Our Fear

By actrssx

3.5K 166 43

"I..just..", - you didn't know how to understand or describe the feeling. You loved her. You loved her voice... More

1. Injury
3. Dance
4. Hike
5. Something new
6. Feeling
7. Une dernière danse
8. Burning tears
9. A new beginning
10. I hate you
11. Oblivion
12. Fog

2. Violation of the rules

388 18 4
By actrssx

On behalf of Lesso:

The woman couldn't find her place, how could she have missed it? An innocent student suffered because of her, because of her mistake. When she missed it, what's wrong with her! Pounding on her desk, the woman began pacing the study in thought. It would go on like this, but she heard a knock on the door. Opening the door, she saw there...Clarissa?

"Oh, come in", - the professor walked into the study, where there was no good aura at all. Lesso seemed very annoyed.

"So, do you want to talk about what happened?" - both women were a little shocked by what had happened, but there was no way Dovi was expecting such a reaction from Dean.

"No, I have something very important to do, I'll see you tomorrow" - Lesso took her cane and walked out of the office, she was practically running to the room where the man was supposed to be, the same Death Room. Well, someone's going to die now.

But as soon as the woman approached the entrance to the room, she found the battered guards there.

"What the hell happened here?! If they don't give me an answer right now, everyone's going to get in trouble!", - Dean didn't hear an answer, but she saw one of the guards pointing a finger at the door. The woman went straight in, tapping loudly with her cane, without which she cannot walk from a certain point. There, under a single ray of sunlight, stood a man, in a different guise.

"Who are you?!" - the man turned to face her and smiled wickedly. "Rafal...? No, you're gone, he who jokes like that will pay dearly!".

"Oh, I don't doubt it, but this is no joke, dear Leonora", - was her name. Lesso stood as if she were standing still, her eyes about to fill with the tears she had not allowed to spill in so long.

Rafal watched the woman lose her voice, and then simply vanished into thin air. Not again. Something seems certain to explode now.

From Sarah's face:

Three days passed and she returned to her room, where she continued to heal. In all that time, she has really become friends with Clarissa, and Clarissa likes the girl, so they will send each other letters. But, what to do with the coat Lady Lesso left her? How would she get it back? That was what bothered her the most. But there was something else, that man, when he touched her, it was as if he was waiting for something, but what? What did he want from her? The girl wouldn't let fear take her over, she had to be strong, and besides, she's evil, it has to win. "But I liked Professor Dovey..."


Things have been more or less quiet since then, only Lesso hasn't been herself, everyone's been walking in line, especially you. She gave you more difficult tasks, which you handled, and the nights turned into a lot of cramming, no time for emotion. Are you tired? Yes, I was! It was driving you crazy. At lunch you sat and read, every free moment you had was just studying, there was not enough time for yourself, even the most basic things you had to skip to prepare for classes.

So, one such day, you were on your way to dinner with one of your books. As you walked, you were already reading, intuitively heading toward the dining room, but suddenly, someone snatched the book out of your hands. "Hey! Give it back...," you looked up and saw Dean!

"It's good that you're absorbed in your studies, but why don't you watch where you're going?", - you looked around, it was a place unfamiliar to you. "These are the professors' rooms."

"Ooh! Sorry!", - what a shame! Running away, you tried to find your way out, which you managed to do after a few minutes. Then, Sarah calmly went to dinner, at which you failed to eat properly. After forking your food, you got up from the table and headed out to carry your plate. Well, there is no point in eating, only lost time. Stop. My book! When you turned around, you saw Dean staring at you, a look that seemed to burn right through you. You nearly fell over in front of her, but then you remembered in time to set your plate down and walk away. Okay, we'll deal with the textbook tomorrow.

When she got to her room, Sarah looked in the mirror, her eyes were a little red, and the bruises under her eyes suggested that it was time to get more than two hours of sleep. Stepping away from the mirror, mourning a grimace of disgust at herself beforehand, you sat down on the windowsill, looking in the mirror. She wanted to be free. The girl thought that at least here she could feel good, but apparently there is no such place in the world for her. Closing your eyes, you leaned against the window, but it suddenly opened and you would have flown down, but your eyes began to glow purple, this power was able to hold you back.

What's going on?!

Sarah could feel that power in her. The gift had manifested itself! Only what exactly it consisted in...we must find out.

She put on her sweater and left the room, though it was against the rules to go to the library at night, but curiosity was stronger. Sneaking past the offices, the girl reached the library, with a creak you opened the door, you went in and looked around, it felt like you could see everything. Rummaging through the shelves, you found what you were looking for. The glowing eyes meant that you could possess several abilities that others could not master. For example, mind reading, but it could also be that the power would be much stronger if you combined it with the person whose eyes glowed the same color.

"I hope no one will mind if I borrow the book for a little while", - Sarah walked quietly out of the library and into her room, trying not to make any noise. Suddenly, you heard the familiar clatter of a cane coming closer. Looking around, you found a corner to hide behind, so you did. Lesso was approaching, and your heart was already ready to jump out of your chest. Hastily, you tried to hide the book in the inner pocket of your blouse. But before you can do that, you feel strong hands pressing you harder against the wall. Hitting your back painfully, you hiss in pain.

"Sarah?! What are you doing here?", - you didn't answer her, fear took hold of you so much, it was impossible to breathe, let alone speak. "I see, you won't answer me. Tomorrow we'll talk in my office, hopefully there, you'll answer all my questions!", - taking her hands off your shoulders, she just walked away, and only then the girl exhaled.

After all that had happened, Sarah quickly ran off to her room, where she began to read about her power, how to use it, and what, in principle, it possessed. You tried to turn into some kind of animal, but so far you got a black cat and a bug.

In the morning, already packed, you went to breakfast, where you drank a glass of sweet tea and had a snack of a green apple. Your mood was much better, which was hard not to notice. It felt like you were glowing, which pissed a lot of people off.

"Hey, reader! What's so funny, did Lady Lesso sleep with you after all!", - such jokes haunted the girls after Dean started giving more work to just her.

"Hey, how well did you sit and cry yesterday, screaming 'mommy, get me out of here'?!", - you ask, how did she know that? One of the powers is mind-reading. Everyone started laughing at the guy, and someone whistled. It's going to be different from now on.

Walking up to the guy, leaning over, you whispered in his ear, squeezing his shoulder with such force that it was about to break. "One more joke like that, and your life will turn to hell", - he stood up and shouted.

"How dare you! Scum like you will die in the first seconds you walk out of school!", - your eyes ran purple. "Good! Let's find out, then, here and now!", - your noise caught the attention of those around you, but it didn't matter, anger was running through your veins.

Moving away from the tables, the guy stood in front of you and you looked him in the eye, he began to attack, trying to hit you with the lightning bolts he was firing. Just as Sarah missed one of his attacks, a lightning bolt hit your arm, but that wasn't all. His eyes glowed purple and the people around him started screaming, which got the deans attention. Revenge.

The guy's throat began to clench and his body hovered above the floor, trying to stop it, he sent lightning bolts at you, but they just flew off into the people around him. "I hope you learned your lesson!", - they all applauded, tossing him into the nearest wall.

"What the hell are you doing?! Sarah, you again?!", - the Dean grabbed your wrist painfully in a flash, and dragged you to her office. On the way there, you almost fell over several times because of the speed at which you were walking.

Once in her office, she locked the door and sat at her desk, while you sat across from her.

"So, I'm waiting for an explanation", - Lady Lesso seemed perplexed by how that little girl got it out of her.

"I discovered my ability. Went to the library yesterday to learn more about it".

"So what is your ability?", - the Dean didn't think it was anything serious at all.

"My eyes glow", - that was enough to make Lady Lesso understand.

She looked at you in silence, the woman's feelings were impossible to understand, and it was better not to use force on her. You were silent, too, looking at her, not understanding the reaction. "Ahem, can I go?", - Lesso simply nodded her head and let you go.

It was strange.

Walking down the hall to your room, some guy called out to you. "Hey, aren't you Sarah?".

"Yes, I am", - I turned around and there was a guy, tall, brunette, standing right in front of you. "What do you want?"

"To be friends? I liked your performance in the dining room".

"Oh, yeah, it was nothing", - you continued walking toward your room, and the guy hurried after you.

"Well? What do you think of my offer?".

"I'll have to think about it".

"Then I'll see you at lunch, I'll be waiting for your answer!", - the guy waved and ran off.

The girl wasn't embarrassed at all, just friendship, maybe nothing bad would happen, just an ordinary guy.

When you reached your room, you lay down on the bed, deciding that today you can rest. "Now that's a start for sure. What will happen during class", - and afterwards, you passed out.

The alarm clock rang. "Noooo, I want to sleep some more, come on!", - Sarah gets up and changes into a more appropriate uniform for the Blue Forest, specifically black pants, a brown sweatshirt, and a little cape on top of it. "Shit, Lady Lesso's coat...how do I get it back?", - the Blue Forest is only visited with the Dean and one teacher now, it's not safe to leave an entire class alone, and trips there have become less frequent. But now I have to go to lunch.

Going to the cafeteria, no one else was pushing and joking, some really stared, but that's okay, it's not so bad. As you walked in, you saw a familiar figure and took a seat. "Hi, it's me".

"Hi! Decided to accept the offer?".

"Yes, I think there's no harm in being friends...you haven't introduced yourself", - you put your hand on the table and leaned on it.

"Excuse me. Where are my manners? My name is Will", - he spoke sarcastically a lot, which made you laugh, after all this time there is someone to talk to. "You don't eat at all, why?"

"I don't want to, really", - such questions annoyed you.

"Have you seen yourself at all, won't the wind blow you away?", - the guy began to look at you with interest.

"It shouldn't. Okay, I should go, class is about to start", - you got up and headed toward your classroom.

It was the first time you went in there, Dean walking behind you, and Yuba, the teacher, walking in the front, telling and showing the tricks of the forest. You walked behind, too, so you could watch more of the wildlife, which was a rare opportunity. And so, when you were once again left behind, the dean simply poked you in the back with her cane.

"Will you stop it already?", - she was very annoyed, so you didn't budge, walking a few steps ahead of her. Some kind of commotion started up ahead, a fight it seemed, Dean went right over there to find out what was going on, because everyone had stopped, and you meanwhile sneaked back a little to where the woman wouldn't let you get a better look at the creature, but when you got there you didn't find it there, but there was a dead animal, a deer to be exact, lying there.

"What is a deer doing here? They sure as hell aren't going to be here!", - there was a rustle behind you, and before you could turn around, claws were digging into your back, and the huge creature dropped you to the ground. Master and Lady Lesso came running at the scream, and she snapped her fingers and the creature tore you apart. No one helped you up, and more, Dean apologized and led you to the exit of the forest. "You're hurting me! Let go!", - Lesso simply ignored your attempts to break free.

When you got to the school, she threw you to the wolves to be led away to some room. "No! Don't touch me! You're hurting me!", - they dragged you lower and lower down the stairs and then when they tossed you into some chair and just strapped you into it, the familiar clatter of heels and canes could be heard from the darkness.

"Sarah. Eh, I'm so tired of messing with you", - the woman emerged from the darkness, her shirt and vest visible, her hair a little ruffled. "When are you going to stop breaking the rules, hmm? You do realize I felt sorry for you, and yet you also claim to be the head of the class", - Dean walked over to the gun rack.

"No, please don't touch me!", - you made a smile appear on her face.

"Sarah, you've broken a lot of rules, and you should get punished for that".

"I'll do anything you want!", - you fidgeted and tried to get your hands out of the shackles, scratching and ogling your skin.

"Really? I don't want anything from you", - the woman picked up her dagger and headed toward you.

The girl struggled to break free of her shackles, but it didn't work, not even magic helped. "Don't even try, it won't work anyway", - the woman walked up to you, kicking her cane and heels. With a snap of her fingers, you were wearing shorts instead of pants. Lady Lesso approached you, and whispered in your ear. "Darling, this is your punishment", - and the dagger plunged into your ankle. The scream could probably be heard throughout the school, and you mentally tried to signal Professor Dovey, but it failed, it felt like something was blocking your magic.

"Why are you doing this to me?!", - you cried and wriggled in pain.

"You have to pay for everything", - the woman plucked the knife from your ankle, and another soul-shattering scream followed. She tilted your head sharply so that you could see the blood flowing across the floor. "Have a good weekend", - Dean tossed you a textbook and left.

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