A friend's Revenge

By fabianpadmore

129 22 2

Atlas Cain's best friend Alex Goodman is beaten to death by Rebecca Turner,Atlas seeks to find revenge for he... More

chapter 1 - A reason for revenge
chapter 3- rage
chapter 4 - butterflies 🦋
Author's note
chapter 5- care and comfort
chapter 6- our love on walls
chapter 7-let me fight for you
chapter 8-I got you
Chapter 9- Healing Together
Chapter 10-Our Final Revenge
Chapter 11- Be Brave
Chapter 12-I will love you either way
chapter 13- A suprise visit
chapter 14 - First for everything
chapter 15- A Meltdown
Chapter 16- Shopping

chapter 2 -A Heart to talk to

13 3 0
By fabianpadmore

My heart needs your lock and key
Atlas' Pov

I woke up as usual tired and drained,the sunlight burned my blood-shot eyes I picked up my phone it was 10am,luckily I didn't have any classes since it was the weekend I got up and went to the bathroom.

I washed my face and looked at myself in the mirror the bandages still on my face I grazed my hand over it and winced at the pain I remember the pain I felt yesterday my heart ached as fresh salty tears flowed from my eyes. Rage began to consume me my hand balled up into a fist as I punched the bathroom mirror.

It shattered into a million pieces then blood started to drip from my hand onto the sink I groan and turn on the tap washing away the blood from my hand I walk over to the cabinet and take out the frist aid kit,I take out a bandage and start to wrap my hand up I put back everything and head to the dining hall I grab a plate and pack it with waffles and bacon and drench it in maple syrup and sit at my usual table.

then someone sits across from me,I look up to see Silas with a plate of pancakes and fruit in front of me,
"morning,Atlas what happened to your hand there?" he questions
I swallow my waffles "I woke up was angry and punched my bathroom mirror and well glass is sharp so you can only imagine." I reply.

He looked at me as if I just confessed to a murder I take the chance to steal one of his strawberries off of his plate and putting it into my mouth, "Hey get your own strawberries."he whined
"you want it back? come get it then."I tease him he sits there and pouts crossing his arms. I chuckled at him as he finished his food and so did I.

We talked for what seemed like hours,I like talking with Silas he makes me feel wanted,he then asked me if I wanted to come with him to town he was going with some of his friends from here in north Dakota,I nodded and we decided to meet at the gate of the skl in 15 minutes.

I headed to my dorm and took a shower and put on my ripped jeans,Metallica t-shirt and my leather jacket along with my vans and my back pack and went to the school gate, I put my hair back showing my undercut and I left my dorm.

Then I saw her,Rebecca Turner I clenched my jaw and held my tounge as I walked past her and her gang she then called out to me which made my blood boil."Hey girl boy! where you think you're going?" she spat, I clenched my hand hard "None of your business." I gritted through my teeth she scoffed and I walked away I could feel her eyes boaring a hole in the back of my head but I didn't dare turn around.

I finally met up with Silas who was standing in frount of a black mustang gt 500,he was wearing a Grey hoodie and some jeans and boots.

we got in the car and he began to start driving "You look nice." he stated "Thanks,you do too." I responded once we got there
we walked up to 3 guys, one had green hair and blue eyes
another had jet black hair and dark brown eyes and the last one had brown hair and green eyes, Silas wrapped his arm around my shoulders as we stood in frount the three fairly average height boys.

Silas introduced then to me,
the one with green hair was Kade,he goes to the high-school in town, the one with brown hair was Damian,he also goes to the high-school in town along with Ashton the boy with jet black hair. we walked around for a bit we walked down to the peir where we did all kinda of carnival games and rides.

Silas won me a stuffed animal in the dart throw I had my very frist fried oreo
it was very interesting but good nonetheless when the sun was setting we decided to go on the ferris-wheel, Silas and I went to the top and watched the sunset, It was a beautiful sight seeing the sunset over the water.

when we got down from the ride we all went home Silas dropped me off at my dorm I invited him to spend the night he decided to spend the night he was preparing to sleep on the floor but I told him that he could sleep on my bed, he was hesitant at frist but I reassured him that it would be fine,Silas got up onto my bed and I followed suit.

I got comfy in my bed next to Silas soon we both fell asleep.

"ALEX!wake up please!"
"I'm sorry but she's gone"

I was standing there couldn't move,scream or anything she was....dead. I started to call out her name sobbing my heart out hoping that she was alive, the voices of the nurse,Ms.Carbon,Rebecca and even my own. Then I heard hers.

"It's ok Atlas,I'm fine now,let go." Alex's voice echoed in my head. it soon faded and I shot awake breathing heavily, I started to cry Silas heard me and woke up with out a second thought he hugged me and comforted me while I cried,"shh shhh I have you,it's ok,I'm here." he whispered into my ear my breathing soon calmed down.

"do you wanna talk about it?" he asked I shook my head no and I layed in his arms and fell asleep again.

I woke up the next day in silas' arms he was awake,"look who finally woke up,you want breakfast?" he asked
I only nodded he got up and went down to the dining hall leaving me alone in my dorm .

For some weird reason my heart was racing my face felt hot, I could still smell his scent on my sheets,he smelt of fresh baked bread and vanilla, I sat there dumbfounded at the fact that I fell asleep in his arms.

he soon came back with a tray full of fruits,bacon,pancakes,waffles and a glass of orange juice he brought it to me in bed and  sat there and watched me as I devoured everything.

"you seem to like your food huh?" he teased "Yea so what?"I responded he threw his hands up defensively and chuckled, I finished scarfing down the rest of my food he then moved closer towards me his hands wiped syrup off of my face,my face went to blush.

"Well I should get going,Atlas ." Silas stamppered as he was gathering his things.
"Silas,stay please?"I asked him grabbing his hand,he sighed and put down his things we spent the day cuddling and watching movies.

Friends cuddle right?

That brings us to the end of chapter 2 hope you guys enjoyed.

is there love in the air Maybe?

thx for reading♡

1221 words

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