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Fire is a weapon. It's presence sparks flames into existence and strikes with boldness, unafraid to burn whatever stands in its way. It is a powerful weapon once yielded but it obeys no one. My ancestors devoted their lives attempting to learn the behaviour of fire so they could control it to save themselves from the undying threat of danger. They were unsuccessful however, which led to their greed of controlling it grow stronger. This greed turned into obsession and eventually led them to isolate in the volcanoes, calling themselves the Ash people.

My life revolves around fulfilling my ancestors desires. I am a fire Na'vi and my father is the chief of the Ash people. We live in the volcanoes and have adapted to its extreme temperatures, making us strong and indestructible. Us fire Na'vi have red skin and tails that resemble the dragons that we capture and ride. The volcanoes are our home and my father, Dinraal, is a dangerous man and a stern chief who uses fire to destroy and collapse places in Pandora, reclaiming them as his own.

My younger brother, Tehiti, and I have lived in the volcanoes our whole life, unable to leave our home and see the rest of pandora. My father claims he is protecting us but I know it is his way to control us.

Now I stand here in-front of Dinraal, knowing that I am about to get punished for my unexpected reaction to his words at dinner tonight. "(Y/n), how dare you oppose my decision. I announce your engagement with the greatest warrior in the Fire tribe amongst him and his family at dinner and you openly refuse?" "But father I do not want to marry hi—" " I DO NOT CARE WHAT YOU WANT. YOU WILL MARRY HIM FOR THE SAKE OF OUR TRIBE. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?" My eyes are burning, the threat of tears arising which I'm ignoring because I know there is nothing I can do to stop this marriage. Dinraal always gets what he wants and he will keep abusing me if I deny so I don't have a choice. I have to obey, once again reminded that I have no control over my life. "I understand".

"Your actions however, will not be ignored and you will be punished accordingly. I sentence you to 60 whips on the back and you will be stabbed—twice."

I nod my head, a tear streaming down my face and begin to leave with the Punisher, a title suited for the Na'vi who preforms punishments on the Ash people when ordered by the chief. As I leave, I hear my father say the word that makes my heart bleed in pain "Freak".

It is true, I am a freak. An outcast in the fire tribe because I look different. I have red skin like the others but blotches of deep blue surround certain parts of my face and my body, making an odd pattern. My hair is wavy and not braided and my eyes also glow a deep blue colour, which is unusual because the typical fire Na'vi has brown eyes. I am also the first ever Na'vi to be able to control and generate fire which makes me a threat to the others. This also places a heavy burden on me, since I have acquired the power my ancestors dreamed of. But it's not a blessing for me, it is a reminder that I will never truly belong anywhere. My brother says I am gorgeous and the warriors can't keep their eyes off me. All I see in there eyes is judgement. They say I am a beautiful creature who is unwanted and will be unloved. Oh how I wish I did not look like this.

I stand here now, taking this punishment which should hurt but I've grown numb to it since i've been punished like this my whole
life for no damn reason. I really wish I could escape my father and explore Pandora with my dragon, Flames, but I cannot go against his rules or I will be killed.

I'm heading home now, limping through the tribe as I see the other Na'vi eyeing me weirdly. They're probably wondering why I would deny to marry everyone's dream guy, Noatak. Yeah sure he's handsome but he's so arrogant. He treats everyone like crap and talks about girls like they are objects, a prize waiting to be claimed as if that is all we are destined for. I've seen the way he looks at me and it pisses me off cause I don't want that dipshit in love with me.

I arrive to my home, away from my fathers place and smile at Tehiti. He notices my back scarred and frowns in concern. "Oh sister, are you ok? I was so worried about you. I cant believe father is deciding your life by making you marry that ugly looking turd" I laugh at this, intrigued by the disgusted face Tehiti is making. "I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you from him. You don't deserve any of this. Eywa—please great mother help us."

I wrap my arm around his body while using my other hand to gently wipe off the tear trickling down his face. "I hurt Tehiti but I promise you things will get better. We must have hope."

He nods with dismay, sadness smeared all over his face as he blows out the candle and tucks himself into his bed as I go to mine. "Oh Eywa, please help us escape father. Show us life outside the volcanoes. Bless us with this miracle."

My eyes slowly close. Sleep is upon me.


That is the end of the first chapter!!!
I'm really hoping that you enjoy this concept so far. It is different but I hope you will enjoy reading it. Definitely leave comments and let me my know if there are questions or ideas you have for this story!
Until next time💕

 Definitely leave comments and let me my know if there are questions or ideas you have for this story!Until next time💕

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