still Good ole Ashi. Still was forced to do testing. During that period a lot has happened. Villians attacked the Ucj (I think that's what it's called). We were about to do rescue training and villians attacked.Pro hero thirteen got injured protecting students up bye the entrance. And Aizawa got really recked. A giant monster with its brains hanging out that didn't take damage was the thing that hurt him. When aizawa tried to erase this villian called "Shigaraki " the monster would hurt him. Shigaraki was trying to hurt tsu, Mineta and Midoryia. All might also got severely hurt. I was up with thirteen and the rest. I was keeping quard to make sure no villians got up there where this warp villian was. It was scary watching your friends and teacher get beat up. Apparently if Aizawa was to fight and longer with 'Nomu' he would have died. Same with all might. Now Aizawa can't use his quirk as long and has a scar under his eye . Thirteen is fine , and allmight seems to be fine . Next thing was we had to fight our teachers. I met the voice hero mic. He is sometimes hard to understand. He talked like a hippie. And he's very loud. He made Jiros ears bleed and Koda can talk. I knew about him but never met him. Honestly thinking about it if he wanted he could make someone go deaf. He also seems to be making good money. I mean all these expensive things he owns. Apparently he also has a talk show. Not surprised. He does all the commentary on anything he can . That's all that's new. There was the sports festival, a training camp that got attacked by the league and Bakugo was taken, we got him back sadly , all might retired and now he's a stick, and that's really all

"GOD DAMN ASUKI ! CANT YOU DO ANYTHING RIGHT?!" Ashi Screamed smacking me . I hit the floor . "YOU DONT DO ANYTHING RIGHT!HOW DARE YOU USE YOUR QUIRK ON ME!" He yelled getting closer to me as I backed up into the wall with my wings out. " Put your wings down before you get hurt." He scoffed grabbing me by my shirt collar. I didnt obey his words . He grasped my wings in he's hands. "HEY! Let go!!" I cried out feeling the pain shooting threw my back. I teleported out of his grasp. He pulled out some larger feathers . My wings started bleed at certain feathers being ripped out. He held the feathers in his hand. I touched my wings. They stung . I unsummoned my wings then re summoned them my back still hurt from the last wings. I didnt see my dad walk to me. Before I knew whay was going on I seen him raise his hand to me . I didnt have time to think. My body ached. I looked up at the clock. 6:21. I have to grt ready for school. It starts at 7:00. I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. My face had a big cut and I had a black eye. I had bruise ans cuts on my arms . I still had bandages from testing. My arms stung deeply from last night. I got ready and put a bandage on my bruises. I covered my eye with hair and bandage. I had a nose bleed also. I cleaned up pretty good. I ran out of bandages and Ashi wouldn't give me anymore. My legs had small bruise and bandages from testing as well . I was good at hiding them.
I had got to school and they wernt in the class . I checked the time 7:09. The court yard. I quickly ran downstairs and got ready . They were outside. They must have just came out just a few ago. I covered my eye with my hair and walked over. Everyone stared at me. "Why are you late?"i looked up to see Aizawa.
"Asuki why are you late?! "
"Well? " he asked walking to me . I flinched slightly and backed up. "I-I over slept sir . " I said not making eye conta ct. "Well don't be late again or I will have to call your father." He said walking away from me. I walked over to the rest of the group. I stood next to Urakaka and Denki.
After training ~
I didn't do so great because I was sore and tired from fighting my dad. I sat down in the shade. It was the end of the day and we had done training all day. All of our other classes with different pros didn't start until next week because of someone ruining all the teaching stuff. *cough* Bakugo*Cough* .I still didn't geht why Present mic Taught English when he can't speak it properly. It's hard enough to understand him when he talked like a hippie- he's cool  and all just confusing. I has sitting down waiting for class to be over. I made sure no one was looking and rolled my sleeves up. My bandages wernt sticking to my arms like there supposed to. I had to take them off I was waiting for the day to be over. I took them off and rolled my sleeves down. I tolle off my eye bandage after moving my hair and reveal my black eye . I was turned around so no one could see me. I didn't want them to call my dad about me getting hurt because if they do he's gonna be so mad. My life sucks. " uhm Asuki? What in the hell happened to you ? Looks like you got attacked by a goddamn villian." I turned around and seen Bakugo. Wth is he concerned? " well nerd? The hell happened. You look worse than you already do. " Katsukisaid chuckling. " I tripped ! It's nothing so stop worrying about me!!" I said getting up and covering. My head started to hurt. ' Asuki come to the ally..' . It was a stupid mind message from my dads workers. I ran off almost knocking other students down . Some parents starred at me for a second then stopped as I ran off.
K a t s u k i ' s   P o v ~
What the hell is Asuki doing?  She's acting weirdly today. Not like that's unusual for her. I walked over and looked at her. She had bruises and cuts and scars. She looked like she picked a fight with a villian. "Uhm Asuki? What the hell happened to you? Looks like you got beat up a goddamn villian. " I said standing there she turned around and she had cuts and a black eye. "Well nerd?what the hell happened? You look worse than you already do." I said chuckling." I tripped! Stop worrying about me!!" She said standing up covering herself then running off to who knows where.
A s u k i s   P o v
As I ran away something fell out of my pocket. Whatever fell out of my pocket when I ran into someone. Afte to hit the person I backed up and looked at Aizawa for second remembering my face looking horrible. " woah Asuki . You okay?" He said. "Uhhh yup!!" I said running off into the ally.  I seen my dad and one of his workers. "ASUKI DID YOU NOT COVER UP YOUR FACE WHEN YOY WENT TO SCHOOl!?" He yelled through gritted teeth. "I-I did b-but during t-training they wouldn't stick no longer.." I explained bowing. Ashi walked over to me and hit me in the face. I hit the floor and my nose and lip started bleeding. "Let's go you stupid child." He said walking. I was to scared to move so I sat on the ground shaking. "DIDNT YO HEAR ME? I SAID LETS GO!"he screamed grabbing my arm and dragging me. "Stop fucking shaking. Your fine." He said looking at me. He threw me foward and he worker put his hand out. I shakily put my hand in his hand. He grasped my hand and took me home. Once us 3 got back my dad said something to the worker and the worker dragged me down the the lab. I knew exactly they were gonna do since my da shot mad. They might take my blood again. They take my blood bc my blood is able to hold multiple quirks. So they BELIVE if they take my blood and inject it into a 'customer' then inject them with a quirk giver that they get many quirks like me." No no no no please don't!! I don't wanna do testing!" I yelled trying to get out of the guys grip. My mind was blurry and I could think right. All I could do was cry and shake. Another worker came out and grabbed my arm and threw me into the seat. They strapped me in and Ashi walked over. "Dad pls don't do this.. I'm sorry!! I will do anything for you!!! Just pls no!" I cried out. "Your behavior has gotten worse since you went to UA. You only reason still going is to learn to use your quirks. " he said hitting me in the head. Everything was blurry. Before I understood what was going on I felt four needles go into one of my arms, 3 in the other, and one in each leg. I felt something sharp slide across my arms and legs. Once my vision set back in, I looked at my arms and legs to see four workers cutting my arms and legs open. I screamed out in pain as warm blood dripped from the cuts. I heard my dad start laughing as I start crying. I felt someone shoved a large needle in one of the cuts and inject something. I started to feel sleepy. My vision was going in and out (blurry) . I seen and heard one on the workers yelling. "BOSS SOMEONE FOUND US !! " one worker yelled. "GET THE BOSS OUT ! BOSS GET YOUR STUFF AND EVACUATE!" Other yelled. I could see very well but all I could see was a flash on black . I seen something balck flash by and jump at the workers. All I see was fighting. Idk who it was. My head hurts. I couldn't keep my eyes open.

•Dadzawa•~Your Safe~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt