Lego Ninjago x Female Reader:...

By caboose19

11K 197 120

Your name is Y/n Oni Zeta at the age of 2K her family was the very very very first of the Oni and the dragons... More

The rise of the snakes part 1
The rise of the snakes part 2
Snake Bite and Y/n new baby egg(part one)
Snake Bite and Y/n new baby egg(part two)
Never Trust a Snake(short part one again...)
Never Trust a Snake(part two)
Can of Worms
The Snake King
Skipping a few episodes(not a chapter)
Getting lord Garmadon and the Green Ninja(part 1)
All of Nothing
Rise of the Great Devourer
Day of the Great Devourer
Arriving to the Dark Island(Part 1)
Today is my birthday!🥳🥳🥳

Getting lord Garmadon and the Green Ninja(part 2)

290 9 4
By caboose19


-End of Intro-

-Location the Destiny Bounty-

-Kai POV-

It was morning as we brushing our teeth as I did as we look at Lord Garmadon, auntie Zeta and auntie Io who brushing their teeth on their own way.

Garmadon: *looks at the ninja and show his shining teeth.*

(I have a question, how is lord Garmadon teeth and mouth ain't bleeding?)

Y/N: *done brushing her teeth by a small knife.*

Io: *also done brushing her teeth by a small knife too.*

Kai: Huh...

Next is lunch as Garmadon eats something same thing too auntie Zeta and auntie Io.

Cole: *whisper to Kai.* What's he eating?

Kai: *whisper back to Cole.* Probably something evil.

Garmadon: *lift fork up with a evil.*

He starting eating it as I look at auntie Zeta and auntie Io who is eating regular food but their drinks is blood wine and their sauce on their food is also blood.

Y/N & Io: *looks at Kai.* What?

Kai: *looks away.* Nothing!

Til I saw a evil food moving towards me as I push it away with my fork as Y/n looks at it as she grabs it and ate it, we look at her again but she saw us and said.

Y/N: What?

Ninja: Nothing.

She looks at Garmadon who just shrugged. Next day was a terrible thunderstorm and it was raining when Zane said.

Zane: Where Garmadon, Y/n and Io?

Kai: Sunbathing.

Zane look outside of the window and saw Garmadon, Y/n and Io who are sunbathing under the thunderstorm and raining.

Garmadon: *evil chuckles.*

Then the next day it was Jay and Nya watching a romantic movie as we try to find Garmadon, auntie Zeta and auntie Io as we found them in their room watching a this.


We got terrified of that as we leave as night has come as we look for Garmadon again til we saw flashing lights in auntie Zeta and auntie Io. We take a peek and him doing a ball of lightning while auntie Zeta and auntie Io are sleeping and not deserving their sleep.

Garmadon: *little chuckle.*

Yet then again the next day we are trying to find the others but we did found them and they were in the gaming room and saw Garmadon, auntie Zeta and auntie Io playing a video call Code Vein when I said.

Kai: He not even playing the game right!

Zane: Will he quite fascinating even though he is not going after our golden weapons and has a son.

Cole: Sure but four arms a bit freaky.

Kai: Oh come on, he literally destroying the place, but he may rolled over your eyes but not me.

Jay: But it's Wu, Y/n and Io sibling and we can't do that.

Then we heard Nya voice over the intercom as she said.

Nya: *on the intercoms.* We are arriving the fire temple and you guys need to come and see this, over and out.

Kai: Let's go and see it fellas.

As we went up to the command brig including Garmadon, auntie Zeta and auntie Io and saw Nya and Wu.

Wu: Alright ninja, we arrived at the fire temple where is Pythor is at including Lloyd.

Nya: But the volcano is about to blow up if you use the golden weapons and making highly unstable.

Io: And let's not forget that the third silver fang blades is in it.

Kai: *looks around and couldn't find Garmadon.* Why Lord Garmadon isn't here?! *runs out of the command brig.*

Wu: Kai wait!

As I run out of the room as I entered Wu room and saw Garmadon holding our golden weapons when I said.

Kai: *points at Garmadon.* I KNEW IT! I COULDN'T TRUST YOU THIEF!

Garmadon: I would teach you a lesson!

Kai: Bring it!

Kai Vs Garmadon:

After the fight with Garmadon when Cole use his powers to punch the door open as everyone come in.

Kai: *exhausted.* I... I did it! I defeated him! *gets all excited but turn depressed and confused.* Why isn't it working?!

Wu: Once you defeated him that doesn't mean you unlock your true potential! And it be the best to not unlock it now.

Cole: Way a go hero.

Y/N: Kai next time listen to Wu.


-Y/n POV-

As we entered the fire temple as we did, we went inside a cave as we saw Pythor including the serpentine as one Hypnobrai serpent digging as he clank on something as Pythor jumps in and grab the third silver fang blades and held it up high.

Wu: *whisper.* Ninja let's get the fang blade from Pythor.

Ninja: Agree.

As we climb down from the edge of the cave when Pythor saw us coming from the reflection of the fang blade and turn around and shouted.

Pythor: *points the fang blade at us.* ATTACK!!!

As the serpentine attack the ninja's, Wu and Garmadon except for me and Io as Wu push one of the Hypnobrai serpent and lands on the lava as he come back and runs away while his ass was on fire as I use my elemental powers that I haven't use for a few centuries as I grab Mezmo put my icy hand as the fire dies as the stems as he sighed and hugs me which I hug back and left back to his siblings. But I look at Kai who was about to pull his sword of fire as he did.

Nya: *on the intercom.* KAI DON'T!

Kai: I do what I must!

As the entire temple is collapsing on us while Kai id fighting against the serpentine as Pythor is fleeing away as he saw Garmadon coming and said.


Fangpyre1: *let's go of the cage.*

As one of them let's go of Lloyd into the lava as Garmadon got pissed off bad as he fought a small group of Serpentine as he rescue his son.

Lloyd: Dad! *hugs Garmadon.*

Garmadon: Son! *hugs back.*


Kai: Not without that fang blade! *throws his sword at Pythor fang blade and lands on the rocky wall.*

Pythor: *turns around and hissing in anger.*

As we got back on the cliff where the cave entrance is at as Kai rushes towards his sword including the fang blade too.



Lloyd: What's is going to happen to Kai?

Before we say anything the ground broke apart as Lloyd fall down and lands on the floating rock on lava.

Y/N & Garmadon: LLOYD!!!

Io: LLOYD!!!


The ninja and Wu pulls us back as Garmadon said.

Garmadon: What about my son?!

Wu: If we don't get out of here, none of will!

As the rocks blocked the entrance as we went on the destiny bounty as we watch the volcano.

-Kai POV-

As I pull my sword out of the rocky wall as the fang blade lands on the ground as I hear Lloyd yelling for help as I look at him and the fang blade, Lloyd life is important not the fang blade as I hop over to Lloyd as he said.

Lloyd: What about the fang blade?

Kai: Forget about that, *looks around and saw flames appear on lava.* don't worry I am looking for a way to us to escape.

-Gramardon POV-

As we are on the destiny bounty as we watch as the volcano exploded as I said.

Nya: Kai...

Garmadon: Son...

Y/N & Io: Nephew...


We look up and saw Kai and Lloyd as lands on the deck as we saw his true potential.

Kai: *looks at us and smiles.* *falls to the ground.*

After that we are in the command brig as Cole said.

Cole: How did you discover your true potential?

Kai: It's wasn't getting the fang blade, it protecting him.

Lloyd: What? Why is everybody looking at me for?

As Kai and Nya place the Ice and Earth elemental golden weapons only glowing green but the sword of fire and the nunchucks of lighting did not.

Wu: That's strange.

Zane: What's strange sensei?

Wu: Only Shuriken of Ice and Scythe of Earth only shows him the green ninja but... the Sword of fire and the Nunchucks of Lightning do not.

Garmadon: So that's means it's someone else's was in the prophecy.

Wu: Yes the silver ninja we forgot to mentioned.

Nya: Who is the silver ninja?

Io: What's is the silver ninja?

We look forward since Y/n pick up the Sword of Fire and the Nunchucks of Lightning as both elemental weapons glows silver around Y/n stomach bump.

Wu: Y/n?

Y/N: *sighs.* Yes, I have a baby in my womb and she is the silver ninja.

Ninja/Wu/Nya/Lloyd except for Garmadon and Io: WHAT?!

Y/N: Yes I am pregnant.

Nya: Did you two know about this?

Garmadon: Y/n told me about that and told me to keep it a secret for her husband and surprise him.

Jay: Okay, what's her name is?

Y/N: Aria.

All: That's is a good name.

Y/N: Thank you, but it's too late to celebrate since it's midnight, good night.

All: Good night.

Io: I am heading to bed too.

Garmadon: Okay, *turns to the ninja.* I think we should go to rest.

All: Agree.

As we went to our own bed as we did I slept.

-To be continue-

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