The Tale of the Mafia Dons {B...

By EvansStanxx

4.8K 323 93

"Bunny..." "Baby Doll..." "Little Dove..." "Bunny... it's me." I took a step forward, in hopes that calling h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 3

291 18 6
By EvansStanxx

Warning - Mature language and Substance in use
{Three Years Ago - Few Days After the Wedding event}

{Sebastian's POV}

"I want every fucking man available. Pull them from other jobs that they're on, this is our main fucking concern right now!" I said to West, Nick and Eric

"Yes, sir" they all said in unison before leaving.

I was left alone in my office, thinking and pondering on what else I could do. My men have orders, I need everyone back here. The other jobs have to wait, people of this city will need to wait until we have reclaimed their Queen back.

I poured myself a drink. It would have been my fifth drink, if I could remember...

Nope, I might have lost count. My head was hurting and everything was starting to spin. Yet, I kept on drinking. It was the only thing that helped numbed the pain I was feeling.


"Not now" I said, wanting to focus more on the situation at hand

"I just want to know if there's anything I can do?" I turned to see Oscar standing at the door. His voice sounding defeated. "There has to be something I can do, to help"

I didn't have the strength to say anything to him. I didn't trust the words that would come out of my own mouth. I wanted to hurt someone and right now, I could hurt him without thinking twice about it.

She trusted him, spared his life even though he worked for the enemy. Knew he was working for the enemy and still gave him the chance to redeem himself. I had given her the choice and he had proven himself so much.

But for this moment, I wanted to kill him. I wanted him to feel how I was feeling, knowing I don't have the one person who actually saw the good in me and wanted me.

Flaws and all...

"Sir, I know there has to be something that I can do. I want to help, she was... is my friend"

"You've lost that right when you left her all those fucking years ago! You chose a lifestyle that was dangerous and left her alone. You don't get to call her a friend anymore" I said, boiling inside.

"I left to make a better life for myself. I was always going to come back for her and give her the life that she deserved."

"Deserved?" That was my breaking point "Let's have a fucking look on what happened to her life, when you decided to leave" I ticked them off my fingers as I went "She got married to Vito. A man who treated her worse than a fucking animal. Beating her, abusing her, she saw her friend who he fucked in front of her, shot dead."

"That wasn't my fault. Don't put that shit on me, sir"

"If it wasn't for Chris meeting her the day she ran from Vito, who the fuck knows what would have happened to her. I will admit that I played a huge disappointing part in that whole Vito saga, where she got captured and tortured once again. Now, for the more recent events... Shall I continue?"

I saw him turned his back towards and head for the door

"You are not dismissed, Oscar. You had brought Zakaria into her life by coming back into her life yourself. She let you live because I gave her that option. I knew she needed a friend, a friend that not me or Chris could have provided"

"As I recall, Sir. You failed to kill Zakaria. I was there that night you shot him. You don't remember me. I was younger and just starting out in his gang. But I remember it all so clearly"

I tried to take a step towards him, but stumbled.

He approached me and helped me to stand up "You're fucking drunk! You have the balls to call me out about what has happened in y/n's life while you're drunk? Fuck you, Sebastian"

A knock on the door interrupted us.

"Come in" He said.

I noticed a few of my other men coming in and Oscar mentioning for them to help me in my chambers.

"This little chat isn't over, Oscar"

"Of course it's not. I await for the day we continue our chat, sir"

The men helped me out and the last thing I saw was Chris approaching Oscar before I was guided to my room...

{Three Years Later - Present Day}

"We have finally convinced all the Mafia bosses to meet in Italy! I want everyone to pack and be ready to leave tomorrow. I have requested a few men to stay behind in case we get word that Zakaria is still around here" I said to every single men in the room.

A lot of 'yeses' and 'sir' echoed the room.

"Oscar..." I said. "Stay behind for a minute"


"I have a special job for you... Well, both myself and Chris have come up with this plan and thought it would best suit you"

At that moment, Chris walked into the room. Papers in his hand. Perfect!

"Oscar" Chris said, handing him the papers.

I watched as he scanned through the pages and read some of it.

"I don't understand" he mentioned, holding the papers up.

"We need you to get back inside the hold. Make Zakaria believe that you are on his side again" Chris said.

"Not again... make him believe that you were always on his side. That what you did for y/n was to get information for him about us" I pointed to Chris and I

"I pledge an oath to y/n. He would never believe that I am still one of his man. Besides, it's been three years. He isn't as stupid as you both think he might be"

"Three years ago, we had a heated discussion. Did we not?" I asked, he nodded.

"You accused me of such things and I wasn't to pleased. Yet, I am surprised that you would remember all that, given you were drunk, sir"

"I was. Very drunk. But I remember and I think it made me realise that I was in the wrong. Not about scolding you, but for what I had done to y/n in the past as well. This is why, this plan is perfect. She needs someone who will be there for her. We can't as we'll get caught and that will only make matters worse"

"What he means is, if we get caught.... Zakaria will either torture her, make her see us get tortured or worse..."

"Make her watch you both die." He said, finishing off Chris' sentence. "I don't even know where to start looking for them. I don't have a clue. It's been three years."

I thought about it. He was right, there was no one in this city alive from Zakaria's side that would give us any help.

Oscar spoke up after a few long minutes. "What if I go back to the scene. It's been three years, no one will be there. I can look around his mansions and see if I can find anything"

"And in the meantime, we'll get the crew ready for a trip to Italy" Chris said. "You call us or one of our men about any information that you find"

"Once, you find something go forward with it. I want you in Zakaria's good books again and giving us every single detail"

He nodded and left at once.

This plan had to work...

It needed to work so badly...

For our sake and for y/n's...
Author's Note:

Do you think their plan will work?
Will Oscar be able to get back into the fold with Zakaria and help y/n?
Who loves the fact that Seb admitting to his wrong doing with Vito? Taking ownership of his bad past and wanting to do good now...?

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