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A mother's voice vivid and clear
Under Pandora's light she will disappear "Take care of our children" she pleads to her mate
But in the end, it's far too late

The child begs her father to stay,
"Daddy please do something!" she repeats in dismay
She holds her mothers hand squeezing it tight,
She cries and cries, her heart filled with fright

"My child come here" her mother whispers under pain.

"There will come a time when you must make a decision, your heart, or your blood. Stay true to yourself and you'll know what to choose."

The mother breathes heavily as she kisses the little girl's cheek. She squeezes her hand tightly and this time, she lets go for eternity.


He killed him.

I close my eyes and feel a flame light within me. It grows more with every breath I take. He killed Neteyam. He killed him.

I look at Neteyam's body lying in front of me and I feel empty. My hands are covered in Tuntak's blood and are trembling. The world is silent and the smell of ash fills my lungs.

I'm going to rip him apart.

I feel the heat rising from the core of my being, slowly but steadily. My heart is bleeding but all I feel is this rage begging to be unleashed. I'm not stopping it anymore.

Fire is my weapon and it will obey me.

For years I attempted to control it, master its flow yet I was left defeated. Fire isn't meant to be contained or destroyed. It must be unleashed to be heard. And today, its voice will roar through Pandora.

I clench my fists and my eyes begin to burn a deep red. I feel an overwhelming wave of heat, more powerful than anything i've ever felt. I look at Neteyam's body and the decision is clear.

"I choose my heart."  

I scream at the top of my lungs and an enormous amount of fire explodes from me, surrounding my figure. I feel immense heat radiating through my body and I can taste the power in me. "I choose my heart," I declare again. Flames burst forth from my fingertips, swirling in a chaotic dance as they converge into a concentrated inferno.

The air around me shimmers with heat as flames dance along my arms, casting an eerie glow on Tuntak's figure as he watches with a mix of fear and disbelief. I slide my fingers over Tuntak's wound and burn his skin together, closing the wound with no difficulty. The fire extends, crawling on the sand, covering everything but Neteyam's body and the Na'vi all move back. The ground beneath me trembles as the very essence of Pandora responds to my unleashed power.

Flames. He is awake.

A mighty roar erupts through the air and the ground beneath me trembles. Everyone and everything is frozen in silence and I can taste fear lingering through the air. I look to my right to see the trees shaking as the massive creature emerges from the depths of the forest. His scales, a molten fusion of reds and golds, gleam in the blazing sunlight. Flames approaches and I can feel the heat radiating from his immense figure. The connection between us, forged through trust and shared purpose, is stronger than ever. The Ash clan warriors faithful to Dinraal all stand beside him and it's clear what Flames should do.

Kill every last one of them

Flames raises his head, his eyes locking onto the enemies with a fierce determination. A low growl emanates from deep within his chest, building in intensity. Without hesitation, his figure flies towards us, my anger fueling his wings to beat. With a mighty exhale, fire erupts from his throat and lands on the Ash warriors. They scream in pain, the fire not only disintegrating just their physical forms but also their spirits. They desperately cry for mercy as Flames swoops in and rips apart their bodies piece by piece with his humongous teeth. Blood covers the sand and spills in the ocean as Flames gets rid of every last soldier. Dinraal stands frozen, observing the chaos, unable to do anything. I warned him but he didn't listen and now, I wont stop until this is over.

I tell Flames to kill the Ash warriors escaping in the forest and he turns around, flying over me and making his way to the forest. I look down at Neteyam's body and my fire only grows.

Eywa gave me this power for a reason, to kill those who disturb Pandora. I lock eyes with Dinraal, ignoring every emotion that dares to well up inside me. Dinraal's eyes are fully widened while looking at me and he is frozen in place as I stand up.

Dinraal's POV:

Her eyes burn with an intense red glow, a reflection of the fire within her. As she raises her arms, flames dance at her fingertips, swirling around her in an intricate dance.

The fire wraps around her in a protective embrace, mocking my existence. The flames take on various shades – from the cool blue at the edges to the searing red at the core, mirroring the temperature and intensity of her emotions.

The flames respond to her every gesture.

"Incredible" is the only thing I can say. She looks at me with pure hate but somehow I can sense the sorrow in her.

Who knew my death would be my daughter.

(Y/N)'s POV:

The fire envelops me, becoming an extension of my will. I raise my hands, and the flames respond, forming a blazing sphere that hovers beneath my palms. Any guilt I feel is gone. No murderer deserves to live. Not even my father.

I direct all the fire in me into the sphere and without hesitation, unleash it towards my father. Flames erupt from my outstretched hands, a torrent of searing heat aimed at the one who ruined my life. The fire roars as it engulfs Dinraal, a manifestation of the wrath that boils within me. The fire wraps around him, an inescapable eye that licks at his skin and clothes with insatiable hunger. I can see the panic in his eyes as the flames move quickly, the realization of his fate etched across his face.

As my fire engulfs him, he screams loud and desperately but no one dares to help him. The air reeks of burning flesh and I watch the flames consume him, the feeling of being free pulsing in me.

And then, as quickly as it had begun, the flames subside. All that remains of Dinraal is a pile of smoldering ashes, carried away by the gentle breeze. The air, once heavy with the scent of battle, now hold only the faint traces of burnt remnants.

The fire, once a symbol of life and power, becomes a merciless executioner and today, it took the life of my father.


The Fire Between Us  {Neteyam x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now