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                             N e w  s t a r t

                        A i z a w a s  p o v
"it's been about a year and nothing on her." I said pick up some papers before going to school." shouta, it's been a year. And with there being no info of her we can't do much." Hizashi said shrugging. I can't get her out of my head.
                           S u k i s  P o v

"Asuki. Since you decided you wanted to finally be a good child , I got you into a hero school. Your gonna go since your 14 now and so you can learn to control your quirks." My father said . O m g . I'm going to a hero school! This is the best thing that ever happened in my life! I got yp quickly and bowed. " thank you so much sir!" I said. " what ever . Get ready your going today. And I repeat you wont say shot to anyone there. If you do they will die. You don't wanna be the reason someone dies do you? Remember,your the reason people die and you don't want it to happen again right?" He said. " I-I'm the reason people die.?" You questioned. " ohh of course suki." He said walking over to me. " your quirks are so deadly. Just being near you could kill people. People that try to help. You have hurt me . " he says pointing to a large scar on his arm. " you care about me don't you asuki? I thought you care about me. You were born with deadly powers that are uncontrollable." He says crouching and putting his hand on my shoulder." B-but what about the testing you did..?" I stuttered touch my arms covered in bandages . " that's was to help control you . We didn't want you to hurt people.you don't wanna hurt me do you?" He asked calmly. He's never been this nice to me."n-no.. but. But why did you hurt me... hitting me... p-punching.. kicking. Throwing..?" I asked. " because you were trying to attack everything and everyone. " he said.
                           Flash back~
"ASUKI ! YOUR SO DUMB ! I HOPE YOU KNOW YOUE THE STUPIDEST CHILD I EVER MET! " he yelled grasping me by my throat. He started to tighten his grip."I - I - I .... C-can't ... b-breathe.." I stuttered harshly. Before I could see what was happening he slammed me right into a brick wall. Everything was flashing. Everything was blurry. " YOU YOUR LUCKY I STILL WANT YOUR STUPID ASS. " he screamed. " all your good for is for my testing brand. If i can give people more than one quirk I can make millions. " he said raising his hand . He beat me for hours. I thought I had died .
Flash back Over~
"b-but yesterday...." I stuttered. " you were having an outburst. I was just trying to help. I would never hurt you Asuki ~." He said hugging me. He has never show affection towards me. What do I do? Do I say something..? He let go. " now get ready you have to get ready for your new school." With that he had walked out . I got ready and went out in the hall." Hm you look good." He said. You didn't think anything of it and barley met anyone other than your dad , that guy you gave the note to and your dads workers . You didn't know what things were wrong and right. He had smacked you in the head. " let's go you don't wanna be late and remember your manners. And don't tell anyone anything." He said getting in the car. " what about my quirks.. I have Multiple. " you asked . " tell them about them. If they ask you were born that way bc of your mothers genes. " he said. " wait . I thought that was why I had so many? Is it not?" I asked . " I messed my words up that . *clears throat* is how you got them." He said. " where here . Now go ." He said.
In the school
I can't belive I'm here at UA. It's a big school. I looked down at the paper I was given. " Hm class 1-A?"

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