Yeh Ishq Hai

By prabhakar29

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( it's not related to any show.. completely my imagination...Abhira in an alternate universe) A posh club in... More

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By prabhakar29

   After that party incident Abhimanyu didn't meet with Akshara. He got busy in his work as he had so much to do but still somewhere in his wind he still remembered that encounter and still wanted to know the reason behind that.

   After few days:-

   It was Saturday and Abhimanyu just came home from Delhi where he had crucial meetings with government officials. He was so much tired from back to back meetings and flight journey.Now he badly needed some rest, so was going to his room directly but his mother stopped him.

    " Abhi,you came back? I thought you will not come today but thank god you came on right time. Tomorrow, we have been invited on lunch. So be ready on time ok?" his mom told him.

   " Mom please. Right now, I don't have time to eat properly in home and you are expecting me to attend some lunch gathering? No ways,I am extremely sorry but I can't come" saying this,he started going away.

   " Abhi, Arundhati had specially invited us. She has done so much for us. If we will not go,then they will feel bad. Please
try to understand" Manjari told him.

    The moment Manjari took Goenka's name, Abhimanyu stopped in his track and turned back.

   " Mom, actually you are saying right.I am sorry, I talked with you like that. It's ok,I will come with you guys but will not stay for too long, is it ok?" He asked his mother.

   Manjari and Harsh both looked at each other.

   " Abhi are you sure,you will come? few seconds back,you were complaining that you don't have time" Manjari asked curiously.

   " Mom, yes I don't have time but if I will
not go there then Arundhati aunty will feel bad and I don't want that. Don't worry, I will take my laptop with me and will do my work there only. So it will be
good for everyone,right? now can I go? I am feeling dead tired and badly need some good sleep, good night" He said
and went away.

   " Manjari did you notice something?"
Harsh asked from his wife.

   " Offcourse Harsh, afterall I am his mother. I guess, tomorrow's lunch is going to be special" She said with smile.

   Abhimanyu was too tired but now his mind was not ready to sleep.It was so
restless to think about tomorrow's lunch and prospects of meeting her again.First time he was thinking this much about a girl and was feeling frustrated by himself.

   " I just want to know the reason of her rudeness that's it then I will get clarity and after that I will not think about her at all,that's it" he thought to himself.

   Next day at goenka house:-

   Birlas reached on time. Dev was also at home only. They were all talking about their businesses,politics and so many things.Abhimanyu was working on his laptop but his eyes were searching certain someone, Manjari noticed this.

    " Arundhati,where is our Akshu? she
is not at home?" Manjari asked her.

    Abhimanyu immediately looked up at his mother and his mother was looking at him with a knowing smile.

   " No no, she is here only.I told you that she keeps studying in her room whole day and hardly come out. So, that's the case but don't worry, let me call her"
Arundhati said and instructed one of staff to go and call her daughter.

 .    After sometime, Akshu came from upstairs walking as slowly as possible.
She was wearing night suite with Tom and Jerry prints, was holding her puppy in her arms. Her oily hairs were tied in braided ponies. She was wearing her glasses also and was looking completely different from how she was looking that day in the party.It made Abhimanyu even more curious about her.

   " Akshu beta, come here sit beside me,
why are you standing there? and now puppy has taken place of your doll. What is its name?" Manjari asked with a smile.

    Akshara looked at Manjari then at her
parents.She went and silently sat beside Manjari. After that only, she saw Abhimanyu there working on his laptop but he didn't look at her.

   " Akshu beta,your mom told us that you are studying very hard for your exams which is good but you should take some break also in between to refresh your mind. How about you take me for shopping and then we will eat at your favourite restaurant as I am new in this city. So, I don't know much about all of this. It will be perfect outing, what say?"
Manjari asked her.

    Both akshara and her parents were shocked with her demand. No one knew what to say?Akshara looked at her mom
and just nodded her head at Manjari.

   " Good then we will go next Sunday ok?
now tell me about yourself, your school
college friends,what did you studied? and what you want to do in your career?
what are your hobbies?" Manjari asked her with so much love.

    Akshara was feeling  suffocated there. she was not used to all of this as no
one ever asked her such questions, then why this lady is doing all of this?

  " Well, aunty I need to go as I have so much work to do.It's nice meeting you all" Akshu said and almost ran away from there.

    Everyone just kept looking at her and each other,not knowing what to say and how to react? Abhimanyu was feeling more frustrated because now his mind and heart became even more restless to know about her. Manjari gave him apologetic look,he sighed.

    Akshara's parents were also looking at each other and were feeling uneasy.

   " Manjari, please don't mind. Actually
she has become very moody due to exam
pressure and she has always lived in hostel, so doesn't want to live in home. She thinks, here her freedom is lost. So trying too hard to go away from here and live alone freely in a foreign country where we will not be there to give any orders.You know, how today's generation kids are. They think that we don't give them freedom and want to do everything according to their own wish. Yes we are very modern and open minded but still being parents we have to be strict also to keep them under control but these kids take it in wrong way and think that we are enemies of their life and freedom. Parenting has become really tough jobs in today's time" Arundhati  explained to Manjari.

   " I can understand Arundhati. You are
right but kids are also right at their place. We should let them be, trust on them and give our backup support whenever required. So, it can be balanced. Btw why you had sent her to hostel in school time?"Manjari asked.

   "  When we shifted to Pune, Dev's
mom died. There was no one to look after her at home when we were at our work and since at that time we were middle class person with very tight budget,so I couldn't quit my job. In that situation,we decided that it's good for her only if she will study in boarding school. There she will not feel alone and we will also not feel bad leaving her with some maid. So we sent her to boarding. After that she went to University, that's why she is so used to live alone, don't like home's environment and all these gatherings. So, please don't mind her behaviour. This is the reason, why we want her to live at home only to become comfortable about all of these things but that girl is again planning to run away. and not listening to us" Arundhati said.

   "It's ok,let her try. She should definitely try to fulfill her dreams and don't worry about her mood also. Once she will get settled down in her career, she will herself understand it. So, for now let her be" Manjari said.

   " Yes, you are right.That's why, we don't force her for anything and let her do what she wants to do." Arundhati said.

  Abhimanyu was listening to their words very carefully. He got few answers but still so many things were not making sense and it made him even more confused. He was even more determined and curious to know about her life personally because something was not hitting him at the right place. He could not pin point it but can feel it that something was missing.

   After lunch, Birlas went away.

  " Arundhati, don't you think, they are
taking too much interest in Akshara?and
till when you will keep lying to them?
If they will keep asking about her like this then they will soon know everything about her and they will also know that we were lying, it's not right" Dev told her being worried.

  " Dev, even I am thinking same. I thought they will forget about her and won't ask anything like our other friends but they are being so persistent regarding her. I have to do something  before they could know the reality" Arundhati said to him.

   Birla house:-

   It was almost midnight and Abhimanyu was lying on lawn bench holding a book in his hand and looking at stars, thinking about something.

  " Abhi,you have not slept till now?" His mom came and asked him.

  " Mom, what are you doing here at this time?" He asked back.

  " I went to kitchen to get water then I saw you here from window,so came. You
tell me, what are you thinking so deeply
which is not letting you sleep?" His mom asked him.

  " Nothing mom, just random stuff" He replied.

" Really? random stuff? That's why your phone is vibrating beside you and you are not noticing it and holding the book upside down. Abhi, I am your mother. Tell me, what it is? Are you thinking about Akshu?" Manjari asked him directly.

  He immediately stood up straight.

  " Mom,how did you know?" He asked.

" Because I am your mother. Now tell me what are you thinking about her" She asked

  " Don't know mom but I just can't stop thinking about her. There is something wrong in her behaviour, didn't you feel?
and that is what eating my mind.Why she is behaving so weirdly? it can't
be just studies. What her mom was saying, my mind is not agreeing with that. Have you noticed her eyes? it has some different story and it's making me so restless to know what is the story behind those eyes " He shared with his mother.

    " are thinking too her mom said..she is not used to live in home..that's why she has become quite moody..and it's very normal were also like that..infact
now also when someone disturbs into
your personal space or gets
irritated..same is with her also..she wants to live she is comfortable
like that only..there is nothing else.." manjari tried to make him understand

   He didn't said anything and just lied down keeping his head on her lap..

   " you like her??" His mom asked him directly..

    Abhi looked up at his mom and sighed.

   " Honestly speaking..I don't know mom
because we are strangers I have not even
talked with her I can't claim that..but yes I agree..since we met..I am
just not able to keep her away from my if she is constantly matter how hard I try to divert my mind
and the more I try to think about her the more restless I feel..I guess it's just to know her properly that's it nothing more
than that.." Abhi explained to his mom

   " Well my dearest's much more than that..she is not going away from your mind.. because she has made her place in your heart..and the more you will try to think otherwise the more you will feel better accept it.. that
you like him more than just like..are you getting my point..and Abhi sometimes it's not even need to know someone to like just know so many girls..but why you never thought about them.. why you never been this much restless to know about them..tell me.."his mom again made him try to understand

   " Mom..already I am feeling so weird
please don't make it more complicated
if I will give it name then it will make me more please let it be.." Abhi said helplessly

   " You want to talk to her and know her right?? don't worry I will make that happen.." manjari said and winked at him

    " What?? How?? I had already tried but she bluntly refused" he replied back sadly

   " She will not be able to refuse this me" his mom assured him

   " But how?? what will you do??" He asked curiously

  " Well nothing much.. just ask her family her hand for my son.." his mom said

   Abhi got shocked ans sat up straight..

   " Mom are you serious?? you will directly go and talk about our marriage?
is it some kind of joke?? No won't do something like's not
right..." Abhi objected to his mom plan

  " I know what I am talking and no it's not joke at all..I am serious..ok you tell me won't you will feel happy to make her part of your life?? Or won't you will feel bad if they find someone else for her??" Manjari asked

   Abhi just looked at her blankly..first statement was so tempting and he didn't liked second statement at gave him pain..

   " But how are you so sure that they will
agree?? I mean what if they have already chosen someone or she had already chosen can happen right??"
Abhi said

  " So let me ask..if there is already someone else..then this matter will be closed but if there is not anyone else yet
then we should not wait and talk about it
i am talking about instant marraige..I am
just making way so that both of you get
opportunity to know each other well and after that decision will be entirely yours
if both of you want to take your relationship forward or not .we will not interfere in it..what say?? " Manjari asked

   Abhi was seriously thinking was
a very practical solution..and no one should have any issues with he gave his nod..

   Next day:-

   " Arundhati today I came to talk with something so important regarding our kids" manjari said to her

   " What happened??" Arundhati asked being all worried thinking about Akshara

  " Well..have you thought of marriage of akshu..?? I mean I know she is still young for that..but have you found someone already for her or is she in relationship with someone??" Manjari asked her

   " No..we have not thought about her
marraige yet..and no she is single..but why are you asking this suddenly??" she asked although she was having doubts

  " That's good.. actually Abhi really likes
akshu...and me too..I really want her to come in my home as my Abhi's
I hope you don't have any objection with this..I mean I am not saying that we will do marriage instantly all I am saying that
let's give it a chance..and let them know each other..and after that whatever they will decide be it yes or no..I will accept that.I guess this relationship will be good
for all of we will became relatives
and you don't need to worry about your daughter going in some complete new family..I will also get my daughter..what say? how did you like my proposal?" manjari asked from her..

    Arundhati was not believing her ears
for few seconds she just sat there being completely speechless then she thought
something and told manjari that she will
first talk with her husband and daughter and then she will tell her about her final

       In night arundhati came into study where her husband was working..

" Dev are you busy?? I need to talk to you
about something important.." she asked him

   " Yeah.. little bit..but you can talk..I am
listening.." Dev replied

   " apparantly Abhimanyu Birla likes our
daughter and manjari came to me with
his marriage proposal with our Akshara"

   " What??"

  " Well yes..this is the truth.. even I was shocked when she said this but later on
i have it a thought and I must say it's a golden opportunity for us I wanted birlas
friendship to secure your position..she is offering relationship.I mean just imagine
if this wedding actually happens then no one will even think to double cross you or backstab you..knowing that Birlas are our relatives..and manjari already likes akshara so she won't have any problems in accepting her and her son is falling in love with our he also won't have any issues...we won't have to take her tension anymore..she will be married in such a big family where people already loves her so much it's a win win for all of us..what do you think??" She asked her husband opinion

   "Well arundhati aren't you planning too much..right now they like her because you have lied to them about her they don't know anything about her..they only
know that 5 years old little akshu not this
grown up you have any idea
when they will know the reality and fact
that we lied to badly it will
backfire on us?I don't think so it's a good
idea...I will enroll akshara in some foreign University..she will be happy to go away from here..and I will also be tension free From her side till elections
and even after's better for all of us.." Dev made her understand

   " Dev no..she is not going anywhere..if
you will send her away now then we will
loose our daughter forever..Birlas are
perfect for her and us also.. please trust me on this..I won't let anything go wrong
you just focus on your election campaign
and I promise you won't have to face any trouble because of it.." Arundhati tried to convince him

    " as you want but..I don't want any complications at this time..last time I handled everything with so much difficulty..and right now timing is very crucial..just one little mishap and all will be gone..and I can't afford it's your responsibility to handle everything
without any problems..ok??" Dev clearly told her..

  " I know Dev we can't afford any mishap
but trust me..I won't let anything go wrong.I know how much stakes are high"

   Dev nodded his head..then arundhati went to meet akshu..

   Akshu was shocked to see her mother at this time in her room.. whenever her mother visited her it means bad new for what is she going to say..akshu was afraid to think about that..

   " Akshara I want to talk to you about something really important and don't take it lightly at's about all of our
future and reputation..we have already gone through so much because of
this time I don't want any troubles..ok??
Manjari wants to make you her daughter
in law..her son likes you so will never get such a nice family ever..
so I am going to say yes for this alliance
and you won't object it and happily accept it..ok?? I won't take any no  and if
you will try to do something then you will see the worst side of it??"
Arundhati said to her and went away from there..

   Akshu was too shocked to react..she was not expecting something like this at all..she was panicking..she tried to call to Vikram but he didn't picked up her call..
she was feeling so helpless..not knowing what to do and whom to ask for help..
she just sat there crying helplessly..that time she felt that how lonely she was..not
a single person was there who think of her feelings.. everyone cares only about themselves..and she cried more...

   Arundhati was walking restlessly in the
garden..she was feeling so restless..she never wanted such kind of relationship with her own daughter..she always felt terrible after talking with her like this but today it was worse.. everytime she used to think that she will not be harsh with her..but then something happens and same cycle repeats..this marriage proposal was completely unexpected but
she really wanted this to happen now
because she had seen how much manjari
likes akshu and she had seen Abhi also..
she has never thought that someone can like akshu and want to be with her..and this thought always used to give her sleepless nights..but now she was relived that her daughter will go to a house where people genuinely loves her and she will get all the love which she deserves..and maybe it can change her nature..and she also become like other girls..

    " Yes this alliance is bestest for akshara I will do everything to make sure that this marriage happens..this alliance is a blessing in disguise fot my daughter so I won't let it go..even if my own daughter hates me for forcing her into this..I will tolerate her hatred to secure her bright and happy future..." Arundhati thought to herself..

   She texted manjari giving her nod for the proposal..then she sent another text to someone else..and felt relieved after getting positive brought a smile on her face..she thanked God for this small mercy on her daughter..

   Akshu was sitting lifelessly in her room
one text notification came on her phone
she immediately checked it..hoping it from Vikram..but it was from some unknown number..she opened it being confused..but it made her furious after reading the text and knowing who was the sender..

    " Shall we meet tomorrow over a cup of coffee??" - Abhimanyu Birla

   She was about to delete that message but then thought something and replied

     " me 10 am- parsi cafe.. don't be late or else I will go..and will never meet again"

  Abhi got the text..he smiled reading that
he can visualise saying her all of that..he checked his schedule..he had a very important meeting at 10 am..which he can't miss..but first time he didn't choose his profession..he called his secretary to cancel that meeting..he very well knew it's aftermath which he can handle latter but if he will not meet akshu tomorrow then he will loose her forever which he can't afford...

    " I never reach anywhere late akshu..see
you tomorrow don't do cheating ok.."

   He sent another text and smiled...

   Akshu fumed after reading his text..

   " I am not a cheater like you, looking forward to meet you tomorrow"

    Abhi smiled reading at that and kept his phone back on table, anticipating most important meeting of his life tomorrow..

   What u guys think what will akshu say to him??




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