PAN ~ Harry Hook

By kazzledazzle_

158K 4K 954

Philomena Pan, Daughter of Peter Pan and Wendy Darling, had grown up hearing tales of her mother and fathers... More

character list
Part one
part two
Part three
additional characters
twenty one
twenty two
twenty three
twenty four
twenty five
twenty six


5.8K 163 26
By kazzledazzle_

chapter eight ~ unwanted attention

Harry Hook was having a good day.

He had a king to tease and his thoughts were full of the pretty girl from the night before.

He was walking to the ship him and his crew shared though he had inherited for his 16th birthday from his father.

He had decided to make it a place for him and his crew to stay, for what is a boat without its pirates?

The surprisingly clean wooden deck creaked beneath his leather boots as he approached the tired looking king.

Lifting his hook to beneath bens chin he moved his face close to Bens.

"coochy-coochy-coo" Harry laughed.

"How's it feel to be king now eh? He looked at Ben a few moments as he leant up against a wooden pole that Ben was tied to. He assumed Ben wasn't going to answer so he laughed and circled the pole like a predator would it's prey before appearing next to Ben again.

He opened his mouth to try to rile the king up more. He wanted a reaction. He wanted at least something but Ben remained stoic.

"Harry give it a rest" Uma grabbed his arm and moved him away from the king "we don't want damaged goods"

Harry walked away in annoyance and grabbed onto the ropes of the ship and used it to pull himself to stand in the edge of the boat whilst he used his hands to hang from the rafters. He pointed his hook covered hand at Ben as he looked at uma.

"You said that i could hook him" he gritted out. He never got to have any fun.

"i said at noon" Uma told him which made him feel a little more excited for the day ahead. He jumped down to the deck again and stalked over to Ben.

He retrieved his pocket watch from his coat, another gift from his father, and held it up in front of Ben.

"20 more minutes"

"that says eleven thirty" Ben said. He seemed to have gained confidence now as he was answering back and Harry didn't like that one bit.

"you better hope your girlfriend comes through" Uma spoke trying to scare him a little more. Harry hummed in agreement and went to stand next to uma.

"but she's not my girlfriend anymore" Ben told the pair of pirates with a distant look in his eye.

Harry laughed. Not even a king can hold down a girlfriend for long. Harry didn't believe in love, he's never gotten to see a true example of it so why should he believe in something that didn't exist? Ben was just adding to his case by the minute. It put him at ease to know that not even the king of Auradon had a relationship that was all sun and rainbows.

Sure Harry had friends and family but he didn't know what it felt like to love. He didn't even know what it felt like to be loved but he supposed that it was his own fault for being vastly unapproachable and mildly insane. He chuckled drily.

"Leave us alone Harry" Uma told her first mate.

He rolled his eyes and did as his captain told but not without stopping next to Ben.

"nineteen minutes to go now" he threatened. Gods he couldn't wait to put his hook to good use.

"Go!" Uma shouted. Harry snapped his head to his captain. She was just so demanding sometimes. Slapping his hands on Bens chest and gripping his jacket Harry looked at Ben with a certain hunger for violence.


Philomena watched as the royal limousine returned to the isle where herself, Evie and Mal were waiting.

Mal was tapping her foot impatiently. The anxiety of what was about to happen was making her less patient than what she would usually be.

Jay and Carlos jumped out of the car followed by Lonnie who was carrying a bunch of swords. Philomena smirked. They were having a sword fight? She couldn't wait.

The two groups greeted each other with rushed hugs and Carlos showed Mal the fake wand which looked impressively similar to the real one.

"wow what a beauty" Mal admired the 3D printers handiwork.

carlos nodded and said a solemn "it's noon"

"right" Mal said and looked at the tunnel they had dragged Ben away from just yesterday. "Are we ready?"

"yeah" Evie held up Mals Bag

"let's do this" and with that Philomena followed her friends through the tunnel and into what looked like Umas territory.

A huge pirate boat sat at the docks and people in pirate hats and wielding swords were all around them. This was it.

"Hey guys! They're here!" the boy that they had met the day before shouted. Evie had told Phina that his name was Gil and he was the son of gaston but he was harmless really and Phina had just laughed and nodded.

"Welcome!" She snapped her eyes up to the origin of the familiar Scottish accent. Sure enough there stood the hook handed pirate with his arms outstretched and a crazed grin on his handsome face.

"Finally!" Uma shouted and laughed like that of a true villain. The pirate with turquoise braids began to sing and Philomena had to refrain from rolling her eyes. Why must they always sing in serious situations? Bens life was on the line here.

Speaking of Ben she looked around and finally her eyes landed in the King. He was being pushed along the plank by a manic looking hook handed pirate.

Harry, his name was Harry and she tried to get used to it by whispering his name to herself a few times. Though she soon realised what she was doing and put her hand over her mouth and looked around with her wide brown eyes to make sure no one heard her whispering the enemies name.

As her friends and the pirates continued to sing Phina chose to just watch Harry. Only to make sure nothing happened to Ben...of course.

Ben looked terrified as he stood at the edge of the plank with Harry Hooks arm resting on his shoulders. Harry looked at Ben with a fake pout and swung his pocket watch in front of Bens face maliciously teasing him. The pirate stood back and grabbed Bens shoulders to make him spin around as he laughed. He was just having too much fun.

He left a terrified Ben standing on the very edge of the plank and walked over to Umas side.

"all it takes is one swing and i'll humiliate him" Harry told Mal "matter of fact make one wrong move and i'll debilitate him" He used his hook to stroke Mals hair similar to that of what he did to Phina the previous night.

Phina having watched the whole display realised that this must just be what he did to everyone. Gads she almost fell for his cruel tricks. She watched on and vowed to herself that she would not be fooled by Hook no more. He was the enemy and she hated his father for what he put her mother and father through so therefore she hated him too. After all the apple doesn't fall far from the tree surely

Harry continued speaking rather loudly "and he even starts to slip i'll eliminate him! All it takes is one wrong look and i'll..."

"Harry!" Uma cut him off "we get it. chill" The captain dragged her first mate away from Mal as he smirked and blew a kiss.

Harry returned to the plank and pushed Ben impossibly closer to the edge. Suddenly Ben began to sing making everyone look at him in surprise. Even Harry who was still holding onto him looked interested to see what the young king had to say.

All attention was on Ben as he sang about how he would give Uma a chance to come to the isle without having to sacrifice the wand but Uma was smarter than that and she simply laughed and waited for Mal to give her the wand.

The purple haired girl stepped forward with the wand outstretched to Uma but the captain halted Mals movements.

"That's too easy" Philomena inhaled sharply "why don't you give it a test drive?"

This wasn't a part of the plan. Philomena  panicked. What on earth were they going to do now? It seemed Mal thought the same. Phina watched Mal look around for any ideas on what to do next.

Phina looked around too. Surely there was something they could do to get Uma off of their case for at least a little while.

He dog at her feet jumped up at her legs and she petted it on the head absentmindedly as she thougt about what they were going to do. Wait. Dog? Phina looked down at the dog and realised it was carlos's dog, Dude. Dude could talk now and Mal needed to prove that the wand really 'worked'. She gasped and knelt down to talk to the dog.

"Dude, Go to carlos" She whispered. She panicked when she saw the dog open his mouth to talk and lifted her pointer finger to her lips "No! shhh Go to carlos. Go on"

She let out a sigh of relief as the dog did as he was told. She just hoped Mal would come up with the same idea as she did.

She waited with bated breath for Mal to acknowledge the dog and sure enough she did. Her eyes sparked with the idea and she walked closer to Dude with the wand in hand.

"Although it seems absurd, turn your bark turn your bark into a word"

Phina looked at Harry to see him now holding Ben by the jacket as Ben was forced to look down at the apparently shark infested waters. Poor Ben.

Phinas gaze returned to Mal who liked to be silently panicking

"Talk dog" she gritted out

"Does this vest make me look fat?" The dog said. Phina smiled in relief as everyone laughed. It actually worked! She squealed and clapped her hands together in excitement.

Mal and Uma continued to argue but Phina turned to look at the hook handed pirate. Her gaze trailed from the two girls and across the crew of pirates that were also watching the girls and then they found their destination. Her eyes met Harry's. Crystal blue and deep brown collided and Phinas heartbeat faltered and her breathing quickened.

Harry held her eye contact a few moments longer before he smirked slowly and tuned his attention back to the boy in front of him.

Phona didn't know much at that moment but she knew one thing. She had caught Harry's attention yet again and that was bad. Very bad.

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