Tere liye

By prabhakar29

14K 1.4K 652

To what extent a person can go to protect his loved one... Sidharth Singh Rajawat(28) soon to be heir of r... More

synopsis of original plot

chapter -3

395 25 3
By prabhakar29

After a week:-

Sidharth was in his office talking on phone. Someone knocked his cabin door. He looked at the person and signalled him to come inside then he disconnected the phone after few seconds and smiled at the person.

" Good morning Mr Murty, how is the progress going on?" He asked from that person.

He was Subrahmanyam Murthy, a very honest and hardworking man who was incharge of Sidharth's dream project of making India's biggest luxurious hotel and one of those few people whom Sidharth used to trust blindly.

" Good morning Sir. Overall progress is good but we are still searching some new architect for gothic design part as per your instructions and I came to talk to you about that only. Recently, we went to Ireland's one of the most famous college regarding our search. 30 students took part in your designed test and out of those 30, I selected 10 students work for your final scrutiny. All those 10 designs are here in this file without their names or any identity as per your instructions. Please go through this and if you like any design, then we will contact that person and will fix a meeting with you as soon as possible "Mr Murthy explained to him.

" Mr Murthy, I don't think, we are going to get what I am looking for. So don't search anymore and call mr Robert and offer him to work with us because we are already late from our deadline and I can't afford anymore delay." Sidharth told him while flipping through pages of that file randomly but suddenly his eyes got stuck on one page and he stopped flipping pages. There was a small smile on his face.

" What happened sir? Did you like something?" Mr Murthy asked him.

" Well, it's not exactly what I wanted but still I would love to have something like this.I am little busy now so, I need some time to go through this file. I will let you know my final decision after 2-3 days and don't call mr Robert now, wait for my final decision and till then keep working on other things. One more thing, no more college hunts, if I will not like any design from this file then we will work with Mr Robert and it's final." Sidharth explained to him.

" Ok sir as you wish." Mr Murthy said and went away from there.

Sidharth too went away because he had a meeting.

Next morning:-

It was first Monday of the month and that's why it was very special. There was a very special ritual running through generations of royal family. According to that ritual, current king or heir of royal family used to to do first morning aarti and Pooja at the time of sunrise in their ancestral Shiva temple. The ancestors of royal family were biggest devotees of lord Shiva and they had made that temple to worship their beloved God and it was belief of local people that royal family is still thriving because of this special ritual only as they have lord Shiva's special blessings. King Hari Singh Rajawat used to do this ritual religiously without a single day miss since the day he had declared heir of royal crown but 3 years ago when he had fallen ill, he had requested Sidharth to do it on his behalf and since that day, it was Sidharth who was following his ancestors footsteps. He too didn't miss a single day and doing it from last 3 years no matter what.

      Today was one of those special days. Sidharth woke up and got ready to go to temple. That temple was beside the main palace and his home was 8 km away from there but he used to go to temple by walking only and that too barefoot just like his ancestors but it was easy for them as palace was just 5 minutes away from the temple but for Sidharth, it was 8 km long journey that too barefoot and he used to do it without any complaints. This gesture of him had won local people's heart, loyalty and respect.

     Sidharth reached the temple after walking for more than an hour. He did Pooja as per the rituals with first ray of sunrise falling on the Shivling. Head priest was already there as always. After Pooja, Sidharth turned to go but got surprised to see Samaira standing there.

" Sam, what are you doing here?" He asked her.

" Good morning Sidharth. I came here to take blessings from God before leaving . I know you will be also here at this time, so I thought this is the perfect time." She said to him and entered inside the temple.

She did Pooja as per priest's instructions and then started her prayers.

" Bholenath, I am leaving this city for few days to pursue my dreams but I didn't come here to ask anything for me. I came here to request you to take care of my Sidharth in my absence because I know he will be completely alone in my absence. There will be no one to look after him. please take care of him and be with him always.Protect him from all evils and keep him happy and healthy. That's all I pray to you." Samaira prayed to God.

    Sidharth had tears in his eyes after hearing her prayer but he immediately wiped them when she turned around and smiled at her.

" Sam, please don't worry about me. I will be perfectly fine. You just focus on your dream, am I clear?" He said to her.

She nodded.

"I will but you don't forget your promise, ok?" She told him.

Before he could say anything, his phone started ringing. He looked at the caller id then cut it.

" Offcourse ma'am. Can we please go now? I have an important meeting after an hour. I have to reach office before that and get ready for it because I can't attend meeting in this dhoti ( it's a traditional Indian costume which men wears during religious ceremonies in Hindu religion). See you in the evening " he said to her.

She nodded and both of them came out of the temple.

" Sidharth, if you don't mind, I can drop you to your office. You will be late for the meeting if you will go by walking." Samaira suggested him.

" Thankyou but you know, I can't do it. Don't worry I will reach on time because office is close as compared to home. You go and do your packing. See you later." He said to her and went away from there.

When Samaira first time saw him going this extra miles to follow his family's centuries old tradition, she was shocked because it was unbelievable for her that, in today's time someone can do this without any complaints. She was impressed beyond words and this devotion and dedication of his made her fall for him even harder. Now, when she was going away, she will miss  him terribly. She almost had tears in her eyes after realising that. She wiped her tears from her dupatta and went to her home.

    Sidharth reached office wearing dhoti and a shawl wrapped around his upper body. His employees were now used to see him like this on first Monday of every month and this made him even more respected among his employees and local people who used to watch him on road like that.

Sidharth directly went to his cabin and got ready for the meeting. Gone was the devoted man following traditions, now he was back in his no nonsense business man mode. He went to confrence hall to attend meeting. There was still 5 minutes left for the meeting to get started.

When meeting ended, he came to his cabin. He had to work on a presentation for some government project. He opened his laptop to do that but his eyes landed on the file which Mr Murthy has given to him. He remembered that he has to check it and then give instructions to Mr Murthy regarding that. He closed his laptop and took that file.

After analysing every design thoroughly,
he finally liked one design. He liked the mind of that person who was responsible behind that. He decided to meet with that person personally before hiring him or her for the project. As right now he had no idea about candidate's identity. There was only some number was mentioned on that design sheet. So, he called Mr Murthy to contact that person and tell him or her to come India.

" Mr Murthy, I went through the file which you had left with me. I liked one design but I want to personally meet that person before making him or her part of our team. Please, contact that person and do all the arrangements for coming to India as soon as possible" Sidharth instructed him.

" As you say sir. I will do all the needful as soon as possible and will let you know
Anything else, sir?" Mr Murthy asked him.

" No Mr Murthy, that's it for now. Have a great day" Sidharth said and cut the call.

After that he got busy in his other work.

   Next Day:-

    Samaira flight was from Mumbai to London.  Sidharth went with her to Mumbai to see her off.

    "Sidharth please take care of yourself and please take rest also from work. Now I am worried for you.I will not be here for 2 years. You will be all left alone, I am feeling very bad." Samaira said sadly.

"Are you mad Samaira? for god sake,you are not going to some other planet, got it? We will talk daily and I will visit you whenever I will get time. You are finally going to live with your family for 2 years and going to study in your dream place, so concentrate on it and be happy,got it?"
Sidharth tried to make her understand

"You will be fine right?" She asked again.

Sidharth just hugged her without saying anything. He was also feeling bad because it was true that he will be alone again.He knew that talking on phone and meeting face to face was entirely different thing but he can't be selfish. Moreover, he thought that this little distance will help her to forget him and maybe she can meet someone who will be perfect for her as her life partner. He really wished this to happen because it will make him free of any guilt and she will get somone who will truly love her what she deserves not like him.

" Samaira, I am not a kid and as I said you are not going to some other planet, so just relax and don't think too much. Just go and make me proud and yes take care of yourself" He said and kissed her forehead.

She smiled at him. Her heart was very restless. She could not pin point it but she can feel it that something big was going to happen and their life will not remain same after that.she was not liking that feeling at all. Then her flight announcement happened, she bid him final good bye and went away.

Sidharth took return flight to Jaipur.

Singapore :-

    Aranya and her friends were in  Singapore after Maldives. Today was the last day of their vacation. They all went to a pub to experience Singapore's night life.Aranya and her friends were having fun on dance floor.

     " I am going to get something to drink, do you guys want to have anything?"  Aranya asked from her friends.

  They shook their heads then she went away. She was at bar counter, waiting her drinks and checking her phone. At that time one man came to her and introduced himself to her.

  " Hey, if you don't mind can you please suggest me, which is the most famous drink of here, I am really confused." That man asked from Aranya.

  She looked at him from head to toe then started speaking.

  " You don't look like someone who came to the pub for the first time. If you wanted to talk to me, you could have easily asked my name. All these extra efforts were not needed at all." Aranya replied to him.

  " Well, I must say you are someone really smart. Sorry and thanks. I was just being cautious, what if I would have got slapped in return. So, I started with safe zone but I am surprised and glad to see your straightforwardness." That man replied.

  " Thanks for the compliment but if you will ask right questions then you will never get slap, always remember that" she replied back.

  " Thanks for this advice, myself Maanveer Rajawat, and you?" He asked her while forwarding his hands towards her.

  " Aranya Gujral" she replied while shaking hands.

" Nice to meet you Aranya, Indian?" He asked her.

" Not really. I live in Ireland, came here on vacation." She replied.

" Oh wow. I also came for vacation with my friends. Can we do outing together, if you don't mind" He asked her.

" Sorry but today is our last day and we are leaving tomorrow. So, I can't give you company." She replied back.

" Oh, no problem. Can I give you company here atleast over drinks. Just normal chit chats, nothing fancy" he again insisted.

  " Ok ,cool" she replied.

  " Wow, great. Let's sit outside in open area. It's too crowded." He said to her and started going.

  They sat outside and started talking on random things. At that moment, he got a text message. He opened it and his mood changed immediately. Aranya noticed that.

  " What happened?" She asked being curious.

  " Nothing. There is someone in my life, who won't let me live peacefully even outside of the country. Trust me, the amount of hatred I have for this person, I can't even explain it to you." He replied with so much anger.

  " Who is he or she?" She asked

" My dearest step brother. Forget this, I am not going to spoil my mood because of him. Next month maybe I will go to your country. Will be my guide?" he asked her changing the topic.

  " I can't promise for now but will try if  I will be free by that time. I guess, now I should go because we have to take early morning flight. It was nice meeting you." She told him.

  " Same here. See you soon" he replied.

  She nodded and went away.

  Next day:-

  Aranya reached her home in the evening. After meeting with her parents and telling them her travel stories, she went to take rest. She woke up when her mother came to wake her up for dinner.
  " Aru, you came from your vacation. Now, it's our time. We are going tomorrow to our yearly month long detox vacation trip. As you know, we will not be in touch, so please take care of yourself " Her mother said to her.

  " Mom, this is not first time you guys are going. Don't forget, it was me only who suggested to go on such vacations and you guys are going since last 3 years. Don't worry, I will take care of myself very well. If I can take care of myself in foreign countries then this is my home. So, chill and relax. " She replied to her mother.

  " Yes, Ayesha. She can take care of herself. She is a grown-up woman now, not our little doll. So, I guess you should relax and don't take too much tension. She will be perfectly fine. Right sweetheart?" Her father asked her.

  " Absolutely yes." She replied happily.

   After that, Aranya helped her parents in packing then they went to sleep. Next day her parents went away on a month long vacation without phone and any mode of communication.

     Aranya was chilling in her home and planning, how she should spent whole month. Till last year, she had her studies but now she was completely free. She needed something to kill her time.

   " Should I apply for some kind of part-time job somewhere?" She thought to herself.

   She was busy in her thoughts. At that time her phone started ringing. She looked at it and was confused because it was an unknown number. She thought to disconnect it but then she picked up.

  " Hello, who is there?" She asked.

"Am I speaking with miss Aranya Gujral?
Someone asked from other side.

  " Yes speaking, who are you?" She asked being confused.

  " Ma'am I am trying to reach out to you since yesterday but nevermind. I am talking from India. I called to inform you that the test you have given for the job of architect in our company few days back, you have been shortlisted for that but our boss wants to meet you personally once before making final decision. You have to come India as soon as possible, if you are interested in this." The lady from other side told her.

  Aranya was shocked would be understatement. She had completely forgotten that test.She was not interested in the first place and after giving that test, it was gone case completely. So, getting such kind of call was completely unexpected for her and she didn't know what should she reply to that lady. She was confused and her parents were also not there to give some advice on what she should do.

  " Honestly speaking, I am not too much interested in that job. I just gave test. If possible consider someone else at my place. I am sorry but I will not come." She replied politely.

  " Ma'am, how can you reject such a big opportunity? Do you know, our team has conducted various tests across globe to find perfect candidate but no one could impress our boss. You are the only one who managed to impress him with your design. I think you should atleast come and meet him once then maybe you will realise, how big opportunity you are getting " that lady tried her best to convince her.

  " If you don't mind, can I get some time to think?" Aranya told her.

  " Offcourse ma'am but I can't give you too much time because we have to take final decision as soon as possible. I will call you tomorrow again to know about your final decision, ok?" That lady told her.

  " Thanks " Aranya replied.

   After getting that unexpected call now she was completely confused.

  " What should I do? I can't talk to even mom and dad regarding this matter God please help me." She thought to herself.

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