The Adventures of Spider Med

By JameelJames4

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Kai, Kaz, and Oliver are three boys who share a love for superheroes. One day, they stumble upon a secret hos... More

Cast (season 1)
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Story/personal Update
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Episode 1: Saving people who save people (part 1)
Episode 3: Frighty Med
Episode 4: I, Normo

Episode 2: Saving people who save people (part 2)

775 24 11
By JameelJames4


Well there you, witness a teenage Boy who just got bit by radioactive spider and is now doing fourth wall break, other spider man's have done that before right? Anyway as I woke up I found a change with myself.

I woke up after that bad experience as I get and went to put a shirt on I looked in the mirror and see I grew a six pack. I was shocked more than ever, to see what had happened to be before, I guess the spider gave me to look more buff.

Mom: (downstairs) Honey are you?

Kai: yeah, I'm great.

Mom: (Downstairs) well made any change yet?

Kai: change? yup, a Huge change.

Mom: (Downstairs) Hurry before you miss school.

Kai: right coming.

I soon changed into my clothes and grab Stan lee's comic, I too one last look at my body and still was amazed at what has happened to me I went down stairs in excitement and scared my parents.

Dad: (shocked) whoa, take it easy kiddo. Nearly give me a heart attack.

Kai: sorry dad, but gotta go to school. (Grabs my bag)

Mom: don't forget your lunch.

Kai: (grabs the lunch) thanks love you guys bye!

Parents: bye!

I was on my way to school and as I went a little faster, faster and faster as I kept going and soon started to run and I was able to make it in school on time before the bell. That has never happened Before, i am so enjoying all of this. I saw Kaz and Oliver by our lockers.

Kai: hey guys.

Kaz: Dude it's like super early for you, something change about you, is it the new shirt?

Kai: you guys won't believe what just happened this morning.

Oliver: well, what is it?

Kai: well look, (reveals his shirt and shows his six pack) see.

Kaz: no way, dude you got a six pack?

Oliver: how?

Kai: it must have been form the spider, it's radioactive ability must have made me look like this.

Oliver: Dude, you realize what this means?

Kaz: yea, it means you have been working out a lot.

Oliver: No, it means Kai Has superpowers.

Kaz: Dude that's awesome. Wait, do you know what other powers you have?

Kai: not sure all I know is I have super speed and...

Oliver: Dude, your lunch bag.

I look at my hand see it was stuck to the bag as I try to pull it off I couldn't, about a few seconds later my hand was on the locker and I knew that if I try to take my hand off I would break the locker.

Kai: well, I can say stick powers is on the list. I'll just leave it like this.

Oliver: oh man, yesterday was so cool, I can't believe save the people who Save people, plus with Kai getting Powers, is a whole new level of joy.

Kaz: you should trade mark that, I would totally by that shirt.

Kai: I sure would, and I would be a superhero on top with and medical sign on it.

Jordan: (comes around the corner) sooo, you guys find anything cool?

Kaz: (nervous laugh) like what, a hospital for...

Kai: (covers his mouth) For comic fans, that really are way too into it and the need psychic help?

Jordan: No, I meant for our found objects robot? Now this is a all day project so please keep Gus under control all day.

Kaz: don't worry, we won't let him anywhere near you.

Gus: (goes by Jordan and sniffs all around here) New shampoo?

Kai: (looks at Kaz) Had to jinx it, didn't you?

Jordan: (disgusted) No. it's bug replant and obviously it's not working.

Gus: anyways, you ask for found objects and I found this in my room...

Kai: (whispers) please don't be a dead fish.

Gus: (pulls out money from his pocket) 500 dollars in small bills. My parents give me money instead of attention.

Oliver: (grabs something out of his pocket) excuse us for a minute.

Kaz and Olivier go to leave but look behind and see me still standing by where I was and try to gesture me to come over but I point to my sticky fingers problem and so they come back and turn me facing them in a corner.

Oliver: (whispers) okay let me catch you up to speed, see when you were at home, we got communications that connects us to mighty med, (pass one to me and I take it) and right now they need us at the hospital, what do we do?

Kaz: (whispers) we have to go i mean it's an opportunity of a lifetime.

Kai: (whispers) he's right, but we'll need a excuse to leave.

Oliver: (whispers) follow my lead. (Goes back to Jordan and Gus) hey Kaz, Kai and I have to take off for a bit.

Jordan: What?! You can't go, you guys promise to help me on this project.

Oliver: I know, we'll be back soon, we just have to umm...

Kai: (think's quick) get the robot supply's from his grandmother house.

Oliver: that's right we have to go to my grandmother's house to get the supplies for our robot.

Kaz: right we gotta go, see ya.

As kaz try to pull us away, we're pull back dude to my sticky hands, and they decide to help, with all strength well except for Oliver's, we were able to get my hands free but slight problem, my hands were now stuck to the locker door, and noticed Jordan and Gus saw we run as fast as we can and never turn back but still heard Jordan say this.

Jordan: (yelling) Please hurry back, I need you guys, do not flank on me Kaz!


We got to mighty Med back in time with me and the locker door to my hands.

Horace: Boys, so great to see ya!

Alan: yes, so great.

Kai: Aww, you do care about us, maybe I'll get a nice gif for you.

Alan: really?

Kai: Na, but if anything I'll get you a voice changer to disguise your voice. (Alan gives me an angry face and I look at Horace) hey doc, we got your call, what's this about?

Horace: MegaHertz, Is running a muck in the city, we need your help.

Kai: sure but doc, I got a problem...

Nurse: make a path people, I got a beloved superhero has a puncture wound to the chest, object appears to be... a stop sign?

Oliver: guys that's Techton!

Kaz: Dude, you are all time favorite superhero,
Are you okay? What happened to you?

Techton: MegaHertz was robbing the federal reserve bank, when he try to make an unauthorized withdrawal i stop him, unfortunately he made it unauthorized to put this stop sign in my chest. (Flicks on the stop sign)

Kai: Dude, a hero to make joke while he's hurt, that's the best thing ever, Beside the hurt part.

Kaz: I'm sure people ask you this all the time, can you punch me in the Stomach really hard as you can?

Techton: sorry, if I puch you in the stomach I have to punch everyone in the stomach, also you would die instantly.

A/n: Would you let you favorite superhero punch you in the stomach?

Nurse: ready?

Horace: Wheel techton to the OR.

Nurse: yes sir, (push techton) oh who's your trainer? Because I am this close to firing Gearmo.

Horace: boys, how would you like to observe Techton's surgery?

Kai: (shock) Are you kidding, we would be honored!

Oliver: oh, we kinda have a prior commitment.

Horace: huh, I thought you're commitment was to this hospital? Guess I misjudged you. (Starts to leave and we got scared.

Oliver: No No, we definitely want to work here, it would be a dream come true. It's just we promise our friend...

Kaz: this is Techton, we can make new friends, superhero friends.

Kai: hate to say it but kaz is right, if we don't save Techton then he can't save the world and it would be our fault.

Oliver: okay, count us in.

Horace: Excellent, you'll be saving the people who save people.

Kaz: aw, I told you should have trade mark it.

Horace: too late. (Reveals his shirt that shows the logo with "saving the people who save people"

Kai: I pictured there would be a hero on it, but doc seriously, I need to talk to you.

Horace: what? (Gets scared) I hope it's not the butts fall off part?

Kai: no it's not that. (Horace sighs in relief) it's about that spider yesterday. Apparently it changed me.

Horace: change you how?

Nurse: Look out!

Soon I felt a huge tingle in my head and soon turn and saw a rocket that flying to me, soon my instinct kicked in and jumped so high that I reach the ceiling and was hanging on it. The rocket soon hit the wall and exploded it.

Horace: everyone okay? (Looks The hero that made the snout rocket) how many times have I told you to hold it in? (Looks around and notices I'm not here) Kai? Kai, where did you go?

Kai: (yelling) up here doc.

Horace: (looks up and sees me hanging from the ceiling) How...How did you do that?

Kai: (yelling) Stick hands did this and super senses.

Horace: wait, super stick hands, Super sense, do you...

Kai: (yelling) Yup, I Have superpowers.

Alan: WHAT?! A Normal is able to get superpowers?!

Kai: (yelling) don't be mad, that are allowed to have one power and I have multiple.

Alan: for the record I have other powers as well, Normal.

Kai: (yelling) if one of those powers involves a coffee mug then I'm not interested.

Horace: this is incredible, we must figure out what other powers do you have.

Kai: (yelling) sounds great Doc, soon as I figure out how to get down.


After a few minutes of getting me down, while Kaz and Oliver try to figure out how to save Techton, I was trying to figure out how to use my powers. I was in the training room and Horace came into the room.

Horace: okay Kai, now that you know that you have powers we are going to test you abilities and see what you can do.

Kai: Sounds great, so you're going to be my teacher?

Horace: Oh not me, I be a horrible teacher, like I would be horrible teacher for dates. You will be trained by someone who has experience superpowers and is willing to help you.

Kai: Who?

Horace: please meet Skylar Storm.

As the door opens there's Skylar Storm doing some cartwheels across the room and lands right in front of us, I have a feeling kaz and Oliver saw her probably when I was knocked out.

Skylar: so you are the two normals friend, Kai right? (Holds out her hands)

Kai: (shakes her hand) That's right, it's an honor to meet you. My friend name Oliver is real fan of you.

Skylar: I know but I think we get down to business.

Kai: right, so with your powers, you can teach me how to control mines?

Skylar: well I don't have my powers anymore but I will teach you how to control it.

Kai: do I have to ask how you lost your powers?

Horace/Skylar: (they both look at each other) probably not.

Horace: I'll leave you two to it, I'll go check on our friends. (Leaves the room)

Skylar: okay let's get started on what you know so far, what kind of powers do you have?

Kai: we'll I have stick powers, I have super speed and I have super senses....

I felt that tingle again and I see Skylar throwing a large object at me and cartwheel away and it miss me.

Kai: What was that for?!

Skylar: I wanted to test your Super sense, and it works.

Kai: by throwing a large object at me?

Skylar: most enemies won't just throw soft objects at you, they will give everything they got to make sure you go down, so don't expect any enemies. Now, let's continue.


After a few 30 minutes of training, it looks like I was getting the hang of this, I learn how to control my sticky powers and I learn I have super strength, more reflexes and can do anything like a spider can. Now we were doing some combat and it was going good.

Skylar: okay, this is going good, you seem to handle every superpowers you have.

Kai: we'll when you read almost every superpower comic, you pretty much can get the jiffy of how to use it.

Skylar: what's Jiffy?

Kai: it's a human expression... (my phone rings and I see it's from Oliver) excuse me. (I answered the phone) guys I'm in the middle of my training.

Oliver: Kaz just took the stop sign out of  Techtons Chest!

Kai: (whispers in anger) What?! I have been gone for 30 minutes, and you guys somehow managed screw this up!

Oliver: Blame Kaz for this, right now we need all hands on this!

Kai: (whispers in anger) Jesus Christ, I'm on my way and do not let Kaz touch anything else! (Hangs up and talks to Skylar) Hey, my friend need some extra assistance, so mind if we continue this later?

Skylar: sure, next time we are going to have to discuss on superhero suit.

Kai: Yes, I want a superhero suit so badly, but it's next time, later. (Leaves the room and comes right back) umm, which way is the emergency room?


After constantly going through doors trying to find the emergency room, I soon found Kaz and Oliver with with Techton that is unconscious and has and legit hole in his chest.

Kai: So what happened here?!

Oliver: Kaz just straight up just pull the stop sight out of Techton thinking that he could heal by himself.

Kai: (looks at the whole and see it's bad) Kaz, why on earth would you do this?! Now Techton has a big hole in his chest!

Kaz: calm down guys it's going to be fine. (Thinks and gasps) I have the perfect wouldn't happen to find a giant cork on you? Because I have this pretty big one.

Kai: (gets mad) Kaz, do you realize what you have just done, you have been here one day and you have managed to mess up one of the most important superheroes of all time, now you gotta fix this!

Kaz: okay...okay Kai, you and I are going to figure out why Techton won't heal, Oliver, you stay here. (Starts heading to the door)

Oliver: and do what?!

Kaz: oh it's simple, all you have to do is keep out the dozen and dozens of doctors, nurses orderlies and technicians that could come in at any seconds.

Kai: Really kaz? This is your best plan?!

Kaz: hey guys, (grabs our shoulders) look at me, everything is going to be fine, have I ever let you guys down before?

Kai/Oliver: Constantly!

Kaz: Name one time?!

Oliver: like when you pull out the stop sigh.

Kaz: That was 30 seconds ago, stop living in the past, do you know why they call it the present? Because it's a gif.

I have an idiot friend that completely screwed me over.


We were at the comic store looking over Techton comics trying to see what made him self heal, meanwhile in my head I was thinking about what my suit would look like, it's a lot on my plate but right now I should be focus on the main task.

Kai: Kaz, anything good?

Kaz: Well, Techton battles the Impaler, gets impale, obviously and instantly heals, I don't get it.

Kai: This is not making sense.

Clyde: (coming to us) what's not making sense?

Wallace: Techton always heals.

Clyde: See. (Turns the poster that shows the movie "TechTon always heals")

Wallace: That's why he never loses.

Clyde: see. (Turns it again and shows a second movie Techton Never loses, okay we get it, then we go back to reading and I hear then both smell something) ahh, I love the Fresh smell of new comic books.

Wait, new comics? Those new comics have something new about Techton.

Wallace: Mmm, this new batch smells like lavender.

Clyde: that is actually my new Cologne.

Wallace: it really smells nice.

Clyde: thank you so much.

Kai: (me and Kaz Goes up to them) hey we need that.

Clyde/Wallace: WOAH!

Wallace: are you two mad?

Clyde: the release on those comics are tomorrow.

Kai/Kaz: So?

Clyde/Wallace: So?!

Clyde: oh okay, are there no more rules?

Wallace: are we living post apocalypse lawlessness society?

A/n: with the way things are happening right now, yes, yes we are.

Clyde: because if so, I like to ride a motorcycle.

Wallace: and I like to wear an Eye patch.

Kai: (whispers to kaz) hey, you go and get the comic, i need to talk to Stan. (To Clyde/Wallace) look, where's Stan at?

Clyde: he's in his office why?

Kai: well I want to talk to him.

Wallace: you can't.

Kai: and why not?

Clyde: because he's busy working on a new comic and he needs peace and quiet.

Kai: I have to it's important. (Goes to his office)

Clyde/Wallace: No no no, Don't do that

Kai: (Goes the the door and knocks on it) Stan, it's me Kai.

Stan: (in the room) Oh Kai, give me a second.

Kai: sure.

Stand: (goes to the door and Opens it) hey there True believer, how may I help you?

Kai: can we talk, In private?

Stan: sure, (I go in the room and he locks the door) what do you want to talk about?

Kai: well, let's say me and my friends are having this problem.

Stan: well what kind?

Kai: well, We are doing sort of a project of Techton and we need to know how he was able to self heal.

Stan: Kai, a hero just doesn't heal quickly, a hero is either one, goes through a past problem or two, he's trying to a lot of pain and needs time to heal.

Kai: but that doesn't make sense, Techton battles so many villains and gets hurt so many times, a hero like him doesn't need past drama to work his powers.

Stan: do you still have that comic?

Kai: the spider man comic? (Goes to my pocket and takes it out) yeah I have it?

Stan: Go to the last page and tell me what the kid saids.

Kai: (I go to the last page and I read the quote) it saids "I will never forget what My uncle Ben told me, that with great power, comes great responsibility."

Stan: and that's is how a hero is made, hero's are things that fall out of the sky and decides to believe a hero, they have to handle a problem in there life that has meaning and purpose to it, that is what makes them unique.

I look at the comic and process what he is said, he's right, a hero is more than showing off and being the coolest person, it's about saving lives of people who need saving and making a difference in the world and look at this kid suit, it gives me a great idea of what my hero suit should look like.

Kai: you're right Stan, a hero is a guy who doesn't give up, and if they shouldn't give up then neither shall i.

Stan: Nuff said kid, Nuff said.

Kaz: (Opens the door) hey, we need to go.

Kai: thanks Stan, I owe you. (Leaves the room)

As we both were about to leave we see Jordan come in, Shit I forgot about the project, oh she is so going to kill us.

Kaz: Aye, Jordan, how are ya?

Kai: (nervous) what you ah, what you doing here?

Jordan: (disbelief) Coming to work on the project as far away as possible, what are you two doing here?

Kaz: we are not here, (starts talking like a robot) we are Kai and Kaz's Avatar in a new video game with hologram.

Kai: yeah, nice Lie Kaz, I think she believe that.

Jordan: I can't believe you guys, especially you Kai, you guys ditch me so you two can go get a new comic book?!

I felt really bad for Jordan, if she really new what we were doing, she would understand stand but it's secret that we promised to keep, man this sucks but there's a hero that needs saving and a new hero that needs a new suit.

Jordan: you two just sit down and help me with the stupid robot.

Kaz: we can't, we have to go.

Jordan: (we try to leave but she blocked us) if you two walk out of here, I will never speak to you again. Seriously my sister ate my cupcake and I haven't talk to her since January.

Well two things, one she's not lying she hasn't talk to her sister since January and two Kaz was the one who ate her cupcakes so yeah not a good sign.

Kai: we're really sorry. (We both run to the exit but I came back to tell her something) oh and uhh, probably not the best time but uhh, Kaz are your cupcake and blame your sister. (We both leave the store, as we continue I stop kaz for a bit, aye look, I have to go back home.

Kaz: what why?

Kai: I have to do something that is important, I'll be back, go to Oliver and help him fix Techton.

Kaz: Okay, don't leave hanging.

Kaz Runs back to mighty Med and I run back home, hopefully I can do this fast.

I came back home and was about to enter my key but realized that I have powers so I did the sneak way in, I go around the house and check to see no one was looking and climbed up the wall and my bed room.

I enter my room window and took off my bag, I took a look at the comic and saw the suit and got to work. First I went to my closet to see what kind of stuff I had soon saw a red and blue sweatshirt, went to my draw and pulled out a blue sweatpants and use a black color pen to make the spider logo. I check back to the book and see that the hero made web shooters, so I went to my closet and go through some old stuff and see what I had left over, and I took some couple stuff out form some old winnings project and took a few minutes to work on the webs, having some fail attempts where I shock myself and then I had web in my face, not fun. At last it a well, strong and working web shooters and finally one last thing I needed.

Web shooters:

Look at every superhero poster that I have and realize that I'm not like other superheroes that I can show my face to, most people know who I am so I need a mask, I look out my book and start drawing some masks but non of them work for me but there was one, that mask from the comic but there was one change to it, an moveable eye lens. Soon I found an old mask for a costume and I took out some white cloth and some parts for eye and I use some tech for the move able eyes and I put it on and it works, now I put all of that together and I have the perfect suit. I'm ready to be Spider-Man.


I came back to Mighty Med as fast as possible with the suit in my bag and it looks like I made it back just in time and I see Oliver and kaz there.

Kaz: (out of breath) I'm back.

Kai: hey, I'm back too.

Oliver: where have you guys been? You know what I've been through here? What took you guys so long? You guys found a way to fix Techton.

Kaz: to Duane, No, out of shapes maybe.

Oliver: (He grab our arms and pull us back into the room) so, what guys find out, why isn't Techton healing?

Kaz: I don't know, I got the new Techton comic book but it doesn't say anything, oh I do have good new though.

Oliver: what?

Kaz: You know that list of things that Jordan hates? Yeah, We're on that now. 

Oliver: why did I vouch for you?! So much for working here! (Realize sometimes) and now that we know about mighty Med, they'll have to erase out memories, or shoot us in a black hole or worse!

Kaz: What's worse to be shot in a black hole?

Oliver: getting vaporized, a lot of people get vaporized in this business!

Kai: I hate to be that guy but uhh, i I'm probably not going to get vaporized since I'm now a hero and they can't vaporized hero's so...

If felt my spider senses tingle which I am now calling it and if felt that something was coming this way.

Alan: (hear out the room) out of my way!

Kai: guys someone's coming, put the sign back I'll by time. (Starts web shooting the door)

Kaz: Dude, how did you do that?

Kai: (shows them my new bad boy I invented) my new web shooters, cool right?

Oliver: that is cool, but we need you help us right now!

We try to put the stop sign back where it was and we did a weird and suspicious pose around Techtons body and saw Alan come in the room.

Alan: Where is everybody?

Kaz: In the world, mostly china.

Oliver: and it is again fast.

Kai: probably trying to get a life you certainly can't do.

Alan: (Hurt by that comment) Excuse?! I have a life too.

Kai: like what, having no friends, everyone hating you and having a useless power? If so then that is a horrible life.

Alan: (was about to say something but saw how we stand) why are you standing like that?

Oliver: (nervous) standing like what?

Kaz: this is how Normos stand.

Kai: yeah, get with the program.

Alan: oh well okay, I guess everything is fine here; I should be going. (We were in relief thinking we were in the clear) oh, one more thing.

Alan use his powers to push us out of the way and knock us down and now we were so done for and one of the main reasons why I hate this guy.

Alan: Busted there is a giant hole in his chest.

Kai: well thank you captain obvious for that wonderful information. (Whispers) Jack ass.

Oliver: Alan, look i know we didn't start off on the right foot but you gotta help us.

Alan: oh, well okay. (To kaz) grab me the hole closing glue.

Is that even a thing, this is seriously and annoyingly Jack ass.

Kaz: okay where is it?

Alan: it's right in the Normos are incredibly stupid cabinet! There is not such thing as a hole closing glue but seriously quick grab me the stomach sealer.

Kaz: okay where's....

Kai: (I stop him) don't bother, this baster is not going to help us.

Alan: at least this Normo is smart unlike you two. Ha! You two Normos are going down, especially you, we a device that takes away powers and I can't wait to see your face we take them away and I'm going to make sure everyone knows about this, Everybody! (Leaves the room)

Welp, this is it, I lost my chance of being a superhero, I lost my friend Jordan and now we are going to be hated by everyone that works here, including the superheroes and it's all thanks to kaz.

Oliver: thanks Kaz, thanks for ruining the one thing that made me feel like I really matter. (Goes to the door)

Kaz: Oh, so I guess me giving you my least piece of gum this morning meant nothing! (We three left the room) if it wasn't for me, you wouldn't have found this hospital and (to me) you wouldn't have gotten your powers.

Kai: so what I'm supposed to give you an award for giving me powers in ways that makes me forgive you?! You were told not to mess up and what did you do? That stupid head of yours cause you to possibly kill Techton! All because you wanted to have fun!

Kaz: oh please, You two wouldn't have done anything fun like riding a skateboard on top of a skateboard or ice football on a frozen lake.

Olive: I fell in! I had to be evacuated to the hospital!

Kaz: you got to ride in a helicopter, how fun was that!

Kai: You know what kaz, I'm done all you is get us into Ridonculous situation!

Kaz: No I don't.

Horace: Woah! This is Ridonculous situation!

Kai: you were saying?!


We entered back to the room now with Horace and we were in a lot of trouble.

Alan: I told you they pull out the sign!

Horace: boys, I'm afraid you have to paid the consequences, (to kaz/Oliver) hypothetically, if you were to competed into a cube, were would you want that ship?

Soon the monitored started to make noise saying that his vitals are dropping, this bad, really bad.

Horace: Techton vitals are dropping!

Soon the whole entire room was shaking, oh this so not good, Techton powers is the source of the earths so if he dies the earth dies too! And more nurse came in the room!

Alan: what was that?!

Kai: Techtonic trimmers, techtons powers are connected to the earth!

Oliver: when his body gets into stress he sends a uncontrollable seismic wave.

The Room started to shake again, okay we screw up now it's time we fix this.

Nurse: wait! He's stabilizing his vitals are normal, no that's me plus, the good news, I'm fine! (Looks at Techton again) but uhh, he like almost dead.

The room started to shake again but this was stronger than last time this is not good, if this keeps up the whole world is going to collapse!

Horace: if he dies, no one will be able to stop megahertz and his continuous rain of terror!

Kaz: we can't let Techton die, we gotta do something!

Oliver: (the room shakes again) something is interfering with his ability to heal! Quick think of everything you know about Techton starting with the very first comic book!

Kaz: Okay, the adventure of Techton issue 1, copyright 197....


Kaz: (Shakes again) He gets his powers from the delta radiation which indicates the meteorite in his chest!

Oliver: and his only weakness is gargalite gas but it doesn't exist on earth in its natural form!

Kai: (shakes again) The gargalite gas is formed...

All of us: with delta radiation mounts of gold!

Kai: there must be gold inside of him. I'm going in. (I go up to his body and I dig my hand inside of His chest and it was so disgusting and I was starting to gag) so gross.

Kaz: (looks at a girl next to him) oh, hey girl.

Kai: Kaz! Not helping!

Kaz: oh right sorry.

I keep going in deep and I found the gold and took it out that is cover in blue guts.

Kai: I got it!

Oliver: Gold coin, (takes it) cover in guts! Must have got in when He was stoping megahertz from robbing the bank.

Horace: He's starting to heal. Well done, gentleman! You were right to three do make a good team! (We hand shake the doc, and now we're true hero's of the hospital)

Alan: WHAT?! But they broke the rule?!

Horace: and they save the day, so ima totally ignore the first part.

Kai: But Alan we gotta give you the credits.

Alan: Really?

Kai: Yeah, Alan was a Total Lamo Losser! (Put up the L Sign on his head)

Horace: to celebrate the real hero's of this hospital, Nurse! get the limbo stick.

Skylar: (comes In after one the nurse leaves) there you are, you need to see this!

Nurse: again with the videos of you doing backflips? We get it you're flexible.

Skylar: that video has 56 thousand likes.

Nurse: And one dislikes.

Skylar: That's not what I need to show you. (turns on the tv)

News lady: superhero news network just learn that two Normos and one new superhero are working at mighty Med hospital, the they have performed unauthorized surgery on Techton who is now very very weak, this according to our source a young man who was clearly disgusted himself voice by speaking into a coffee mug.

Alan: (turns the tv off) that's enough of that.

Kia: Alan, you idiot! Now megahertz know that Techton is here and is super weak!

Horace: you are a big trouble! Big trouble!

Alan: oh come on! What are the chances of Megahertz is watching at that exact moment?

Soon Thunder sounds made across the room which lead to one thing that everyone was expecting!

Megahertz: Where is he?! Where is Techton?!

Kai: Safe to say that HE KNOWS NOW!!!

We ran back to the main hall and saw that Megahertz was here and was going to destroy this place getting to Techton.

Horace: Guards! Get him!

Megahertz: You're going to try and stop me? How quite. (Shocks the two Guards)

Horace: He's good I'll give him that.

Megahertz sends a powerful sonic shock that pushes everything Back including us and I heard Alan running away like a bitch and we get back up.

Oliver: Megahertz is going to find Techton, we got to do something!

Kaz: how?! We don't have any powers!

Skylar: (stands next to us) neither do I but I can still do this. (Do a pose) Hey Megahertz! There a storm coming, Skylar Storm!

Oliver: that's my boo.

As Skylar charges at megahertz and doges all of his attacks, Dr Horace try to freeze him but he couldn't.

Horace: I cant freeze him, his electoral field is blocking my powers.

We look to see Skylar knees megahertz and punch him in the chest and see Megahertz wasn't effective by it, she can't hold on much longer, I gotta take my changes.

Kai: Guys I'll be right back.

Oliver: where are you going?

Kai: I gotta go be a hero.

I go to a hiding place and I open my bag and took out the mask, this is my time to show what I can do, and I decided to change.


3rd POV

Skylar try's dogging all of megahertz attack but he gets the luck shot and shocks her in the back. Kaz gets scared and grabs a metal plate.

Kaz: hey Leslie! Yeah that's right I know you're real name, check out the ugliest half human, half titanium cyborg in the room.

Megahertz: Oh come on! No one looks good on a metal plate! And no one call me ugly. (Gets ready to blast kaz)

???: Hey ugly!

Soon a kick was sent to megahertz face and he was sent flying across the room, as megahertz gets up the person that kicked him a does a pose and stands up.

Megahertz: who the heck are you?!

???: haven't you heard?! I'm the new superhero, they call me....


Megahertz: Doesn't matter, I'll still take you out.

Megahertz try's to blast Spider-Man but he doges it and sticks to the wall.

Megahertz: What are you doing up there?!

Spider-Man: staying away from you, that's a cute outfit, did you're husband give it to ya?
(Megahertz try's to blast him again but Spider-Man doges it and sticks to another wall) was it the husband part is because you guys like broke up? I mean I would if I was dating you. (Keeps doges more lighting and does cartwheels and sticks to the walls again) Has anyone ever tell you, you have horrible aim? (Doges another lighting) I mean it's my first day as a hero but geez even I can do better that that.

Megahertz: SHUT UP!

As Megahertz keeps shooting lightning from his hand but keeps missing because Spider-Man just doges it and jumps over one lightning and used his web shooter to swing on and kicks the the villain in the face but megahertz gabs his legs and throws him to a wall but spider man does not give up. He climbs back onto the wall and starts shooting webs at Megahertz which cause him to be stuck and Spider-Man took that as a opportunity and attack megahertz, he does a spin kick, uppercut and leg kick sending megahertz up in the air and Spider-Man grabs onto his back and used his webs slams him into the ground. As megahertz as groaning in pain spider man comes up to in slowly to check on him only to get zap and send back to the wall in pain with his suit damaged, and megahertz comes up to Spider-Man and was ready to kill him.

Megahertz: I've have enough of these games, time to die kid!

???: How about you pick on someone your own size megahertz!

As everyone turn around and saw Techton alive and well, megahertz was not happy, he try's to zap Techton but he doges it but didn't on the second one and gets hit, megahertz gets ready to attack Spider-Man grabs a metal stick.

Spider-Man: Techton, Catch!

Spider-Man throws it at Techton and he catches it and use it a bow staff and blocks the lighting, Techton throws it at megahertz and but he catches it but Techton used his ground stomp and cause Megahertz to send back flying, but he's not done Techton flys up and charges at Megahertz and they were both in a lock with Megahertz's electrocution Techton.

Oliver: We gotta stop megahertz some how.

Spider-Man uses his mind and thinks and sees the stop sign, thinks if he webs Megahertz down then Techton can used the Stop sign and hold him down.

Spider-Man: I got it, Kaz, get the stop sign, I'll hold down megahertz.

Kaz: on it.

Kaz slides his way to the stop sign and Spider-Man goes out to the two and starts web Megahertz and felt the electric going through his body.

Spider-Man: (struggling) Techton... used... the hold...him...down!

Techton: Got it kid.

Kaz: here. (toss it to Techton)

Techton uses the stop sign and tied up megahertz with it, kaz goes up to him.

Kaz: not so tough are you Leslie?! (Sees the shocks) Ahh, still alive, still alive.

Techton: (lifts up megahertz and talks to kaz) you save my life, (to me) and you help me take down megahertz's, you two should stick around, it would be nice to have another superhero here.

Spider-Man: well, (takes off his mask and reveal its Kai) I'm more of a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.

Techton: (chuckles) Nice slogan kid. My work here is done.

Horace: actually there's one more thing, that bulb has been out of weeks, (takes a new bulb out) would you mind?

Techton: yeah, yeah. (Drops Megahertz and flys goes to replace the Bulb) 

The three friend came back together.

Kaz: hey guys about before, I'm sorry i almost got us fired and or cubed, i messed up and you guys bailed me out like you always do. (Pats our shoulders) Thanks.

Kai: we're sorry to, you were right without you, we would never find this place and I've would never got these powers, and we wouldn't have a great friend like you.

Kaz: Brotherhood fake photo?

Oliver: absolutely. (We took our brotherhood fake photo)

Horace: (comes in the room with Alan) excellent work today boys, excellent! I'll see you boys tomorrow after school.

Alan: WHAT?! What about the news cast?! Everyone knows we have normals here.

Horace: I don't care, let the whole world know they work here. Remember you can't tell anyone you work here.

Alan: THIS NOT FAIR! THIS IS NOT... (gets frozen in time)

Horace: let's go down to a county and get you boys a paid.

Oliver: paid? Are you kidding, I would totally work here for free.

Kaz: (stops him) he meant, nothing less Than million dollars a week, (Horace gave a really face) A thousand dollars a week (Still the face) A hundred dollars a week.

Horace: I was going to give you two hundred but a hundred it is! (We are in disbelief) so how you boys like your new scrubs?

Kai: we're not wearing scrubs.

Horace: you were (pulls out a photo but it's a bridge)

Oliver: that's a picture of bridge.

Horace: huh, I love bridges. Say where not in scrubs again.

Kai: we're not in scrubs.

Horace: you were.

Show a photo of us in scrubs and it's not that bad to be honest, though I prefer blue instead black.



We ran as fast as we could to get back to class and for our project and I know that Jordan is really pissed at us and can't blame her but I have an idea that will get us an A.

Oliver: (comes in the room) Jordan there you are. (Turns away from us) look we're sorry for not being here like we promised.

Kai: I know you are upset and you have possibly right to be.

Kaz: but I'm sure were going to do just fine, I'm mean (grabs one of the projects) look at what we're up against.

Gus: that's ours.

Kai: Oh baby Mama, but don't worry I have an idea of how to fix this.

Gus: don't get in it, I try that already.

Kai: (pull kaz and Oliver and show them one of the pieces from megahertz) i mangled to pull this out of ugly Leslie.

Oliver: you took one of his power boosters? Did you get him to sign it?

Kai: no but thanks to my genius skills I now have a remote control on this, watch.

Jordan l: (comes up) this is our project, we made it out of, who cares.

Soon I took control of the Robot with my phone and made it fly around and land safely down onto the table.

Gus: Now that's a robro.


A/n: now for this next scene is going to be a night because I have some special, just keep reading.

After getting an A+ on my science project, I was on my home when I felt my spider senses tingle and it was coming from the bridge next to me and I had to go check it out, I went a dark ally and jump up high in the air and started to swing up to the bridge and on top and it was car accident but this car cause others to nearly fall off the edge, if don't stop those cars they can fall in the water. I took my shirt which reveal my spider suit and I swing down to save those people. One by one as the cars fall, i web them so they can't, I still saw the car getting away and I had to stop them but I heard someone scream.

Man: Somebody help! Help! Our kid is strap!

Uhhh, car can wait the kid is more important, I swing to the car that had the kid inside and I rip the back window open with my powers and the kid was screaming for his dad.

Kai: hey bud, buddy it's okay. (The kid was scared so I took my mask off) hey look, look. (He looks at me and is not scared) I'm a kid just like you. Wanna hold on to it? (I toss the mask down to him and let him hold it) what's your name? (Looks at his bag with his name) Jack?

Jack: yes?

Kai: I'm gonna get you out of here. (Starts to come in the scar slowly to Jack and try to unbuckled his seat) okay, I'm unbuckled the seat and I want you to hold on to that seat okay?

Jack: okay.

Kai: Ready, one, two, three. (Unbuckle and Jack lay back onto the seat) see how easy to was, you did great jack.

My spider senses tinged again and It was the car, it stared to catch on fire and it ripped the webs and started to fall, i web the bridge and grabbed the back of the car which cause Jack to be scared again.

Kai: Jack, I need you to climb.

Jack: (scared) I can't.

Kai: yes you can Jack. (The car was falling apart I had to think of something fast) put it on, the mask, it's gonna make you strong. Trust me. (Jack puts on the mask) that's it buddy, you got it. Now I need you to climb. Come on Jack, you got it. (Jack starts to climb) I need you to go a little faster bud. (Jack as coming closer) that's, you got this.

I couldn't have hold on anymore and he car slip my hands due to the hot.


The kid was screaming, with one last attempt I shot a web at Jack to make grab on and I save him and the car fell in the water. I sigh a relief, knowing that the kid was safe and would return to his family. I took the mask back and put it back on and carry the kid back up to his family and the parents. I took a the family see how they were to see their son safe. I truly know what it is to be a hero.

Man: who are you?

Spider-Man: I'm your friendly neighbor Spider-Man.

I swung away and return back home, with my mask in my hand and me looking at the mirror, realizing how that family could've lost there son if I hadn't step in, being a hero is definitely a burden and it's not to be taken lightly.


Me, Kaz and Oliver were on our way to the comic store because now that we have the money we are able to get him that meteorite of Zandar, but these two were taking about what happened last night on the bridge.

Oliver: Dude you just save five people on that bridge without any backup!

Kai: like most heroes accomplished.

Kaz: I'm not understanding why are you not excited about this, I mean you gout your first actual mission.

Kai: what I saw on that bridge change me, have that family so close to losing their son because I didn't act quick, being super is a real responsibility and the one I plan on taking seriously.

As we make it to the Store we see a huge line of people out of the store, it's not like People to come into the store like this and we look at each other curious, as we got up to the up to the line and see a sign that saids "new hero, new comics" as we entered as skip a few people. We see Clyde and Wallace hand out a new book and we see Jordan there too adn we go up to her.

Kai: Hey Jordan, what's going on?

Jordan: There's a new comic out today, it's a big deal.

Kaz: I mean if just for the same hero it shouldn't be that many hero.

Jordan: No this about that new hero that save those people on the bridge, called Spider-Man.

I took this as a surprise to see that there is already a comic about me, as I took a closer look at the comic it was the same one that Stan gave me, I guess Stan got back into make these comics, I see him come out with more comics and I go up to him.

Kai: hey Stan, I see you got back into this character.

Stan: I sure did and I'm glad that person was last night show me that I can do anything. Especially if he is my favorite true believer.
(I was surprised and a little scared) don't worry the secret safe with me.

Kai:(I smile) thanks Stan, hey my friend wants to by the meteorite of Zandar, I'll pay for him. (Gets my wallet)

Stan: No need, it's on the house. (Holders the fake meteor and hands it to me)

Kai: (takes the fake meteor) Thanks Stan, you are the best.

Stan: Well as I proudly say EXCELSIOR!

I smile and me and I hand it Kaz, me and my friends are about to enter a world where a lot a insane things are going to and I've also Learn that sometimes being a hero is also about having a little fun.
Episode one end...

A/n: this was a very long chapter and I'm happy to work on it, there are going to be a lot of stuff used from other movies and shows, on the part where Kai was making his suit I wanted to as music but I decided to not but I'm going to save it for later. Anyway I'm tired and I'm going bed, later.

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