By KwinMayor

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His eyes shone the deepest shade of red. Black vein could be seen appearing on his neck. Everyone in the room... More

CHAPTER 1: Discovery
CHAPTER 2: Strange sensation
CHAPTER 3: Curious
CHAPTER 4: First kiss
CHAPTER 5: The man on suit
CHAPTER 6: Cruel/Ice cream
CHAPTER 7: Little woman
CHAPTER 8: He looks like a devil
CHAPTER 9: His eyes flashed red
CHAPTER 10: Shock
CHAPTER 11: It's really you
CHAPTER 12: A new place
CHAPTER 13: Help me
CHAPTER 14: Are you scared
CHAPTER 15: A warrior
CHAPTER 17: Where is Diana?
CHAPTER 18: Evanora
CHAPTER 19: Don't stop
CHAPTER 20: Dear mate
CHAPTER 21: Spider
CHAPTER 22: The party
CHAPTER 23: Confession
CHAPTER 24: I found you
CHAPTER 25: Upset Diana
CHAPTER 26: Better
CHAPTER 27: Crazy date
CHAPTER 28: Hidden danger
CHAPTER 29: Poison/Hypnotized
CHAPTER 30: Stupid
CHAPTER 31: Antidote
CHAPTER 32: Lilith
CHAPTER 33: Promise
CHAPTER 34: Seduction
CHAPTER 35: Love Making
CHAPTER 36: Chaos
CHAPTER 37: Deep slumber
CHAPTER 38: Mad woman
CHAPTER 39: Unexpected
CHAPTER 40: Full Transformation
CHAPTER 41: Sacrifice
CHAPTER 42: Two thousand years ago
CHAPTER 43: Queen
CHAPTER 44: Hubby
CHAPTER 45: I missed you
CHAPTER 46: The end

CHAPTER 16: I'm king Dracula's wife

1K 39 0
By KwinMayor

"what the...

Aaron's eyes stayed widened as he watch the guy laying peaceful on a damn beast fur. How the fuck did he do that? Scott turned to his side and kept on sleeping.

One of the guard saw it and a sudden gasps escape his lips.

"How.. did.. how is he.. oh my God" the guard muttered.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Aaron asked him.

"I'm so sorry my Lord" the guard quickly bow and scold himself inwardly.

"Wake him up" he instructed and the guard went to get water.

Scott spranged up when the water touched his face and he blinked severally. The beast also woke and they both yawn at the same time.

"Oh" Scott muttered when he looked up and saw Aaron.

"I guess you had a nice sleep after all" Aaron said observing him.

"Hmm.." Scott turned his face to the beast. It suddenly stick his tongue out and lick his face.

"Yuck" he muttered sweep the saliva off his face. "That's gross" he said to the beast while Aaron raised his brow.

"Bring him out" he ordered and the guard moved but the beast suddenly gowled at them and they stepped back fearfully.

"Woah! It's alright" Scott touched it's fur calming it and he stood up.

They threw a rope and Scott got out by himself. He dust his hand and face Aaron.

'He just a human.. How the hell did he survive?' Aaron asked himself inwardly. His eyes goes to his neck. There is still a wound there.

"I hope you didn't forget about promise" Scott said awkwardly. The way Aaron was staring at him was disturbing.

"You're a human.. I do not sense any power from you.. How did you survive?" He asked.

"Oh.. The beast actually sense fear and they hate it. The more you're scared of them, the more you're putting yourself in danger. I just cleared mind and they became a friend... Right Texan" Scott said and the beast roared lightly.

"You gave it a name" Aaron scoffed.

"It suit him. By the way, I need to go back home. I'm sure my mom would be worry sick right now. You said you'll let me go if I survive" Scott said.

"No you're not.. until I find out who you are" Aaron smirked.

"Hey that's not fair" Scott said.

"Take him away" he ordered.

"Let me go!!" Scott yelled.



"Here have it" Philip said handing a cup of coffee to Tiana but she pushed it on side. Philip sighed.

"Are you going to continue like this?"

"I caused it.. I caused all of it" she said lowering her head as a ball of tears find it's way out.

"You're just going to kill yourself" Philip scolded.

"Yeah.. I probably should just die. I don't deserve to live. I caused my only son death. I'm so stupid to let him be on his own. I've never thought.." Tiana cried the more.

"He is not dead Tiana. We didn't find his body. No one expected a supernatural being to just walk into the police custody.. I'm sure Scott is fine and we are going to find him and also Diana... I promise" Philip assured.

Someone walked into the place, immediately her eyes spotted Tiana she walked towards her immediately.

"Marisa" Tiana mouthed.

"I heard my daughter and Scott are missing is that true?" Marisa asked while Tiana nodded slowly.

A ball of tears rolled down her cheek. "Her grandma just woke up. I want to tell her the goodnews just to find out she's missing. Please help me find her"

"Isn't today your wedding?" Tiana asked.

"To hell with the wedding.. I just want to see my daughter"



"Ah.. my neck" Diana groaned. She had been on her story since morning typing furiously.

"I wonder how this story is going to end" She mouthed. Ever since she started, she let her hand do the writing. Even her was curious on how the story is going to end.

"But how come I'm writing a supernatural story.. witches and Demon.. tssk I must be crazy. I'm sure this story is going to end tragically judging from how things are" she sighed then remembered Dracula had not come back since Morning and it's almost evening. She even are her lunch in the room.

"Ah.. That jerk. Why is he so busy" she said and picked her phone. Her mother would be worried but since Marisa is going to marry that man she won't bother to leave here.

"That should be her punishment" she muttered. Dracula comes into her head again.

"Why am I thinking of him. Maybe I'm just worried.. nothing more.. I should just go and look for him?" She said getting out of bed. It's evening already and the maids seems busy.

Diana made sure she wore an expensive cloth so that what happened on the first day, won't repeat itself.

Some of the maids in the hallway bow once they meet her on the way and she smiled.

"I guess being here is not bad after all. Just that it'll affect my school. I'll talk to Dracula about it" she thought to herself and kept on walking having no idea on where she's going.

She stopped when she got to a strange looking room and open it.

"A library" she muttered seeing so many books in placed neatly there.

She moved her hand to touch them and smile. "I should read a book" she said grabbing one of them.

"What are you doing here?" She heard a deep voice and Jerked.

"You're not going to get use to my voice, are you?" Dracula asked while Diana only bit her lips.

"Maybe you should say hey..." She turned but Dracula was already standing face to face with her. "First" she completed her words.

"Hey" Dracula said.

"Hmm.. I came here to read some books" she said awkwardly. He was so close to her and his scent was starting to drive her crazy.

"No you came here because you missed me" Dracula said without a smile, his gaze moved towards her lips and back at her eyes. How come he is attracted to the little woman in front of him?

"No.. that's absurd" She said and Dracula moved closer. He drew his face close to her and place his both hand at her side.

"Are you sure?" He asked sexily with a smirk on his lips.

"Y..yes" Diana breath was getting heavy.

"Liar.. I can hear your heartbeat" he said bringing his hand to her face. "Do you want me touch you?" He asked quietly.

Diana shook her head. She strangely felt a slight pain down in-between her leg. Why could only his closeness affect her this way?

He bought his hand to her waist and his lips to her ear then whispered. "I can hear your nasty thoughts and how your heart is beating so fast just because of how close I am to you now"

Dracula slowly sucked in and bit her sensitive spot on her ear sending her on fire.

Diana didn't know when a soft sweet moan escaped her lips. Her eyes closed when she felt Dracula placing soft kisses of her neck. She shivered under him.

"Do you miss me.. Ana?" He asked deeply drawing her waist closer inhaling her scent. The scent he is slowly getting addicted to.

Dracula rolled his tongue on her neck and blew a soft breeze on the spot.

"Y..yes..." Diana moaned out. He kept on ravishing her neck like it his favorite meal. His mouth leaves some hickeys on it.

Again he felt the urge of biting her but the door opened.

Dracula cold gaze turned to the person who opened the door and everywhere turned chilly. His eyes were red already.


"I'm so sorry my Lord.. please forgive me" Carlos quickly said and went down on his knees while breathing hard. He seems to had run down here.

"How come you don't have a common sense of knocking and what are you still doing here.. can't you see I'm busy?" Dracula raised a brow at him when Diana bit her lips again in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry my Lord.. I came here to tell you that the royalties are back from their trip" He informed while Dracula stated blankly at him. He doesn't give a fuck about the royalty.

Hearing no reply Carlos tried to raised his head but Dracula's cold voice stopped him.

"Keep your darn head low" He warned and Carlos's head went back down.

"They asked for your presence immediately.. my Lord" Carlos said keeping his head low.

"Leave" he ordered.

Carlos stood and left keeping his head low.

"He is so cold" Carlos muttered adjusting himself.

Dracula turned his gaze back to Diana whose eyes were somewhere else.

"I'll be back" he informed and turned to leave but stop after taking two steps.

"You should wait in the room and don't come out until I personally asked you to" he said leaving.

"He loves giving orders" Diana scoffed. Her hand reached her neck and she smiled while her cheek flushed. She shook her head immediately. What was she thinking? She mustn't fall for him!

"I let him kiss me a again" she sighed scolding herself.

She grabbed a book of her taste and got up. She began to head to her room but bumped onto someone instead and the book fell.

"Sigh... Can you watch where you're going?" The person snapped. A male voice.

Without looking at the person, Diana picked the book.

"I'm sorry" she said and began to walk away but the person dragged her back by her shoulder.

She look at his hand on her shoulder and finally to his face.

He was really handsome but all Diana could see is pride on his face. He seems to be a very respected person in this palace but she doesn't give a fuck.

"I'm sorry?...just I'm sorry?" He scoffed.

"Don't you know who you're talking to?.. How dare you walk out on me?" He asked with a disbelief look.

Diana shook her shoulder and his hand fell to his side. The two guards behind his frowned and moved to touch her but he raised his hand stopping them.

"Who are you?" Diana asked curiously folding her arm under her breasts shocking the guy in front of her. The would be the first time someone would actually talk to him like this.

"The crown prince Kyle" He replied with a scoffed. Kyle is the only son of King Jacob. He is really famous and handsome and every girls fucking dream. Just his dimple is enough to drive one crazy but not for the girl in front of him.

"Oh.. I see. My apologies then" she said and turned to leave without bowing.

Prince Kyle nose flares in anger.

"Arrest her!" He roared and Diana frowned.

The guards tried to touch her but she suddenly snapped.


The guards stopped even Prince Kyle frowned.

"Do you know who I am?" She asked with her head high.

Prince Kyle scoffed. "Who are you?" He asked.

"I'm King Dracula's wife" she replied raising her head the more as if challenging him. She was short and the guy in front of her was tall and built but not as Dracula.

"King wife?" Prince Kyle asked blinking severally.

"Yeah" Diana said without any trace of fear. She can't believe she is actually using Dracula's name to help herself.

"The only King here is my father. King Jacob.. you're just mentioning a random name.. Dracula? What are you waiting for arrest her right now.." he ordered and the guards immediately grabbed her.

"I'm going to punish you for talking down on the crown prince and also punish you for spitting at my face with your wretched saliva and your so called Dracula is not going to do a thing.. cus I'm the fucking Crown prince!!" He roared.

"Let me go.. you'll regret this" she snapped back.

"Let's see if you can run that mouth of yours in the dungeon" he said and he began to walking away.

"Dungeon?" Her eyes widened. Does he mean the Dungeon where snakes and scorpion is?

"I'll be downstairs to check on the visitors.. make sure she suffer" Prince Kyle ordered and left while the guards dragged her away.


King Jacob and his wife Queen Hannah stared at Dracula as he walked down from the stairs with his hand behind him. Princess Alicia stared at him in awe cus of his beauty. This would be the first time she got attracted by a man.

"I never thought our visitor will look this handsome" she mouthed.

Her old maid Mary heard her and frowned. This would be the first time Princess Alicia would admire a man.

Mara, Cassiel and Aaron are also present.

"It's a pleasure meeting you Mr Dracula" The King said stretching his hand for a hand shake but Draco kept his hand behind him.

"I don't do handshakes" Dracula said while the king kept his hand awkwardly.

Queen Hannah smile disappeared and began to dislike this man.

"We should.. sit" the king said.

Just then Prince Kyle appeared and Dracula looked at him with a frown.

He had just perceive Diana scent on him.

"Good evening.. sir" Kyle said seeing how Dracula stared at him he also frowned.

"Good thing you're here Kyle.. This is our visitor Lord Dracula and this is my son Kyle" King Jacob said though he dislike the man in front of him but that doesn't mean he should offend him.

"Do you perhaps met a short woman with a rude attitude on your way here?" Dracula asked coldly.

"Uhmm... Yes.. she is a such a flithy rat claiming to be your wife" Kyle said and they all looked at him.

Immediately those words left his lips the aura in the room changed dramatically.

Dracula eyes shone the deepest shade of red. Black vein could be seen appearing on his neck. Everyone in the room could feel the anger emitting from him. Someone dares called Diana a filthy rat. His blood boils like never before.

No one dares speak a word.

"What did you just say?" He asked. His voice alone is enough to make a person shrink in total fear. He stared coldly at the guy who began to tremble in fear before him.

"Dra..." He couldn't finish mentioning his name when he spit out blood.

"How about I remind you who the king is" He fang grew looking scary as ever. Black smoke began to emit from his body.


Came his authorative voice and the guy in front of him felt a full force gravity pulled him down on his kneel. Blood spurt out of his mouth immediately. Others behind him could only shake in fear.

"How dare call her names?"

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