A far away land | a Technobla...

By LittleBee_pollen3

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King F/N is holding an event of piece. With two nether kingdoms, the land of the crows and four of the kingdo... More

Authors notes
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chpqter 13
Chapter 14
Chpqter 15 ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰
Chapter 16
Part 17- oh god
Chaptwr 18

Chapter 10 ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ‰

318 13 10
By LittleBee_pollen3

I grumble as an icy cold hand shakes me. Their cold skin making the bare skin on my shoulder crawl. Goose bumps covered my arms as I curled further into my ball off warmth and comfort. "Y/N," my mothers voice called for me in the black void of sleep. Causing a groan from my lips and my eyes to slowly peel open.

In distaste I glared at my loving mother, who had just woken me from the best nap I ever had. she only laughs at my glare. My brows slowly crease together ad I watch her gently pull out dress after dress from my wardrobe. All to my fathers disliking. I stare at her, what is going on? "Mum?" I ask as I stare at her back.

I only now realise she is in one of her fancy dress, she never worse her fancy dresses. I start to stress. How long was I asleep for? She mutters something about "stupid man," I just stare at her in confusion. "Mum what's going on??" My voice shuck with worry as I stare at her. She had begun packing all my clothes.

"Well you're lovely father said after your show he'd pick who you'd marry," I stand up immediately, "who?" I demand. Sleep suddenly out of my mind as my crumpled dress hangs off my waist. I stare my mother straight in the eye, "I don't know some human man, I know he doesn't like hybrids." She says this, I knew she was trapped in this just as much as me. It hurt to think he didn't like hybrids when you are a hybrid and his wife.

Her sorrow filled me with such rage, how could he say thing like that in front of her. I dashed out the room swiftly, she couldn't catch me or maybe she didn't try. I ran down the hall to the thrown room. I watch the relief on a few of the suitors faces, I catch technos eye. Anyone sould see the sorrow and betrayal in his eyes. "She had decided to marry," his voice boomed and echoed.

"I didn't decide anything," I scream at him in my rage. "You know what I will decide seen as your so keen to get rid of me. You also should know it won't be one of your little humans," my rage matched the horror in his eyes "no you shall marry prince dream," I glance to dream.

He looked enraged, his anger came out just like mine. "What? I'm not marrying anyone!" He says in horror. I slowly stumble to techno's family. They where both closest and the only ones I wanted to spend my life with. Techno's father glanced at me in shock "but your father said," I cut him off with a snarl of "F/N can shove anything he said up his royal arse," I glare at my father as I say this.

I turn to apologise to techno, knowing he probably didn't want a marriage and was just being polite. But he was gone, well shit he was probably angry. I turn to his mother who looked at me with shock, I finally look to see a fake me standing next to my father. "Well shit, I promise that's not me and is just my fathers magic." They all glance between me and the figure, watching it flicker into non existence.

My father began screaming about how disgusting hybrids where. When my mother walked into the thrown room with my packed bags. "You are disgusting," she said calmly as she stared at my father. She handed my bags to me, I knew everything that mattered was in the bags. She turned to her future sister in law.

"I am very sorry for F/N's behaviour as punishment you can take him and do as you please after those fowl words," she said in a kind a tone of possible "I still wish for peace with all of you, and as the queen I say that anything this man said does not stand with us, I myself aren't full ender man so please accept this as a humble apology," her words where loud and confident, I bowed to her as I grinned evilly.

"No we don't want such a vile creature in our prisons. You keep him," Theseus snarled, he then turned to me saying "I would be happy to welcome you to my family, I am proud to have you with my son," I grin as he says this and mutter "I just hope he can forgive me," this makes Eleanor snort "oh love he's already in love with you," I glance at my future sister in law in doubt

"Seen as your joining our family please call us mum and dad, it's normally a piglin tradition so please we insist," king Theseus says. I fight the tears off, if only my dad had been this accepting. I leaped at the man hugging him, I let go and thank him "let's just say F/N wasn't that nice to me all these years," the man frowns ruffling my hair.

"I promise to make up for that, but we must be on our way," my new dad said as he picked up my heavy bag with surprising ease. I stare at him as he shows me to a carriage. He held my hand up all the steps before closing the door behind me. I look up to see Technoblade fast asleep leaning on the window. I felt guilt twinge in me, what had the fake me said? How could I force him into this?

I sigh as I slowly sit on the seat opposite him. Ranboo opens the door to give me a sad look, bean in arms. I feel tears welling in my eyes. I would miss my brother soo much, bean leaps out his arms to snuggle into techno's side. I should have just married one of those men, who wanted me for my money then he would be happy and my family.

I slung my arms around my brother, I sniffle as I hug him tight to my chest. We stayed like that in silence before I slowly let go, to place a small kiss on his forehead. I felt like screaming, a mix of emotions swirling in my gut. I glance to the man who I'd subdued to the same absolute misery. I swallow the lump in my throat as my brother closes the carriage door, tears gleaming in his eyes.

I slowly sink into the carriage as I watch bean snuggle into Technoblade. This was my fault all of it, I stare into the hog mask so delicately placed on his face. I can't help but whimper out an apology to the sleeping man.

**technoblades pov **

I stare in shock as she walks to my family. The gorgeous girl seemed miserable, her eyes filled with upmost sorrow and grief. She was so perfect, kind and loving, she was interesting and so easy to talk to. My gut stung to think she had to marry me, she didn't want to but had to.

I was a monster, I grit my teeth as the voices scream.

blood god. Blood god. Blood for the blood god. Blood god. BLOOD GOD. BLOOD. Arson. Monster. Monster. She's so delicate, don't you dare hurt her. You monster.

I storm out so she won't see the tears stream down my cheeks. Not that she would see it through the mask. I would hurt her. I go sit in the carriage contemplating telling her she can't marry me. To my shock she walks into my carriage by the help of my father. No way she went through with it?

She sits across from me with a stiff build, there was no sign of the ease and comfort from only days ago. The flash of her lips on mine, I had enjoyed it deeply. Even though I was practically sober I still remember it being fuzzy, more in my stomach then my head.

I had been shocked at first but then I relaxed and realised I was actually quite happy about the kiss. I glanced at her lips as she almost glared out the window. That look makes me realise I was still the same monster and I have been distant, she must be angry. My gut sinks at this.

That's when she glanced at me, I got the small flash of guilt. Did she feel bad for me?? Before I had to close my eyes, "I'm so sorry, this is all my fault." She mumbled with a small little hiccup. This was not the girl I talked to, that girl was breezy and relaxed; talking shit about her father. But this girl, was riddled in worry and guilt. For me? Why?

Yay my gorgeous/handsome butterflies, you made it all the way to chapter ten!! And it was a longer chapter then usual (I say usual but it's so muddled there isn't a usual. I hope your all enjoying, was this chapter okay?? I had a lot of worry on this chapter. Also if there are any words like _this_ or **this** it's because they where meant to be bold or in a fancy text.

Love pollen

Word count: 1553

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