Genshin Impact x male reader

By Keirlovesyou

4.3K 103 7

Scary wolf boy makes friends and learns about his deadbeat dad‼️😱!??!? More

Scary woman
Freaking old lady
Dragon spine sickness
Meeting someone new
The rumor.
A strange dream

The Knights.

1.6K 18 2
By Keirlovesyou

The sun hung low in the sky as the two wolf-human hybrids padded silently through the dense forest. Pink and orange rays of light laid bright in the sky, decorating the suns window to Earth.

Their keen senses were on high alert, searching for any sign of their prey. The first hybrid, a muscular and powerful figure with hair as dark/light as the night/snow led the way. His sharp eyes darted from tree to tree, scanning for any movement.

Beside him walked the second hybrid, a strong and agile creature with long hair that matched the color of silver. His nose twitched as he picked up the scent of their quarry.

The two had been hunting together for years, and their bond was unbreakable. They had been sent out by their pack to hunt for food; a task that they took very seriously.

As they moved through the forest, they came across tracks that led them to a small clearing. The two hybrids exchanged a knowing look and crept forward, their movements graceful and silent. They could hear the breathing of their prey, a few huddled boar, as they grazed in the late sunlight.

The grey haired boy moved his feet to leap at the boar, but was abruptly stopped by a hand pulling harshly on his clothes and tugging him back into the cover of the bushes. The boars quickly scurried away

Razor, the silver haired male was about to turn his head to Ask Y/N, the (H/C) haired male what happened, but something that almost sounded like an arrow shooting just in front of his head beyond the bushes shut him up quickly.

A sword whizzed past the characters' faces and plunged into the ground with a metallic clang. They are hit with a sudden rush of adrenaline. The sound of the blade cutting through the air is sharp and piercing, like the sound of a thunderbolt splitting the sky. The impact of the sword hitting the ground created a deep, reverberating thud that almost send vibrations through their bodies.

The two remain completely silent, and footsteps can soon be heard coming from the direction the sword came.

A man with long blonde hair that was tied into a braid grunted while pulling the sword from the ground.

"Look Aether! We made it to Wolvendom!"

A strangely high pitched woman said. Her happy comment was followed up by a scared gasp. Razor peaked over the bushes silently, his red eyes darting around to observe. He was a little surprised to see a large hydro slime blocking the path of the boy called 'Aether.'

Without a second thought, Razor leapt a second time from the bushes and ran to help the two travelers. He held his big claymore up to the slimes in a threatening way, making them quickly scurry off.

Y/N let out a soft huff, standing up from his place behind the bushes. As he emerged from his hiding spot behind the bush, he moved cautiously and deliberately, trying to appear non-threatening despite the fact that his cover had been blown. He scanned the area with a sense of urgency, taking in his surroundings and assessing the situation to determine whether he was still in danger.

His movements were quick and efficient, portraying a sense of training or experience in staying alert and aware. His eyes darted back and forth, searching for any signs of trouble or hostility in the blonde traveler and even the strange toddler-fairy thing floating beside him. his body remained tense, ready to react at a moment's notice.

Despite the tension in the air, Y/Ns expression was calm and composed, as if he were accustomed to dealing with unexpected situations.

"Wow., thank you— Ahh! A wolf! Run!"

The tiny person shouted as she saw Y/Ns ears and his poofy tail. For a moment, one could swear they saw Y/Ns expression became that of annoyance.

Razor put his hands up, waving them lightly

"Ah- D-do not worry! Wolf friend. But you are.?"

His tone was reassuring, but also somehow questioning. His voice was a bit horse from breathing so harshly without any water just a few minutes earlier.

"Oh.. we're just boring travelers..!"

The annoying little girl quickly said. A tension still surrounded the group, mostly stemming from Y/Ns peircing gaze as he stared at both the travelers. Razor sniffed the air, tilting his head to the side slightly.

"Don't smell boring.. you smell.. familiar, like.. Knights of Favonius!"

He said quietly. Y/N nudged the boys side, getting his attention.

"Razor, don't smell them!"

Y/N scolded. The small girl gasped, almost interrupting Y/Ns sentence.

"Wow, you can talk!? That's a relief, hahaha!"

Y/N shot her a short glare. She gasped and flew behind the blonde man.

"I apologize.. she can be a little blunt,"

The golden haired boy paused for a moment

"..Razor, was it? Are you one of the Knights as well?"

Razor shook his head. The sound of wolves howling filled the small moment of silence. Y/N glanced behind him, to the direction in which the howling came. He let out a soft sigh before whispering to Razor something inaudible. Razor turned around without a second thought, running off into the forest. A little man on a mission. :)

Y/N waited until he was far away, past the tree line of the clearing and then some before diverting his gaze back to the traveler. His eyebrows were furrowed, and his lips quirked.

"Who are you? You scared away my prey."

Another pause of silence consumed the group. The short toddler girl spoke after a moment

"Ohhh, I'm Paimon, and this right here is Aether! do you mean the boar? Don't worry, we can get you some food! Aether here has plenty of mora!"

She said happily. Y/N contemplated her offer quietly. His eyes stared into the travelers, as if he was searching for a hint of dishonesty through Aethers pupils.

'Will razor and the others find food without me? No, stop overthinking Y/N. Of course they will, Razors just as capable as you are.'

He sighed.


Paimon squealed happily, flying up to Y/N and grabbing his hand. He reluctantly allowed himself to be pulled by paimon. He eventually pulled his hand away from paimons, crossing his arms as they got further away from the forest of Wolvendom.

The trio made it to a large stone bridge, walking across it in silence. All the while, Y/N was constantly on watch. His eyes looked over everything and examined in mere seconds. 

A small blonde boy who looked no older than 10 was knelt down on the ground, throwing bread crumbs to the pigeons that stood in front of him. Y/N and the travelers walked past him quietly. A few of the pigeons flew away as they approached, making the little boy whine.

"Hey! You're scaring away the pigeons!"

He whined. Y/N glanced to the boy and then at a few of the pigeons. Before Aether could even form a response to the boy, Y/N had already started moving. Catching birds was child's play for him at this point, so it wasn't hard to very literally grab one of the pigeons as they tried to fly away.

Y/N caught one and held it in his hands by it's feet, making it squirm and flap it's wings before Y/N placed his hand over it with a bit of caution as to not injure it extensively. Y/N walked over to the now scared little boy and held out the bird to him.  Paimon gasped, quickly flying over to Y/N and prying Y/Ns hands open with every ounce of strength she had. Y/N allowed her to do so, watching in silence as the pigeon flew away.

The child looked up at Y/N and scooted away from him.

"What? You wanted them to stay, didn't you? Be grateful."

Y/N huffed as he began to cross his arms., but was interrupted by Aether hurriedly pulling him away and apologizing to the kid who he called Timmy as well as quietly telling Y/N not to 'be so harsh'. He sighed softly, taking a short glance backwards at Timmy as he was pulled.

The three of them approached the large stone wall that enclosed the island deserted peice of land called Mondstat. Two guards we're positioned outside, and both of them gave Y/N a questioning glance, witch he returned confidently until they were forced to divert their eyes to the ground.

Aether slowed himself down a bit, allowing Y/N to catching up and walk side by-side with him. Aether began pointing out a few different places in the little town.

"Over there is the flower shop. There's the souvenir shop, and here's Good Hunter."

He explained while pointing out different areas to Y/N, who was nodding. The aroma of garlic and butter filled the groups nostrils as they got closer to the restaurant Aether called 'Good Hunter'. Y/Ns stomach grumbled, making him blush a bit.

Y/N took his seat at one of the two tables around the restaurant. Aether went to the front of the stand, chit-chatting happily with the woman before ordering himself something called the 'sticky honey roast'. Aether turned back for a moment, glancing at Y/N and raising an eyebrow

"Do you know what you'd like?"

He called.


Aether chuckled, turning back to Sara and asking her to make the 'chicken mushroom Skewer.'

After ordering, the lady who ran the shop went right to work. Aether casually sat down on the opposite side of Y/N, opening his mouth to speak, but being interrupted by a loud happy voice that suddenly appeared behind Y/N, making him jump slightly before turning around. His ears pulled back slightly

"Aether?! I didn't think you'd be back from your adventure so soon! Who is this?"

The woman dressed in all red asked with a smile. She had a noticeable red bow and skimpy shorts on, along with a long sleeve white and red shirt and a utility belt.


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