Lights, Camera, Harry // l.s.

By aussie_direction

2.7M 128K 137K

❝ I really hope you don't expect me to do anything. Because I won't. I don't care. Cry all you like but when... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
100K WHAT?
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Character Ask (TheQuestions)
Character Ask (The Answers Part 2)
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
The End

Character Ask (The Answers Part 1)

14.7K 385 439
By aussie_direction

So thanks for all the questions guys! They were all really good and I've tried to answer all of them the best I could.

Anyways... so here it is!




Vic: [smiling] Hi! So welcome to the Lights, Camera, Harry Character Ask! I have here with me; Charl, Niall, Liam, Eleanor, Jack, Will, Louis and Harry to answer your questions.

Niall: Thanks for having us!

Vic: No problems! Okay, so let's just get right into it!

Liam: [grining] I'm pumped.

Vic: Alright, let's go.


1. From @ruezzle - How's the wedding planning going?

Charl: So good, isn't it Harry!

Harry: [smiles at her] Yeah, it's coming along nicely.

Charl: We picked the flowers the other day - they're pink - and Harry and I going dress shopping tomorrow.

Louis: [looks at Harry] You are?

Harry: [doesn't look back, keeps eyes on the floor] Yes.

Louis: [in a small voice] oh

Charl: And El's coming too!

Eleanor: I sure am!

Charl: [smiles at Harry] Harry's going to be a beautiful Maid on Honour.

Harry: [smiles back] In a suit.

Charl: [whispers] That's what he thinks...

Harry: I'm not wearing a dress.

Charl: [patronizing, patting his hand] Of course you're not, sweetie.

Niall: [laughing loudly] Oh my god! Can he PLEASE wear a pink one?

Will: [under his breath] He already has...

Harry: What!?

Charl: Well he has to fit the colour scheme...

Jack: [hi-fives Niall] This is going to be gold!

Harry: [blushing and pouting] Can we move on please? This is mean...

Liam: [silences everyone] Hold up, can we please back up a little. Will, what did you just say about Harry in a dress?

Will: [shrugs] He's already worn one.

Louis: [eyes wide] What?

Harry: [looks up at the roof] Kill me now.

Jack: Um, when did this happen?

Will: Do you remember that time Harry dressed up and-

Harry: [begging] Seriously, just end the pain.

Jack: [laughing] Oh yeah! He was asking if-

Vic: [interrupts] Okay! Moving on now, I think Harry's had enough embarrassment for one question...

2. From @5secondsofchurros - Are you and El friends again, after everything that happened?

Charl: [looks at Eleanor] Um, yeah I guess. I mean, we're not 'besties' but we're getting better.

Eleanor: [sorry] You know I'm sorry, Charl. I never meant to take sides with our parents-

Charl: [snappy] Yeah, but you did. [calms down] Sorry, I just-

Eleanor: I-It's okay.

Niall: [trying to be funny] Can we please not have a domestic in the middle of the interview?

[Eleanor and Charl look at him]

Niall: [hands up in surrender] Jeez sorry.

Charl: [continues] Uh, but yeah. In answer to your question, yes we're becoming friends again.

Eleanor: [smiling] Yeah, we are. Also, mom wants to know if you wanted to come over for dinner-

Charl: No.

Eleanor: [grinning] C'mon! It'll be fun! Mom wants-

Charl: [flat out] No. Just because I like you, does not mean I like her.

Eleanor: [sighs] Okay, fine...


1. From @ruezzle - Do u ship larry?

Niall: [laughs] Funny story, actually!

Liam: [under his breath] Here we go...

Niall: [continues, oblivious] We're talking Stylinson, yeah?

Vic: Yes, Niall.

Niall: [claps hands together] Okay! I was on twitter the other day and I saw something about Louis trending-

Liam: [interjects] There's always something about Louis trending.

Louis: [nods] This is true.

Niall: [waves them off] Anyway, something was trending, so obviously I was intrigued. I was scrolling through it, looking at all the comments about him, when I saw something about Larry and I had no clue what it was. So I did my research.

Harry: [puts head in hands] Oh no...

Niall: [grinning, continues] So apparently its like, they're relationship. Louis and Harry, equals Larry. And there are some people who seriously like it! Like, there are twitter accounts dedicated soley to them as a couple.

Louis: [face goes pale] I am in so much trouble... management are gonna kill me.

Niall: [continues] And there are like, edits of them and people even write fanfiction. Some of it was quite good actually-

Harry: [snapping] Can you just answer the question!?

Niall: [looks at Harry, sighs] Fine. Yes, I ship Larry.

2. (bravery_69) Are you Larry AF?

Niall: This 'AF' term also came up in my research...

Will: [confused] 'AF'?

[everyone rolls eyes and groans as Niall enthusiastically nods]

Vic: Okay, Niall. Would you like to answer the question?

Niall: [smiling] Yes, yes I would.

Will: Can Niall explain 'AF' to me first? I don't get it...

Liam: [raises hand] Actually, I second that.

Harry: [nods] Yeah same.

Niall: [clears throat] AF stands for 'as fuck'. It's kinda like... if you're super enthusiastic about something.

Louis: [smirking] Who'd have thought... Niall's actually a walking fanboy dictionary.

Harry: [looks at him] Unnecessary...

Will: [ignores them both, taps chin thoughtfully] Hmm... Does that mean I'm pringles AF?

Jack: [nods] Yeah, I reckon you are.

Will: [interrupts them both] OH MY GOD! Remember that time Ash got his hand stuck in the pringles can? And we had to-

Harry: [covering face] Please, no.

Jack: [grinning] Yes! And we had to use Harry's lube to get it unstuck-

Charl: I remember that! What a way to meet your best friends roommates...

Harry: [dying in embarrassment] When will this end?

Will: I remember that! That was hilarious!

Louis: [horrified, but intrigued, to Harry] You have lube?

Jack: [snorts] Does he have lube? That's like asking a monkey whether they like bananas.

Will: [laughing] And he sure does like bananas too.

Harry: Why did I agree to this...

Liam: Hey, Niall didn't actually answer the question yet.

Niall: [pissed off] Yeah, you asses interrupted me.

Will and Jack: Sorry.

Vic: [sighs] Niall, your answer?

Niall: [happy again, grinning] Yes, I'm Larry AF.


1. From @5secondsofchurros - What's it like being friends with someone as famous as Louis?

Liam: [grins] Hard.

Louis: Hey!

Liam: [laughing] Kidding, kidding! Louis' great. He may take a while to warm up to new people, but he's actually a pretty nice guy to people that he likes.

Louis: [smiles] Aw, thanks LiLi.

Liam: [continues] But if he doesn't like you, he'll make it obvious.

Louis: [nods] This is true.

Liam: [ignores him] Otherwise, he's a good friend. But sometimes, all the fans can get in the way. We can never really do anything normal guys do, but I wouldn't change it for the world.

Louis: [smiling] Thanks.

Liam: Louis is Louis because of everything that makes him 'Louis'. It's all a part of him so it wouldn't be the same without every little part. Plus all the challenges he brings along.

Louis: [offended] Challenges?

Liam: [smiles] Yes Louis, you are a challenging human being. But we still love you.

Louis: [grins] I know.


1. From @5secondsofchurros - Do you love Louis? Like, are you in love with him?

Louis: [eyes wide] What?

Eleanor: [stuttering] Um, I-I

Niall: Woah... plot twist...

Liam: [smacks Niall's arm] Shh.

Charl: [confused] El?

Eleanor: I-I, um, I think I used to love him. Like before he met Harry. When we first started dating. And then Harry came into the picture, and I saw him slowly changing and drifting away from me. [sniffles] I couldn't do anything to stop it. He just fell through my fingers and straight into Harry's arms.

Harry: [frowning] I-I'm so sorry, El. I didn't mean-

Eleanor: [sad smile] It's okay, I know he's happy so [shrugs] I guess I'm happy too.

Louis: [shocked] I-I didn't realise...

Harry: [smiling at him] That people care about you? [nods] Yeah, we do.

Louis: [small smile] Y-Yeah.


1. From @ruezzle - you are both my otp bye

Jack: [confused] Um... goodbye?

Will: [wondering aloud] What's an otp?

Niall: [puts hand in air] Ooo! I know!

Liam: [smirking] From your Larry research?

Niall: I'll have you know, that yes, I leant a lot that day...

Liam: Please don't share.

Niall: [ignores him] OTP stands for One True Pairing. Its like, your favourite relationship that you tend to like more than any other ones. Kinda like you're favourite couple who you fan over.

Will: [smiling, puts arm around Jack's shoulder] So ruezzle, we're your otp? Thanks, it means a lot.

[Will tries to kiss Jack's cheek but Jack pushes him away, grossed out]

Jack: Ugh. Get off me, freak.

Will: [holding on to him] You love me, don't lie.

Niall: [trying not to laugh] You two make an adorable couple.

Will: Thank you.

Jack: We're not a couple.

Will: [ignores him] We are.

Jack: Definitely not a couple.

Will: [removes arm, looks at him in disbelief] Well... you seem pretty insulted by that.

Jack: [rolls eyes] Dear Lord, help.

Will: [crosses his arms sassily] What, I'm not good enough for you?

Jack: [puts hand on forehead] We are not going to have this conversation again... I have a girlfriend. I have for a few months now, Will.

Will: [unaffected] So? I have a fish...

Liam: What has that got to do with anything?

Will: [shrugs] I thought we were talking about things that didn't matter.

Harry: [under his breath] Well, he does love that fish...

Niall: It's okay, Will. [puts hand on Will's leg] I'll still ship you guys.

Will: [fake sniffling and crying] Thank you, man.

[everyone is silent. Jack is done with their shit. Liam has a headache. Niall is trying not to laugh]

Vic: Moving on...


1. From @AProudWannabePunk - First of I love your story so so so much!! My question is: what inspired you to write this?

Louis: Me, obviously.

Niall: [punches Louis shoulder] Oh my God, shut up.

Vic: [ignores them] Well, first of all, thank you! I really enjoy writing it and I'm glad that you guys are liking it!

Will: [mimicking Louis] Because I'm in it, obviously.

Louis: [jaw dropped] Shut up!

Will: [mimicking him again] Shut up!

[Liam pinches both of their ears until they stop talking]

Liam: [stern, done with their shit] Okay, can we please not. Calm down.

[Both stop and look down, ashamed]

Vic: Thanks Liam. Um, okay, what inspired me to write this story... I guess other fanfictions. I was looking for a sassy Louis fic to read (because who wouldn't want to read that) and I realised that there wasn't really any that I really really liked the look of. Like, there was a fair amount that I would have changed in pretty much all of the stories. [grins] So I decided to write my own. That way I could write whatever I wanted and I could make it all exactly the way that I wanted it to be.

Niall: [trying to be funny] Sooooo... Not because of Louis?

Vic: [rolls eyes] No, not because of Louis specifically. But I s'pose it was a little to do with all of you, too. If it wasn't for you four boys-

Charl: [clears throat] And me.

Vic: Sorry, yes and you too.

Will: [offended] Um excuse me?

Vic: Okay, okay. So if it wasn't for the four boys, Charl and Will.

Eleanor: [rolls eyes] Really? I mean, I'm the movie star here...

Vic: [takes deep breath] Okay. If it wasn't for all of you guys in this whole story, then there would be no story. Happy now?

Eleanor: [satisfied] Thank you.

Vic: [under her breath] But really, if it wasn't for One Direction I wouldn't be writing anything, so you should all thank them.

2. From @BumlinsonArmy - Teach me how to be cool plz.

Will: You should be asking me... really...

Jack: That's a lie.

Will: Nah! Remember that one time in freshman year, Harry-

Harry: [sighs loudly] Can we stop reminiscing about college, please? I swear every memory has some sort of embarrassing story about me in it...

Niall: [whines] But I wanna hear!

Harry: No.

Niall: [huffs] Fine.

Louis: [chuckles] Why haven't I heard these stories?

Will: You should. They're great. The AwesomeFoursome-

Harry: [exasperated] No one ever called us that!

Will: Yes they did.

Harry: Okay, so maybe you and Ash did, but no one else did.

Will: [nods to Jack] They did.

Jack: They didn't.

Will: [to Harry and Jack] Let's be honest, we were the definition of cool at UCLA.

Jack: [shaking his head] You couldn't be more wrong...

Niall: Yeah, I mean, I'm pretty sure we were the definition of cool at that school...

Will: [crosses arms] Oh yeah? And who's 'we'?

Niall: [confident] Zayn, Liam, Louis and I. We were the bestest.

Will: [coughs] Bullshit.

Liam: [shrugs] I hate to break it to ya, but Niall's right... We have Louis, and I'm pretty sure that means we were the coolest...

Will: No fair! You have the 'famous guy' advantage!

Louis: [smug] Too bad.

Will: [outraged] But-

Jack: [to Will] Mate, let it go...

Vic: [pouts] This was supposed to be my question...

3. From @hxransbanana - Y is u so cruel?

Louis: Yeah, why, goddamn it Vic. Why do you make bad things happen?

Vic: But I make good things happen too!

Harry: Sometimes... but sometimes you write bad things that happen to us...

Vic: [grins] I sorry. I don't mean to be cruel, but sometimes [shrugs] eh, it happens.

4. From @5secondsofchurros - where'd you get the inspiration for all you stories and characters that are fiction?

Vic: Good question

Charl: [looks around] Yep, I'm the only fictional character here... great.

Will: [shocked] Um, excuse you? Jack and I are too...

Charl: [blushes] Oh, right...

Vic: [ignores them] Anyway, Um, the inspiration for this story came by reading other fanfics, which I already talked about earlier.

Vic: [continuing] I got the actual idea for this one, though, from a GIF I saw on twitter... It was of Louis being sassy AF to an interviewer and Harry looking really nervous standing on the other end of the line. And I just remember thinking how adorable Harry looked and how confident and almost cocky Louis looked, and then the story sort of came from there.

Harry: [blushing] Oh

Louis: [smirking] You're welcome.

Vic: [rolls eyes] Yeah, yeah. Thanks, Louis. Um, but the characters themselves...

Charl: [claps hands] I'm excited.

Vic: Okay, so Tay and Jess were some minor fictional characters that featured and they literally just came about because Charl needed some girlfriends to talk to every now and then. Their names aren't based on anything really, they were just random names I picked.

Will: Ooo! Do me now!

Vic: [sighs] Okay. Jack and Will actually came from the name Jack Willis. The brand that Harry was obsessed with in like, 2010. I wanted Harry to seem poor, so I decided he needed roommates, so yeah that's where Will and Jack came from.

Jack: [nods] Interesting...

Vic: [ignores them] And Charlotte Little. Lucky last.

Charl: [grins] I know the answer already...

Vic: [smiles back at her] The character Charl came from my sister, her name is actually Charlotte and she's pretty cool. She got me into writing in the first place and we basically co-wrote my story 'Disneyland' [smirks] (which you should all go read) She helped me A LOT, and I mean really, really, a lot, with this story. If I had writers block, she was the first one to help with an idea that wasn't cliché or overused. She really is one of my best friends and I love her to bits, so I thought it was only right to honour her with a character. [laughs] Oh, and her last name was just because I couldn't think of anything else.

Charl: [still grining] Best sister ever.

Niall: [confused] Does that mean Eleanor is your sister too?

Eleanor: [laughs] Um, no. Charl is my sister in the story, Ni.

Niall: And she's Vic's sister in real life?

Charl: [puts arm around Vic's shoulder] Yep.

Vic: [hugs her back] Yeah.

Niall: [nods] Hm. Okay.





so that was really long... which means #AskHarry and #AskLouis is going to be in Part 2 coming up soon!

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