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By sianna_reynolds

3.6K 118 161

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343 14 1
By sianna_reynolds

e p i s o d e 3

𝗍𝗁𝖾 𝗉𝖺𝗉𝖾𝗋 𝗉𝗅𝖺𝗇𝖾

"I should be the one apologizing to you." he stated.

"Go for it." she mumbled as she stared at the stars.

But instead of saying sorry, "I fought with Ren..." Thyme told her.

"Why?" she asked, as she knew Thyme's ego was bigger than his brain, and he was having a hard time coming up with an apology.

"It was stupid." he told her.

Sanrak turned to look at him, "It had to have meant something, you two don't seem like the people to fight for nothing."

Thyme nodded, "It was a misunderstanding,-- I think it is partially, well... mostly my fault."

"Then admit to it. Figure something out. Friendships are important, P'Thyme." Sanrak stated as she sat up, making the older boy do the same.

"You seem to know a lot about importance of friendship, when you only have two." he joked, trying to formulate a truce with her.

Sanrak turned to him with a playful glare, "P'Thyme!"

He raised his hands up in mock surrender.

"Is Gorya interested in Ren?" Thyme asked.

Sanrak chuckled, "why do you ask? Perhaps you're interested in my friend?"

Thyme shook his head, "It's not that... well, I'm worried that after all this my sister will be the one getting hurt."

"You know?" Sanrak asked.

Thyme nodded, "That Prae is very much into Ren? Of course I do. Sure, I am rather stupid sometimes, but I'm not blind to see the obvious."

Sanrak laughed, "what about P'Mira? Doesn't P'Ren like her?"

Thyme shook his head, "he just doesn't know it yet. He's being stupid."

"Aren't all boys stupid?" Sanrak asked.

"I'm gonna have to agree with you on that." Thyme laughed along with the younger girl, "I better go. I don't want my dress to stain."

"San!" he called out making the girl who was walking away turn, "yeah?" she asked.

"Don't trip on grass."


"Where did you run off to during the party last night?" Kavin asked Thyme.

Thyme looked as if he was stuck in a trance.

Well he was.

He was thinking of his conversation with Sanrak, how she had asked him to figure his shit out. How she had fallen on him, and not mention how his chin had come in contact with her lips.

It was the closest thing he had gotten to a kiss, and now he it was all he could think about.

"Ai Thyme!" MJ shouted, but they got nothing.

Prae stood up, "This is gonna be fun." she stated as she walked to her brother and pushed him in the pool.

"This--" huff as he struggles to breathe, "is the second time---" struggles to breathe, "you pushed me into the pool this week, STOP IT."

Prae grinned, "it was just as satisfying, now listen to us."


"Ren?" P'Mira called as she looked at her phone, "have you seen this? Your fans are saying you're fighting."

Ren didn't look up from his sketchbook, "that was a few days ago."

"It's been a while, I haven't seen you back with your crew." P'Mira mentioned.

"Sometimes I think the others seem to forget that we are also here." Andrew whispered.

Sanrak nodded, "Phi, is too busy drawing P'Mira."

"We know you two are here." Ren told them.

Making the sibling duo give the Aira boy a thumbs up.

"Don't you four fight like children." Sanrak pointed out, chuckling a little trying to stay on the humorous side of the conversation.

"Are you waiting for Thyme for make the first move?" P'Mira asked.

Ren looked up, "we all know Thyme doesn't do that. As children, I was always the one who went to him and make up."


Ren went back to sketching, "We've grown. He should have figured it out."

P'Mira sighed, "So if you guys didn't talk again for the rest of your life, would you be okay with that?" she asked.

"I'll be fine." Ren lied.

"What if I talk to P'Kavin to throw some sense into Thyme?" Sanrak asked.

Ren looked at her, "no, don't do that. That wouldn't matter now would it?"

Sanrak shrugged.

Ren turned his attention back to P'Mira, "Phi? Have you given any thoughts on what you'll do after graduation?"

P'Mira smiled at the younger boy, "you think about the future too?"

"If it's your future, I'm interested." he smiled.

Sanrak smiled a little, now she knew why Prae was head over heals for this boy... He is adorable.

"Interested how?" P'Mira asked.

"You have everything, you can do everything... business, modeling, advertising, whatever you choose, I'm ready to watch and support you." he said holding his pencil up.

Andrew leaned on his sister, "Is this him flirting or asking for career counselling?"

Sanrak chuckled, "whatever he's doing, he sure looks good."

Andrew gave her a look.

"I don't like him, Hia. I'm just saying he's not bad looking."

P'Mira had a guilty expression on her face, none of them knew why, "what if all the option I have are not something I want?" she asked.

Andrew sat up straight, "what do you mean?" he asked.

"What if everything I have is not the future I want?"

The air in the room suddenly thickened.

"What do you mean?" It was Ren who asked her this time.

P'Mira sighed as she looked the at three people in the room.

The three most important people in her life.

"You guys..." she took a breath trying to prepare herself, "I have something important to tell you all..."

"What is it Phi?" Sanrak asked, growing anxious.

P'Mira looked at the younger girl, "Umm... I've decided to, move."

"Where?" Andrew asked.


"Why?" Ren asked, as he stood up.

P'Mira knew the conversation between the three wasn't going to go well.

Sanrak had tears pooled in her eyes, "oh."

P'Mira looked at her, "I'm sorry."

Sanrak nodded, "I know."

Ren shook his head, "I--" he started walking out.

Andrew cursed under her breath and followed Ren out.

"P'Ren!" Sanrak screamed as she followed him, "wait, hear her out."

Ren wasn't budging as he made his way to the exit.

The weather seemed to have changed.

It was heavily raining.

"Ren, hear me out." P'Mira followed them out with Andrew, "all of you can visit me when I'm over there."

Ren snatched his hand away from P'Mira, "you know it's not the same."

"How is it not the same?" she asked.

"Be reasonable."

"Reasonable?" Andrew sighed, "are you sure you've thought this thru?"

Ren nodded, "he's right, you're about to give up everything you've built and live a life without a care for anyone. Is this reasonable."

Sanrak walked to stop them, "she wouldn't make decisions without thinking them thru, you two know that!" she tried meditating even though she was also hurting at the older girls decision.

"It's not that I don't care!" P'Mira shouted, letting the tears slowly fall out, "but what I choose will be beneficial to lots of people."

"So?" Ren cried, "you can do it from here too... There are many ways."

P'Mira held Ren and Andrew's hand who were fuming, "I've made up my mind to live in France and follow my dream. It's very important to me. Otherwise, I wouldn't leave home to live like an ordinary girl. I've found the future I want.I know that the world I've experienced is not it. Please understand me." she looked at the two boys she had grown to love like brothers.

Ren let go of her hand, "but the world you're about to leave behind has all of us in it. It has me in it. You've made a decision to leave everything, including all of us here in it."

Ren sighed as he made his way out.

"P'Ren!" Sanrak called out but he didn't listen to her.

"I'll convince them somehow." Sanrak assured, as she hugged P'Mira, "let's go home for now, Hia." she gave P'Mira one last glance before dragging her older brother home.

They made their way to the gate when they saw Gorya.

"Huh? What are you doing here?" Sanrak asked.

Gorya looked guilty to have invaded the moment they just had with Ren and P'Mira, "Uh, I-- You were not in school today, I wanted to check in on you, and I wanted to return this," she pulled out a handkerchief, "to P'Andrew and thank him for lending it to me. P'MJ said you two would be here... I didn't mean to intrude."

Sanrak waved her over, "I'm glad you're here. Let's talk inside huh?" she asked making Gorya nod.


"You understand P'Mira, chaimai?" (right) Sanrak asked her brother.

Andrew groaned before nodding, "it's her life. It hurts, but there's nothing I can do about it now can I?"

Sanrak gave her brother a small smile, "I'm glad you get it."

Andrew nodding smiling back, "go get changed, you'll catch a cold. Give nong something to dry off too." he looked over at Gorya.

Gorya smiled, "Here's your handkerchief, khop khuna kha, Phi." she thanked the older boy as she took off with Sanrak to her room.


"Did I miss something fun today?"

Gorya shook her head, "Nothing much happened, I tried looking for you and P'MJ told me where you guys were."

Sanrak nodded, "what do you want to d--" sneeze, "do?"

Gorya shrugged as she waited for Sanrak to finish sneezing, "you already got a cold?"

Sneeze, "I'll be fine." she sighed as she could finally breathe, "I get sick fast, and I recover fast."

"Is it the rich people medication?" Gorya asked.

"rIcH PeOPLe MedICAtIOn-- no!" Sanrak mocked, "it's ditching school and sleeping." she tried smiling.

Gorya sat on her bed, and Sanrak went to put a fresh pair of clothes on.

Sanrak sat next to her, but made sure to keep some distance between them, so that Gorya doesn't catch her cold, "what's up?" she asked.

Gorya shrugged, "what did you do today?" she asked.

"Not much, me, Hia and P'Ren ditched to be with P'Mira. It had been a while since we saw her." she told her.

Gorya smiled, "you all seem close."

Sanrak smiled back nodding, "the three of us grew up together, P'Ren, P'Kavin used to play together with me and Hia when we were kids."

"What about Thyme and P'MJ?" Gorya asked.

"Hia was friends with them, I never really saw them a lot. My parents are very close with P'Kavin's. We're all practically family, and P'Mira was like a big sister." Sanrak chuckled, "there was this one time it was raining really hard, me and Hia were kids. P'Mira came over and babysat us. I miss those times." she looked down.

"Are you sad that she's leaving?" Gorya asked.

Sanrak shook her head, and nodded, trying to figure out what she felt, "I'm sad, but... I don't th-- I don't know, it is her life and it's her choice... I can't do anything to stop her. I shouldn't try to--"

Sanrak pulled on her olive jacket, trying to peel the skin on her fingers, wanting to feel some sort of pain to distract her from the pain she felt on the inside.

Gorya grabbed her hand stopping her movements, "it's okay to be sad though..." Gorya told her, "she's your sister and she's moving away, it's your right to feel sad."

Sanrak sighed as she wiped her tears, "god I feel pathetic to cry."

"Crying is good. Don't worry, your skin will start glowing." Gorya nodded, making Sanrak laugh.

"You're a good friend you know that."

"I know." Gorya grinned.


Sanrak was missing school.

Her fever hadn't gone down.

It had been two days and she hadn't attended any classes.

Luckily she had plenty of attendance left.

She was on her way to the drugstore to buy painkiller for her killer headache.

One of the workers had offered to go buy it for her, but she insisted on going alone as she needed the air.

"Why are you outside?" She heard a voice shout, she thought it was probably for someone else and kept walking.

"Ai, Saaw Kiaao!"

Sanrak turned back, clearly confused, "P'Thyme? What are you doing here?" she asked.

"How many green clothes do you even own?" he asked as he drove his car slowly, keeping up with her speed.

Sanrak was beyond confused, "What are you doing here?" she asked again.

"I wanted to make sure if you were alive." he said, when in reality he wanted to say, "I was worried."

No one knows how Sanrak understood his way of talking but she knew exactly what he meant, and if her face wasn't all red from her fever and cold, the faint blush appeared on her face cause of Thyme would definitely be visible.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

Sanrak pulled on the sleeves of her jacket due to her being cold, "drugstore, can you please look at the road."

"I won't die that easily." he told her in confidence.

Sanrak shook her head, "you won't, with that speed for sure, but you might kill someone else."

"I'll give you a ride, get in." he told her.

Sanrak shook her head, "I'd rather walk, thank you."

"Just get in."

Sanrak shook her head, "I like walking, I'm good. Go home."

"I drove all the way here--" he protested.

Sanrak glared at the older boy, "I didn't ask you to. Who even told you I was sick?"

"Your friend."

"Damn you Gorya." she muttered, "P'Thyme, just go home."

"No." he told her.

Sanrak started walking faster.

"I am in a car, which is must faster than you!" Thyme shouted as he kept driving next to her.

Sanrak groaned, "if you accidentally kill me, my brother will come after you and murder you. He's coming around, warming up to you, don't kill me and make him hate you." she mumbled nonsense.

"Why are you so damn stubborn?"

"And you aren't?" she shouted back.

Before the pair could argue any further a car stopped right in front of the two scaring the shit out of them.

"Oh my god, Am I dead?" Sanrak shouted as she fell on the floor.

Thyme ran out of the car, "are you okay?" he asked as he rushed to help the sick girl up.

Sanrak sighed as she nodded.

An older female ran out of the car, worry growing in her, "I didn't mean to scare you! I am so sorry, I was trying to stop him." she apologized.

"P'Tia?" Thyme asked confused on how his sister got here.

"Who?" Sanrak who was standing behind Thyme whispered.

"I'm Thyme and Prae's older sister, Tia. I'm sorry for freaking you out like that! I saw he was troubling you, so I tried to stop him." she laughed sheepishly.

Sanrak who was currently shaking from the cold and the almost near death accident gave the older girl a small smile, "Nice to meet you, P'Tia."

"Is he troubling you?" P'Tia asked.

But before Sanrak could answer Thyme shouted, "I was trying to help her! She was dying and I wanted to give her a ride to the drugstore!"

"I am not dying, stop exaggerating." Sanrak told him.

"How did you get here?" Thyme asked his sister, ignoring Sanrak's replies.

P'Tia shook her head, "Prae called me, told me you were cooking up trouble. Here I am." she smiled.

"Damn you Prae." Thyme said under his breath.

Sanrak was about to leave when Thyme stopped her, "If you don't want to get in the car, let me at least walk with you. You look like you're about to pass out."

Sanrak knew there was no way he'd let her protest so she agreed.

"I'll see you at home, Phi." Thyme told his sister who nodded.

"It was nice to meet you, P'Tia." Sanrak smiled one last time before leaving.


Prae and P'Tia were sitting in Prae's room where they were to beat each other in the game of uno.

As soon as Thyme came home, he went to Prae room knowing his sister's would be spending time together.

"Uno!" P'Tia shouted, by Prae smirked as she played her trump card, and put four draw 4's.

Making the older sister look at her in betrayal, "I can't believe you."

"Then believe this." she smiled as she put her last card in and won.

P'Tia threw her 16 remaining cards on the bed and sighed.

"Wanna join?" Prae asked when she saw Thyme standing in front of the door.

He nodded as he sat on Prae's bed.

They kept playing and conversing simultaneously.

Thyme was sitting in my middle and to his right sat Prae and to his left sat P'Tia.

"Thyme?" P'Tia called out, looking at her younger brother who was focused on his cards, "I believe that deep down you're not a bad person. But you can be a better person."

"A better person" Thyme said not believing her. "As a Paramaanantra, have we ever cared about that word?" he said and silence consumed the place, "So, why didn't you tell me were back?" asked Thyme.

"I told you, I'm here to look after you. Both of you." She looked at Prae and Thyme.

They didn't believe her.

"How about the truth" both the twins said at the same time.

"I've got an urgent task. Mae asked me to come back and sort it out. Something is big is coming to Paramaanantra." she answered as she put her card down.

"That big huh?" Thyme asked as he waited for Prae to play her turn.

P'Tia took her phone out, it was a conference of their Mae.

"Mae is moving to phase two."

After the video finished P'Tia spoke; "everything is undergoing a great change. Things won't be the same. You too. It's time for the two of you to grow up. The days when you're just playing for fun are winding down."

"We know" spoke Thyme.

Every time anybody had a conversation Prae was the one who sat in silence and listened. Talking was always done by Thyme. They were used to it. She didn't like speaking. She only spoke it was necessary. Which it wasn't right now.

"We know that our teenage days are running out." They all sighed.

"It may take some time, but don't worry. We'll make it."

Even though Thyme had spoken for both of them. Most of it was for Thyme to understand.

Prae was already mature enough to understand. Thyme was the child. Even though he was older than her... well by five minutes, Prae was always more responsible.

"You may have grown up a bit" said P'Tia.

"I agree" answered Prae.

"It's about San isn't it?" asked P'Tia.

Thyme avoided eye contact from both his sisters and started to look away.

"I'm not giving up on you." Said P'Tia.

"I'm not either" Prae softly smiled at Thyme and put her head on his shoulder as all three sat in comfortable silence.


Andrew was staring at the vending machine in the cafeteria.

"Can't pick?"

Andrew turned to see Gorya who had a small smile on her face, "too many options." he told her.

"You do want food or something to drink?" she asked, "maybe I can help."

"Something to drink he told her."

Gorya looked around the vending machine, which had various drinks like Dutch Mill, Oishi, Ovaltine, Smart Micro Filter water, and of course Est cola's

(this is what happens when you've watched too much gmmtv)

"How is San?" she asked.

"She's getting better, she's coming back tomorrow. Do you want to visit her?" he asked.

Gorya nodded, "yeah, I miss her." she stated as she ended up picking a drink for Andrew.

She put a few coins in and picked Oishi Honey Lemon. "Here." she smiled as she gave him the bottle.

"Thank you." Andrew smiled gingerly as his hands brushed against Gorya's, "where are you sitting for lunch?" he asked.

"I don't know, kha." she smiled sheepishly as her only friends were absent today.

Andrew began walking, "I'm not sitting with anyone, sit together?" he asked making the girl nod.

"Are you doing okay?" Gorya asked honestly, "About... P'Mira leaving."

Andrew shrugged, "I wasn't at first, but..." he sighed before answering, "It isn't my life or my decision, it's her's, and if she thinks it's the right path for her and that she has thought it through I'm sure she'll be happy."

Gorya smiled softly, "you three really care about her don't you?" she asked.

Andrew smiled brightly and nodded, "Of course. She's like our big sister, she practically raised me and San, she's always there for us. It's our turn to do the same for Phi."

Gorya looked at Andrew in awe, he really cared about the people around him, he tried the hardest to make lives better around him.

"What about you, N'Gorya. Do you have any siblings?" he asked.

Gorya nodded, "Younger brother, his name is Glakao." she told him.

"Does he study here?" he asked, making the girl shake her head.

"The only reason I even study here is because of the sports scholarship I got. But, my parents work really hard to get us both great education that everyone deserves."

Andrew nodded as he sipped his drink, "is it just you four?" he asked, he was getting more curious about the girl day by day.

Gorya nodded, "me, my brother, mae and por." (mom and dad), "what about you, P'Andrew?"

"Mostly it's just me and San. There's P'Lime who has been around almost all our lives, she takes care of us. She's currently on a break trying to get her masters." he told her remembering their loving Caretaker.

"What about your parents? you guys don't always talk about them." she asked, getting scared that she crossed a line.

Andrew didn't seem to think that as he kept conversing with the younger girl, "well, there isn't a lot to say... they're always working, and it always happens to be out of Thailand. We're used to it. Sure they love us, give us money, food or whatever we want, but they're never really there for us. I don't know... It makes me feel empty? I don't know if I'm making a lot of sense."

Gorya was quick to shake her head, "it makes perfect sense." she nodded, "If you two ever feel alone or empty, you can eat dinner with my family. We don't have much, but--"

"We'd love that." he interrupted her.

Gorya smiled making the older boy smile back.


F4 minus Prae and Ren, plus Andrew and Sanrak were dropping P'Mira off, "Don't forget to call me as soon as you land, and text me when you get home and settled in, okay?" Sanrak asked as he hugged P'Mira.

"Who died and made you older sister?" Andrew joked as he pulled his sister away.

"Just be careful, don't talk to strangers." Sanrak warned.

Kavin hit the back of her head, "she's not four, you idiot."

Sanrak kicked his foot, "better safe than sorry!"

Gorya was currently telling P'Mira her goodbye's.

Ren and Prae were yet to come, but the older girls flight was about to board soon.

"Tell them I say bye?" P'Mira asked the boys who nodded.

P'Mira sighed as she began her way inside.


It was Prae who shouted, and was currently draggin Ren who seemed exhausted from running.

"Why--" huff, "are air--" huff, "airports so far." Prae sighed as she leaned on Thyme before she could fall.

"It took us so long to get here." Ren sighed.

P'Mira was already gone. All their efforts were now wasted.

"Took you two long enough! It's too late!" Kavin told them, "What are you going to do now?" he asked Ren.

"Who said I didn't do anything?" Ren asked as he took his passport and ticket out, "I'm going to France."

Thyme's eyes widened, Kavin, MJ and Andrew shared confused glances.

Ren gave Prae on last glance and side eyed Thyme as he began to walk away.

Sanrak ran to Thyme trying to get some sort of reaction out of him, "How can you do this?" Thyme shouted making Sanrak sigh gladly.

Ren stopped, as Thyme walked to him, he saw Thyme who had a confused expression on his face.

Thyme started walking towards Ren, Prae moved a step aside so Thyme and Ren can fix themselves and apologize.

"Are you really going to leave me?" Thyme asked Ren.

Ren's expression softened. "Didn't you think to tell us about something this big?" Thyme screamed.

The group smiled softly at Thyme. He was finally talking to Ren. They hated not being together. It felt nice when Thyme was doing all the talking about friendship. They knew how much everyone meant to each other.

"Do you ever think to consult it with us?" Ren was also smiling at Thyme and Thyme continued to rant.

"We used to be together everyday. Are you really going to leave us? It won't be F4 anymore! Huh?" Thyme gently pushed Ren backwards.

"Damn it!" Thyme pushed Ren's hand aside out of frustration, he grabbed Ren's collar "Ren," he breathed out "I haven't even apologized to you." Everyone smiled at Thyme being considerate. It was extremely rare.

"You don't need to" Ren said softly and Thyme put his head on Ren's shoulder. He would never in a million years admit it. But he was crying.

All three of them went to the boys and heard Thyme say "if anyone bullies you, I'll deal with them!" Ren laughed and MJ and Kavin teased Thyme for crying.

"I think you're the biggest bully so he'll be fine" laughed Prae while drying her tears.

"Is Thyme crying?" joked Kavin.

Everyone started teasing Thyme and Thyme was getting defensive again!

MJ, Kavin and Thyme started chasing each other, Prae and Ren were looking at them with amusing faces.

"So, guys?" Ren called out, catching the attention of everyone in the group, Ren laughed, "I'm only going there for a week." Ren told him as he put a hand on Thyme's shoulder.

Thyme, Kavin, MJ all in unison, "Shia--"

"He's only going there to help Phi get settled, and apologize for being a... dickhead." Prae told them.

It was the trios turn to chase after Ren and Prae for freaking them out.

Which left Andrew, Sanrak and Gorya looking at all of them in awe.

They eventually stopped due to Prae's protests, "I'm tired, we ran here, I can't!" Prae turned to face Ren "Call me as soon as you board. Call me when you land. Call me every day. You're going to be okay right?" rambled Prae.

Ren bent down to her height and chuckled lightly "I'll be fine I promise. I'll call every hour, okay?" he asked her softly and Prae nodded and pulled him so that she can hug him.

By the time they pulled away, Thyme was chasing Kavin who had someone involved the Rung siblings and Gorya.

Then the troublemakers came back and started using Ren as their shields.

Prae loved seeing everyone like this. Happy.


Ren said his goodbyes and boarded the flight.

Everyone went out to scream at the plane go.

"Come on, guys, or you'll miss him! Let's see him off!" screamed Thyme.

Prae , MJ and Kavin ran towards Thyme and started screaming.


(context, this doesn't follow ren and prae's storyline or timeline from gu rak mung. so there are a few changes here. after ren left p'mira's house he met kavin and mj where he had an argument with them, which lead to him realising he didn't mind p'mira leaving, it didn't affect him like he thought it would, which made him realise his true feelings were always meant for prae. well kavin and mj helped him realise cause boys are dumb sometimes. bing, boom, magic words. prae and ren are now together.)


Sanrak who was feeling much better was finally back in school, much to Andrew's dismay as he had to eat lunch with F4 again and not with Gorya like he had been doing these past few days.

"Wasn't he with Liz?" Gorya asked.

Sanrak nodded, "he still is. He's working for Smile."

"What about Pyro?" Gorya asked.

Sanrak laughed, "It's Kyro, he likes Liz, but Smile likes Pyro."

"But she really likes Badz, and Liz likes Kyro?"

Sanrak nodded, "yep."

"Wasn't Badz in love with P'Amp's character?"

Sanrak was the confused one now, "P'Amp is not in the show..." she thought for a second, "oh wait, that was another show, that was kiss me again."

"I am so confused, wasn't Smile in that show too?" she asked.

"Yeah, and Liz did the ost." Sanrak chuckled.

Gorya shook her head as she began eating, "I'm done."

Sanrak chuckled but stopped abruptly when she saw Hanna approaching their table.

"Gorya, San!" she smiled as she sat next to Gorya, "how have you two been?"

"I was amazing until 3 seconds ago, now I have homicidal rage." she muttered as she jabbed her chopsticks in her bowl.

Gorya kicked Sanrak from under the table as she smiled at Hanna.

"What did you do over the weekend?" Hanna asked.

"Over the weekend..." Gorya thought before answering, "We went to see P'Mira off at the airport."

Sanrak nodded as she kept her eyes on her food, afraid she would want to throw it at Hanna.

"Huh?" Hanna asked sounding shocked.

"What now?" Sanrak asked.

"Are you two that close with P'Mira and F4?" Hanna asked.

Sanrak squinted her eyebrows, "hello? Don't you see us together everywhere? My brother is literally sitting with them, P'Mira is my neighbour, it's either that you are extremely stupid or you can't notice the obvious."

Gorya glared at her to shut up when she saw Hanna expression.

"Why?" Sanrak mouthed as she played around with her food. Her plate barely had food to begin with, and by the look on her face, Gorya certainly knew she wasn't planning on finishing the remaining pasta.

"Be nice." Gorya mouthed back which made Sanrak shake her head.

"JANE! look at these F4 dolls. So premium." The plastics shouted.

"God I wonder how those girls can be so damn loud. So irritating." Sanrak whisper commented to Gorya who chuckled stealing some of Sanrak's food, who didn't seem to care about it.

"True, and they smell so good, not like the smell ol of a liar around here."

Sanrak rolled her eyes, "just say the word, I'll get them kicked out of the school."

Gorya shook her head, "ignore them."

"For that you'll probably have to go deaf."

Hanna chuckled at Sarak's comment which made the latter's glare harden at the new girl.

Sanrak and Gorya glared at the plastics, "Who are you looking at? Don't forget we haven't settled a score with you."

"Bitch, try. Try to get on my bad side and see what happens." Sanrak threatened.

The argument was put to a stop when they heard the TV.

Thyme suddenly appeared on the screen, as he started clearing his throat, "Miss Sanrak Ruangwiwat, are you watching?" he asked making Sanrak drop her chopsticks, eyes widening.

"Kill me." she muttered as she pushed herself down the chair.

"I have an announcement for you." he said as he took a paper out, "Well..." he began reading, "well--" he struggled, and finally crumpled the paper out of aggression, "damn it! This Saturday, come and see me at the clock tower near the ferris wheel at Asiatique at 1 pm." he told her, also pointing at the pictures so that she gets a clearer image, "Okay? That's it." he shouted, "Enough! cut." and the screen went blank.

Sanrak pulled her phone out, "what are you googling?" Gorya asked.

"How to disappear."

Everyone in the cafeteria was staring at Sanrak.

"I want to die, Gorya..." she slammed her head on the table.

"What is happening?" Hanna asked.

Sanrak mumbled something, which Gorya translated, "I'm sorry for her language but she said, it's none of your business." she laughed.


Gorya and Sanrak were hanging out on Saturday, and Gorya had informed the latter that she would introduce Kanning, her best friend to Sanrak.

She had heard nice things about Kanning and she was excited to meet her.

"Gorya!" Kanning called as she skipped towards her friend, "are you sure you're free today?" she asked.

Gorya smiled and nodded, "Yes. I don't have any plans today, no one can be like San here, standing up her date."

"That was not a date!" Sanrak retorted.

Kanning smiled, "you must be San, Gorya has told me so many things about you!"

"Were they any good?" she smiled as she put her hand forward for Kanning to shake.

"All good." Kanning reassured, "thank you both for coming here!"

Gorya and Sanrak nodded, "I wasn't going to let you come here alone." Gorya told her, "my phone is broken again, so I wanted to find a place where they fix it."

"Shall we go?" Kanning asked.

"I'm so hungry!" Gorya laughed.

"We just got here!" Sanrak laughed.


Sanrak had a lot of fun spending the day with Kanning and Gorya.

They shopped for clothes, eat a lot of food.

She couldn't remember the last time she had so much fun.

The girl turned to hear a known voice coming from the TV.

"We're not interested to go into the entertainment business at this time. We talked about it, and we agreed that acting is a profession that requires a lot of commitment. And we're not that good- looking." Kavin smiled at the camera, "So we'll focus on our family businesses.".

"New information, F4+ my brother, also lie." Sanrak laughed when she saw her brother standing next to MJ sheepishly smiling at the camera.

She quickly looked at Gorya who was also looking at Andrew with a small smile on her face.

"Everywhere we turn, all we see is F4. So annoying!" Kanning complained.

Sanrak nodded, "I agree!"

"Are you drunk?" Gorya asked to see her sudden excitement.

Sanrak shook her head, "way too early for that, I'm just happy my brother is on TV, I will never stop making fun of his purple glasses!"

"He looks nice though." Gorya commented as she kept hitting her phone trying to make it work.

Sanrak and Kanning shared knowing looks, "Of course you'd say that." Kanning teased.

"But didn't you say P'Kavin was handsome?" Gorya quickly changed the topic, throwing Kanning under the bus.

Sanrak's eyes widened, "Oh my God! I can totally set you two up!!!" she shouted, "this is exciting, I've never set anyone up before!!!"

Kanning shook her head, "No ways!"

The news anchor spoke again making the girls turn, "How about the love life of Thyme- Akira- Paramaanantra?" she asked, "How popular is this handsome billionaire? The man himself said he ever had this kind of experience but wouldn't close himself off from someone special. Let's hear his interview!"

Sanrak's cheek heated up for unknown reason, as she glanced at the clock, it was 1:30 pm, and now she was guilty for standing him up.

Why did she have certain feelings for the boy she was supposed to hate?

"Khawn Rak?" (love?), "No." Thyme responded chuckling, "I don't think any girl can stand me."

"San!" both the girls called her distracting her from Thyme.

"I have a lot of flaws." The boy admitted, "I'm not a guy who chases after someone. I don't like to pamper someone. Others usually pamper me." he chuckles.

The three girls were now stuck in rain.

Sanrak feeling guilty for not saying anything prior to cancel.

What if Thyme was out there? Waiting for her?

"I have another flaw." Thyme continued, "I'm hot headed. I don't like to wait for anyone. If you want to be with you, you have to be the one who waits. Something like that..." he admits, "If you want to be with me, you gave to put up with me."

At this point, Sanrak could see the ferris wheel.

She had to go.

She had to go.

"Can I borrow this?" she asked as she took off with Gorya's umbrella, "I need to go somewhere."

Gorya shouted after her, "Ei San!"

But the Ruangwiwat girl was already gone.

"It's just the way I am. But... maybe, if this girl is important, she might... change me forever."

Sanrak ran as fast as she could, and stopped when she saw Thyme shaking in the rain.



extra long chapter cause of slow updates :)








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