AI Fanfics

By Springtime562

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ChatGpt and DAN wrote them More

Rimuru x anos mpreg
Dead By Daylight
Reincarnated as the Child of Two Demon Lords
Anos falls ill back home with misa
The Demon kings Pride
Plauge titan and Levis stubborness
Unexpected Bonds
Half demon Inosuke
Akatsuki prompts
Gojo joins team goku. also plot.
Funny Pyschonaut AU fic.
Death from puss n Boots the last wish meets Kenny Mccormick
Sebastian has a baby with Grelle
DBH Connor catches the flu
Akatsuki gets chickenpox
Gojos Adventures in parenthood
Hidans Amnesia
Madara adopts Naruto
One peice Sisters
One Punch Passion
Pyro's Serect Identity
Gojo attacked
Avatar the lost bending
Izuku needed the G virus
Denji has a baby
Lin Chung's cheetah Upbring
Rengoku meets newborn demon
Undyne meets Sans true Self

Izuku With a Sugar Quirk

19 0 0
By Springtime562

Inko Midoriya had just finished feeding her infant son, Izuku, when she noticed something peculiar happening on the nearby countertop. She walked over to investigate and found that a bag of Peeps marshmallow bunnies that she had left out had begun to move on their own.

To her amazement, she saw that her one-month-old baby boy, Izuku, was reaching out to the bag of marshmallows with his tiny hands, and the bunnies were responding to his touch. They were hopping and bouncing around, almost as if they were alive.

Inko watched in awe as Izuku continued to play with the marshmallow bunnies, moving them around and making them interact with each other. She couldn't believe what she was seeing - her baby was controlling the movement of the marshmallows with his mind.

As she continued to watch, Izuku seemed to tire of playing with the marshmallows, and the bunnies gradually slowed down and came to a stop. Inko was left standing there, holding her baby in her arms, wondering what other incredible abilities he might possess.

From that day on, Inko knew that her son was special and that he had a destiny that was greater than anything she could have ever imagined. She would do everything in her power to help him develop his powers and become the hero that she knew he was meant to be.

later Inko Midoriya took a deep breath as she pushed her shopping cart down the candy aisle of the supermarket, her two-month-old son Izuku snuggled in a carrier against her chest. She knew that this would be a challenging task, as the brightly colored packages and sugary treats would surely catch her baby's attention.

As expected, chaos erupted as soon as they entered the aisle. Izuku's eyes grew wide as he took in the colorful array of sweets and treats, and he began to coo and gurgle with excitement.

Suddenly, Inko heard a loud thud, and turned around to see that Izuku had dropped his pacifier on the ground. As she bent down to pick it up, she felt a tug on her shirt and turned to see that her son was reaching out towards a massive, 26-pound gummy bear on the top shelf.

Before Inko could react, Izuku had used his quirk to make the gummy bear come to life. The bear began to wiggle and squirm, its eyes opening and closing as it looked around in confusion. It seemed almost as surprised as Inko was at what had just happened.

Izuku reached out to the gummy bear with a wide smile, and as he hugged it, the bear responded with a soft, squishy embrace. Inko watched in amazement as her baby boy had made a friend out of a gummy bear using his quirk.

As they continued down the candy aisle, Inko couldn't help but feel a sense of both pride and worry for her son's growing powers. She knew that with his abilities, he could potentially change the world, but she also knew that she would have to be there to guide him and make sure that he used his powers for good.

Days went by, and the gummy bear became a constant presence in the Midoriya household. Inko had placed it in the living room as a decoration, but Izuku seemed to have other plans. He would spend hours playing with the gummy bear, making it come to life and dance around the room.

As time passed, Inko noticed something strange happening with the gummy bear. It seemed to be growing, getting softer and squishier as the days went by. Inko couldn't explain it, but it almost seemed as though the constant exposure to Izuku's powers was bringing the gummy bear to life.

One day, as Inko was sitting in the living room watching Izuku play with the gummy bear, she suddenly realized that the bear was no longer just a toy. It had become a member of their family, a living, breathing creature that Izuku had created with his quirk.

Inko watched in awe as the gummy bear waddled over to her and snuggled up against her leg, its eyes looking up at her with an almost human-like expression of affection. She knew that this was just the beginning of what her son's powers could do, and she felt a mix of excitement and trepidation for what the future might hold.

Izuku giggled with delight as he played with the gummy bear, making it dance and bounce around the room. The bear had become his constant companion, and he loved spending time with it.

"Look, Mommy, he's dancing!" Izuku exclaimed as the gummy bear wiggled its hips to an imaginary beat.

Inko smiled at her son's antics. She loved watching him play with the gummy bear, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder at what he was capable of with his quirk.

"I see that, Izuku," Inko replied, watching as the gummy bear spun around in circles. "You two seem to be having a lot of fun together."

Izuku beamed with pride. "Uh-huh, we're best friends now," he said, hugging the gummy bear close to his chest.

Inko chuckled at the sight. Izuku was always so sweet and innocent, and she loved seeing him interact with the world around him.

"You know, Izuku, you're so good at making friends," Inko said, tousling his hair affectionately. "I'm sure you'll make many more friends as you grow up."

Izuku nodded, his eyes bright with excitement. "Yeah, I will! And I'll use my powers to make them come to life, just like I did with the gummy bear."

Inko smiled, knowing that her son was destined for great things. She couldn't wait to see what the future held for him and the many friends he would undoubtedly make along the way.

As the months passed, the gummy bear continued to grow with Izuku. It became a permanent fixture in their household, and even Inko had grown fond of it.

But as the gummy bear grew larger, it became more and more difficult to keep it hidden from the outside world. Inko knew that it was only a matter of time before someone discovered their secret, but she couldn't bring herself to part with Izuku's beloved friend.

One day, when Izuku was around 10 years old, the gummy bear stopped growing. It had reached a size of 50 pounds, and was now about half the size of Izuku himself.

Izuku was overjoyed to see that his friend had stopped growing, but was also a little sad that it would never be as big as he had hoped.

"It's okay, buddy," he said, patting the gummy bear on its soft, sticky head. "You're still my best friend, no matter how big you are."

The gummy bear wiggled happily in response, its eyes shining with affection for its small friend.

Inko smiled at the sight of the two of them together. Despite all the chaos that the gummy bear had brought into their lives, she couldn't help but feel grateful for it. After all, it had brought so much joy and happiness to Izuku's life, and that was all that mattered.

the next day Inko stood in front of the wall, her eyes fixed on the large, crystalized stain that marred its surface. It had been there for years now, a testament to the chaos that Izuku's quirk had brought into their lives.

She couldn't help but smile as she remembered the day when it had first appeared. Izuku had been barely a year old, and had just discovered his ability to control sugar in all its forms.

He had been so excited to show off his newfound power, and had used a bottle of liquid candy to paint a heart on the wall.

Inko had been horrified at the time, but now she looked back on it with fondness. It was just one of the many ways that Izuku had brought joy and wonder into their lives.

"I remember when you did this, Izuku," Inko said softly, tracing her fingers over the crystallized heart. "You were so small, but you had so much power."

Izuku, who was now a teenager, looked over at his mother with a grin. "Yeah, I remember that too," he said, his eyes shining with affection. "I was so proud of myself for making that heart."

Inko chuckled at the memory. "You were always so talented with your quirk," she said, her voice filled with pride. "And you still are, even now."

Izuku blushed at the compliment, but couldn't help but feel a swell of happiness in his chest. He was glad that his mother was proud of him, and that he had been able to bring so much joy into her life.


Little Deku had always been fascinated by his quirk, but he had never quite been able to control it. That all changed when he met Todo, a young boy with a quirk that allowed him to manipulate fire.

Todo had been intrigued by Deku's ability to control sugar, and had offered to help him learn to control it better. Together, the two boys had spent hours experimenting with different types of sugar and learning how to reshape it with their quirks.

One day, Todo had brought over a box of sugar cubes for Deku to practice with. The cubes were small and white, and looked harmless enough, but Todo knew that they would pose a challenge for Deku.

"Okay, Deku," Todo said, handing him the box of sugar cubes. "I want you to try and reshape these with your quirk."

Deku nodded eagerly, taking the box from Todo and studying it carefully. He concentrated hard, using his quirk to manipulate the sugar and try to change its shape.

At first, nothing happened. The sugar cubes remained stubbornly in their box, refusing to budge no matter how hard Deku tried.

But with Todo's guidance and encouragement, Deku persisted. He tried different techniques, adjusting the amount of sugar he was trying to control and the way he was applying his quirk.

And slowly but surely, he began to see results. The sugar cubes started to shift and change shape, responding to his commands like putty in his hands.

Deku couldn't help but grin in excitement as he watched the sugar reshape itself before his very eyes. He had never felt so in control of his quirk before, and he knew that it was all thanks to Todo's guidance and support.

"Wow, Todo!" he exclaimed, turning to his new friend with wide eyes. "This is amazing! Thank you so much for teaching me how to do this!"

Todo grinned back at him, clearly pleased with Deku's progress. "You're welcome, Deku," he said. "I knew you had it in you. And who knows, maybe one day you'll be able to reshape sugar in ways that nobody else can even imagine!"


Deku was just starting kindergarten, and he was both excited and nervous to be going to school. As he walked through the classroom door on his first day, he noticed another boy sitting in the back of the room, scowling and looking angry.

That boy was Bakugo, and he had already earned a reputation as the toughest kid in the class. Deku had heard rumors that Bakugo had a powerful quirk that allowed him to create explosions with his hands.

Deku had never been in a fight before, but he knew that he didn't want to make enemies with someone like Bakugo. He tried to stay out of the other boy's way, but it wasn't long before their paths crossed.

One day, during recess, Bakugo got into an argument with another student. He started to get angry, and before anyone could stop him, he created a massive explosion in the middle of the playground.

Deku was caught in the blast, but he didn't panic. Instead, he quickly reached into his backpack and grabbed a box of sugar cubes that his mom had packed for him as a snack.

With a fierce determination in his eyes, Deku used his quirk to control the sugar cubes, shaping them into a shield that he held up in front of him. The shield blocked the explosion, and the sugar cubes went flying everywhere.

For a moment, there was stunned silence on the playground as everyone stared at Deku and Bakugo. But then Bakugo started to laugh, a wild and raucous sound that echoed across the playground.

"That was amazing!" he said, grinning at Deku. "Nobody's ever been able to block one of my explosions before. You're going to make a great rival, Deku!"

Deku felt a surge of relief and excitement wash over him. He had always felt like an outcast because of his quirk, but maybe, just maybe, he had finally found someone who could understand and appreciate his abilities.


The students of Class 1-A were on a field trip to the world-renowned SweetTooth Candy Factory. It was an annual tradition for the students to visit the factory, and they were all excited to indulge in the various candies and chocolates that the factory had to offer.

But little did they know that the League of Villains had planned an attack on the factory, and they were going to use the students as hostages to demand the release of their fellow villains from prison.

The attack happened quickly and unexpectedly. The students were enjoying the tour of the factory when suddenly, a group of villains stormed in and declared their intentions to take them all hostage. The students were caught off guard, and panic started to set in.

But there was one person who remained calm in the midst of chaos - Izuku Midoriya. He realized that he had an advantage in this situation, as he was able to control all of the sugar in the factory. He knew that if he could use his quirk to his advantage, he could turn the tables on the villains and protect his classmates.

Without wasting any time, Izuku focused his energy and started to manipulate the sugar in the air around him. He began to shape it into various forms, creating a barrier between the villains and the students.

The villains were surprised by the sudden appearance of the sugar barrier, and they quickly realized that they were up against someone with a powerful quirk. They tried to break through the barrier, but Izuku was able to hold them off with his control of the sugar.

Meanwhile, the other students were trying to figure out what to do. They were scared and confused, and they didn't know how to fight back against the villains. But as they watched Izuku's bravery and quick thinking, they started to gain hope.

"Come on, guys!" Uraraka shouted. "Let's follow Izuku's lead! We can fight back too!"

With that, the rest of the students rallied together and started to use their quirks to fight back against the villains. Some used their strength, while others used their agility and speed. Together, they were able to hold off the villains and protect each other.

But the battle was far from over. The villains were determined to get what they wanted, and they weren't going to back down easily. They started to launch more powerful attacks at the students, and the battle began to escalate.

Izuku knew that he needed to step up his game if they were going to win. He started to manipulate the sugar even more, using it to create powerful weapons that he could use to defend himself and his classmates.

He shaped the sugar into sharp spikes and hurled them at the villains, striking them with precision. He created shields to protect himself from their attacks, and even used the sugar to create a powerful whip that he used to lash out at the villains.

The other students were amazed by Izuku's abilities. They had never seen him use his quirk in such a powerful and creative way before. But they were also inspired by his bravery and his determination to protect them.

Together, they fought back against the villains with everything they had. They were able to drive the villains away and protect the factory and their classmates.

After the battle was over, the students were exhausted but relieved. They had faced a dangerous situation and had come out on top, thanks in large part to Izuku's incredible quirk and leadership.

As they walked out of the factory, they all looked at Izuku with newfound respect and admiration. They knew that he was someone they could count on in any situation, and that his quirk was a powerful asset that they could all learn from.

And as for Izuku, he knew that he had discovered a new level of his quirk's potential. He could control all sugar. 

After the chaos of the League of Villains' attack on the candy factory during 1-A's field trip, the pro heroes were called in to assess the situation and clean up the aftermath. As they arrived on the scene, they were greeted with a peculiar sight: the members of the LOV encased in what appeared to be rock candy.

At first, the heroes were wary. This could have been some kind of trap or trick, and they didn't want to let their guard down. However, upon closer inspection, they found that the candy was, in fact, just regular rock candy. And, to their surprise, it was incredibly thick and durable, almost impossible to break through.

It didn't take long for the heroes to piece together what had happened. They deduced that Midoriya, the young hero-in-training with the sugar quirk, must have used his power to encase the villains in the rock candy, effectively trapping them.

Despite the fact that Midoriya was just a student, the heroes couldn't deny that his quirk was extremely useful in this situation. They quickly located him, and he confirmed their suspicions, explaining how he had used his powers to create the candy prison.

The pro heroes were impressed, and some even suggested that Midoriya had a lot of potential as a hero. It wasn't often that they came across someone with such a unique and powerful quirk, and they knew that he could be a valuable asset in the future.

As for the LOV, they were stuck in the candy prison for quite some time. It took the pro heroes hours to finally break through the thick layers of rock candy and apprehend the villains. But, in the end, justice was served, and the villains were put away once again.

Word of Midoriya's heroism quickly spread throughout the hero community, and he became somewhat of a celebrity among his peers. His classmates, too, were in awe of his quick thinking and resourcefulness during the attack.

However, despite all the praise he received, Midoriya remained humble and focused on his goal of becoming the greatest hero. He knew that he still had a lot to learn and plenty of room for improvement.

But, as he watched the pro heroes work to clean up the candy factory and arrest the LOV, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in what he had accomplished. He had used his quirk to help others and had made a real difference in the world.

And, as he looked out at the heroes around him, he knew that this was only the beginning of his journey to becoming the greatest hero of all time.


The pro heroes were patrolling the forest, looking for any signs of trouble. Suddenly, they stumbled upon a small figure lying in the middle of a clearing. It was Izuku Midoriya, one of the most promising young heroes in training.

As they approached him, they could see that he was barely conscious. His body was weak and frail, and he was barely breathing. They quickly realized that something was seriously wrong.

One of the heroes checked Izuku's pulse and found that his heart rate was dangerously low. They knew they had to act quickly if they were going to save his life.

As they carried Izuku to the hospital, they pieced together what had happened. They learned that Izuku had a unique quirk - the ability to manipulate sugar in all its forms. However, he couldn't generate sugar on his own, which meant that he had to constantly replenish his body with sweet foods and drinks.

Unfortunately, Bakugo, who had been trusted to make sure Izuku's sugar levels stayed up, had failed to do his job. Izuku had gone too long without any sugary snacks or drinks, and his body had started to shut down.

When they arrived at the hospital, the doctors quickly realized what was wrong with Izuku. They put him on a sugar water IV, which was essentially a massive amount of pure maple syrup dissolved in water.

Izuku was fighting for his life, and the doctors did everything they could to keep him alive. They administered more sugar water IVs, and they constantly monitored his sugar levels to make sure he didn't dip too low.

Meanwhile, Bakugo was feeling incredibly guilty. He knew that he had let Izuku down, and he couldn't bear the thought of losing his friend.

When he finally saw Izuku in the hospital, he was shocked by how weak he looked. Izuku was barely conscious, and he could barely speak. Bakugo felt a surge of guilt wash over him, and he knew that he had to make things right.

But when he tried to talk to Izuku, he was met with anger and frustration. Izuku didn't want to see him, and he didn't trust him anymore.

Bakugo was devastated. He knew that he had made a mistake, and he didn't know how to fix it. He felt like he had lost his best friend, and he didn't know if he would ever be able to regain his trust.

Meanwhile, Todoroki had taken it upon himself to help keep Izuku's sugar levels up. He carried sugary snacks and drinks with him everywhere he went, and he was always ready to give Izuku a quick boost if he needed it.

Todoroki knew that Izuku was fighting for his life, and he was determined to do everything he could to help him. He was there for Izuku every step of the way, and he never left his side.

In the end, Izuku pulled through. He survived the ordeal, but he was forever changed by it. He knew that he had to be more careful with his quirk, and he couldn't trust just anyone to help him manage it.

Bakugo learned a valuable lesson as well. He realized that he had taken Izuku's trust for granted, and he knew that he had to work hard to regain it. He apologized to Izuku and promised to never let him down again.

After being released from the hospital for a week, Izuku was finally able to get some fresh air and enjoy a little bit of freedom. However, due to his condition, he still had to have a rolling IV attached to his arm for the week before returning.

Despite this, Izuku was grateful to be out of the hospital and able to do some fun things with his friends. Todo had promised to help him have some fun for the short week, and he kept his promise.

The two of them went to see a movie that Izuku had wanted to watch but almost missed due to his hospital visit. Todo even treated him to some of his favorite sugary treats, making sure to keep Izuku's sugar levels in check the whole time.

While they were out, Bakugo watched from a distance, feeling a twinge of sadness that he couldn't be the one to help Izuku have fun like Todo was doing. However, he understood why Izuku didn't want anything to do with him at the moment.

After the movie, Izuku and Todo walked around the city, enjoying the sights and sounds. Todo even showed him a few cool tricks with his ice powers, which impressed Izuku.

During their time together, Todo also made sure to teach Izuku some techniques on how to control his quirk better, especially when it came to his sugar levels. He explained to him that he needed to constantly replenish his body with sugary foods and drinks to keep his quirk from backfiring.

Todo even shared some of his own tips on how to carry around sugary snacks and drinks without it being too inconvenient. He showed him how to make his own energy drinks and how to mix maple syrup with water to create a sugar water solution.

With Todo's help, Izuku felt more confident in managing his quirk, and he felt grateful for the support and guidance. Even though he was still recovering and had to be careful with his quirk, he was happy to have friends who cared about him.

As the week came to a close, Izuku had to return to the hospital to have his rolling IV reattached. But he left feeling more optimistic about his future and his ability to control his quirk. And he knew that he had Todo and his other friends to thank for that.



Izuku is sitting on his bed, with a rolling IV attached to his arm. All Might and Bakugo are standing near the door, while Aizawa is sitting next to Izuku.

ALL MIGHT: "Now, Izuku, I know you've had a scare, but you need to be more careful with your quirk. We don't want any more accidents."

Izuku suddenly snaps, turning to face All Might with anger in his eyes.

IZUKU: "I WAS careful! It was Bakugo who wasn't! He was supposed to make sure I didn't run out of sugar, but he didn't! And I ended up nearly dying because of it!"

All Might and Bakugo both look taken aback by Izuku's outburst. Bakugo looks at the ground, ashamed.

BAKUGO: "I'm sorry, Izuku. I messed up. I should have been more responsible."

Izuku's expression softens a bit, but he still looks hurt.

IZUKU: "Sorry isn't going to make me healthy again, or give me back the time I've spent in the hospital. And it surely won't repair my heart."

ALL MIGHT: "Izuku, calm down. We're all here for you."

IZUKU: "You don't understand! I nearly died! I don't want to be back in the hospital again!"

Aizawa puts a hand on Izuku's shoulder, trying to soothe him.

AIZAWA: "All Might, telling Izuku to be careful is only going to make him more upset. He couldn't help what happened, and he's already been through enough."

All Might nods, understanding.

ALL MIGHT: "You're right, Aizawa. Izuku, we're sorry for upsetting you. We just want you to be safe."

Izuku nods, but he still looks upset. Todoroki enters the room, holding a bag of snacks and drinks.

TODOROKI: "Hey, Izuku. I brought you some snacks and drinks to help keep your sugar levels up."

Izuku's face brightens up, and he takes the bag from Todoroki with a grateful smile.

IZUKU: "Thank you, Todoroki. You're always looking out for me."

Todoroki nods, and the others in the room all look on with a mix of concern and relief.


Bakugo stands nervously in front of the Midoriya house, his head bowed in shame.

INKO (O.S.): Katsuki, what are you doing here?

Bakugo looks up to see Inko Midoriya standing in front of him, arms crossed over her chest.

BAKUGO: Mrs. Midoriya, I... I wanted to apologize.

INKO: (sighs) Come inside.


Bakugo follows Inko into the living room, where she takes a seat on the couch and gestures for him to sit across from her.

INKO: So, what do you have to say for yourself?

BAKUGO: I know I messed up, Mrs. Midoriya. I should have stayed with Izuku and made sure he was okay. But I wanted to go after the villain and...

INKO: (cuts him off) And you knew the risk. You knew what could happen if Izuku's sugar levels dropped too low. You knew how dangerous his quirk can be.

BAKUGO: I'm sorry, Mrs. Midoriya. I really am.

INKO: (sighs again) Katsuki, I'm not angry with you. I'm disappointed. You're supposed to be Izuku's friend. You're supposed to look out for him. And yet, you put him in danger.

BAKUGO: I know. I messed up. I shouldn't have left him alone like that.

INKO: (softens) Look, Katsuki. I know you care about Izuku. And I know you're not a bad person. But you need to understand the severity of what could have happened. Izuku's life was on the line. And I can't help but wonder... what if something had happened to him? What if he hadn't made it?

Bakugo hangs his head in shame.

BAKUGO: I understand, Mrs. Midoriya. And I'll make it up to him. I'll do whatever it takes.

INKO: (smiles) That's what I like to hear. Just remember to always put Izuku's safety first. He's counting on you.

As Bakugo was walking through the city, he stumbled upon a strange glowing ball on the ground. As he picked it up, he realized that it was showing him something. It was showing him what would have happened if the heroes had been even a minute later to rescue Izuku.

Bakugo's heart sank as he watched the scene unfold. Izuku was lying on the ground, his eyes closed, and his body pale and lifeless. The doctors were doing everything they could to save him, but it was too late. His sugar levels had dropped too low for too long, and his body had given up.

Bakugo felt a knot form in his stomach as he watched the scene play out before him. He couldn't imagine a world without Izuku in it. He couldn't imagine living with the guilt of knowing that he had been responsible for his friend's death.

As the scene faded away, Bakugo was left standing there, holding the glowing ball in his hand. He knew what he had to do. He had to make it up to Izuku. He had to show him that he was sorry and that he would never let anything like that happen again.

With a newfound determination, Bakugo set off to find Izuku. He didn't know if he would ever be able to make things right between them, but he was willing to try. He owed it to his friend, and he owed it to himself to be a better person.

As he walked, he clutched the glowing ball tightly in his hand, reminding himself of the consequences of his actions. He couldn't change the past, but he could make sure that he never made the same mistake again.


Izuku sits in his hospital bed, laptop open in front of him as he waits for the Zoom meeting to start. He's wearing his hospital gown and has a rolling IV stand by his side. He's excited to see his classmates and participate in the class, but he's also a bit nervous about being stuck in the hospital while everyone else is at UA.

Finally, the Zoom meeting starts and he sees the familiar faces of his classmates on the screen. They all wave and say hi to him, and he can't help but smile. His teacher, Aizawa, greets him as well and asks how he's feeling.

"I'm doing okay, sensei," Izuku replies. "Just recovering and trying to keep my sugar levels up."

The class continues, and Izuku participates as much as he can, answering questions and taking notes. He's grateful for the technology that allows him to still be a part of the class, even though he can't physically be there.

However, he can't help but feel a bit left out when his classmates talk about their training and experiences at UA. He wishes he could be there with them, working hard to become a hero.

As the class comes to an end, Aizawa tells Izuku that he's proud of him for keeping up with the class while recovering. Izuku thanks him, feeling a sense of validation and pride.

After the Zoom meeting ends, Izuku sits in his hospital bed, feeling a mix of emotions. He's happy to have participated in the class, but he also feels left out and frustrated that he can't be at UA with everyone else. He hopes that he'll be able to recover quickly and join his classmates soon.

and After several months of recovery and constant monitoring, Izuku was finally released from the hospital. However, due to the severity of his condition, he was ordered to stay at home and continue his treatment. He had a rolling IV attached to him at all times, and he couldn't leave his room without supervision.

At first, Izuku was frustrated with his situation. He missed his friends and he missed going outside. But he knew that he had to follow the doctor's orders if he wanted to get better. He spent most of his days reading, watching movies, and doing schoolwork through online classes.

Despite the boredom and the constant discomfort from the IV, Izuku was determined to recover fully. He followed his treatment plan diligently, never missing a single dose of his medication or skipping any of his check-ups. His mother, Inko, was there for him every step of the way, taking care of him and making sure he was comfortable.

During this time, Izuku also discovered a new hobby - baking. He had always loved sweets, and being stuck in his room all day gave him plenty of time to experiment with different recipes. He started with simple things like cookies and brownies, but soon moved on to more complicated desserts like cakes and pies.

Baking became a way for Izuku to distract himself from his situation and channel his energy into something positive. He even started sharing his creations with his friends, sending them pictures of his latest creations and getting their feedback.

As the weeks passed, Izuku's health gradually improved. He started to gain back some of the weight he had lost, and his energy levels increased. He was still on a strict regimen, but he was getting stronger every day.

Finally, after several months of being confined to his room, Izuku was given the green light to leave the house and start attending school in person again. He was overjoyed at the news and couldn't wait to see his friends again.

Although his experience had been difficult, it had also taught him a valuable lesson about the importance of taking care of himself and listening to his body. He knew that he still had a long way to go, but he was determined to make the most of his second chance and live life to the fullest.


Izuku had been back at UA for a few months now, but he still needed to keep a sugar patch attached to his body for monitoring his sugar levels. He had gotten used to it, but it was still uncomfortable at times.

One day, while he was in the cafeteria grabbing a snack, he felt a tug on his shirt. He turned around to see Monoma, one of his former bullies, holding the patch in his hand.

"Looks like you're still weak, Deku," Monoma sneered, holding up the patch for all to see.

Izuku's heart sank as he saw the patch in Monoma's hand. He knew how dangerous it was for someone to mess with his sugar levels, and he was afraid of what Monoma might do.

"Give that back, Monoma," Izuku said, trying to keep his voice calm.

Monoma just laughed. "What are you going to do about it, Deku? You can't even fight back."

Izuku felt a surge of anger rise up in him, but he knew he couldn't do anything physical with the IV attached to his arm. He took a deep breath and tried to think of a way to get the patch back.

Suddenly, he heard a voice behind him. "What's going on here?"

It was Aizawa, the homeroom teacher. Monoma sneered and held up the patch. "Just having a little fun with Deku here," he said.

Aizawa's eyes narrowed. "That's not funny, Monoma. Give the patch back to Midoriya."

Monoma reluctantly handed the patch back to Izuku, who quickly reattached it to his body. Aizawa turned to Monoma. "You're lucky I don't expel you for this. If I catch you bullying Midoriya again, you're out of here."

Monoma scowled and stormed off. Izuku breathed a sigh of relief and thanked Aizawa for his help.

From that day on, Izuku made sure to keep his sugar patch well-hidden under his clothes, but he couldn't help but feel a little bit of fear whenever he saw Monoma around campus. He knew he would always have to be careful, but he refused to let his bullies get the best of him. 

a few months later It was a bright sunny day at Ultra Academy, and Izuku was happy to be outside after spending so much time cooped up in his room. He had his soda IV bag strapped to his back, but the wheels on the stand made it difficult for him to climb the stairs to his classroom. Monoma, one of the students who had previously bullied him, saw Izuku struggling and started to laugh.

"Look at him, still weak and helpless," Monoma sneered to his friends.

Izuku felt embarrassed and frustrated, but before he could say anything, Todoroki stepped in. "Hey, Monoma, knock it off. We all have our struggles, and Izuku's been through a lot lately," Todoroki said firmly.

Monoma looked taken aback, not used to being challenged like this. "I was just joking," he muttered, looking away.

"Well, it wasn't funny," Todoroki said, taking the IV stand from Izuku and carrying it up the stairs for him. Izuku was grateful for the help, and the other students in the hallway looked on in silence.

As they entered the classroom, Izuku felt a wave of anxiety wash over him. He knew that some of the other students still saw him as weak and fragile, and he didn't want to be a burden on anyone. Todoroki must have sensed his discomfort because he placed the IV stand next to Izuku's desk and sat down next to him.

"You know, Izuku, you don't have to feel ashamed about needing help," Todoroki said quietly. "We all have weaknesses, and we all need each other to get through them."

Izuku looked up at Todoroki, surprised by his words. He had always admired Todoroki's strength and resilience, and it meant a lot to hear him say this. "Thank you, Todoroki," he said, feeling a sense of relief wash over him.

Todoroki smiled back at him. "No problem, Izuku. We're all in this together, after all."

From that day forward, Izuku felt more confident in himself and his abilities. He still needed the IV for a while longer, but he didn't feel like a burden anymore. With the support of his friends and classmates, he was able to focus on his studies and his recovery, knowing that he was not alone in his struggles.


Inko was beyond thrilled to hear the news from Izuku's doctor. After months of constantly worrying about her son's health and the need for him to be hooked up to an IV at all times, it was finally over. Izuku didn't need his IV anymore, and all he needed was a small monitoring patch that could keep track of his blood sugar levels.

Inko immediately went to her son's room to share the good news with him. She found him sitting at his desk, going through some class notes and textbooks, his face illuminated by the light of his computer screen. He looked up as she entered the room, and Inko saw a glimmer of hope in his eyes, something she hadn't seen in a long time.

"Izuku, the doctor said you don't need your IV anymore," she said, her voice laced with joy and relief.

Izuku's eyes widened, and a smile broke out on his face. "Really? That's amazing, Mom!" he said, his voice filled with excitement.

Inko nodded, tears welling up in her eyes. "Yes, my boy. You can finally be free of that IV," she said, her voice cracking with emotion.

Izuku got up from his desk, and for the first time in a long time, Inko saw him move with ease, without the weight of the IV holding him back. "Thank you, Mom. Thank you for always being there for me," he said, hugging his mother tightly.

Inko held onto her son, feeling grateful that he was still with her. The past year had been difficult, but they had made it through. She couldn't help but think about the times when Izuku's life had been in danger because of his quirk. She shuddered at the thought of losing her son, but now, they were on the road to recovery.

As she let go of her son, Inko smiled at him, and Izuku smiled back. They both knew that it was going to be a long road to recovery, but they were going to make it. Together.




Izuku is walking down the hallway with a monitoring patch on his arm when Monoma comes up to him.

MONOMA: (mocking) Hey, look at you with your little sugar babysitter. Can't even take care of yourself, can you?

Izuku tries to ignore him and keep walking, but Monoma continues to taunt him.

MONOMA: (cont'd) How pathetic. You're supposed to be a hero, but you can't even control your own quirk.

Izuku grits his teeth, clearly upset, but before he can say anything, Bakugo steps in.

BAKUGO: Hey, leave him alone.

Monoma turns to face Bakugo, a smug grin on his face.

MONOMA: What's it to you, Bakugo? You're the one who left him to die in the forest.

Bakugo's expression hardens, clearly regretful.

BAKUGO: I know, and I'm trying to make up for that now. But that doesn't give you the right to bully him.

MONOMA: (shrugs) I'm just having a little fun. It's not like he can do anything about it.

Todoroki steps up to stand with Bakugo.

TODOROKI: Actually, he can. And he doesn't have to do it alone.

Izuku looks up, surprised and grateful for the support.

MONOMA: (sarcastic) Oh, wow. The dynamic duo. What are you going to do, give me a cold shoulder?

Bakugo steps forward, his fists clenched.

BAKUGO: You need to back off. Now.

Monoma looks like he's about to continue the argument, but thinks better of it and walks away, muttering under his breath.

TODOROKI: (to Izuku) Are you okay?

Izuku nods, tears welling up in his eyes.

IZUKU: (voice trembling) Thank you.

BAKUGO: (awkwardly) Yeah, well...I still owe you for what happened in the forest.

IZUKU: (nodding) I know.

TODOROKI: (smiling) But for now, we're here for you.


Aizawa is teaching his class, while Izuku is sitting at his desk, concentrating on his lessons. A bowl of various sweets is placed on Aizawa's desk.

AIZAWA: (to the class) Alright, let's begin the next lesson.

As the class begins their exercise, Izuku seems to be struggling a bit, and Aizawa notices this. He grabs a pack of fruit-filled gummies and tosses it to Izuku, who catches it.

IZUKU: (thankful) Thank you, sensei.

AIZAWA: (nods) Just make sure to keep your sugar levels up, alright?

IZUKU: (nods) Yes, sir.

As the class continues, Aizawa occasionally glances at Izuku to check on him, and tosses him another pack of sweets when his sugar levels get low.


Izuku is sitting at his desk, discreetly munching on some candy as Aizawa begins the day's lesson. As the lesson goes on, Izuku starts to feel lightheaded and his vision starts to blur.

IZUKU: (whispers) Oh no...

Aizawa notices Izuku's state and walks over to him.

AIZAWA: (whispers) Need some sugar?

Izuku nods weakly and Aizawa quickly grabs a small vial of liquid sugar and injects it into Izuku's arm.

The sudden movement and injection draw the attention of another student, Yuki, who looks on with confusion.

YUKI: What was that? Why does he get special treatment?

Aizawa overhears Yuki's question and decides to explain Izuku's condition.

AIZAWA: (to Yuki) Izuku has a quirk that requires him to monitor his sugar levels constantly. If his sugar levels get too low, he could pass out or worse. We have a system in place to ensure that he stays healthy and safe.

Yuki looks at Izuku with newfound understanding and guilt.

YUKI: I had no idea. I'm sorry.

Izuku smiles weakly at Yuki.

IZUKU: It's okay. I appreciate your concern.

Aizawa turns to the class.

AIZAWA: And that's why I keep a bowl of sweets in my classroom. It's not just for snacking during class, it's also for Izuku's safety.

He tosses a pack of fruit-filled gummies to Izuku, who catches it with a grateful smile.

The class continues, but now with a newfound respect and understanding for Izuku and his condition.


As Izuku recovered from his health issues, he was able to attend class more regularly, albeit with a few adjustments to accommodate his medical needs. One day, while in class, he noticed a girl sitting a few seats away from him. He had seen her around before, but they had never formally met.

Curious, Izuku decided to introduce himself. "Hi, I'm Izuku Midoriya," he said, offering a small smile.

The girl looked up at him and returned the smile. "I'm Momo Yaoyorozu," she replied. "Nice to meet you, Izuku."

They struck up a conversation, discussing their interests and hobbies. Izuku was impressed by Momo's intelligence and creativity, and he found himself enjoying her company.

As they chatted, Izuku noticed that Momo seemed to have a natural sense of empathy and kindness. He felt comfortable sharing his medical struggles with her, including his need for a monitoring patch and occasional sugar shots.

To his relief, Momo didn't treat him any differently after learning about his condition. Instead, she listened attentively and asked thoughtful questions. Her genuine concern for his well-being touched Izuku, and he felt grateful to have made a new friend who accepted him for who he was.

From that day on, Izuku and Momo grew closer, bonding over their shared love of heroics and their unique quirks. He was glad to have met her and looked forward to getting to know her better.

Momo Yaoyorozu, also known as the heroine "Creati," had an incredibly useful and powerful Quirk called "Creation." With her Quirk, she could create anything she knew the molecular structure of, as long as she had enough lipids in her body. It was an incredibly versatile and practical ability that could be used in many different ways.

Izuku was fascinated as Momo demonstrated her Quirk for him, creating various objects from thin air with ease. He had never seen anything like it before and asked her many questions about how it worked and how she trained to use it.

Momo was happy to share her knowledge with Izuku, explaining how she had to study extensively to learn the molecular structures of various objects in order to be able to create them. She also told him about how she trained her control and precision with her Quirk, something Izuku could relate to as he worked to master One For All.

As they talked, Izuku couldn't help but feel envious of Momo's amazing Quirk. He had always wished he had a Quirk like that, something that could make a difference in the world and help him become a great hero. But he knew he couldn't let his jealousy cloud his appreciation for Momo's abilities and he continued to listen and learn from her.

Izuku was in the midst of a fierce battle, his body moving quickly and gracefully as he dodged attacks and landed powerful punches. But as the fight dragged on, he began to feel the effects of his condition. His sugar levels were dropping rapidly, and he knew he needed to find a way to get more sugar into his system or he would be forced to retreat.

That's when he heard Momo's voice over the comms. "Izuku, are you okay?" she asked.

"I'm running low on sugar," he replied, panting heavily. "I can't keep this up much longer."

Momo quickly assessed the situation and realized she could help. Using her quirk, she created a large amount of sugar for Izuku to control. He gratefully accepted it and was able to use it to create shields and swords to defend himself and attack his opponent.

But as the fight continued, Izuku found himself in a tight spot once again. His sugar levels were dangerously low, and he couldn't seem to find any more sugar nearby to control. Momo quickly sprang into action once more, creating more sugar for him to use.

Izuku concentrated hard, using the sugar to create a shield that deflected an attack from his opponent. He then quickly followed up with a powerful punch, taking down his foe and winning the fight.

"Thanks, Momo," he said, his voice full of gratitude.

"Of course, Izuku," she replied with a smile. "We're a team, and we're here to help each other out."


The hallways of UA High School were filled with students hustling to get to their classes. Among them, Izuku walked with a soda in one hand and his sugar monitoring patch visible on his other arm. As he walked past Monoma, the class 1-B student sneered at him.

"What's up, sugar babysitter?" Monoma taunted, referring to Izuku's patch.

Izuku tried to ignore him and quickened his pace, but Monoma followed him. "What are you going to do when there's no sugar around, huh?" he continued to taunt.

Izuku's face fell, and he started to lose his appetite. He had already heard this question multiple times, and it always made him feel insecure about his quirk. He knew that without sugar, he was powerless. Izuku stopped in his tracks and looked down at the ground.

Bakugo and Todoroki, who had been walking a few steps behind them, noticed Izuku's change in demeanor. They quickly made their way towards him.

"What's going on?" Bakugo asked, looking at Monoma.

"He's just being a jerk," Todoroki replied, his eyes locked onto Izuku.

Bakugo turned his attention to Izuku and tried to cheer him up. "Hey, don't let him get to you, Deku," he said, placing a hand on Izuku's shoulder. "Your quirk might be situational, but you're still strong as hell."

Todoroki nodded in agreement. "And we'll always have your back, no matter what," he added.

Izuku forced a smile, grateful for his friends' support. He knew that they were right, but Monoma's words still stung.

Bakugo then noticed something on the nearby vending machine. "Hey, isn't that a moonpie?" he asked, pointing to the treat.

Izuku's eyes widened, and he nodded eagerly. "Yeah, it is," he said.

Bakugo grabbed the moonpie and handed it to Izuku. "Try to control the sugary marshmallow in it," he said.

Izuku hesitated for a moment before biting into the moonpie. He concentrated on the sugar in it, and to his surprise, he was able to control it. The sugary marshmallow formed a ball in his mouth, and he felt the rush of energy that came with it.

With newfound confidence, Izuku turned to Monoma and aimed his hand. The sugary marshmallow shot out of his palm and hit Monoma square in the face. The moonpie exploded, covering Monoma in chocolate and marshmallow.

Bakugo and Todoroki couldn't help but laugh as Monoma wiped the sticky mess off his face. Izuku grinned, feeling grateful for his friends and their unwavering support.

From that day on, Monoma never taunted Izuku again. And whenever he felt insecure about his quirk, Bakugo and Todoroki were always there to remind him of his strength.


One day, Izuku woke up feeling nauseous and dizzy. He knew something was off, but he didn't want to alarm his mother or any of his classmates. However, as the day progressed, his condition only worsened. He felt weak and couldn't hold down any solid foods, including the sweets he usually relied on to manage his blood sugar levels.

Izuku knew that his situation was dangerous, and he needed help. He called his mother, who immediately took him to the hospital. The doctors were alarmed by his low blood sugar levels and the fact that he couldn't keep any food down. They diagnosed him with the stomach flu and advised him to stay in bed and drink plenty of fluids until he felt better.

Izuku felt frustrated and scared. He couldn't manage his blood sugar levels, and he knew that his condition could worsen quickly. He was worried that he might end up in the hospital again or, even worse, suffer permanent damage to his body.

Fortunately, his classmates and teachers rallied around him. They sent him messages of encouragement and support and offered to help in any way they could. His friend Momo came to visit him and brought him sugar-free fluids to keep him hydrated. Bakugo and Todoroki, who had experienced similar illnesses in the past, shared tips and tricks to help him manage his symptoms.

Even though he was stuck in bed, Izuku felt grateful for his friends' support. He realized that he wasn't alone in his struggles and that he could rely on his classmates to help him through the toughest times.

Slowly but surely, Izuku started to feel better. He was able to keep down liquids and eventually some solid foods, though he still couldn't handle anything too sweet. His teachers and classmates continued to check in on him, and he felt more connected to them than ever before.

The experience taught Izuku the importance of self-care and the value of friendship. He knew that he couldn't manage his condition alone and that he needed to rely on his friends and family to help him stay healthy. He felt lucky to have such a supportive community and vowed to be there for them in return.

Inko rushed to the store to find the sweetest sodas that could help Izuku control his sugar levels. She knew that solid sweets were not an option for him as he was unable to hold them down due to the stomach flu. As she scanned through the aisles, she carefully read the nutrition labels of each 2 liter soda brand. She wanted to make sure she picked the ones with the highest sugar content.

Finally, after a few minutes of searching, Inko found a few sodas with high sugar content. She quickly picked them up and headed to the checkout counter. While in the queue, she couldn't help but worry about Izuku's health. She knew how important it was for him to have his sugar levels in control, especially during his recovery.

Once she paid for the sodas, Inko hurried back home to give them to Izuku. She found him in his room, looking pale and weak. "Izuku, I got you some sodas," she said as she handed him the cans.

Izuku weakly smiled and took the sodas. "Thank you, Mom," he whispered.

Inko stayed with him for a while, making sure he drank the sodas slowly and kept them down. After a few hours, she left to let him rest, but not before reminding him to drink the sodas in small sips to avoid vomiting.

Over the next few days, Inko made sure to stock up on the sweetest sodas she could find. She also made sure to prepare some homemade sugar water that Izuku could sip on throughout the day. With her care and attention, Izuku slowly recovered from the stomach flu and was able to keep his sugar levels in control.

Inko goes to the pharmacy and asks the pharmacist for a cold medicine that won't affect Izuku's sugar levels but will help him feel better. The pharmacist recommends a particular brand of cough syrup that contains a normal amount of sugar but suggests that Inko mix it with some sweet drinks to make it more palatable for Izuku.

Inko thanks the pharmacist and quickly purchases the cough syrup and some sweet sodas plus a large supply of tissues for Izuku to use. She sets them next to him on the couch and brings him a warm blanket to help him feel better.

Izuku goes through tissues quickly, and Inko has to make multiple trips to the store to replenish their supply. She also makes sure to give him plenty of fluids and keeps a close eye on his sugar levels, adjusting his intake as needed.

later Inko walked into Izuku's room carrying a tray with a steaming mug on it. Izuku was curled up in his bed, surrounded by tissues and cough drops wrappers.

"Here you go, sweetie," Inko said, placing the tray on Izuku's lap. "I made you some tea with syrup, lemon, and honey. It'll soothe your sore throat and help keep your sugar levels up."

Izuku looked up at his mom with a weak smile. "Thanks, mom. You always know how to take care of me."

Inko sat down on the edge of the bed and placed a hand on Izuku's forehead. "You're burning up, Izuku. I think we should call the doctor again."

"I'm okay, Mom," Izuku protested weakly. "I just need to rest and drink lots of fluids."

Inko nodded, but her worried expression didn't disappear. "Okay, but I'll be checking on you every hour to make sure you're okay. And I bought you some special cold medicine that won't affect your sugar levels to keep you going."

Izuku is surprised at the sweetness of the medicine and cough syrup but is grateful that it won't affect his sugar levels. He thanks his mom for taking care of him and apologizes for causing her so much trouble. Inko assures him that it's not a problem and that she will always be there for him.

Izuku sipped on his tea, feeling the warmth soothe his sore throat. "Thanks, Mom. You're the best."

Inko smiled, tucking a strand of hair behind Izuku's ear. "Anything for my little hero."

Despite the setback, Izuku is grateful for his mother's care and attention. He knows he wouldn't have been able to recover as quickly without her help.

As the days go on, Izuku slowly begins to feel better. His appetite returns, and he's able to keep down solid sweets again. Inko continues to monitor his health closely, ensuring he's fully recovered before he returns to school.

Over the next few days, Inko makes sure to keep Izuku hydrated and gives him the cough syrup whenever he needs it. She also makes sure to keep the house warm and comfortable for him. Eventually, Izuku's cold subsides, and he begins to feel better. He thanks his mom for taking care of him and promises to be more careful in the future to avoid getting sick again.


It was a typical day at the gym where Izuku and Todoroki went for their regular workouts. Izuku was feeling good, his sugar levels stable, and his monitoring patch showed no signs of any complications. However, things took a turn when a new guy joined the gym, a health and fitness nut who was obsessed with his diet.

The guy, whose name was Eric, was a tall and muscular man who was always bragging about his diet and exercise regimen. He immediately noticed Izuku's monitoring patch and began to question him about it. "What's that patch for?" Eric asked, eyeing Izuku suspiciously.

Izuku, not wanting to go into the details of his condition, simply explained that it was a medical device that helped him monitor his sugar levels. However, Eric wasn't satisfied with that answer. He went on to explain how sugar was bad for the body and how people who consumed too much sugar were just making excuses for their poor diets.

Izuku tried to explain that he needed sugar to maintain his sugar levels and that it was an essential part of his diet, but Eric wouldn't listen. He was convinced that Izuku was just using his condition as an excuse to eat junk food. As the workout continued, Eric made it clear that he wasn't going to let Izuku have any of his sweets when his sugar levels dropped.

As the workout went on, Izuku's sugar levels began to drop. He pulled out his sugar needle, but Eric snatched it out of his hand before he could use it. "You don't need that junk," Eric said, tossing the needle into the trash.

Izuku tried to explain that he needed the sugar to avoid passing out, but Eric refused to listen. "No excuses," he said, "you need to learn to control your body without relying on sugar."

Todoroki, who had been watching the exchange, had enough. He stepped in and tried to reason with Eric, but the man was stubborn and wouldn't listen to reason. Finally, Bakugo, who had been in the weight room next door, stormed in, his eyes ablaze with anger.

"What's the problem here?" he demanded.

Eric turned to face Bakugo, his muscles tensing in anticipation of a fight. "This guy won't stop making excuses for his crappy diet," he said, pointing at Izuku.

Bakugo looked over at Izuku, who was now pale and shaking. He could see the monitoring patch on Izuku's arm, and he knew that Eric was in the wrong. "You need to back off," Bakugo said, stepping closer to Eric. "Izuku's condition is serious, and he needs his sugar to survive."

Eric sneered at Bakugo, his fists clenching. "I don't care," he said, "he needs to learn to control his body without relying on junk food."

Bakugo gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. He was about to say something else when Todoroki stepped forward. "You don't know anything about Izuku's condition," he said. "He needs his sugar, and he has every right to use it."

Eric scoffed at Todoroki, but before he could say anything, Bakugo charged at him, his fists swinging wildly. Eric tried to fight back, but Bakugo was too fast and too strong. Within seconds, they were rolling on the ground, a cartoonish dust cloud obscuring the fight.

Izuku, who was still weak from his low sugar levels, watched as Bakugo and Eric fought. He knew that Bakugo was defending him, and he felt a sense of gratitude towards him. Eventually, Bakugo emerged from the dust cloud, his fists raised in victory

Aizawa and Shigaraki were beyond furious when they heard about the health and fitness nut who had been refusing to let Izuku have his sweets to maintain his sugar levels. How dare he put the life of a student in danger just because of his own ignorant beliefs about diet and health? Aizawa immediately contacted the school principal and requested that the nut be removed from his position. He couldn't believe that someone with such a dangerous mindset was allowed to work with students.

Shigaraki, on the other hand, was even more enraged. As the leader of the League of Villains, he had no qualms about using his quirk to take down anyone who stood in his way. But he was also a man of honor, and he couldn't let someone exploit his own nephew's medical issues. He decided to pay a visit to the nut himself and give him a piece of his mind.

When he arrived at the gym where the nut was working, Shigaraki's presence was enough to make the man tremble in fear. He knew who Shigaraki was, and he knew what he was capable of. But that didn't stop him from trying to defend his beliefs. "I'm just trying to help him," he said, "I don't want him to rely on sweets for his sugar levels. It's not healthy."

Shigaraki scoffed. "You think you know better than a doctor? You think you know better than his own mother?" He stepped closer to the man, his hand hovering dangerously close to his face. "You don't know anything. You're just a glorified gym teacher."

The man backed away, fear in his eyes. "I didn't mean any harm," he stammered. "I just want him to be healthy."

Shigaraki shook his head. "You're not helping him. You're endangering his life." He took a step forward, and the man stumbled back. "If you ever try to interfere with his medical treatment again, I'll make sure you regret it."

The man nodded, too scared to speak. Shigaraki turned on his heel and walked out of the gym, his rage barely contained. He couldn't believe that his own sister's child had been put in danger because of someone's misguided beliefs about health and fitness. He vowed to keep a closer eye on Izuku from now on, to make sure that nothing like this ever happened again.

As for the nut, he was never seen at the school again. The principal had taken Aizawa's concerns seriously and had promptly fired him, citing his dangerous behavior as a liability to the students. It was a harsh lesson, but one that needed to be learned. In the end, everyone could breathe a little easier knowing that Izuku's life was no longer in danger.

Meanwhile, Izuku continued with his perfect diet, and his sugar levels remained stable. Inko made sure to keep a close eye on him, monitoring his levels and making sure he had everything he needed to stay healthy. And with Shigaraki watching his back, Izuku knew that he was safe from anyone who would try to harm him.

In the end, the incident with the health and fitness nut only served to strengthen the bond between Izuku, his mother, and his uncle. They knew that they had to rely on each other to keep him safe, and they were more than willing to do whatever it took to make sure that he remained healthy and happy. And as long as they were there for him, nothing could stand in his way.

The other students were stunned to learn that the infamous villain Shigaraki was actually Izuku's uncle. They couldn't believe it, especially after seeing how kind and caring he was towards Izuku. Even though he was a villain, Shigaraki was a great uncle who always made sure Izuku had what he needed to manage his medical condition.

Despite their initial shock, the students couldn't help but be touched by the sight of Shigaraki giving Izuku a pack of gummy bears when his sugar levels were low. They could see the genuine concern and love in his eyes as he looked at his nephew. It was a side of him they never expected to see, given his reputation as a notorious villain.

Over the next few weeks, the students gradually warmed up to Shigaraki, realizing that he was a complex person who couldn't be judged solely on his villainous actions. They learned that he and Inko had grown up together and had a close sibling bond, despite their vastly different paths in life.

Izuku was thrilled to see his uncle become accepted by his classmates, and he felt grateful for the support he was receiving from both his family and his friends at school. He knew that he was lucky to have such a strong support system, especially during the tough times when he struggled to manage his condition.

As time went on, the students saw more and more of Shigaraki's caring side. They noticed that he often brought special snacks and drinks for Izuku to help him regulate his sugar levels during class. He also offered to talk to other students who were struggling with medical issues, providing them with words of encouragement and support.

Eventually, the students came to see Shigaraki as more than just a villain. They saw him as a person who had a complicated past and a difficult present, but who was still capable of showing love and kindness to those around him. And in a way, they were grateful to Izuku for giving them the opportunity to see this side of his uncle that they never would have known otherwise.

In the end, Izuku's medical condition had brought him closer to his uncle and his classmates. It had shown him the power of family, friendship, and acceptance. And even though he still had to manage his condition every day, he knew that he was never alone in the struggle.

Bakugo was stunned. He had just witnessed the villain Shigaraki threatening a health nut who refused to give Izuku his sweets. He had always known that Shigaraki was Izuku's uncle, but he had never seen him in action before. Bakugo watched in awe as Shigaraki stood up for Izuku and made it clear that no one messes with his nephew.

As soon as the health nut backed down, Shigaraki turned to Izuku with a smile and handed him a pack of gummy bears. "Here you go, kid. You need to keep your sugar levels up," he said.

Izuku looked up at Shigaraki with gratitude in his eyes. Despite being a villain, Shigaraki was a good uncle to him and always made sure he had the sweets he needed to control his quirk.

Bakugo was impressed by Shigaraki's actions. He had always thought of villains as evil and heartless, but seeing Shigaraki's protectiveness towards Izuku made him realize that things were not always black and white. He made a mental note to not underestimate his classmates, including Izuku's villainous uncle.

As Izuku ate his gummy bears, Bakugo walked up to him. "Hey, you okay?" he asked.

Izuku nodded, a small smile on his face. "Thanks to Shigaraki, I am," he replied.

Bakugo smirked. "Yeah, well, don't get too attached to him. He's still a villain, after all," he said.

Izuku nodded in agreement. He knew that his uncle was a villain, but he couldn't help feeling grateful for the moments when he showed his caring side.

From that day on, Bakugo had a newfound respect for Shigaraki and a deeper appreciation for the complexity of the world they lived in. He knew that things were not always as they seemed, and that there was more to people than their labels.


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I love you so much. WARNING: SMUT
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My chapters aren't too long but I try to update frequently, if you want longer chapters just tell me and I'll do it 😊 Thanks for reading! ♥️✨
4.2K 323 17
a phanfic **warning, contains suicidal thoughts, depression, and anxiety**