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"Tehiti, you will play all day with Tuk. I'm heading out with Neteyam, Lo'ak and Tsireya. While i'm gone be safe and don't leave this place. And if someone bothers you, beat the shit out of them. Got it?"

"Got it" Tehiti replies while smiling excitedly.
"Also sister, I trust you. I know in the end you will do the right thing." I smile at Tehiti as he heads out of the pod to Tuk and Kiri. Once he leaves, tears well up in my eyes.

I cant just go against the one I have feared all my life. It's not a switch I can flip, there will be consequences and if any of them hurt Tehiti's chance at a safe future, i'm not doing it. Oh, Eywa I hope it turns out right in the end.

I pat the bag hanging loose to my side and look at my reflection to see a Na'vi looking back at me. I think while I observe her.

She has red-blue skin and she is wearing a dark blue top that forms patterns of fire and a loincloth around her waist in the similar colour. Her hair hangs loose to her sides, the dark brown waves flowing around her shoulders. She wears shoes to prevent her feet from burning the ground she walks upon and her necklace she made is no longer visible on her neck, for she gave it to someone who makes her feel special. So that he may be safe.

Is this girl a traitor? Will she be the Queen of the Ash People? Will she marry the man who is waiting for her back home?

Or will she grasp and tame the future she desires to build? The mate she desires to have.

To be honest, I'm unsure. I'm unsure of who to listen to: my brain or my heart? Duty or Love?

I sigh and make my down to Jake Sully's pod, where his kids and Tsireya are waiting for me.


"Hello (Y/n), it is nice to see you again."

"Nice to see you too Jake Sully."

"Call me Mr. Sully. Take care of yourself children. Be back home before eclipse and don't get yourselves in trouble, especially you Lo'ak."

"Yes sir" Lo'ak and Neteyam reply. The way Neteyam said that with his accent was h.o.t. Damn, i'm down bad. (Y/n) keep it together.

I snap out of my train of thought and follow the three of them to the ikrans waiting for departure.


Lo'ak pats his ikran and takes Tsireya's hand to pull her onto his creature. Neteyam offers me his hand and I take it, getting on behind him.

"Let's go!" Lo'ak says as his ikran takes off. Neteyam smirks and his ikran takes off as well. As we fly. the wind blows throughout my hair and I view the crystal water down below, counting the amount of creatures I see. I smile as I see Akala spinning happily towards us and wave at him. He's my favourite!

Lo'ak motions his ikran closer to us and says "you guys are so slow. Come on let's race!"

"Bro you know (Y/n) and I will win" Neteyam replies.

"Not when you're riding the ikran bro, you're too slow. Let her ride." I smile at this and tap Neteyam so we can switch.

"You really want to listen to that skwang?"

"What, you think I can't ride your ikran?"

"No-I never said that."

"Move over. It's time to show your brother what a winner looks like." I crouch on the ikran and carefully move in front of Neteyam. I sit directly in front of him and reach for my braid. I make the bond and the ikran instantly screeches and moves wildly in the sky. I take the reins from Neteyam and calm the creature down and try to stabilize it.

The Fire Between Us  {Neteyam x Reader}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon