The Assistant [MxM]

By InfinitiAkira

195K 13.9K 27.2K

It wasn't until his boss gave him a chance and purpose in life once he was on edge, and giving up. Not knowi... More

8. |part one|
8. |part two|
10. |filler chapter|
13. |filler chapter|
18. |part two|
20. |filler chapter|
22. |part one|
22. |part two|
28. |filler chapter|
32. |filler chapter|
37. |filler chapter|

18. |part one|

3.8K 284 776
By InfinitiAkira


Hearing a knock at the door Shakur didn't budge as he stared Cassidy down, her sobbing and the fear in her eyes hadn't bothered him one bit. He didn't know rather he was upset that she'd cheated again or the fact she didn't tell Terrance she was married or had any kids. He'd never not claim her or their family, and if that's how she felt why the fuçk was it so hard for her to let him go?

"Cassidy is everything okay in here?" Mike stepped in, examining the room.

He and everyone had heard the commotion going on, while others were ear hustling Mike had cleared the hallway and decided to diffuse the situation. He'd been back from his business trip for two days now, and he had a lot to catch up on but couldn't necessarily focus with how Shakur's voice bounced off the walls.

Turning his head Shakur squinted his eyes at him, "Nah it's not, now that you know that information what the fuçk you gone do about it?" He asked him.

Mike leaned against the door frame and looked Shakur up and down, besides looks he couldn't really understand what Sincere nor Cassidy seen in him. Each time he seen him Shakur was just— angry. He was disrespectful and always talking to anybody how he wanted too, he might've intimated others but Mike wasn't phased not one bit, he knew Shakur might've gave him a run for his money but he was almost confident if he really wanted to take it there he'd beat Shakur's ass and knock his ass off the high horse he thought he sat on. However, Mike didn't underestimate him and he really wasn't trying to go there with Shakur but he had one more time to disrespect him.

"It must be draining carrying around all that anger?" Mike asked him, "I don't even want to take it there with you, honestly. I don't know your beef with me but it's not going to be too many more times I let you disrespect me Shakur,"

Shakur stared at him before chuckling, he thought of a million ways to kill him with his bare hands but once Cassidy voice rang through his ears he focused back on her. "I— just stop it everybody. Shakur, baby, let's just go home?" She pleaded, embarrassed.

"What home do you have Cassidy?" He asked her, "Are you fuçking slow or something? You really think you welcomed there? You better go home with this lame ass— square ass nigga you got bringing you flowers. You don't ever step foot into my shit again."

Cassidy stared up at him, "That's still my house— and I have rights to Kennedy just like you, if I leave? She's coming with me."

Her eyebrows furrowed once Shakur took a step back and laughed at her like she'd said something funny, "Ashton Kutcher got to be around this mothafucka?" He had to be getting Punk'd. It was no way he came home to this.

"Im tired of the bullshit, who baby is it Cassidy?" Terrance asked her, again.

By this time Mike had walked out of the office and closed the door behind him, he tried to help the situation but he wasn't about to get in between it physically. Shakur wasn't a man you could talk to when he was upset and he learned that on their first encounter weeks ago, he noticed the man really didn't care about shit— at all.

"Terrance just leave! If you didn't come up here none of this shit would have happened," Cassidy wiped at her tears angrily, "Just go! I told you I wanted to end things anyway, what don't you get? You don't mean shit to me! I hate you for this!"

Shakur felt like shit was moving in slow motion once he saw Terrance walk to Cassidy calmly and forcefully punch her in the nose, and grab her by the neck. He was going to kill her.

Once Shakur registered what had just happened— he had grabbed Terrance by the back of the head and hit him in his ribs making him gasp at the sudden pain, once he leaned over to clutch his side Shakur then grabbed his head and slammed it down so hard on Cassidy's desk he was sure he broke his nose. He might've hated Cassidy in the moment but his instinct was always to protect her, did she deserve what Terrance did? Maybe. Was Shakur about to stand back and watch her be beat on? Absolutely the fuçk not.

Terrance rolled over to his side wheezing and gasping for air, Shakur stood over him and stepped on his neck blocking off his airway. "Didn't I tell you I'd kill you?" He asked him, pressing harder on his neck.

Cassidy sat with her back against the wall and her knees to her chest, everything was just happening so fast, "Shakur stop! Just go!" She pushed him away, "You can't kill him,"

"This nigga just— bitch," he bit his lip shaking his head. That was his confirmation in knowing that he wasn't the father of her child. It stung at his heart but he wouldn't give her the satisfaction of knowing she'd hurt him once again. "Bet that,"

She watched him angrily snatch her office door open and walk out of the office building, what had she done?


Shakur sat in his room with the door closed as he silently cried to himself. He'd been ignoring everyone's attempts to talk to him and see what was going on and why he had came home throwing all of Cassidy's shit out and changing the locks around the entire house. He'd unintentionally blew up on Phylicia and Kennedy because he felt like he couldn't breathe, Damien diffused that situation before Shakur then blew up on him too.

Shakur heard his door being knocked on, "What don't y'all get that I don't really wanna fuçking' talk right now?" He snapped.

Once the door opened he locked eyes with Sincere who walked in anyway and closed the door behind him. There was silence as Sincere climbed in the bed rested his head on the headboard, "Come here Shakur," he sighed when Shakur stood to leave the room.

He really didn't want to blow up on Sincere because he had before and that's why they were in the back and forth situation they were in now, he was upset and he just wanted too—- needed to be left alone. He just needed time to think and with him already being upset that Sincere had been ignoring him he knew he was going to hurt his feelings.

Shakur didn't want that. He really didn't.

Opening the door to the room to walk out he sighed once it was pushed closed and Sincere now stood in front of him. Shakur's jaw clenched, "I'm trying to walk away, just let me Sincere,"

"No," Sincere looked up to him. "I just wanted to talk to—"

"Talk?" Shakur cut him him, "Watch out man,"


"How you wanna' talk to me when you the same mothafucka' that ain't been talking for a few days now? I don't need you talking to me when you feel like it, go back to the childish ass ignoring me shît. Ion got shit nice to say you, talk to yo fuçking self," Shakur looked him up and down, "Matter fact' go back to the pool house, get the fuçk from round' me."

He watched Sincere's eyes gloss over, before clearing his throat. "Go sit down Shakur,"

"Who the fuçk you—-"

"I said have a fuçking seat! I' really don't fuck with you right now but me being me, I can't stand to see you hurt and hurting people that only care about you. Once you hurt Kennedy it's time for me to step in, you either gone sit down or sit the fuck down." Sincere snapped.

Shakur laughed, "Why everybody like testing me? Everybody want me to work on my anger but then turn around and be the mothafucka's that make me angry. The fuçk?"

"You still standing, I been said sit the fuck down. I'm confused on why you're not over there?" Sincere nodded towards the bed. "You gone make me ask you again? I ain't fuçking in the mood Shakur."

Shakur tucked his bottom lip into his mouth, before going to sit back on the bed.

Sincere took his spot back by the headboard, sitting up straight. "Now, come here."

"I'm good where I'm at,"

Sincere sighed, "It wasn't a question,"

Shakur sat there for a second before sitting next to him, Sincere grabbed his hand and stared at the side of his face. He was hurt, and he could tell he had been crying. "You want to talk about it?" He asked him.

"What I wanna talk about' is why the fuçk you been ignoring me? Ion like that shit and it's been throwing me off." He faced Sincere, "I ain't even one to be soft and shît but knowing your last situation I'm trying a different approach with you after I already fucked up once. For you to not only hang up but not to hear me out either? That's bullshît,"

Sincere looked away this time, "You looking away from me?" Although the spoke lowly, Sincere knew to look back to him.

"I was hurt, at the end of the day I know you're marrried and you two were still having sex. I just didn't expect you to tell me she was pregnant, I guess that made me finally realized how low I was being falling for an married man—- my bosses man. Cassidy may be a lot of shît but she didn't have to open the pool house to me. How do I repay her back? By wanting to be in her shoes? That's so wrong of me and I can't believe myself, I was more so upset with myself than you. I just felt like it was best to let it go—- I've been going through so much and you were becoming my purpose to push forward. It shouldn't be like that." He sniffled, "I guess that finally being here after three years made me forget the reality of it all," he paused before continuing.

"The reality that you're married and that I don't know myself anymore outside of a man. I don't want to depend on you to make me push forward, I have to find myself. Love myself, figure out who Sincere is, it wasn't nothing to do with you directly."

"So, instead of having me go crazy' why you just ain't say that then? We're grown, and that shît was childish to me Sincere. I ain't the kind of nigga' you can just leave mind wandering. Shît will make me do some crazy shit— and I know I need to work on it but I can only work on so much at a time. I get that you may need time and step back from me, I get that." He wiped the tears that fell down Sincere's face.

"I don't care what it is, if I it's me that give you a purpose to live then let me be that for you. Ion care about that' I care about you being strong enough not to end it all."

Sincere' frowned, "How'd you know—-"

"I saw the signs, I just wasn't about to call you out on it. You think I got up out my sleep just to talk to you after hours of driving for the hell of it? You can't get shit past someone who was once on the same shit, I was glad that I could be that peace for you."

Sincere sat quietly for a while, "What made you not end it all?"


Sincere chuckled, "I'm glad you had her for you. She's been helping me more than she knows too, I can complain about her smothering me all damn day but she wouldn't let up. She keeps me going without even knowing,"

"How upset is she with me?" Shakur blew out a breath, he hated when Kennedy was upset.

Sincere patted his shoulder, "Oh handsome, she' wanted to fight you but she knew she couldn't necessarily whoop your ass. So, she opted on not talking to you until the baby gets here."

"She not gonna talk to me for three months?" He chuckled, "I ain't worried about her cry baby ass,"

"Not too much on my baby though, she might can't beat you. But, I'll do it for her."

Shakur looked to Sincere and shook his head with a smile on his face, "You wanna fight me so bad."

"Speaking of, I came over here earlier to see this company Kennedy told me you had right? I would've never expected to see a shirtless, chocolate, fine ass God standing in your kitchen. Suddenly, all the thoughts of me slapping him faded away."

Shakur slowly removed his hand from Sincere's, "Sincere— stop fuçking playing with me. I told you that shît once already' why you like me repeating myself?" He tilted his head.


"What the fuçk y'all talk about? He introduced himself?"

Sincere held back his laughter, "He think I'm cute, he wanna have sex."

Shakur stood to his feet and was headed towards the door, "I'm kidding Shakur," he laughed.

"That shît ain't funny," Shakur sucked his teeth.

"He just asked me who I was, and why the fuck was I staring at him crazily."

Shakur sat back down and stared at him, "And what you say?"

"I might've let jealousy take over and told him that I was your man," he looked away from Shakur who held back his laughter, "I told him I was looking at him crazy because I was trying to figure out if I should slap him or not."

Shakur laughed, "If he would have shot you and you disappeared then what? Nobody would have ever found you."

"He told me that," Sincere mumbled, "I can't fight no bullet so I walked my ass back to the pool house. He told me not to ever come at him sideways again and out of respect for you he let me walk away."

Shakur then stop laughing, "You good?"

"Yeah? I mean I shouldn't have even approached him. Don't do nothing crazy," Sincere told him seeing the look on his face now. "I didn't know you two were one in the same. He has way more patience and tolerance than you though."

Shakur nodded, "I ain't even that bad how y'all make me seem."

Sincere stale faced him, "and I ain't gay."

"Man, whatever."

The two fell into a comfortable silence, "So, are you ready to tell me what happened today?"

Letting out a sigh, Shakur took a while but he finally opened up to him about the events that took place earlier. He might've left out the part of how he came at Mike but other than that he gave him the whole run down and thinking about it all over again pissed him off, he gave Cassidy chance after chance and she still managed to fuck them up. She had hurt him time and time again but each time cut deeper for him, especially the fact she was having a child for another man when she aborted his second child years ago. That was fuçked up to him— he was relieved that the baby wasn't his but he wouldn't have been upset if it was. He was only getting older and so was Kennedy— he wanted more kids.

"You mad at me?" Shakur asked once he told him how he'd done Terrance.

"I mean you did what you had to do, but did you have to go to the extreme? I'm sure a little push or even a punch was enough." He sighed, "Have you ever thought about anger management or therapy?"

"I don't even need that shit, I be good until somebody piss me off,"

"Shakur, literally everybody pisses you of though and when they do you don't fight fair, you literally aim to kill." He told him, "Even that night with me, Xavier choked me up before but it's like you knew exactly where to place your hands to end my life quicker or something. It's not healthy, I know you told me you've been through alot, maybe you need to get professional help for it."

"You gone go see someone about them suicidal thoughts?" He asked him. Sincere didn't respond, "Oh, aight then,"

"I have it under control,"

"So do I, so why we still talking about the shit?"

Sincere stared at him, "See how fast I just made you angry and you snapped at me? That's why I'm pressing the issue."

"I hear you,"

"But are you listening?"

"Yeah, I'm listening pretty, damn."

Sincere sighed and decided to let it go, "I'm about to go to bed. I have work in the morning."

"Sleep in here with me?"

"Sleep in you and your wife's bed... with you?"

"Ain't you already in here?"

Sincere nodded, "It's just that— I don't know. I don't want her coming home and she sees me here."

"Lay down pretty," Shakur told him.

Once sincere didn't move Shakur laid down and pulled him into his chest. "Don't be grabbing up on me like that Shakur," Sincere mumbled.

"Why not?" Shakur lifted his head so he could see his face. "Look at me pretty,"

Sincere nervously looked to him, once he did he felt his heart flutter. Shakur bent down to place a kiss on his lips, what was supposed to be a simple kiss— Sincere turned it into a meaningful one. Shakur let him dominate the kiss he wouldn't admit it out loud but he loved when someone was a little aggressive with him too—- he didn't have that with Cassidy since she literally had no back bone for him.

It turned him on to see that Sincere wouldn't be submissive to him all the time. It excited him, he bit his lip and his hands found their way to his waist as Sincere now straddled him and began kissing and sucking on his neck.

"Shit," Shakur hissed when Sincere sucked on his ear, he smirked feeling Shakur's dick getting harder beneath him. His ears were obviously his spot. "Sincere, baby what you—-"

His eyes widened when Sincere moved off of his lap and one hand went inside his shorts grabbing ahold of his dick while the other wrapped around his throat.

"I ain't asking for permission, shut the fuck up." He told him. Shakur let out a small chuckle.

Shakur looked into his eyes and let a moan escape from the back of his throat feeling Sincere's hand move up and down his dick. "Sincere," Shakur let out a shaky breath. His hands felt good.

"Stand up for me," Sincere told him and allowed Shakur to stand before he stripped him.

What the fuçk is is with these niggas carrying around third legs? He thought to himself as he dropped down to his knees getting eye to eye with Shakur's dick. Grabbing his dick again, Sincere swirled his tongue around his tip, and then spit on it.

Shakur tossed his head back when he felt him put him into his mouth. "You look so good pretty," He complimented him while quickly looking down at him.

Sincere smirked.

Sincere let him hit the back of his throat before slowly pulling him out and stroking him off before he sucked his balls. The faster he stroked the closer Shakur was to his orgasm, "Mhm. Shît." He placed his hands on the back of his head as Sincere put him back into his mouth.

He looked up to him to give him the okay to fuck his mouth.

"Let me see you pleasure yourself," Shakur spoke and the watched him quickly rid of his shorts, he licked over his lips seeing Sincere's dick spring out and hit his stomach.

Sincere grabbed his dick and moaned out on Shakur's, "Don't stop until you cum on them fingers," He told him and thrusted his hips forward making him gag a little.

That was a shock to Sincere— he wasn't a gagger. It turned him on knowing that Shakur had reached further down his throat that anyone had ever before.

Sincere moaned uncontrollably on his dick as he fucked his mouth. Tears began to flow down his face while he jerked his own dick faster. Feeling his stomach tighten.

They kept their eyes locked, he'd seen Shakur eyes close and he tensed up letting out the sexiest moans, letting him that he was near.

"Shit," Shakur tossed his head back.

"Mhmm, you taste so good handsome," Sincere moaned out.

Locking eyes once again, they both came together. Sincere being sure to drain Shakur for every drop he had to offer, "Aight. That's enough," Shakur told him while pulling him up.

"Yes, sir." Sincere placed his fingers to Shakur's lips that was covered with his nut, his dick hardened again watching how Shakur seductively licked his fingers clean. He didn't really expect him too. "Damn," was all he mustered up to say.

Once Shakur got on his knees, Sincere eyes widened.


Idk—- wassup with y'all though? Thoughts?

What stood out the most to you?

This chapter was 3,593 words, yes the scene cut off 😭😭😭 I'll finish that mothafucka' later aight. Not our Shakur on his— idk that's real sexyyyy to me 😮‍💨🧍🏾‍♀️

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