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Y o u r p o v
⚠️ TW ⚠️
6 years later..(Your 13)You had woke up sore as ever. More testing. You seen your arms and legs wrapped in bandages. It was sore to walk . Your Heard- your door open. It was your dad. He came in your room and looked at you." You didn't even do your chores when you got home from school." He said strictly.
                              ~Flash back~
"Ugh ! Bakugo ! just leave Deku alone it's not that hard!" You said with your wings up protecting a fluffy green haired quirkless boy with a black eye and a burn on his arm. " why are you protecting that loser? He's quirkless loser . You are too I mean wings really? Those are useless. You will never be a hero with that!" He said laughing. His hands started to spark. Your eyes widen knowing he's gonna attack you. As he true dot hit you with his quirk you raised your wings and a force field appeared . " what the-" he said cut off by you teleporting behind him and pushing him on the floor. " your a jerk Katsuki. You truly are. Your not gonna become a hero ! Your gonna become a VILLIAN! You think your the most import thing ever when your not!" You said turning to help Deku.

                     ~Flash back over~
" im sorry! School was tiring!"you blurted out.you put your hand on your head and rubbed it." D-did you have to hit me so hard.." you whispered.I relized what I said was wrong and a bowed. " sorry .." I said keeping my head down." Sorry...? What?" He scoffed crossing his arms." Sorry .. Sir" I said. " that's better." He said smacking me in the head. " get ready we're going out. And don't even t try to pull a nother damn stunt or so help me" he growled walking away." Oh remember when you see a girl you say ma'am and a guy Sir. You better be respectful." He said going to the door waiting for you to walk out. As you walk out you see some of your dads workers. "Go " he said shoving you foward. You walked towards the door and got your shoes on. He grabbed your wrist and took you outside. You had brought a small piece of paper that said' help me' it was poorly written because I don't have much time on my hands and he checks me once I get home from school to make sure I didn't try anything. We were walking in a ally and and got to a small place. My dad talked to a man then we left. I see a person up ahead. He was tall with long black hair. He looked super tired. Dressed in black. He had a gray scarf. He was leaning against a wall.

" I seen someone. Act normal . Don't pull anything " he said " w-wont he be suspicious if your grabbing me like this.?" I said worringly. "Hmp. Remeber what I told you." He said letting go. As we got closer to the man I got distracted by a small black cat and I went to pet it.I had never pet a cat for such a long time. My dad noticed and got mad. " SUKI GET OVER HERE NOW." He said threw Gritted teeth. The man had looked slightly over to see my dad getting mad at me for petting it. He came over towards me and aggressively grabbed my wrist. "Owww!" I said looking at him. "Too bad. You don't wanna listen? Well you
Don't get the privilege to walk on your own. Now come on" he said pushing me foward. I would have fall but my dad had a grip on my wrist. He tugged me foward after I didn't walk. My plan. As we approached the man I pretended to trip and slipped my wrist from my dad.
I managed to fall right in front of the man. " oh I'm sorry are you okay kid?" The man said crouching to see in I was okay. " she's fine." My dad said strictly. The man had got up and reached his hand to help. I put my hand in his dropping the note in his hand. As he helped me up I gave him a worried look .
My dad nudged me over." What do you say to the nice gentleman?" He said . "Oh." I bowed foward like I was being controlled."thank you for helping me sir." I said in a polite way. " your welcome." He said looking at his hand. We're I left the tiny paper "Hey -" he said looking at my dad. I shook my head no. " she scrapped her knee . Make sure to bandage that." He said as my dad dragged me away.

•A i z a w a s P o v•

Something is up with that man. I mean he's treating that child as if she's a toy. They walked closer towards me and the girl tripped. I crouched down. "Oh I'm sorry are you okay kid?" I asked . "She's fine" her Dad had replied for her.I got up and offered a hand up. She had took hold of my hand. She was trembling in a scared matter. When she grabbed my hand she had placed something in it. She backed up. Her dad had whispered something to her and she bowed. "Thank you for helping me sir" she said , her voice shaky."your welcome." I replied looking at my hand. Maybe she dropped it when I helped her."Hey-" I called out as they were about to walk away. The girl starting shaking her head like she didn't want me to. " she scrapped her knee. Make sure to bandage that." I said shutting my hand with the note.The father didn't reply . He ha d grabbed her and dragged her away. I looked down and the paper and opened it. 'help me' . I knew something was off about them. I went to run after them. As I was running still keeping track of them my phone rang. I picked up the phone."Hello?" I said confused."Eraser. There a problem down town with a villian we need you." The hero on the line said. " I'm currently doing something." I retorted trying to catch up with the guy with the girl. "Eraser . It's urgent. Many were hurt we really need you ." The hero begged. *Sigh* "I'm on my way." I replied stopping watching the guy drag the girl away.
Later that night after the villian attack I went back to my home.I let the poor girl get taken. If I had caught up I could have maybe saved her. I rubbed my face and hit my head on the wall. It's my fault. I heard a knock at the door. " sho? You okay in there?" It was Mic. He slowly open the door. " what hizashi.?" I said dropping the note she gave me on the floor. Hizashi watched as it hit the floor. " what happened?" He asked me. " I let a girl get taken by her dad. He was horrible and I could tell something was off. She had bruises and cuts and bandages everywhere. She tripped and I helped her up and she handed me a not that said help me. She was trembling. I could have saved her but I didn't." I explained slammed my hands on the desk. " it's my fault she with that horrible man" I said . "Sho. It's not your fault-" "Yes it is . If I hadn't gone to help then I could have saved her." I said with my casual tired look. " why do people even treat kids that way? There kids." Mic said picking up the note. " what if you bring this to the police. If she touched it her dna could be on it and we could find her" he said. " we can try. Usually in these cases there no info on them."
We had gone to the police and my theory was true. Nothing came up. Like her record were deleted. " Eraser? You relize this girl is dead?"
The police says looking at her files. " what?" I said in disbelief. " no it's not possible. I SAW her in the ally." I scoffed confused as ever. " well is says she died when she was 5 from a illness. Her father had reported her dead one morning . " the police man said showing me the computer screen.'Asuki Sakuro dead, deadly illness ' . " Can you show me the dads files?" I asked . " unfortunately I was requested by him not to show anyone besides certain people his info. If I showed you I could get in trouble by my boss" he replied. I rubbed my eyes. " I'm sorry sir but the girl you say you saw wasn't her." He said.

Wowwwwwwwwwwww okay so Wowzers I ain't got wordsss but almost 1480+ words. I hope ya enjoy also these parts ar e being made at school so some on the grammer is wrong Wand stuff so yaaaaaaa we'll give suggestions also this story bout to be lots of parts because I keep getting big ideas. Also don't get made at me if I mispell names. Also Sadly this is not an Erasermic story! I would have but I don't know how to write it out with out it not making sense. Plus I'm not good at writing fanfics lmao. Also not everything is based of the show- Okay well bYREE stay tuned for the next parts!

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