Tokyo Mew Mew: An American Me...

By TheBlondeAdventurer

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Whenever Tokyo Mew Mew finds out about another Mew, they are in a panic. What if they don't get to her first... More

Chapter 1: Beating the Aliens to America!!
Chapter 2: Who do I trust??
Chapter 3: Decisions and Betrayal
Chapter 4: Back to Japan!
Chapter 6: Promises
Chapter 7: Why me???
Chapter 8: Confessions
Chapter 9: The easy days
Chapter 10: Getting back on track
Chapter 11: Surprise!!
Chapter 12: Staying Alive
Chapter 13: Coming back to a scary situation
Chapter 14: Unexpected Visits
Chapter 15: Getting ready for a fight
Chapter 16: A new ally?
Chapter 17: The First Fight
Chapter 18: Battling For What?
Chapter 19: A Deadly Encounter
Chapter 20: Fate?
Chapter 21: The Finale

Chapter 5: Changes that come with a new school

2.1K 72 14
By TheBlondeAdventurer

Sooo I know it's been a while since I uploaded, and I apologize! But you guys seriously are the best! The last time I looked on here I had about 20 reads, and then I looked today and it was up to 36!! Whaaaa?? Thanks so much guys! Hope you like the new chapter, it's got a little foreshadowing goin on ;) haha anyways, ENJOY!!

 Heirii’s Point of View:

I run down the hallway in my new uniform, desperately trying to make it to class on time. Ichigo said we’d leave early, but we unfortunately both overslept. I find my class, and open up the door quickly. I go in, seeing I just made it. I find a seat towards the back, but by the window. Math is horrible, and I hate taking it. The bell rings, and all the other students sit in their desks. My blonde hair fell down in its normal curly waves, and I put a headband on, so my pesky bangs wouldn’t get in my way. I received a few weird looks, but I guess I’m used to that. Every time I moved, people always treated me like that. I never had many friends, because people weren’t very welcoming. The teacher called my name, making me look up. We called me up to the front of the class so I could introduce myself. I shyly went up, addressing the crowd of students. “My name is Heirii Ayuma, I’m 16 and just got transferred here from America.” I was used to this, seeing all schools were like this. They asked me questions like “Where in America are you from?” and “What do you like to do?” they were easy questions to answer, so I did. After answering some, the teacher told me to go sit, so I happily obeyed. When he started teaching, my gaze looked out the window, and I drifted into a daydream. I was shaken from it by the bell, and hastily got up, going to my music class. Whenever people gave me weird looks, I just sighed and brushed by them. I was used to these looks; I got them all the time whenever my family used to travel. Never accepted anywhere…I wonder why. I shook the thought from my head; I can’t afford to think like that anymore. Whenever I walked into music class, a small smile formed on my lips as I spotted a familiar face: Aoyama-kun. I waved at him, and he waved back. At least I know one person in here, huh? I sat down towards the front, when our teacher starting pairing us up for songs. I got paired with this guy I didn’t know, so I was bummed. Oh well, how bad can he be? I look over to him smiling, but it fades away as I see an angry Kisshu outside the window. I almost say something, but he disappears. Well crap. “What’s wrong Heirii? You look like you just saw a ghost.” My partner said, and I snapped out of it. “Oh, really? Hahaha, I’m sorry, I just dazed out!” I gave my best fake smile, and he bought it easily. I’ve learned his name is Kichiro, and he’s been in music classes for a while. We chatted easily, but it soon was disrupted as the bell rung. Oh well, now off to science.

I sighed happily, finally getting out of school. I was waiting for Ichigo by the gates when these guys walked up to me. “So, you’re the new girl here right?” I nod uneasily. These guys creep me out. One of them chuckle deeply, and I shiver. “Well then, let us show you around.” Before I could say anything, they grabbed me, and started dragging me down the street. One hand covered my mouth so I couldn’t scream, and the other tugged on my arm. I decided to do this the hard way, so I bit the guy’s hand. He yelped out in pain, and I took that as my chance to yank my arm away from him. “Doesn’t work that way fellas. I’m not a toy you can use. So beat it.” I glared at them, and they looked at me smugly. “Someone’s feisty. I like that.” He reaches out for me again, but I run the other way, going as fast as my legs will carry me. Great, just great. I’m in a new school with freaking perverted creeps. I go back to the gate, seeing Ichigo looking around for me. I call her over, and she gives me a big smile. “Sorry, I got caught up in something.” She gives me a confused look, but I wave her off. “It’s not a big deal, I promise.” We go over to Café Mew Mew, change and start waiting the tables. “So how was your first day of school in Tokyo?” Pudding asks me excitedly, and I couldn’t help but smile at her. “It was fun!!” I reply with a smile, and she widens her mouth with joy. I still worried because of Kisshu showing up at school, and those creepers, but I had to push those thoughts aside while I bustled around the café, furiously taking orders. Whenever work was over, we all sighed as we sat down, exhausted. Keiichiro brought us out some little cakes and brownies, and my eyes sparkled with delight. I love eating his food, it’s amazing! But I’m so scared of getting fat, but when I weigh the two together….food wins. After eating, Ichigo and I go back to her house, chatting about random, pointless things. I tell her of Aoyama-kun being in my class, and she starts swooning again. “Aahhh!! He’s amazing isn’t he?!?!?!” She cups her hands around her face, and I can’t help but laugh at her. “Oh yeah, so amazing.” I tell her sarcastically. She rolls her eyes at me, but we both start laughing after that. We’ve basically become just like sisters, each other’s best friend. After thinking that, I decide to tell her about today’s events. As I do so, her eyes glisten with anger. “Who the heck do they think they are? I’m going to kick their little-” I cut her off quickly. “I-it’s okay Ichigo! Really, I’ll be fine.” I give her a reassuring smile, and she looks at me with her arms folded. She huffs, but mutters “Fine.” I giggle at her behavior, as I’m the older one of us. She cracks a smile, and I know she’s over it. Tomorrow better be better than today.

Kisshu’s Point of View

“My my my, Heirii. You need to know not to talk with other guys. You’re my little fox, and no one else’s.” I mumble, sitting on a building as I watch Heirii and this jerk in a class. “You’re such a stalker, Kisshu. I didn’t know it’d come to this.” I knew that taunting voice anywhere. I turn around, seeing Taruto smirking at me. “Hey! Who says I’m stalking her? Besides, I’m planning something to destroy the Mews, I just have to wait for the right time.” I give him a smirk, but he just looks at me with a knowing expression. “Sure you are, Kisshu. Keep telling yourself that. Oh, and Pai told me to tell you that Deep Blue wants to see us soon.” In hearing that, I roll my eyes. Deep Blue is just some show that wants us to be afraid. I nod anyways to Taruto, and he knows what I’m thinking. “I know its strange Kisshu, I think so too. But we don’t have much of a choice right now.” We both sigh, something we rarely do. I remember what Heirii told me once, something about both of us getting along. I shook my head. It’s not possible, but I will save Heirii. “Alright, I guess so. Let’s go get Pai, I have a plan.” I grin mischievously, and Taruto laughs. We both fly up and go back to our little place. Watch out Heirii. I’ll show you what we are capable of, so you can come to the stronger side.

Pudding’s Point of View

I walk alongside Heirii, whom I was taking to see my brothers and sister. I’ve wanted her to meet them for a while now, and I finally got the time! I smile up at Heirii, who returns it. We’ve grown so close; I’ve started just calling her onee-chan. She is practically my older sister I’ve never had, so I was glad to have her in my life. Whenever we got to the house, all my siblings tackled her in a hug. She laughed as they welcomed her, and she said hello to them. She got on with them really well, so I was really happy. Everything was going well, until I heard a crash from outside. I jerked up, and so did Heirii. We exchanged a look, knowing what it was. Chimera Animal, what did the aliens make this time?? We took the little ones to bed, and ran outside. I gasped as I saw a giant monkey with red eyes, white and yellow fur, and sharp teeth. We didn’t hesitate as it turned towards us. “Mew Mew Heirii! Metamorphosis!!” “Mew Mew Pudding! Metamorphosis!!” we say simultaneously, and transform, facing the Chimera Animal. We summon our weapons, and start to charge the monkey. It jumps in the air, and lands down by us, sending us flying backwards and rolling across the ground. We both struggle to get up, the blow really taking effect. “Pudding!” Heirii calls and I turn to her. “We’ll charge him again, and when he goes up, I’m going to pick you up and throw you in the air. Use your attack then. I don’t know if it’ll work, but it’s worth a shot.” I nod my head, focusing back on the enemy. “Leave it to me!!” We take off running again, and just as planned, it jumped. Heirii picks me up, and launches me into the air. I fly up, and I see the Chimera Animal face-to-face. “Ribbon Puddingring Inferno!!!” I call, and my blast hits him, and creates my little gelatin around him. I start to fall, but I’m caught by Heirii. I smile at her quickly, but we both look at the beast that has fallen to the ground. “Now, Heirii! Finish it!” I tell her, and she nods. I’ve never seen her attack, so to say I was excited would be an understatement. “Ribbon Heirii Fire!!!” She calls powerfully, and points her rod at the beast. I humungous ball of fire explodes from it, and clashes into the beast. It shines brightly, giving out one last roar, and disappears. Another jellyfish appears, along with a person’s spirit. “They used someone’s spirit again!!!” I gasped, as the spirit fell into Heirii’s hand. She was shocked, and I heard a laugh. We both looked up, seeing an amused looking Kisshu, and…TARUTO?? “Kisshu!! You used someone’s spirit? How could you?” Heirii yelled at him, looking very mad. He shrugged, “It’s to teach you not to hang around other guys. Cause you’re mine.” He grinned, pointing somewhere behind him. We look, and Heirii gasped. “Kichiro??” She was about to run to him, but Kisshu got in her way. I left them to that battle, and turned to Taruto. “You’ve been a bad boy again Taruto!” I tell him angrily. He glares at me. “I’m just doing my job! And stop calling me a boy!” I clench my fists together. “Stop acting all grown up! You’re a kid, Taru-Taru!” He looks at me angrily now. “You’re just a kid to! And stop calling me that! We aren’t friends!” I shake my head at him. “We are friends, and I like being friends with you. But you’re being a bad boy!” He huffs, obviously upset at me. “ Whatever! I’m not your friend you little monkey!!” I smile at that, knowing he’s just trying to cover it up. “Now you’re lying! That’s not nice, Taru-Taru.”  He’s fuming now, and he comes down into my face. “STOP CALLING ME THAT!!! AND I’M NOT LYING!!!” We both glare at each other, and then he tackles me. We roll around, grabbing each other’s hair and yelling at each other. “Stop it Taruto!” “Shut up kid!” “You’re a kid too, dummy!” I finally pushed him off, and we are both breathing heavily. He sighs, and comes up to me. “I guess we are both too stubborn for our own good, huh?” I’m shocked by this statement, because he looks so caring. I smile at him. “Yeah, I guess so.” He grins at me, and looks around quickly. “I-I…I really am your friend.” He says shyly, and my eyes and mouth widen in happiness. I surprise him by jumping on him, giving him a huge hug. He grunts, but reluctantly hugs me back. I smile at him again, and this time he gives me a small one in reply. He backs up really quickly, saying he has to go. I look over to see Kisshu walking out of the woods they were in, Heirii following warily behind. What happened to them? Taruto flies up, and Kisshu joins him. “Heh, see you around, Foxy.” Kisshu winks at Heirii, and Taruto gives me one final look, when they disappear from sight. I walk over to Heirii, seeing she still has Kichiro’s spirit. “Let’s go return this to him Pudding.” She says emotionless, and turns around, walking over to where his lifeless body is laying. “Wait! What if he recognizes you?” I ask her, and she stops. “Did you guys recognize me?” I shake my head no, and she nods. “Then neither should he.” She places his spirit back into his body, and the color comes back to his skin. His eyes flutter open, but Heirii and I are already about to walk off. “W-wait!” Heirii motions for me to go on, because I’m more recognizable. I nod, going and waiting behind a tree so I can peek at them. Heirii slowly turns around, and Kichiro looks at her shocked. “Who are you?” He asked, and Heirii sighed, giving him an answer that wouldn’t reveal her. “I’m a Mew Mew!” She smiles, and he still looks bewildered. “I can’t believe I’m actually meeting one in person. Thank you for saving me!!” he gushes, and Heirii looks taken aback. “Uh…no need to thank me! I’m just doing my job!” She waves her hands in front of her, trying to hide her embarrassment. She turns around quickly, starting to walk away. I run over to my steps, just in time to see her run out of the woods towards me. “Get in the house before he sees us!!” she hisses at me lowly, so no one else would hear. I nod quickly, and we both go in, back in our human form. I sigh loudly, “That was a close one.” She nods in agreement, face palming. After we cool down a bit, she tells me she needs to go home. Sad to let her go, I give her a hug, and hold her hand to the door. “Bye-bye Onee-chan!” She looks a little tearful when I say this, but she replies “Bye-bye, Pudding!” With that, she walks off, and I’m left in the house alone. I sigh, going to clean up the house. I wanna know why she’s always so sad. Why does she fake those smiles? Did something happen to her that was so terrible it made her stop feeling??? My eyes grow misty at the thought of Heirii being in pain. “She’s going to be okay, she’ll be okay.” I tell myself, hoping it’s true.

Heirii’s Point of View

Dang that Kisshu! Again! He always seems to throw me off. He’s like sweet one moment, then scary the next. Did I just say he was sweet?? I paused as I walked back home. Am I beginning to have feelings for Kisshu? I think back to all the times I’ve seen him: I called for him to come back when we first met, he’s kissed me, and I didn’t exactly stop him, I’ve changed my answers when I see him, and I freeze whenever he comes by. I shake my head. “Crap, why do I always end up doing something I’m not supposed to do?” I was starting to fall for him, and that thought scared me. Just then, at Pudding’s house, he led me into the woods, and he talked to me, pleading with me to join him. I tried to reason with him, but that never works with him, does it? I sigh, looking down at the little bruise I have on my leg from where I hit the ground. Fighting’s useless...people only get hurt. When I reach Ichigo’s house, I stare up at the sky. Closing my eyes, I feel the chilly breeze going against my skin. I shudder, and walk inside. Ichigo is standing there, furious. “Where have you been? I’ve called you like five times, and you never answered! I was starting to think something bad has happened!!!” she yelled. I felt a pang of guilt looking at how useless Ichigo seemed. “I’m so sorry Ichigo. My phone died, and-” I pause, looking around for her parents. Seeing they aren’t there, I finish. “And me and Pudding got into a fight with a Chimera Animal. That’s what took so long.” Her eyes widen in understanding, and she hangs her head in shame. “Oh, I should’ve known. Sorry.” I go over to her, and tilt her head up to look me in the eye. “It’s not your fault Ichigo. Nothing I ever do will be your fault, understand?” I tell her fiercely, and she looks baffled by my answer. Crap, that wasn’t the best way to say it, was it now? I give her a reassuring smile, and the gesture is returned. We walk into her room, automatically getting ready for bed. “Night, Ichigo!” I call, snuggling down into my bed. “Night, Heirii!” she calls back sleepily. I drift into a sleep, but not for very long.

I jerk up panting, and I realize I’m breathing very heavily. I haven’t had a dream like that in a long time. I hold up my hands, and sure enough, they are shaking. I gasp as I recall my nightmare I just had.

I’m limping through a park, completely abandoned, besides some surroundings I recognize as a fountain and benches. I hear a yell, and see Lettuce, Zakuro, Pudding, Mint, Ichigo, Taruto and…Kisshu? All cornered, and severely injured. They can’t move, and something I can’t make out is coming towards them. “No,” I whispered, I can’t let anyone else get killed because of me. I start running towards them, and I see this huge blast of something being fired at them. “NOOOOOOOOOO” I screech, jumping in front of them.

I shake my head slightly, reliving it. It was the most realistic dream I’ve ever had. What does it mean? I push it aside, or at least try to. I lay back down, going to try and sleep peacefully this time.

Ichigo and I walked to school, talking about random things once again. We always seem to talk about pointless things that don’t matter. My nightmare still haunts me, I had it again whenever I tried going back to sleep. When we reach school, I say goodbye to her, and we part ways. First class, math. Yay. Sarcastically, of course. I freeze when I see one of those guys from yesterday in this class. I didn’t notice him before, but the thought of him being in here is scary. I take a seat by the window, praying he didn’t see me. Until I feel a presence behind me. Too late, he found you. I turn around and sure enough, it’s him. I widen my eyes, but don’t let the fear show. “Go away.” I tell him bluntly, and he laughs at me. “I don’t think so princess, I’ll take this seat right here.” He plops down in the seat right beside mine, and I huff in annoyance. “Don’t you dare call me a princess. You’ll regret it one day.” I threaten him, but this just makes him laugh. “Sure thing PRINCESS.” I tighten my fists together, trying to block him out. This will defiantly be an interesting year. I finally escape math, and sprint to music, trying to avoid everyone. I get in there, seeing Aoyama-kun and Kichiro-san talking. Well isn’t that just nice? I smirk at them, seeing them talk very animatedly. I sit down, taking out my sheet. I aimlessly start writing down lyrics, but while I was doing so, Kisshu swarmed my mind. Ugh, why does that always happen? I looked down, and I wanted to scream. All I had written down was ‘Alien’ and ‘Kisshu.’ I crumpled it up really fast, and seeing no one saw, I stuffed it into my bag. This isn’t going to work if I have to freaking write a song!!! I huff in annoyance, but get ready as the professor gets up, ready to teach.

I glance carefully as I walk over to the gate. No one here, so I lean against it, waiting for Ichigo. As soon as I see her, I run to her. To say I was anxious would be a big understatement. Her presence was very happily taken. We walked over to Café Mew Mew, but Ichigo stopped me before we went in. “Can you do me a favor, please?” She pleaded, and I raised my eyebrow at her. “What is it?” She looks down at the ground, blushing. “I have a date with Aoyama-kun, but I don’t want Shirogane or anyone to be mad at me. So could you cover me?” She was begging, and I smiled at her. “Of course! You go have fun with him, and I’ll take care of it.” She squealed and hugged me. “Thank you so much!” I laugh at her, telling her it wasn’t a problem. She ran off the other direction, as I shook my head, entering the café. I glanced around, but no one was here yet. We open in like 10 minutes, where are they? They usually beat us here. Nonetheless, I go to get dressed, but come back out. Shirogane or Keiichiro weren’t in sight, and the café seemed completely dull and empty. “Okay, this is strange.” I say to myself, until I hear a laugh I know all to well. “KISSHU!!” I run outside and look up, seeing him smirking down at me. “Why, good of you to join us, Foxy! You’re late!” He says, throwing one of the jellyfish’s at me, but this time when it hit the ground, it exploded, sending me tumbling backwards. I get on my hands and knees, looking around. Lettuce, Mint, Zakuro, Pudding, and Ichigo were all lying on the ground. “Wha-what is this?” I ask him shakily. “They’re all asleep. As for those two guys, Pai knocked them out.” He pointed to the left of him, and when I looked, I gasped. Shirogane and Keiichiro were tied to a tree. “WHY?? WHY DO YOU DO THIS KISSHU?!?!?!” I screamed at him, my anger rising. He just smirked, and then came flying after me. I turned around and started running, but he was far faster than me since he was flying. He knocked me down, flipped me over, and straddled me. “It’s so much easier trying to talk to you one on one, instead of having so many others by you, don’t you think?” I struggled against his grip, but it seemed futile. “Hahaha, it’s no use, is it Foxy? Just answer my question, and I’ll release all of them.” I stopped, looking up as his face loomed over me. “And what question would that be?” He got serious, and looked me dead in the eyes. “Be mine? Just think about it, Heirii. No more fighting, just us, in a world that’s perfect.” I stopped, thinking about what he said. No more fighting?? I sighed, but shook my head. “No. If I become yours, you would hurt everyone else, wouldn’t you?” I asked him, and I could almost feel myself tearing up. He looked shocked, but shook it off quickly. “Do you not get it, Heirii? There will always be fighting, no matter where you go!!” He was starting to get angry, and I knew I had to make an escape from him now. I kneed him in the chest, and when he doubled over, I jumped up. “Mew Mew Heirii! Metamorphosis!!” I called, changing. I looked at Kisshu as he got up, glaring at me. I ran past him, to afraid to meet his eyes. I untied Shirogane and Keiichiro, and went over to my other Mews. “Guys? Wake up!” I started to call. They weren’t budging, and I felt my emotions starting to get the best of me. “GUYS!! COME ON GET UP!!” I started screaming my head off, until I felt myself getting a newfound power. I looked down, and I was glowing with a bluish glow. I was shocked, but I had no time to worry about that right now. “PUDDING! MINT! ICHIGO! LETTUCE! ZAKURO! GET UP!!!!” I screeched, and felt my power going to them. All of their eyes shot open at once, and they were knocked out of their trance. As they all got up, I swirled around, facing a very angry Kisshu. “You can hurt others Kisshu, but don’t lay a hand on my friends.” I growled at him, and he took a step back in shock at my tone. “How do you know they’re your friends? You’ve always been the outcast, haven’t you?” When he says this, I look down, sadness overwhelming me. Memories flooded my mind, all the times I’ve never fit in, I’ve never had a best friend before. I was starting to tear up now. No. Don’t show your weaknesses. I shook my head angrily, and glared at Kisshu. “They are my friends! I’ve never felt so accepted in my life!” He grinned at me, tilting his head to the side. “Really? Then why are they looking at you like you’re a ghost?” I paled, turning around, seeing shocked faces. “You were an outcast you’re entire life?” Zakuro whispered, looking down. “Why did we accept you?” Mint murmured, casting her eyes down. What? No! This can’t be happening again!! I stared at them scared; I looked at their faces frantically, trying to see what was wrong with them. “I didn’t notice how weird of a name Heirii is for someone who lived in America.” Lettuce piped up, looking away from me. Ichigo and Pudding looked down, and I could feel myself on the verge of tears. It’s not supposed to happen like this! Why are they acting that way? I stared at Pudding, and she looked up and met my eyes. “I guess I’ll have to find another onee-chan.” That one sentence broke me. All my emotions were going insane, and I felt the little glow on my get bigger and bigger. “I don’t understand why we tried accepting you; it doesn’t make sense to me.” Ichigo muttered, glaring at me. My body was trembling with sorrow and fear. The glow kept getting bigger, and I stared at them with all I had left in me. All five of their eyes were darker, a deeper shade than they normally are. What is this? I feel myself lift up my rod, pointing it at them. “Fine. If you won’t accept me, why should I try to protect you anymore?” I said, surprised by how dark my voice sounded. “Ribbon Heirii FIRE!” As my rod was about to blow them away, I saw Pudding one last time. Her eyes seemed to pop, and her normal color came back. “Onee-chan don’t! We were trapped in a spell!” She tried screaming, and my eyes widened. My rod fired, but I turned it ever so slightly to the side, missing them, but the explosion made them fall. The glow faded, and I looked around, lost. Turning, I see Kisshu with a slight frown on his face. “You set this up?” I cried out, sadness overwhelming me. “Actually, no I didn’t. Pai did, so blame him.” He answered, narrowing his eyes at me. I whipped back around to see the girls, all laid out on the ground. I ran over to them, making sure they were okay. Pudding’s eyes found me first, and I sprinted to her, embracing her. She sobbed quietly in my arms, but I held myself from crying. “I thought you were gone.” Pudding whispered into my hair, and my heart sunk. She thought I’d lost myself by those words, and the bad thing was, I did. I held her tightly and then let go, standing up. I helped Ichigo up, and she hugged me tightly, trying to apologize. The others did this as well, and I forgave them. Am I too trusting of them? Have I really become that dependant? I turned, seeing Kisshu watching our little reunion of some sort. “Kisshu…I understand.” He widened his eyes, but before I could say more, he teleported. I shook my head, turning around, and looking at these girls. I heard Shirogane and Keiichiro approach, finally awake. “We can’t thank you enough now.” Keiichiro chimed into my ear, but I turned away. “Don’t thank me, please just don’t.” I begged them. I’m no hero in this war. I started to walk away when I heard Shirogane. “Why do you let them get to you that easy? Or why do you sway easily? If it could’ve been your sister, I would’ve taken her. No wonder she left. You’re so dependant right now.” Anger boiled inside me. How dare he talk about my sister like that. IF??? YOU DON’T EVEN KNOW MY STORY! My rage started to make me tremble. I stormed over to him, pointing my rod. “You low life piece of crap. Don’t you dare talk about my sister like that!!!” I screamed in his face, kicking him in the stomach, sending him to the ground. I pointed my rod at him, about to blow him to bits. “Heirii stop!!” I heard Ichigo wail, and I hear the others gasp. “If you dare talk about my sister again, I won’t hold back, you hear me? You’re lucky I don’t blow you away now.” I spin on my heel, and start walking off. I stop, remembering something. I turn my head over my shoulders, addressing Shirogane again. “By the way, she didn’t leave. She was taken. So shut your freaking mouth.” I turn back around, walking with my head down. “I told you people get to you easily. And you just proved it too.” I hear him call, and my eyes widen. I swivel around, looking at him, as he is now on his feet. “So don’t blame me for your anger problems, and don’t take things personally.” He shrugged. He went to that extent…to test me? I balled up my fists, gritting my teeth. “Whatever.” I say, and then turn to Ichigo. “I’ll be back at the house, I need to…calm down.” I make my escape, and run all the way back. As soon as I get into my room, I burst into tears. It was all my fault. I was responsible for my sister’s death, and I was almost responsible for theirs! I’m so weak!! I slammed my fist into the bed, so it’d muffle the noise. “I’ll learn one day. I’ll be strong and independent.” I looked at the sky as it was turning gray with threatening clouds. It’s going to rain soon. I nuzzle into my bed, the tears drying. I hear Ichigo come into the room, but I already drifted off into a deep sleep. One day things will be right.

Hey guys! So how'd you like the chapter? Leave me some of your comments, I see you guys are a little shy. COME ON MAN UP!! Jk, but seriously, leave me some feedback. Any ideas or stuff and just tell it. Working on the next one! 

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