The Girl With The Shimmering...

By AlyssaCampbello

7.6K 192 234

Glimmer volunteers in the 74th Hunger Games. It's something she's always supposed to do. She was born for thi... More

The Reaping
The Capitol
The Tribute Parade
The Training Center
The Private Session
The Interviews
The Bloodbath
The Tracker Jackers
The Poison
The Death Of A Loved One
The Love Triangle
The Feast
The Mutts
The Reaping #2
The Capitol #2
The Tribute Parade #2
The Training Center #2
The Private Session #2
The Interviews #2
The Arena #2
The Bloodbath #2
The Tracker Jackers #2
The Poison #2
The Death Of A Loved One #2
The Love Triangle #2
The Feast #2
The Mutts #2

The Arena

288 6 6
By AlyssaCampbello

TW s/a

(This will probably the last chapter in a while since I'm going on a vacation with my friends)

I woke up before the sun had started to rise. It was still dark and so very.. peaceful. The citizens had been partying the whole night, filling the streets with laughter and music. It was so very quiet and still when they finally had gone to bed. I decided to put on a pink silk robe and a comfortable pair of slippers. I didn't care to brush my hair since everyone was still asleep. I opened my door as quietly as I could and tiptoed through the living room and entered the elevator. Finally I could breathe out. I pushed the bottom and the elevator started to move. I liked how my stomach started to tickle when it caught up to speed. I resisted the urge to push the bottom again. Instead I got out and was hit by the cold air.

I was on the thirteenth floor, a big terrace. I started walking towards the edge when I saw a figure standing there. It took a while for my eyes to adjust to the minimal light but after a while I realised it was Clove. I froze for a second and debated on whether I should approach her or just go back to sleep. Apparently she could sense my presence because she turned around and watched me in silence. I couldn't back off now or she would think I was scared of her. I walked up to the railing where she was standing. "Nice clothes Glim Glam" she said in a sarcastic tone. Seriously, what is up with everyone and that nickname? "I didn't think anyone would be up here" I said as I watched the view of the empty city. "Well you were wrong". I could almost hear her roll her eyes. "Clearly" I said calmly. I wouldn't allow her to get in my head, especially not when it's just a few hours till we enter the arena. I recognised this sort of behaviour though. She was insecure and hid behind vicious words so she would seem more confident than she was. Clove was probably just as scared as anyone else. She was one of the younger tributes, but only two years younger than me. I wondered how they allowed her to volunteer. Usually we have to graduate from the academy first. I had graduated early and was promised the chance to volunteer. There was no way this girl had finished it already, no matter how skilled she was.

"I know you hate me" I started. She didn't answer me nor acknowledge my presence. I needed to get close with her before the game. Maybe I could use my ring on her too when the time comes. So I continued. "We need to have each other's back in there, no matter how much you hate me. We have to hunt like a pack and it won't work if you never talk to me". She still didn't say anything. I rolled my eyes and started walking back towards the elevator. A firm hand grasped my wrist. "Wait" she said. She let go of my wrist and sighed loudly. "Listen. I don't trust you. And I don't care if you die. But it does look like we're stuck together for a while". I didn't quite know what she meant by that but I guess we're good. She continued to look at me for a brief second and then returned to stare out in the open night. Night would be to exaggerate. The sun had slowly started to rise -  casting a pretty rosy hue across the morning sky. Golden fingers of sunlight lit up the city and the previously sleeping birds had woken up, filling the quiet town with chatter. I let out a sigh. It was so peaceful, even though I was standing next to someone who wanted me dead.

I didn't know for how long we were standing there but I knew I had to get back to the apartment. "We should probably get back before everyone wakes up" I said. She only gave me a dirty look and said "so go?". I really can't stand this girl. I huffed and got onto the elevator. I pushed the button and that funny feeling appeared again when the elevator started moving. It stopped on the second floor even though I knew I had pushed the "1" button. Weird. The doors opened and Cato was standing there in just a t-shirt and underwear. His blonde hair was tousled and he had a worried look on his face. "Have you seen Clove?" he asked. Poor boy must have been worried sick when she wasn't in her room. "Yeah she's on the terrace". I saw how his body immediately relaxed. I realised how much he cared about her. He would never admit it to anyone but I could tell. "Go back to bed Cato". He gave me a small smile and a nod. He then turned around and started walking back towards his bedroom.

There was really no point going back to sleep. It was just one hour til Ruby would wake us up. The citizens liked to sleep in so the games wouldn't start until noon. We had a lot to prepare though so the tributes would wake up early to get ready and go through the strategies one last time. We would then get transported to the arena. I decided to take a cup of warm chocolate and a long bath. I put the cup down on the tub and turned on the water. Hot liquid filled the tub while I was looking for some soap. I found one smelling like roses and decided that was the one. The tub was almost completely filled and I carefully put my pinky in the hot water. It was still way too hot for me to get in but I didn't really have the time to wait for it to cool down. Instead I let my pink robe fall to the ground and stepped out of my slippers. I winced when I slid down the tub but soon embraced the heat. This might be the last time I take a bath. I have to enjoy every last second of it I thought before dozing off into sleep - thankfully with no dreams haunting my mind.

I woke up to Ruby frantically knocking on the bathroom door. She sounded hysterical, probably thinking I had drowned myself. I reassured her I was fine and got up from my pleasant bath. I once again got dressed in my pink robe and walked out of the bathroom. Ruby was waiting for me to make sure I was fine. She left me alone after some convincing. I walked over to my closet and opened the door. It didn't matter what I was wearing today since they would give us clothes before we stepped into the arena. Ruby had given me a pair of green cargo pants and a plain t-shirt. I even preferred my parade outfit over this but there was nothing to do. I brushed my hair, split it in two parts and partly braided it. I liked this hairstyle. It highlighted my face and got the hair out of my eyes. I didn't care about putting makeup on. Instead I walked out to the living room. I almost ran into Marvel who looked more confused than usual. "Oh there you are, I was just looking for you" he said. He gave me a goofy smile and ran to the elevator. What a weird boy he could be sometimes. Gloss and Cashmere were already waiting on us. I took one last look at the spectacular apartment before I stepped into the elevator with the others, leaving the glory and comfort behind us.

A huge hovercraft was waiting for us when we got out of the elevator. Our mentors wished us the best luck and gave us a last hug before we walked towards our transport. We walked up onto the cargo bay where we would be seated for the start. I chose the empty spot beside Cato and Marvel chose a seat on the opposite side so he could face me. I saw Clove sitting as far away from Cato as she could. Did they fight again? They sure need to make up before the arena or we would be doomed. A lady with a syringe was walking between each tribute and giving them some form of injection. I have no idea what it was but I was almost certain it wouldn't kill us. "Give me your arm" she said as she faced me. Without a word I gave her my arm. She injected it and moved on. It slightly hurt but I knew I couldn't show any kind of reaction towards it. Instead I turned towards Cato and asked how he was doing. I needed him to fully trust me when we stepped into the arena. We ended up chatting until they announced we were leaving. I pretended to be a little scared and took Cato's hand. He smiled sheepishly at me and I knew my plan was working. I could almost see Clove grinding her teeth from across the room.

After about an hour they released us from our seats. An avox showed us to the dining room filled with all kinds of dishes. It smelled delicious. This was our last meal before the arena - possibly ever. I made sure to eat as much as I could since there was no guarantee we could find food when the games had started. Marvel seemed to be in an awfully happy mood today cracking jokes every few minutes with the pack. I knew he had volunteered to make his dad proud and I assumed he was excited to prove his worth today. For the first time in days I thought about my parents. Were they proud of me? Had they been watching everything? I hoped they did. Mom was so proud of me when I graduated early. Dad wasn't as happy, he wanted me to stay his little girl forever. I didn't want to admit it but I missed them. I wondered what Topaz was up to. I knew she had been watching it all. We used to be glued to the TV every Hunger Games. I knew she was proud of me and my heart ached for her.

"Glimmer?". I turned around to face Marvel. All the other tributes were gone. "We have to go back. We're almost there" he said and took my hand in his. What is up with me today? My mind has been cloudy since the bath I took this morning. I walked back to the cargo bay with Marvel and they strapped us to our seats. The large hovercraft prepared to land and we soon were released again. We were lined up as the big doors opened - revealing an underground tunnel under the arena. We were dropped off in each tribute's assigned launching room. They had only written "district 1 female" on my door. Marvel had whispered "meet you on the other side princess" before I opened the door. I didn't deserve him as a friend.

I stepped into the room and heard the peacekeepers locking the door behind me. In front of me was a big desk and a chair. Vance was sitting in the chair with his hands locked. I greeted him with a smile which was not returned. Instead he got up and walked towards me with angry steps. He pushed me up against the wall and I had never been so terrified of someone in my whole life. "You little bitch didn't think we would notice the poison in the ring. Do we look stupid to you!?" he screamed at me. Fuck they had noticed my ring. What am I supposed to kill Cato with now? I pretended to be in complete shock. "What are you talking about Vance? What poison?". He stayed quiet for a few seconds and then dropped me. "Who gave you the ring?" he asked. I didn't want to give him a real name in case they got in trouble so I only said "I got it from a girl in my class. I don't really know her but I thought the ring looked pretty so I accepted it". He seemed to believe my story because he soon left the room.

I looked around in the empty concrete room. There wasn't much except for my new clothes and the desk Vance had been sitting behind. After a while Vance returned. "This is your lucky day, pretty girl. Cashmere has fought like hell to keep you in this" he said. I only nodded, not daring to say anything to the man. He pointed towards where my clothes were hanging "put on those now. Hurry up". I did what he said and I could feel his eyes burning on my body while I undressed. He led me towards the tribute tube and almost pushed me inside. He then started stroking my hair and I couldn't take it anymore. I pushed him away, making him take a few stapling steps backwards. It only lit the fire and lust in him. He quickly got up to me again and this time I didn't do anything, knowing he could do whatever he wanted to because we were alone.

I didn't feel pretty anymore. I felt used. Degraded. Humiliated. But there's no going back now. I let him stroke his fingers on my face, touching my arms. Before he could go any further the time was up. He stepped out of the tube but he made sure I could hear him. "Too bad the pretty one always dies". He says it as he looks me up and down with a smirk. I felt the rage building inside me. This was the thing I was trying to avoid when I volunteered. I wanted to cry but there were only seconds left before I would enter the arena. I used my degraded feelings to build a hate towards every human being around me. I will kill them all. I will make sure to do it violently so someone never dares to touch me like this again. I felt how the tube started to move. It got pitch black for about three seconds. The dazzling sunshine stopped me from seeing anything - making me almost as blind as I was in the tube. I held a hand in front of my eyes, allowing me to see the other tributes. I could see Marvel and Cato a few launching plates away from me. Clove was on the complete opposite side and Marina was standing next to her. I knew not to step off the plate too early. A girl had dropped her token a few years ago - making her blow sky-high. They practically had to scrap her body parts from the ground.

They started playing the national song as the big clock started counting down. 60... 59... 58.. The sound of the countdown hurt my ears. 46... 45... 44... I continued to look around me, watching as the other tributes tried to decide whether or not to approach the cornucopia. 33.. 32.. 31.. I saw Marvel looking at me. I quickly turned away my gaze, not wanting to meet his eyes. I needed to keep the rage, the adrenaline would make my body much stronger and more alert. 10.. 9.. 8.. I took a deep breath. I only had to run as fast as I could. The other careers would help me kill the idiots who decided to be a part of the bloodbath - thinking they would make it out alive. 3.. 2.. 1... RUN!

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