The Fire Between Us {Neteyam...

By sayam5678

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You are the daughter of the Chief of the Ash People who reside in the volcanoes. As you struggle with a troub... More

The Fire Between Us
The End.


1.6K 63 172
By sayam5678

I wake up to the sound of birds chirping and the grass whistling as the wind blows lightly under the morning sky. 

Last night Tehiti and I rode on Flames to a far away forest. We all slept here and now it is time to go to the Metkayina Clan. I shake Tehiti awake and he groans.


"Yes. Get up." I make my way to Flames just a few feet away and he seems to already be awake. I pet him softly, never looking away from my dragon. He then speaks to me in my mind.

I felt you were in trouble last night. Is everything alright?

Noatak and I didn't mate. I stopped it from happening. He got harsh with me.

I see that boy again and I will crush his bones.

Flames it's fine. When I see him again ill do it myself.

(Y/n), where are we going with this? What do you plan on doing?

Hiding from Dinraal in the Metkayina Clan. That's the plan. Eywa may have a different one.

Know that i'll never leave your side.

I smile at Flames and kiss his skin gently. Tehiti shows up behind me and we climb on board, heading off to the place I know besides home.


"Sister. We are here."

The crystal water comes into view, and the reefs grow bigger as we approach closer. Wait I forgot to change out of my ceremony outfit. Well I hope they don't question my overdressing because I do not want to talk about what happened.

I hear the sound of a horn and the Metkayina gather around the beach where Flames is about to land.

He breathes out fire, indicating our arrival to the Na'vi below and rests his feet on the ground, his claws buried in the sand. Because of his big head, no one can see Tehiti and I but I see them. Chief Tonowari is standing with Ronal at the front and his children beside him. Just then the forest family appears and my eye catches Neteyam standing beside his brother. Damn. He just keeps getting hotter.

"Sister are you ready to get off?"

"Wait" I reply. I untie my hair from its tight coil because my head hurts and it flows down in beautiful curls. I stuff the clip in my bag and take out my weapon cloth that I tie onto my waist. I then take out my knives from the bag and place them each in their respective sheath.

"Always have your weapon on you Tehiti. You never know where life may lead to."

I slide off Flames, Tehiti doing the same behind me. This reminds me of when we first came here. I pat Flames and he understands that it's time for him to return to the forest. In an instant, he lifts off the ground and his wings beat loudly. He slowly flies on top of me and leaves, resting in the forest to the far left.

Tehiti and I walk with our hands behind our backs and stop in front of Tonowari. I feel all their eyes on me and smirk slightly at the attention.

"Welcome back (Y/n) and Tehiti. We are glad you have come. My clan has settled down and understand that you are saviours not killers. Please enjoy your time here. I will be throwing a party tonight. I do hope you will come."

"We will be there Chief Tonowari. Thank you for your hospitality."

Tehiti and I walk towards our pod, leaving the group behind. Before we leave, I glimpse at Neteyam to see his eyes already widened while staring at me.

We walk on the beach and see the other Metkayina waving us hello and we nod our heads in respect. I missed the feeling of the sand surrounding my feet, the light breeze carrying mist that cleanses my face. This place is so different from home yet just as beautiful.

Tehiti and I enter our pod to see it the same as we left it. Unlike the other pods here, ours is more covered with cloths and the inside consists of red tones. I settle down my bag and Tehiti jumps on his bed.

"Ah. I'm going to take a nice long nap."

An familiar voice comes from outside our pod.
"May we speak with you guys?"

Tehiti sighs, knowing he won't have time to sleep and I lift the cloth to see Tsireya smiling brightly at me.

"Hello (Y/n)! I missed you so much, i'm glad you are back. We are playing a game with friends, would you and Tehiti like to join us?"

"That would be nice."

"Come follow me." Tsireya begins to walk towards a wide place in the Metkayina Clan and Tehiti and I follow behind, always receiving smiles and waves from the Na'vi who live here. What a change. Chief Tonowari must've said amazing things about us.

We keep walking until we approach a group sitting on the floor in a circle. Tehiti sits beside Tuk and I beside Kiri. To the other side of me is Tsireya, Lo'ak, Ao'nung and Rotxo. In front of me is Neteyam and beside him is Lana. Not her again.

Lana is holding onto Neteyam's hand and giving me a disgusting look. I ignore her presence and ask "what game are we playing?"

"Two truths and a lie" Tsireya replies. "You have to say three statements and we all have to guess which one is the lie."

"I'll start!" Tuk says.

"My mom made new clothes for me that I will wear to the party, i'm glad Tehiti and (Y/n) are back and I don't like banshees."

Tsireya giggles and says "Tuk the answer is obvious. You have to say things so it is hard to find the lie."

Lana let's go of Neteyam's hand and says "it's okay Reya let's answer Tuk's statements. It's obvious the lie is that (Y/n) and Tehiti are back."

"Wrong! The lie is that I don't like banshees. I love banshees" Tuk replies and sticks her tongue out to Lana.

"My turn" Ao'nung states. "I'm super handsome, i'm stronger than everyone here and my ilu is the best."

"The lie is that you're stronger than everyone fish lips." Lo'ak smirks and Ao'nung annoyingly pushes him back.

"I'm stronger than you forest boy. You swing through trees and it shows. No wonder your arms are sticks."

"Shut up Ao'nung" Lo'ak says, clearly offended and annoyed.

"Both of you shut up, this is highly childish" Kiri says beside me. I really like her, she's direct and isn't afraid to stand her ground.

"Thank you Kiri. Neteyam it's your turn" Tsireya says happily and I sit here, most interested in what he will say.

"Lo'ak's getting better at using a gun, Tuk wouldn't stop talking about Tehiti while you were gone and akala is my tulkun. (Y/n), you look gorgeous by the way."

I look down and realize i'm still wearing my ceremony skirt and top. Neteyam can't keep his eyes off me.

"I know right! (Y/n) is the prettiest right Lana?" Tuk asks Lana who angrily looks at her.

"Whatever. My turn. Netty and I kissed, Netty and I are going to mate and (Y/n) is a freak."

Everyone goes silent and I internally sigh at this girls weak attempts at making me insecure. But I try to ignore the stinging pain at the possibility that the first two might be true.

Neteyam looks at Lana and says "shut up. That's not how you speak to our guests."

"Make me Netty."

Ao'nung chuckles and Lo'ak snorts. Tsireya and I exchange a judgemental look and the others just sit their awkwardly.

Neteyam's jaw clenches and i'm surprised by his patience. I mean a guy who has patience is so hot.

"Lana. Stop calling me that."

"Netty how could you say that to me? Well guys, the lie is the kissing part. But I guess that will happen when we interact soon." She traces Neteyam's arm with her finger, gliding it along his visible muscled skin while lovingly looking into his eyes.

"Lana, remove your hands."

"No Lana. Keep going " Ao'nung says smirking and winks in my direction.

Neteyam rolls his eyes and moves away from her grip. "Kiri move over i'm taking your spot."

Kiri does as he says and Neteyam takes his seat beside me and once he does I feel a wave of nervousness entrap me. See what I mean. He makes me feel. It's truly exhilarating.

"Hey (Y/n)" his thick accent accentuating as he whispers into my ear and I nod in return, unsure how to act by his close proximity.

"Ok now it's your turn Lo'ak."

"Yeah. Ok so i'm better at using a spear, (Y/n) is not suspicious and i'm hot."

I frown. Am I suspicious? What's going on? Does he know something?

Neteyam hisses in annoyance beside me and says "Lo'ak enough with that."

"No no. Enough with what?" I ask.

"I think your intentions are wrong. So does my mom. So if you got anything to say, you should say it now."

"Listen kid. Do you have proof that my intentions are "wrong"? I won't sit here and listen to your false assumptions unless you can back up your argument." My eyes widen is disbelief. I did not mean to say that so angrily. Last night's event is constantly playing in my head and I hate myself for not snapping Noatak's head in half.

Lo'ak is about to say something but I feel Neteyam's eyes on him. He stops speaking and I get up to leave. I can't socialize right now, i'm so out of it right now.

I walk away towards my pod, hoping to escape everyone for a while. My life is taking shape in front of me and I don't know what decisions to make.

"(Y/n)! (Y/n) please wait up!"

Neteyam calls behind me and I don't stop. I keep walking towards my pod and feel him following behind me. I lift up the cloth covering my pod and rush inside. The place is empty and the pod illuminates a warm aura and the fire flows smoothly atop the wooded torches. Neteyam enters behind me and walks towards me until we both stand in front of one another, alone in this pod. 

"I've never seen you like this before (Y/n). Is everything alright?"

"Everything is fine" I reply but I can tell none of us agree.

"You can tell me anything, love."

See when he calls me that, my mind stops working.

"It's fine Neteyam."

Neteyam comes closer and takes the hair covering my face and tucks it behind my ear. He then reaches out and takes my hand, squeezing it lightly. I look at him and see his beautiful golden eyes staring into mine.

"Tell me, darling what's wrong?"

"I-I well."

Neteyam nods, motivating me to keep going.

"Yesterday was my mating ceremony...with Noatak. He-well...he tried to mate with me when I told him I wouldn't."

Neteyam's features take the form of anger.

"He did what? I'm going to murder him." I attempt to calm him down by squeezing his hand that is still holding mine. 

"Neteyam it's fine. Don't worry. I'm just glad i'm here and that I get to see you again." I hesitate to breathe after my bold statement but he seems to be deep in thought.

"Next time I see him, I won't hesitate punch him till he bleeds to death."

"Neteyam. Calm down. It's alright let's drop it."  He takes in a deep breath and clenches his jaw. Damn that jawline and those muscles, goddamn they're shaped. And his face, oh lord he's so handsome.

"I'm glad to see you too (Y/n). You're all I thought about."

"Oh really? Didn't you have warrior like things to do?" I tease him in response.

"Yes I do. And while I did them, I couldn't stop thinking about you."

I hesitate to ask but I must. "What did you think about?"

"Why don't I show you?"

Neteyam slowly inches closer while analyzing my lips and then back at my eyes. He's so close, our lips are nearly touching and i'm struggling to breathe. His soft breathing tickles my skin and he stays in this position, looking at me heavily.

Neteyam then moves slowly to my ear and his lips lightly brush the surface of my skin, sending sparks flying in my stomach. He stays there, breathing in my scent as I breathe in his. My heart thumps so loudly and my whole body is ignited with an unwelcome warmth. It's like he's so close yet so far. I shouldn't be giving in.


"I love it when u say my name" he replies, his accent accentuating.


"mhm." He knows what he's doing to me.

Neteyam's accent is heavy as he whispers into my ear.

"Day and night I dream of you, I long to hear your words, to witness your beauty. Tell me you don't feel anything?" Neteyam breathes heavily on my neck and my heartbeat flatters a thousand times.

He takes his hand and brushes the hair away from my face. The light breeze glides onto my skin yet it's coldness is not enough to eliminate the heat of this moment.

"I never asked for this. Any of this" I say and he inches closer, his lips so close to touching my neck. His hands are holding mine and his thumb caresses my palm slowly.

"Neteyam-Neteyam. We can't do this." I step back but he slides his hand around my waist and pulls me towards him.
"(Y/n). Stop thinking about others and what they will think. Think of yourself."

I look into his eyes that look into mine with so much emotion. I want him, I want him so much. But I can't have him. Duty before desire.

"I will never regret nor deny these feelings" he states. Neteyam waits for a response, for words that I are yet to be spoken but the guilt I feel in knowing how this will end stops my mouth from moving.

"I will see you at the party (Y/n)."

Neteyam turns and walks away until he exits the pod, glancing at me once more before leaving. I calm myself down by taking in deep breaths and hold my head in frustration.

Oh Neteyam, why are you doing this to me?


Neteyam (POV):

I exit (Y/n)'s pod and see Tsireya standing right in front of me.

"How did it go? Is she alright?"

"Yes she is fine. (Y/n) is just tired after her flight here."

"Oh alright. But I really meant how did it go for you two in there? Did you confess?"

"I told her how I felt and things got complicated."

"Well the. my timing is really bad. I overheard my parents talking to Lana. They expect you two to mate tonight."

"Not happening" I reply with a firm tone.

"I will try to distract Lana as much as possible. Good luck Neteyam, with everything and if you ever need anything please ask me." Tsireya reassuringly smiles.

"Thank you."

She smiles one last time before leaving me and I stand here, wondering where life will take me.

I hear happy cries and laughs coming from the beach to my left and see Tehiti and Tuk playing with the sand. I smile and make my way towards them.

"Mind if I join?"

"Neteyam! Come play with us." I take my seat beside Tuk with Tehiti in front of us, building a big sand castle. I decide to speak to him.

"So Tehiti, how was it when you went back home?"

"It was good. I had a great time with my uncle but my sister didn't." Tehiti stops and looks saddened, like he's about to cry.

"What happened?"

"My father-Dinraal, he was harsh on my sister. He was training her to become the new chief but was torturing people in the market place. (Y/n) saved the people by yelling at him and of course showing off her fire. My sister's awesome."

"She really is isn't she" I reply. I think about her, her divine beauty, her anger that turns me on. The things I would do to make her mine.

"You okay Neteyam?" Tuk asks and I snap out of my train of thought and giver her a warm smile.

"Tehiti, (Y/n) said she didn't mate with Noatak is that true?"

"Ya she didn't. All I know is she ran away and took me with her to the forest where we slept and then came here. Quite an adventure" Tehiti responds and resumes building his sand castle alongside Tuk.

"One thing is for sure, my father won't be nice when he sees her again. It's best if we don't see him or Noatak for a really long time."

I nod in agreement and begin making the sand castle with them. I gather the wet sand and ball it up in my hands. Then I pack it on the castle and smooth the surface to bring it into shape.

I continue doing this but only one question lingers in my mind, why didn't she mate with him? Was it only because she didn't love him? Isn't duty more important to her?

Whatever she decides, I will stand with her. That is true love.


Ugh such a short chapter. The next one will be longer I promise!

I'm at 34k!!! Thank you to everyone reading my story 💕

It's truly incredible that so many of you are ready this. Cant wait for you all to read more!

Until next time...


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