Chapter 11

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I stare out of the window watching the empty ness of the trees go past. I stare in curiosity, if i was in different circumstances I may and could have been happy.  I stare into the green leaves, they shine in the most brilliant warm light. It radiated heat and light onto the bright lively earth. I sigh leaning back in disappointment.

Techno had woken up, he wouldn't speak to me. He looked as though he was deep in thought. I had tried so much till my throat was dry and my eyes pricked with tears. He didn't even hear me too far gone into another world (as he picked at his shark nails). All his kindness must have been forced, this was my fault. The words swallow me as I fall into an empty ibis of doubt.  I stare out into the beauty of the unknown world, yet not seeing any off it.

we pasted through the portal in that moment. I jolted back into my seat, I gasped for breath. My face feeling hot and flushed, I gasped further at the hot dry air. I slowly breathed as I stare out into a menacing red world. I shrink back, a sour feeling twisting in my gut; I missed home deeply, I'd only been here a minute and I already hated it.

I huff as I shrink back, I felt so weird inside. I was sorrowful yet angry. My stomach twisted not in emotion but sickness, my throat tasted of vomit as my head pounded with the heat. I sunk back even further as I stare at techno, he looks sad. The sickness almost seemed to double as I stared into his sad posture.

When the doors finally opened I stumbled helplessly out. I gripped the guards as i doubled over. My throat burning as the bitterness came out. The vomit bubbled in the heat as I stared at it. "We have a vomiter," the guard laughed as my grip loosened. I felt dizzy as I seemed to stumble back into the carriage stares, and like that it went black.

Unknown speech echoed in my head as I slipped into unconsciousness. The world here was way to hot, my clothes sticking to my back and knees in the sweltering heat. I woke up alone in a red silk bed as someone pressed a cold compress onto my forehead. Through the dazed dizziness in my brain, the black patches slowly disappeared as I stared at my new mother. "Oh Y/N, your okay thank god !" She exclaimed in relief.

I stared up at her as she gestured to servants to get me breakfast. I watch her as she waved her hands wildly, "ohh dear, we have all been so worried about you. Especially Technoblade, it's all he's done since you fainted," I stare at her as his name leaves her red lips . Was she crying? I stare into her red eyes, her eye bags puffy.

"Are you okay mrs?" I ask as I stare at her. "Ohh yes don't worry, just techno was in a back mood this morning." She mumbled, see I knew he was annoyed at me. But why would she lie? I sit up as she she sits on the edge of my bed. "Anything in particular?" I ask. This must be a lot for the small women, she was like a china pot. Small and fragile, I smile gently at that as I place a hand on her shoulder.

"Oh, well both of us are expected at a meeting in twenty minutes," she said, worry flashing In her eyes. I jump up muttering a string of swear words. She stared at me as I rushed around my unfamiliar room. She leaped up guiding me to the bathroom, she stood outside as I showered.

I was shower the water was so cool, In such a hot place. At first I was cautious, I reached out an arm letting my hand get wet. When no burning arrived, I quickly got under the water. Relaxing into the water in pure joy. "Please wash your hair Y/N," I yell back "okay," as I sink further into the shower.

Water flashes over my stiff limbs, over my lips as I close my eyes. I quickly wash my hair, rubbing the soap and bubbles into my hair. I let my head fall back under the water as I grabbed the shower gel. I put it all over my body, breathing in the smell of lavender and sunshine. It was an odd mix yet so wonderfully relaxing and refreshing.

I sigh disappointed as I turned the shower off, I watched the last of the water drip of my fingers as though I was Amphitrite. I breath in the deep steam in the room as I wrap a cotton, red towel around my body. Everything was red, I had only been here a day at the most and I missed the brilliant purple of the end.

I pat my body dry, I flush slightly in the temperature change. I slip on the very baggy silk fabric dress I stare at myself in the mirror. I look like a sack of potato in the dress, it hung to nothing and just flowed to the floor. I look down surprised if been asked to wear such an unflattering dress. 

I went to ask my soon to be step mum, only to find her gone; in her place was about 10 different maids. They all seemed to bow in unison, that seemed very rehearsed. I smiled sheepishly as the busied themselves to fix my dress.  I just let them, I felt as if I'd be more of a hindrance then a help.

I watch as they put a thin black corset, although thin it still felt as though I couldn't breath. I wheezed in shock as the girl pulled it tightly around my body. I managed to stutter out "I think it's a bit to tight," as I gasp for air a little at the initial shock of the thing. She gave me a glare as the other maids plugged in a hair dryer and began to work on my hair.

I stare at them, how did they dare if my maids had done anything  of the sort my father would have killed them or fired them. I felt happiness twinge in me, maybe these maids actually had some respect. This light of hope was extinguished as they pushed me out the room talking about "oh how pretty prince Technoblade could do so much better then an _enderman_,"

This extinguished my hope; but in fact did the opposite to my conscious. Relighting  the guilt of forcing techno to marry me, he probably hated me. I gulp as I see my mother in front of me the small hoglin women smiled in joy as she saw me.  The red dress she wore complimented her tanned mauve skin. It was like a dirty pink, yet so gorgeous.

She had a lot of similarities to tencho in her bubblegum pink hair. I watch her bubblegum rings bounce as she walked us to the court room. The silence was painful, I was so awkward as I tried and failed to make small talk time and time again. 

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