Slither(Reimagined) - Draco M...

By PoppyTaylorr

670 26 23

Her whole life was a lie. A lie that never would have been uncovered if it weren't for the untimely death of... More

Part 1 / Year 5


95 5 16
By PoppyTaylorr

On the morning of 1 September, Laurel, Theo, and their grandmother joined together in the dining room for breakfast. It was a simple breakfast, eggs, toast, sausage, and beans. Even freshly made scones, and an assortment of puréed jams.

The tension in the air was incredibly thick between the twins. Nana wanted to try to ease it, but she didn't have the slightest idea as to how. They were twins that have been separated for nearly thirteen years—surely their twin bond can bring them back together alone. She at least hoped so.

Once the three were finished with breakfast, they made their way to the door. The family's butler, Jedediah, took the twins' luggage and placed it into the charmed trunk of the vehicle, and drove them to busy city of London.

For hours, Laurel had to endure her grandmother making constant remarks about how she wished she would get along with her brother and apologize to him. Theo has received comments from the woman about his lifestyle choices.

He's not the brother she thought—hoped she was getting, but he's the one she has and she unfortunately has to accept it.

They reached Kings Cross Station in London. Laurel watched in amusement as Theo swiftly passed through a brick wall, seemingly to have disappeared. Nana encouraged her to follow, and she hesitantly did so. On the other side, Theo was waiting for them in front of a bright red engine that whistle followed by puffs of steam coming from the smokestack. It was a site to see for sure—Ilvermorny didn't have anything remotely this cool. They have a train yes, but nothing like this.

"Are you two certain you have everything you need? If not, I can be sure to send it—"

"I'm fine. May I go now?" Theo asked with urgency. He didn't want any of his friends to spot him with the pretty blonde that rightfully assaulted him yesterday.

Nana nodded and he grabbed his trunk and handed it to the conductor before boarding.

"He's a troubled boy."

Laurel nodded. She noticed his behavior, and she was not a fan. When she heard she had a twin brother, she thought he'd be top of the class like her. In a steady relationship, and respectful—but he's quite the opposite.

"Do give him some time. He'll come around to you. I do hope that the two of you can make nice for your mother's sake."

"Maybe one day. But not now. I'm not sure if I want anyone to know he's my brother. He's a bit of an ass."

"Language, dear," Nana narrowed her eyes at her before smiling, and nodding. "But you are right, and he needs help. You need to guide him."

"Why me? He's got friends."

"You're his sister. You two weren't aware until now, but in our world, children of multiples have this bond that is stronger than muggles."


"Non-magical folk."

Must everything be different in this country? Laurel thought. It was bad enough she needed to adapt to an entirely new lifestyle and learn new terminology as well. She felt overwhelmed.

"Anyway, I best be off dear. Keep an eye out on your brother, will you?" She said. Laurel nodded. Nana kissed her on the cheek and a warm hug before disapparating.

Laurel took one last look at the fiery red engine before taking a deep breath, and boarding. She was scared beyond belief—more terrified than her first year at Ilvermorny.

As nervous as she was, she still stepped on that train alone. She walked down the narrow hallway with her small dragon hide bag that contained some reading material—her copy of Hogwarts: A History. She opened the leather binding carefully and inhaled the fresh smell of a new book, and dove in.

Chapter 1: The Founders
"Over a thousand years ago (10th century), the four greatest witches and wizards of the same age shared a dream, to create a school where young people of the wizarding world could study and be trained in the magical arts they needed to become skilled, fully-trained wizards. These four great wizards each founded one of the Houses ( Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw)of the school that they worked together to form: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."

Simple enough concept. Laurel thought. She went in to extend her knowledge about her new school when she was interrupted by the sound of knuckles tapping on the glass exterior of her compartment.

"Hello," said the girl in a soft British accent. "I haven't seen you around before. You must be new."

"I am,"

"Oh, and you're American! You must be from Ilvermorny. I've read about—is that Hogwarts: A History?" The girl was perplexed. "It's one of my absolute favorites! Have you reached the part about—"

"Bloody hell, Hermione. Let the girl read the damn thing," a boy, stocky, tall, and had wild red hair said as he pushed past her and sat across from Laurel.

"Ron!" Hermione snapped. "I haven't even asked if we could join her yet."

"Oh," said Laurel flatly. "I don't mind. Please," she said gesturing to the empty spaces. Hermione nodded and stepped inside sitting next to Ron.

"I'm Hermione Granger. Fifth-year Gryffindor prefect. This is Ron. He too is a prefect."

"It's nice to meet you. I'm Laurel Nott. Fifth year, er, well, I was in Thunderbird at Ilvermorny, but based on this book, that isn't an option."

"Oh no!" Said Hermione with a large smile across her face. "At Hogwarts, there is Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. You'll get sorted once we arrive at the castle."

"Best pray you're not in Slytherin," Ron scoffed. "Haven't met one Slytherin that wasn't a fucking—"

"Ronald!" Hermione spat disgust and rage across her face.

Laurel made a face, almost a fake smile, and nodded. She thought the girl was nice, but a bit much. And the boy...he preferred to speak his mind. She liked him. He was just like her.

A moment later, the three were joined by three others: a boy, tall and lanky, and was holding a small, cactus-like plant that was covered in boils, a girl with long, white blonde hair who looked like she took a few bong rips before she left her house, and another girl who had hair the same shade as Ron.

"You mind if we join you?" Said the girl with red hair.

"Get your own compartment," Ron snarled. "Fifth years only. Neville, you can stay," he said. He stopped and looked at the plant. A mimbulus mimbletonia. A plant Laurel knew all too well. She had learned about them in her fourth year of school. She and Grant provoked the plant which caused it to release its Stinksap all over them. They reeked of it for days.

"The plants gotta go though," Ron added.

Laurel turned her nose up at the rancid-smelling plant and nodded her head.

"Oh, it'll be fine as long as no one messes with it."

"If you want to stay with them, I'll take the plant, Neville," the red-haired girl offered.

"No, no. It's okay. I understand the properties of this type of specimen. Not everyone can handle it."

"You're such an arse Ron," the girl spat before leaving for another compartment with the girl and boy.

"That was rather rude of you, Ron. And to your own sister at that." Hermione said shamefully. "I'd go after her but I'd much rather sit here and get to know Laurel better before we have to go to our prefect's meeting."

"Right," said Ron in a dull tone with an eye roll. "That thing."

"You could always tell Professor Dumbledore that you don't want to do this and pass the torch to Harry. He was the better candidate anyways."


"Anyways, Laurel. As I was saying before, I'm Hermione, this is Ron and we're going to show you around at Hogwarts when we arrive."

"Oh? We are, now are we? What if she's not in Gryffindor? What if she's a Slytherin?"

"Not all Slytherins are bad...Not...Wait, did you say your last name was Nott?" Hermione asked the blonde curiously.

Laurel gulped nervously. She could feel her heart rate accelerating. She nodded slowly. It wasn't that she didn't want anyone to know that she was related to Theo, she just didn't want anyone to know right now—and neither did he.

"Any relationship to Theodore Nott?"

"No," Laurel said quickly. Almost too quickly. Ron and Hermione studied her. Ron sat up and towards the edge of his seat while Hermione watched her every movement looking for some sort of tell that said she was lying.

"I assume he's someone who goes here?" Laurel asked and they nodded. "Well, I'm not sure if you two heard, but I'm American, so there's no way. It's simply a coincidence."

"But Hogwarts doesn't accept students who weren't born in the United Kingdom...therefore, you're—"

"Oh, I was born here and..." Laurel studied their faces. She didn't want to lie to them, they were nice. She let out a deep sigh and nodded. "You two have to swear not to say anything."

"Say anything about what?" Someone asked. The three looked up and at the sliding compartment door. There, stood a boy with messy black hair, grassy green eyes, and round glasses. "Hello," the boy said to Laurel before turning to his best friends. "Sorry, I got caught up with Sirius."

"Harry, this is a Laurel. She's a transfer student from Ilvermorny. She was just telling us about her family, right Laurel?"

"I don't even know you guys, and you expect me to just pour my secrets to you?"

"My name is Harry Potter. Any secret you have is safe with me." He said casually and sat in the empty seat next to Ron. Laurel sighed.

"You can trust him. All of us. We're very good at keeping secrets."

Laurel sighed. She needed to decide whether to truth then or run. She wanted to run, desperately.

But she couldn't.

"You can't say anything. It's not something I want to advertise," Laurel said promptly to the trio. They each agreed to keep quiet. Laurel took another deep breath and closed her eyes for a moment.

"Theodore Nott is my brother. My twin brother."

She looked at the blank expressions faces of her three compartment mates. She knew exactly what they were thinking—if Theodore Nott was as disgusting of a human being to her, she could only begin to imagine how he was at school.

"Well?" Said Laurel patiently. "Say something."

"I, wait," said Harry in a perplexed tone. "Were you the girl who slapped him at Diagon Alley yesterday?"

Laurel chuckled to herself and nodded. Both Ron and Hermione's eyes widened. Ron was laughing along with Harry, while Hermione expressed a more concerned look.

"Any girl who acts like that to one of those Slytherins is alright in my book," said Harry happily. "I think we're going to be great friends."


A couple of weeks ago, Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley received their Year Five Hogwarts acceptance letters. Along with the usual letter inviting them to attend the prestigious wizarding school, and the school supplies list was a prefect's badge. Students in years five to seven—two per year—are hand chosen by their head of the house and the school's headmaster to be a prefect.

Hermione was the obvious choice for Gryffindors as some of the other ladies in the house just wasn't up to par. Hermione is at the top of her entire class and has no shame in scolding—correcting someone's behavior. She leads by example.

Ron on the other hand was surprised to receive the badge. He, and everyone else in his inner circle assumed it would be Harry considering Harry's close connections with Dumbledore—and the fact that the boy has saved the school time after time since he was eleven years old.

Ron has five older brothers, three of which were prefects. He has always hoped he would become one so he could be just like his older brothers, but he never thought it'd be possible.

Now that he has the job though, he isn't sure he wants it. He grew up being the main target of his twin older brother's pranks—pranks that they at the age of seventeen still perform. He didn't want to have to be the one to tell them they can't do something, or give them detention because he simply knew they wouldn't listen to him. However, he did like that he held the power to do so.

"Come on, Ron," Hermione urged her redheaded companion to get up from his nap. "We're going to miss the meeting."

Ron yawned, and stretched, and stretched and yawned. He finally stood up, stretched some more, and trudged his legs behind Hermione until they reached the prefect's cabin.

The head boy and head girl are in charge of giving the new and veteran prefects the rundown of what's to come in the year. Their duties as prefects: are to report misconduct to a superior advisor, or to enforce school rules. They're in charge of tending to the first-year and new students of the school as well—making sure they make it to the proper classes on time by showing them how to get to each class, and how to get in and out of the classroom.

And most importantly, be a good role model for the school.

Hermione and Ron stepped into the prefect's cabin with the other prefects, and the head boy and girl. The two breezed past the collection of Slytherin prefects when Pansy Parkinson noticed Ron's fiery red hair and saw an opportunity to strike.

"I guess they'll just make anyone a prefect these days," the raven-haired Slytherin sneered.

Ron stopped and turned to face her. He looked her up and down and scoffed.

"I could say the same thing about you." He retorted.

"Well, at least I know your parents didn't pay for you to be a prefect. They can't even afford new robes for you let alone a bribe."

"And how is they made you one again? I suppose being Malfoys arm candy has some perks."

Pansy zipped her mouth tightly and huffed under her breath before turning to Draco and asking him to defend her. Draco, who seemed a bit out of it, didn't pay her any mind. There was something on his mind—something more important than insulting a Weasley.

Hermione and Ron sat down with the other Gryffindors and awaited for their meeting to begin.

This year's head boy and girl were a Ravenclaw, and a Gryffindor student; Justice Stone, and Amber Grace. Justice unfortunately filled the role that was previously reserved for Cedric Diggory, but unfortunately the boy met his downfall far too early.

"Do we have everyone?" Justice asked scanning the cabin, mentally counting the heads. "We will just begin. Welcome everyone. Most of you are returning for this opportunity but we do have eight newbies."

"I'm sure you newer lot have a consensus of what this job entails, but we will go over your tasks thoroughly during this meeting. But to start, we're just going to knock this question out of the way. This year we have a new student joining us from Ilvermorny. Her name is Laurel Nott. Has anyone had the opportunity of meeting her yet?"

There were a few mutters amongst the Slytherin group when the name Nott was mentioned. Everyone who knew Theodore Nott knew he was an only child—or so that's what they were told. That's what he was told up until recently.

Hermione shot her hand up.

"She's sitting in our compartment."

"Great. When you return, will you please inform her that when we arrive at the school, Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape would like to meet her to get her sorted? Just have her hang back with you while you tend to your prefect duties upon arrival, and escort her to them when we reach the castle."

"Of course," Hermione answered promptly.

"Great. Now that that's settled, let's get back to business."


The prefect meeting only went on for about a half hour, but in that time, Laurel got to know Harry. She had heard tales of the boy who lived and Lord Voldemort, but she never knew the exact story. Harry of course filled her on all of the details.

During their time alone, the two talked, laughed, and even flirted with one another. It was one of the first times Laurel didn't think of Grant. She liked Harry and the smiles he made her make. She liked how he made her laugh whenever she was in the darkest time of her life.

She wanted to kiss him, but she didn't. She felt it would be too weird, and she wasn't ready for that yet. But maybe one day.

Ron and Hermione returned finally and informed Laurel of their instructions. She was a bit hesitant to follow through with Hermione's straightforward orders, but then Harry assured her that everything would be okay and that he'd be with her—him she trusted. She still wasn't too sure how she felt about Hermione's know-it-all personality.

The train came to a halt. Ron and Hermione went to perform their prefect duties of leading the first years in the direction of the boats. Once they were finished, they met up with Laurel and Harry.

The two non-prefects were flirting with one another casually. Harry was muttering things about her stunning appearance—that not many girls can pull off the no makeup, casual look. Laurel was blushing, and smiling ear to ear.

As the four walked down the platform together towards the carriages, they had an unexpected run-in with another set of students—the Slytherins.

Theodore Nott did not like seeing Harry Potter flirt with his sister and he had no idea why. He hated the girl, yet something was compelling him to pull the girl away from him and tell Potter to stay away from his sister.

But he didn't want anyone to know she was his sister, and neither did she.

Instead, Theo played things off as he usually would and accidentally rammed his shoulder into Harry. The plan would have been executed well if Harry didn't topple onto Laurel. Theo instantly felt horrible, but that stubbornness inside of him wouldn't let him ask if she was okay.

But the position that Laurel was in gave Draco a glimpse of the girl—the girl he saw at Diagon Alley just yesterday. The girl whose beauty blinded him.

It's her. Draco thought to himself. He had a quick second to react. Is he to display weakness in front of his friends for a girl who in a way rejected him, or insult Potter—but knowing Draco, he'll go with the latter.

"Yet another reason for them to reserve a cell for you in Azkaban, Porter," Draco sneered. "Making false accusations, performing magic in front of your pathetic muggle family, and now abusing women. And they call him the chosen one?"

Pansy Parkinson snickered and smirked amongst herself as Laurel struggled to regain her balance. Blaise didn't have anything to say...yet, and Theo was easily ten feet ahead of the group.

Harry hopped up quickly and lunged at Draco only to be held back by Ron. Draco was startled by the chosen action and stumbled over his feet and crashed into Pansy knocking her into a pile of mulch. Draco looked down at her disgusted and continued walking to catch up with Theo.

"That's one way to impress a girl," Blaise jeered. "Atta boy, Malfoy. Atta boy."

"What're you on about?" Draco asked.

"The blonde. She's the one from yesterday. The one who hit Theo. You think I wouldn't remember a girl that pretty? She's even prettier than Pansy."

"Hey!" Pansy said visibly irritated. "She wasn't that pretty."

"I'm not huge on geography, but De Nile is a river in Egypt, love." Blaise laughed. "Since Malfoy pretty much just blew his chance with her, I may try and get with her."

"Can you three stop talking about her like that?" Theo growled.

"Why? Want her for yourself?"

"No!" Theo scoffed. "She's just a bitch. I don't like her."

"Me either." Pansy agreed.

"You don't even know her," Draco said with an eye roll as he climbed into the carriage.

"And you do?" Pansy asked. "Tell me, what do you think of her, eh? Do you think she's pretty? Do you want to sleep with her too?"

All eyes were on Draco as they waited for his response. Blaise wanted him to admit it. Pansy wanted another reason to be mad at him for their break up, and Theo wanted a reason to hit the boy for saying vulgar things about his sister—er, just an excuse to hit him.

"No," Draco said flatly. "Just no."

"Then why were you—"

"Shut up, Blaise." Draco gritted through his teeth.

The remainder of the carriage rides to the castle was quiet—apart from Hermione going on and on about being a prefect and urging Laurel to steer clear of certain floors, and people, and giving her a rundown of the rules.

It was then that Laurel realized how truly intelligent Hermione was, and decided to ask for her help.

"A twin bond?" Hermione asked.

"Yes," said Laurel. "My grandmother said that the bond between me and Theo would bring us closer since we're wizard twins. Apparently, magical twins have special powers that no-maj—I mean muggle twins don't."

"It makes sense," Hermione said twisting her lips into thought. "What do you know about this?" She turned and asked Ron.

"Ron, you're a twin?" Laurel asked. "Is it that girl with the red hair that you kicked out of our compartment?"

"Er, no. Ginny is my sister, but not my twin. She's a fourth year."

"Then what would he know about magic twins?"

"His brothers are twins. They may know something. I'll do some research and Ron can introduce you to them. But be warned, take everything they say with a grain of salt. They're kind of ridiculous and like to joke around." Hermione said.


They had reached the castle. Just inside the front entrance stood Professor McGonagall. Hermione introduced Laurel to her and then walked off with her after telling her new friends goodbye.

From the entrance hall, the respected professor lead Laurel down the hall, and up the stairs, until they reached the headmaster's office. Inside stood Professor Snape, and Professor Dumbledore.

"You must be Laurel,"  said Professor Dumbledore. "Let me be the first to officially welcome you to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. We're pleased to have you."

Professor McGonagall grabbed a hideous collection of rags that were sewn into the shape of a hat and presented it to Laurel.

"What's that?"

"This will determine what house you're in," Professor McGonagall said. "If you're in Gryffindor, then I'll be your head of house, but shall you be in Slytherin, you'll report to Professor Snape."

Laurel turned to the tall, lanky Professor. She looked at his snarled expression and greasy hair. She hated him already. She just knew he'd be the type to make her miserable—that and a Harry and Ron warned her about him.

Without warning, McGonagall placed the hat on laurels head—or so she tried to. The hat barely touched her perfectly straight hair when it said:

"A lot is going on in here. The desire to please people and fit in is just as bad as your desire to be the best. Just like your parents, and brother. If that's not the qualities of a Slytherin then I don't know what is. So, you belong in Slytherin."

Great. Laurel thought. She just hoped her new friends were liars when they said they'd still be accepting of her.

On the way to the Great Hall, Professor Snape vaguely gave Laurel the rundown of the school. He gave her her schedule and told her should she need help, ask one of the prefects in her house.

He also wasn't shy about expressing his hatred for her estranged father.

When they reached the Great Hall, Laurel, who was now dressed in a sleek new set of Slytherin robes, joined the Slytherin table. She felt out of place, and awkward, so until it was time to turn in, she sat in silence while everyone around her gossiped.

When they reached the common room, Laurel was in a complete state of awe. The Slytherin common room was nothing like she'd seen before. It was dark, and gloomy, like her current personality. The fireplaces were lit with green flames, and there was a large glass window that showed the Black Lake—occasionally there would be an animal that clung to the glass fixture, or the students would catch a glimpse of the giant squid that lived on the other side of the glass.

The large room, plus the bedrooms and bathrooms was easily three times the size of her home back in Colorado. She was worried she might get lost.

Laurel didn't know where to go. She went to ask Pansy for help as Professor Snape told her to, but she was unsuccessful.

"How pathetic," Pansy scoffed. "Figure it out for yourself."

"Excuse me," said Laurel. "But what is it exactly that I did to you to make you completely standoffish towards me?"

"You hit my friend," Pansy replied referring to the incident with Theo.

"You're telling me if a guy walked up to you and was disgusting, you wouldn't stand up for yourself?" Laurel asked. Pansy didn't say anything. Her snarl was frozen as she stared at Laurel. "Sounds like you're the pathetic one." She smiled before walking off.

Laurel walked around upstairs until she reached the bedrooms. She wasn't sure what room was what until Theo approached her. He grabbed her by the hand and lead her into a dark area.

"Don't tell anyone I'm helping you."

"Who says I want your help?"

"Your room is down there, and to the right. Don't let Pansy boss you around."

"Didn't plan on it."

"We're not related either."

"Why would I want anyone to know that?"

"Because I'm Theodore Nott and me being your brother can do a lot for your popularity, but being the brother to some America bitch can damage mine."

"It would also suck if they knew you hit on your own sister," she sneered. "Unless you all are into that. We have a term for that where I'm from...incest."

"Fuck off,"

Laurel rolled her eyes and wandered down the hall and into the room Theo told her about. Inside, she found her belongings at the end of a bed. She quickly changed into something more suitable for sleep, crawled under the blankets, and began to read.

It wasn't long before the other girls, Pansy Parkinson, Daphne Greengrass, Tracey Davis, and Millicent Bulstrode entered the room. From there, the girls dressed for bed and gossiped amongst each other before drifting to sleep.

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