Whispers in the Dark (Project...

By AmberDickie

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Special thanks to Mystro who helped me to make this AU in the first place! 20 people lost in the Snowy Tundra... More

People and their Roles
Chapter 1- The First Campfire
Chapter 2- Supply Run
Chapter 3- Safe
Chapter 4- Patience Comes at a Cost
Chapter 5- Preparing
Chapter 6- The Night Before
Chapter 7- Howls in the Dark
All Character Designs
Chapter 8- Nightmares
All Project Winter Art so Far
Chapter 9- Bloodshed and Poison
Chapter 10- Burial
Chapter 11- A Walk in the Snow
Chapter 12- All in Due Time
Chapter 13- Ghostly Arguments
Chapter 14- Candle Light
Chapter 15- Buried in Snow
Chapter 16- Closeted Rage
Chapter 17- Questions and Answers
Chapter 18- The Mystery Arrival
Chapter 19- A Chilly Demise
Chapter 20- The Search
Chapter 21- The Dark of Night
Chapter 22- Lies and Consequences
Chapter 23- The Armory
Chapter 24- Dancing Under the Stars
Chapter 25- Gunshots
Chapter 26- Deep Cuts
Chapter 27- Waking Up
Chapter 28- Sadness
Chapter 29- Avalanche
Chapter 30- Arguments
Chapter 31- Trapped Target
Chapter 32- Darkness and Spirits
Chapter 33- Sleepless
Chapter 34- The Fall
Chapter 36- Broken Voice
Chapter 37- Fed to the Wolves
Chapter 38- Nobody is Safe
Chapter 39- Practice makes Perfect
Chapter 40- Decisions to be Made
Chapter 41- Crossing Paths
Chapter 42- Healers Boost
Chapter 43- Cabin Check
Chapter 44- Arrangements
Chapter 45- Secret Underground Plans
Chapter 46- The Mystery Cabins
Chapter 47- Spiritual Madness
Chapter 48- Lizzie's Return
Chapter 49- Northern Lights
Chapter 50- Death Trap

Chapter 35- Promises

32 0 1
By AmberDickie

3rd POV (Time skip - 2pm)

Scott walked in silence, his face darkened as he arrives in the centre of the cabins, the others behind him, and the limp Shelby in his arms. He glances up to see some more of the group running towards them.

"What happened!?" Pearl questions as she sees the injured Shelby and Gem.

"Shelby and Gem fell from a cliff after being cornered by wolves, from what we were able to see" Katherine answers quietly, "Shelby took the most damage from the fall, hence why...-" she trails off as Scott gives her a dark glance.

Scott didn't wish to be reminded of his best friends near death, as he clutches Shelby closer to his warmth, the best he could without causing further damage. H looks at Shelby in shock as he walks up closer and tries to move Shelby's hair away from her eyes to look at the large scar on her forehead, but Scott shoots him an even darker glare, and growls in an angry, pissed off tone, "Don't. Fucking. Touch her...".

H flinches back at the sudden darkness in Scott's voice, lowering his arm to his side and backing up.

"Scott, that's enough" Tay says gently as to not anger Scott anymore.

Scott begins walking to Shelby's cabin as he sees her wounds beginning to bleed even more. Katherine follows after him quickly, while Tay and Lizzie get Gem to her own cabin.

Gem would be able to heal herself a little until Katherine can come to help. For now, Katherine's main focus had to be Shelby, or she would die, and Katherine didn't want to be the one to find out what would happen if Shelby were to die.

How angry Scott would be... She shivered at the thought of it.

Pearl and Kara followed after Scott and Katherine.

Katherine was quick to help pull Shelby's coat, bag, gloves and boots off, tossing them aside, leaving Shelby in a white long sleeved top and her thick brown leggings as Scott lays her down on her bed.

Shelby's top... you almost couldn't tell it was white, as it was stained by blood from Shelby's scars and wounds.

Everybody could see the pain all over Shelby's face. Just by how limp she was, everybody could tell how close to death she was.

Scott glances up at Kara, "Get my cover from my cabin" he says in a low tone.

"But what about you? You'll be cold tonigh-" she's cut off from Scott's face going darker, and him yelling.

"GET. MY COVER. FROM MY CABIN. NOW!" he screams as he saw Shelby's body begin to subconsciously shiver from the cold.

Kara didn't argue, and immediately ran out and made her way to Scott's cabin, before soon coming back with his cover.

Scott took it and held it at the ready to cover Shelby with when Katherine was done being able to heal her today.

Scott's world fell silent as he watched Katherine do everything she could to heal Shelby's scars and wounds. Of course, there was only so much she could do for now, as she would need to spare some potions to help Gem as well. Katherine couldn't use her abilities yet, she still needed time to recharge, but she should be able to heal Shelby a lot more by tomorrow morning.

Her broken leg and arm would be a big task to heal, and could take days to get to a safe point.

It could be a long time before Shelby would be able to walk again.

Scott hated the sight in front of him. Seeing Shelby in so much pain, unconscious, bleeding.

"Pearl, can you grab a wet cloth? So we can clean up the blood" Katherine questions softly.

"Sure" Pearl nods before heading to her own cabin to collect a cloth, coming back less than a minute later to run it under the water at Shelby's sink, and then handing it to Scott, who begins to gently clean up the blood around Shelby's body while staying silent.

He could feel his eyes stinging. He so desperately needed to cry again, but he held himself together, as he didn't want to cry in front of everybody.

But no matter what cabin everybody was in, they all could feel Scott's anger.

"How long do you think it'll take for Shelby to wake up?" Callum questions as he had soon joined them.

"I'm not sure... it could be a few weeks... a few months..." Katherine says quietly, "I really wish my powers were stronger...".

"Would you like me to go and collect some of those healing plants? So you can make some more potions?" Kara asks.

"If you could, that'd be great" Katherine smiles.

Kara nods and heads out into the tundra to find some healing flowers.

(Time skip - 10pm)

Scott sat in silence on the end of Shelby's bed as she lay there silence. Katherine had done all she could for today, but would be back tomorrow morning to help her some more.

Scott had just spent the better half of an hour crying angrily while holding Shelby's hand, his breathing ragged as he could feel every inch of his body become tense at the thought of what happened to Shelby.

He was extremely angry at Gem... should he not be?

Scott didn't care that Gem was hurt... he cared about the fact that Gem let this happen... that Gem allowed for Shelby to take the full hit.

He was going to rip Gem to shreads... but he couldn't leave Shelby's side. Not now...

He needed to know she was going to survive this.

He stood up, walked over to a wall and...


Scott breathed angrily as he opened his eyes to his fist through Shelby's cabin wall, before pulling it out and punching the wall again, this time with his other fist.

Not only was he angry at Gem, he was angry at himself. If only he had gone with Shelby on that supply run, maybe then she wouldn't be on deaths door. He promised that she would live... that she'd never be hurt...

He failed her... and he hated himself for it.

The thought of Shelby dying filled his brain as he begins to sob once again. He didn't want to believe that this was reality... that his best friend was dying...

Walking back over to Shelby's side, he sits down and pushes his hand into Shelby's own. "Shelby... I promise... you'll live..." he starts, "You won't die... I won't allow it... you'll be okay...".

He wipes his tears as he takes in a shaky breath, looking at Shelby's pain filled face. She was covered by two covers and a punch of pillows were around her, as per Scott's request. He wanted her to be warm and cosy when she wakes up.

His memory flashed to when he saw that vision of the cliff... had he predicted this?

If only he'd know it wasn't just his imagination.

"Please... promise me you'll be okay..." Scott mumbles as he places a gentle kiss on Shelby's forehead, careful as to not hurt her, as she had that scar directly across her skin, but thankfully, it was almost fully closed. Not healed, but closed.

"I know you can't speak but... god, I hope you can hear me..." he continues to mumble as one of his tears fall on Shelby's cheek, and he gently wipes it away.

Scott takes in a deep breath, "I'm sorry I failed you... I'm sorry that Gem did this to you... I'm sorry the world is cruel... you don't deserve pain... You've only ever been perfect...".

Scott soon lay down next to her. He wanted so badly to hold her, but he was too afraid of hurting her, so all he could do was hold her hand. It would be too dangerous to roll Shelby onto her side as well, especially since Katherine noticed that Shelby's back had been injured too, which makes sense. Keeping her flat on her back was important right now, until the bones heal.

Scott was just glad to know that she's alive... and that she's still here...

Chilled's POV

Nobody suspects me for Harvey's death. Yet. That's good.

I have been thinking though, should I have given Harvey a chance at being a new convert? It's not like he wasn't a good fighter, he was, it's just that I don't know how quickly he'd get himself caught. He wasn't always the smartest.

Better to just end it, if you ask me.

Especially since I was in the mood to see some blood and death...

I headed back to my cabin earlier than the others, as I was pretty tired and honestly just wanted to sleep.

Although... something has been bothering me...

Bek and Eloise mentioned that they think they saw some people walking through the snow earlier today when they were on the supply run. That's strange... I don't recall there ever being another group of survivors out here. Although I suppose it could be possible that they arrived her after we did.

We've been here for about... 8 months? I think that's right. It's hard to keep track at this point.

Hmm... I wonder if there's a traitor in that group. Might be good to have an ally.

Eloise also mentioned that the one walking at the front was carrying another, one that looked to be severely injured, and then another injured girl was being helped along by a few others.


Gem's POV

My back hurts so much... it's a constant reminder of how I failed to keep Shelby safe...

The look on her face as she lay there unconscious, covered in blood... it'll haunt me for a long time...

Of course, I've had to look at dead bodies, and that haunts every nightmare I have but... something about seeing Shelby in that position, in a constant state of not knowing if she's going to live or die... it's painful.

She could die at any moment and it'll be my fault...

I don't think Scott will ever forgive me for this... I know how close him and Shelby are. But Scott's not the traitor... right? He wouldn't... kill me... right?

I shake my head as I lay still on my bed, just trying to fall asleep, but my back wasn't doing me many favours.

I'm sorry Shelby...

Scott's POV *Time skip - 7am*

There's a knock on the doors of Shelby's cabin. "Hm" I hum.

"It's me, Katherine" she calls, opening the door and walking in, a few potions in her hands as she walks over to us, setting the potions on Shelby's desk. "How was she last night?" she questions.

I only shrug, because I don't know. "She whimpered a few times in her sleep, but that was it" I tell Katherine.

She nods and moves Shelby's covers down so she can get to Shelby's wounds. She places a hand lightly on Shelby's right arm which had quite a few deeper wounds, and I watched as her hand glows and begins to heal the wounds, closing them for good, but leaving scars that may heal on their own with time.

I just sit back and watch as Katherine does her best to heal whatever she can for today. After about 20 minutes, she has healed most of Shelby's wounds to the point of where they won't bleed much anymore, and has started attempting to fix the bones in Shelby's broken leg and arm.

"That's all I can do for today. Keep one potion with you and have her drink it if any of her wounds begin to bleed again" Katherine tells me. I only nod and wave her off.

Once she leaves, I let out a shaky breath and stand up, walking over to Shelby's sink to pour a glass of water for her. I need to make sure to keep her hydrated.

I gently cradle Shelby's head in one arm, and begin to gently pour the water into her mouth, slowly so that she won't choke, and once the water was done, I lay her back down comfortably and cover her up to keep her warm. She doesn't have her coat on, so she needed the extra cover.

Tay washed it last night since it was covered in blood, and it's now just hanging on the door handle of Shelby's cabin, waiting for when Shelby wakes up and can walk around.

I lay back down next to Shelby once again and took in another shaky breath. I'm not used to NOT hearing Shelby's voice for this long. I don't like this.

I'm lying next to my best friend who is currently on death's door.

If she doesn't survive this... I don't know if I'll be able to hold myself back from killing everybody at one time. They're just lucky I'm not THAT bloodthirsty... at least, not yet.

She's in so much pain, I can tell... How long would it even be before she would even be able to walk? Her leg and arm are probably going to need to do the rest of the healing process themselves, at least, once she's closer to waking up.

I hold her hand again and just stare off into space, refusing to sleep or leave Shelby's side.


Scott's making more promises. He's gonna make sure he lives up to them.

Sorry that the next One Life chapter is taking so long. It might be another week or two, but Mystro's part of it is almost done, from what she's told me. She's been busy with school and homework, so they haven't had time to work on the part of the One Life chapter that much.

Anyway, hope you guys like this chapter of Project Winter! :D


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