* Discontinued series* The un...

By Redlife123z

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This is a sequel for my kindergarten fanfic series. Y/N Pov side After the events at Kid school. You and Jasp... More

Ch 1 Kindergarten hero
Ch 2 Mall
Ch 3 Airport
Ch 4 Hotel
Ch 5 Carla messaged
Ch 6 Breakfast
Ch 7 A dear friend
Ch 8 Arguments
Ch 9 Test
Ch 10 First day
Ch 11 Moping up some evidence
Ch 12 Punishment room
Ch 13 The start of progress
Ch 14 Hot chocolate or Hot cocoa
Ch 15 Obedience
Ch 16 Guity
Ch 17 Fire ants
Ch 18 Mom meet
Ch 19 Truth or Dare
Ch 20 Diana
Ch 21 The teach off
Ch 22 Nightmares and Dreams
Ch 23 Breaking rules
Ch 24 Movie date
Ch 25 Under the moonlight
ch 26 The hack to success
Ch 27 Helpful Articles
Ch 28 Operation New Share
Ch 29 Is it worth it?
Ch 30 The secret cover
Ch 32 The conference
Ch 33 Santa gift
Ch 34 The court session
Ch 35 Will they accept?
Ch 36 Starting a new journey
I writing a third story
Update/ Roxy

Ch 31 R.A.I.N

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By Redlife123z

Carla Pov
So far everything going according to plan. We had just got are task. My was for the acting task, were is kind of funny. Ms. Isabella had dream of becoming a actress, but could never get herself a role. So she forces all of us to put on a play for her. If she don't like it ( which was alway) she toss tomatoes at us. Leaving many parents confused about, why their kids seem to always be stain with red. Covering it up as paint. Saying that during creation time; all the kids would pick red paint. Since that was the best quality paint they had. For some reason they believe it. Fortunately for Ms. Isabella, we're about to put on the best show of are life.

All the members of team obedience did as Kid told us. Gabe was drawing in his notebooks again. Aviva was coming her final project. Lily and Nugget were playing restaurant with some stuffed animals. And I playing with some toy cars. I don't know, why Kid wanted use to act this way, but I trusted him.

Some of the others did ask why we weren't doing are task. " Well I tried of doing these stupid task. I say we stop" I protest. A few of the kids were influenced by us. Soon, more, and more kids started to join. Making the place look like a actual daycare. And not matter, how many time they would punish or yelled at us. We still kept going. It even backfired for the staff. Letting more kids to join us. But how? Shouldn't all of this be scaring them away.  So when I got in the punishment room. I decided to call Kid. The room had no cameras, so it was safe to ask.

" Human psychology" he said. " Human psychology? How the heck could human psychology play a part?" " Many factors actually. Having a need to be a part of a group. Doing something that give a best chance at survival. Peer pressure. Wanting to take a risk. Because it seems cool. Being influenced by others. Wanting to be rebellious. Est." I grab myself a ice pack. Before remembering I can't. Got to keep my bruises as evidence for the news. " Wow, but that still doesn't explain, why be obedient. I mean sure it working. But wouldn't it be fast to just break a few rules. Plus it would be way way more fun. Shouldn't we at least give that a try." " Let just say, must like how beauty is in the eye of the beholder. So is obedience." He cut off before I could say anything.

Gabe then came in, but unlike the rest of us. Who all got abused with bruises to show it. Gabe don't get abused. All they did was plot him inside. No fighting. No yelling. Nothing. " We have a problem, they starting to get tried. And are slowing down with punishment."

Sh*t. What the f*** am I propose to do now? If we don't do something, everything could go downhill. Maybe I should tell Kid this. No! I can't do that. He choose me to be in charge of this. I have to prove it to him, and the others that I can do it. I got a idea! Aviva investigation. Hopefully she done building it.

Billy Pov
" Well Billy aren't you going to tell me." I still trying to find my way out. But how? I was trapped both literally and figuratively. Suddenly there was a frantic knock at the door. " Come in" said Ms. Vaellope. The person was no other than Ms. Applegate. I found myself fulling up not with fear, but with hate.

After Kid told me and Lily about the time loops. Ms. Applegate was on my hate list. The way she called Lily and Nugget. How she read Nugget love letter in front of the class. How her mission literally force Kid to murder all his friends, and classmates. How she don't think to question, why me and Lily weren't at are old elementary school Rosebud. That  she agreed to work with Penny mom. KNOWING what was going on. I wanted to punch her in the guts, but I force myself to keep my anger down.

" Is something the matter Diana?" " Kid aren't doing the task." " What do you mean the kids aren't doing tasks." " Just come." Ms. Vaellope sighed. " Alright, but this better be good." The two left. I let out a breath of relief.

Glad that over with. " Hello! Silly Billy. What takings you so long? I should be hacking by now" said Kid. " I got a little sidetracked with Ms. Vaellope. Also don't called me that." " If your giving me the nickname sick boy. I need to give you one back. Silly Billy." " Whatever monstermon king." " Oh would you please stop attacking me like that attacker." " I not your attacker. I your hero." " Listen Silly, just get back to work." " On it computer glitched."

Going over to Ms. Vaellope computer. I grab the little hacking device that Aviva give me, and place it to the side of the computer. " Ok attacker I in. You better start taking that test silly." " Got it Hacker. By the way Hacker, how is your skin not green? Like in the show Cyberkids." " Just take that test Billy. I got the email and password changing to do."

Lily Pov
Grabbing the paper from Carla under the punishment room door, was a message I sent to Aviva. I don't know what it said. Aviva however smile a mischievous smile. She did some finally check on her investments. " Ok, this should work." " Aviva, what are you doing?" " Let just say it time to cause some trouble." " But were not supposed to."

" WHAT IS GOING ON IN HERE? WHY IS NO ONE DOING THERE TASK?" Everyone in the room turn around. It was Ms. Vaellope. Follow by Ms. Applegate. Ms. Applegate spotted me, and Nugget. She grab Nugget. Pinning him against the wall. " All right you little freak. I have had with you, and your stupid little nugget brain. I been punishing you left, and right. For the last... I don't even know how long. If you don't tell me where those pills are. I will chew your little head off. Spit it out, and stomp on it. Bury you in the dumb nugget cave of yours. So where is it? Getting a chance at those pills was the only reason I here."

Things were going downhill fast. Not only was Nuggets getting pin. Nearly losing air. But all the kids were too hurt to keep going, and are going back to their task. That was it till Aviva step in. " Everyone, I would like you all to meet my Robotic Accessing In Needs, or R.A.I.N." Everyone stop to look at R.A.I.N. He was your standard AI robot. " Hello I am RAIN. My job is to access with, whatever task at hand. I can clean, cook, act, and give out spa treatments. Would you like the access?" " Aviva, what is this thing? You were supposed to be making something to help the daycare. Not hurt it" Ms. Vaellope said.

" This is helping. My having R.A.I.N help you out. You won't need us anymore. Plus having a robot help us out. Will sure bring more positive news to us. So what do you say?" The other agree. Ms. Vaellope, and Ms. Emily were the only ones who seemed to differ.

" There no way how, I letting a robot cook for me. I seen the way the you guys cook. Burning or cutting yourself. Spill hot water everywhere. Making a mess that looks like a tornado came through. How can a robot made by one of you kids. Possibly cook."

" Well I think having a robot would useful for the cleaning task. Maybe things will be more quiet that way. Without it being the kids doing it" Ms. Lisa said. " I bet that robot would be a way better preformed then the kids. Not to mention, are cover up for the red stains on there clothes. Is starting to not work. Tomatoes are getting really expensive these day. Do know how many tomatoes I have to toss each day at these kids. 63 tomatoes. Let alone a week, or a month" said Ms. Isabella.

" But who knows what she could of added to that thing. She could of added a camera for all we know. Plus having the task let us have control and power over them. But how about you Diana? What do you think?" Said Ms Vaellope. All eyes were on Ms. Applegate. She was still focus on Nugget, and not must on us. " Can that robot of yours find me my pills?" " Yep. R.A.I.N you know what to do."

He started to search around. Later he told us they were on the playground area. Which Aviva whisper to me was a lie. Apparently, she was told by Carla to us R.A.I.N to fed into Ms. Applegate addiction. So she comes back. Applegate would be so heated. That she start punishing all of us. Which seem to work, as Applegate let go of Nugget and dash outside. Leaving Nugget to- plop.

" Nugget!? Nugget are you ok" I scream. Since Ms. Applegate had let go of him. He had fall from the wall he was pin to. Very high by the way. " Nugget bones hurt. But Nugget is okey." I try picking him up. " Can you walk?" Nugget try to walk. " Ouch!"

Before we could do anything. We all heard a yell coming from Applegate as she enter in. It might of only been a few words, but it might as well been a paragraph. " Today your last day alive -


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