The Metal Bat Cousin

By DeadMC66

12.6K 276 147

Wade was Gwen's older brother by 5 years, he was quite a delinquent but he always took care of his family. He... More

OCs Appearing in this Story
And Then There Were 10
Washington B.C.
The Krakken
Tourist Trap
Kevin 11
The Alliance
The Last Laugh
Lucky Girl
Small Problems
Side Effects

Permanent Retirement

608 17 12
By DeadMC66

Ice Cream Shop No POV

Max was at the ATM as the kids were inside getting ice cream. Two guys in a tow truck parked nearby as one got off the truck and walked over to Max.

Man: out of the way, Grandpa. I got a major withdrawal to make. <tosses Max aside>


Gwen: what do you have that's nonfat with less than 3 percent sugar?

Vendor: napkins. What about you two?

Ben:<looks outside> I'm about to go rocky road. <runs outside>

Wade: chocolate with chocolate sprinkles.

The fat man put the hook on the ATM.

Man; hit it.

The skinny man tried to start the truck but Ben appeared fused to the truck.

Ben: your cash request has been denied.

Ben threw the skinny man out as he unmerged with the truck as the alien he was is named Upgrade. The other man took the hook back and spun it only for Wade to stick his bat on it making the hook wrap around the bat as he then hit the man down on the head while he was licking his chocolate ice cream.

Max:<puts his foot on the fat man's chest> where do you think you're going? Good work you two.

Ben: oh, yeah. I'm ready for anything. Bring it on. What's next?

Max: we're heading off to see your Aunt Vera for the weekend.

Ben: aw, boring old Aunt Vera? Nooo!

Wade: oh crap.

They were back on the road as Wade finished his ice cream while Ben was back to normal.

Gwen: when Aunt Vera said she wanted to move away from it all, she really meant it.

Wade: who puts retirement homes all the way in the middle of the desert?

Ben: oh, man. This summer was supposed to be about F-U-N, not hanging out in some old lady's place.

Gwen: I like Aunt Vera.

Ben: duh. That's because you act like you're 100 years old.

Wade: I'm with Ben on this one. I don't like going to Aunt Vera's, she hasn't seen me since I was 5.

Gwen: why?

Wade: because Mom and Dad are embarrassed of me, that's why. They're embarrassed to have a delinquent son. Why do you think I don't go to a lot of family reunions?

Ben: but you see me, my parents and Grandpa as well.

Wade: you're the only exception since your parents and Grandpa don't stop asking about me. The rest of the family might as well not know I exist.

Ben and Gwen looked at each other as they continued heading to where they are supposed to go.

At Vera's

Vera: it's been years since I've seen Max and the kids. I'm not sure I'll even recognize them. Stop by and say hello.<goes inside her house>

Marty: I'd like that.

Marty went inside his own house as he had a bowl of chips and sat down to watch TV. He grabbed some chips and ate them but as soon as he went for more, a green goop was on his hand then attacked his face before he could call for help.

At the Rust Bucket

They arrived at the place as they drove past a lot of similar houses.

Ben; this is gonna be so boring. The idea of excitement in this place is probably watching the grass grow.

Wade: or watch the history channel.

Ben looked out the window as he sees an old man slip from his roof as he does a backflip and lands on his feet.

Ben: woah did you see that?

Wade and Gwen looked outside but saw nothing really out of the ordinary.

Gwen: see what? The heat must be frying that pea-sized brain of yours.

They arrived at the house as Ben got out.

Ben:<covers his face from the sun using his hand> seriously, why do old people have to live where it's so hot?

Wade: at least you're not wearing black pants.

He gets off as Gwen had a mischievous smile on her face as she sprayed Ben with a water gun.

Ben: hey!


Wade:<grabs it> give me that! <sprays himself on the face>

Ben looked at Marty's house as Marty himself growls at Ben then twists his neck on a very creepy fashion before he closed the blinds.

Ben: huh, they really make you feel welcome here.

Max: just watch your cheeks. Vera's a pincher.

Vera: Max!

Max: Vera. <hugs her before he breaks the hug>

Vera: I can't believe you're finally here. <hugs Gwen> and look at you two.<pinches Gwen's cheeks> so grown up! <let's go of Gwen's cheeks>

Gwen: ow.

Vera does the same to Ben.

Ben: ow.

Vera:<sees Wade> and who's this young man?

Max: Vera that's Wade.

Vera: who?

Wade: Wade Tennyson? Gwen's older brother?

Vera: oh, Gwen doesn't have 2 older brothers. Just one and that's Ken.

Wade: I... I'll just wait inside the Rust Bucket.

Wade went back inside the Rust Bucket as Max, Ben and Gwen looked at him just go inside with a frown on their faces.

Vera: come on in. I can't wait to chew the fat with all of you.

The three of them went inside as "Marty" glared at them through the blindfolds. It was a decent size house that looked like it could be for one or two people.

Ben:<sniffs the air> ugh. Why do old people's houses always smell like somebody's cooking socks or something?

They sat in the table as Vera served them orange jello with something inside.

Max: oh, Vera, this is delicious. Now, what are these brown chunks in the mold?

Vera: pork chops. And the white parts are cauliflower.

Ben and Gwen looked at each other as they didn't like that information.

Vera: so, Ben, what have you been doing so far this summer?

Ben: dealing with alien life forms.

Vera:<giggles> oh, you.

Gwen:<stands up and sees some fake birds> Aunt Vera, is that a stuffed red-billed North American chickadee?

Vera: ohh! How perceptive, Gwen. And did you know the song of the red-billed North American chickadee is actually...

Both: a call indicating alarm or excitement? <Imitate the bird sound>

Ben pushes his jello into Gwen's plate and fakes that he ate it all.

Ben: I am totally stuffed.

Vera:<walks over with a bowl> Ben, would you like some candy?

Ben:<grabs a piece> now we're talking. <eats it but stops mid chew and spits it to his hand> ugh! Coffee as a candy? Is this some kind of joke? <stands up> I need to use the bathroom. <goes to the bathroom>

Max: Gwen can you take some jello to Wade?

Gwen: sure.

Gwen grabs a plate of jello and goes to the RV and knocks on the door.

Gwen: Wade?

Wade:<from inside> it's open.

Gwen goes in to see Wade laying down on the very back couches tossing and catching a baseball.

Gwen: you okay?

Wade: I am. Why?

Gwen: it looked like Aunt Vera not recognizing you at all hurt you.

Wade: it's not that, it's the fact that she insists that I don't exist just shows how much our parents are embarrassed of me. They just denied that I even exist and that's the part that hurts.

Gwen: oh. <puts the plate on the table> I brought you jello.

Wade:<looks at it> what's inside?

Gwen: cauliflower and pork chops.

Wade: hard pass.

Gwen: you need to eat something.

Wade: I would just have something from the fridge. A sandwich maybe.

Gwen:<sighs> want me to stay?

Wade: no, you have fun with Aunt Vera. I'll stay here and... I don't know... probably take a nap.

Gwen: are you sure?

Wade: I am.

Gwen leaves back to the house with a frown. Ben was in the bathroom still.

Ben: it's attack of the old people. I got to get out of here.

Ben smirks at the Omnitrix as he dials it up and transforms into Ghostfreak. He turned semi-transparent and went outside to the living room.

Vera: and this one is a valentiana. Can you beat the ocean? <gives the shell to Gwen>

Gwen:<puts her ear on the shell>

Ben:<whispers> loser. Loser.

Gwen's eye pupils went super small as she got frightened as she could see Ben a bit when he laughed.

Gwen: Ben?

Ben: see you. Wouldn't want to be you.

Ben goes outside as he was still semi-transparent.

Ben; there has to be something fun to do around here. <looks at a golf cart> hello.

Ben grabbed the golf cart and started driving it around as to the old people, it looked like it was driving itself. It was until Ben smelled something.

Ben: Mm. Apple pie.

Ben went close to the apple pie until he looked inside to see an old lady trying to kill a fly with a fly swiper. The fly got on the ceiling as the old lady then jumped into the ceiling and ate the fly.

Ben: ecch. No way. Ninja old people.

The old lady jumped down as she cracks her neck without touching it and it sounded grotesque. Ben saw Marty driving a golf cart with a rolled up rug on the back as some sprinklers turned on spraying water as Marty avoided the water.

Ben; wonder what Mr Friendly's up to.

Ben drove his golf cart to where Marty was as he saw him take the rug to a trash zone but instead of opening the gate, he pulled a Mr Fantastic and stretched his legs over the gate.

Ben: this place just keeps getting weirder by the minute. <phases through the gate>

Marty moved the dumpster of the far left to see wooden trapdoor on it. Marty was about to go under it but the Omnitrix got bad timing and timed out as Marty did a 180 head turn to see Ben. His whole body followed as he roared at Ben. He grabbed Ben but Ben got lose as he climbed over the gate and ran to the golf cart as Marty walked over the gate.

Ben started driving as Marty stretched his arms and latched into the roof of the golf cart.

Ben: I didn't see your face suddenly pop on the back of your head. I swear. What kind of vitamins are these freaky old people taking? Come on.

Marty put his legs on the road and tried to pull the golf cart back as Ben grabbed one of the golf clubs that were on the cart and hit Marty's arms off the golf car.

Ben: Fore!

Ben tried to drive away as Marty got on the roof and tried to grab Ben making him drive wildly as he hit one of those parking bumps sending them flying as they crashed. Ben got out of the cart quickly but Marty grabbed him and tried to drag him towards him but the sprinklers went off and Marty roared as he ran off apparently not liking water.

Ben: ok. What just happened here?

Ben ran all the way back to Aunt Vera's house.

Ben: Grandpa, Gwen!

Max: shh. Your Aunt Vera's in bed.

Ben: seriously? It's, like, only 6:30. Never mind. Listen. This whole place is way creepier than I thought. First, this old lady runs up a wall and then munches a fly. Then Marty, that weird next-door neighbor, is an ET or something with a face in the back of his head and these long, sticky arms, and thus body that oozed right through this gate, and-

Gwen: Ben, you snuck out. Aunt Vera was hurt.

Ben: like how Wade was hurt when she just denied that he even existed?

Gwen: that's not-

Max: enough.

Ben: ok. I say I go Four Arms, and we check out Marty's apartment.

Max: well, maybe we should do some investigating. But you stay as you are, we're bringing Wade. After the weekend with Vera, I'll make it up to Wade so the next destination will be where he chooses. <walks away>

Gwen: you know, ever since you've had that watch, you're like a magnet for the weird.

Ben:<makes himself close to Gwen> you're right.

Gwen: very funny.

They went to the RV first as Max knocks on the door.

Wade:<inside> I'm not gonna eat jello. I had a good sandwich.

Max: Wade, we need you to come with us, we're investigating the next door neighbor.

Wade:<comes out with a bat> better than doing nothing.

They go to Marty's house as Max goes in first.

Max: hello? Anyone home?

They go in as the clock chimes and keep looking around.

Max: well, nothing here seems out of whack.

Wade:<looks down> isn't there supposed to be rug here?

Ben: yeah he rolled up something in his rug.

They went back to Aunt Vera's home as Wade went back into the RV.

Max: you two sleep well. I'll be in the guest room if you need me.

Ben: but, Grandpa-

Max: there's nothing more we can do tonight. I'm going for an early walk in the morning, but once I'm back, we'll check things out again. Now, get some rest.

They all went to sleep and during the sleep, Aunt Vera was attacked by a similar green goo that attacked Marty.

The next day

Wade was inside Vera's house for breakfast as Ben checked the fridge.

Ben: prune juice, prune juice, and, oh, what a surprise, more prune juice. Why does it seem old people were always old?

Wade: don't know what to tell you there.

Gwen:<sees Vera walk over> morning, Aunt Vera. How'd you sleep?

Vera: just fine. How about you? <pinches Ben's cheeks>

Ben; fine, Aunt Vera.

Gwen:<holds a tray> I made you some coffee.

Gwen accidentally drops the tray spilling the coffee and water.

Gwen: sorry!

Vera:<jumps and does a split to get her off the ground> clean it up! Clean it up right now!

The kids and Teen were wide eyed at this.

Gwen: I'm sorry. <cleans up the mess>

Vera:<gets down> where did your grandfather go?

Gwen: he said he was going for an early walk.

Vera: well, behave yourselves. I'll be back soon. <leaves the house>

Ben: she's totally one of them.

Gwen: one of what?

Wade: really Gwen? She just did a perfect split in the middle of the room and you're asking one of what?

Ben: yeah, whatever's possessing these old people. Something or someone's got to Aunt Vera and who knows how many other of the fossils around here.

Wade: before we go, Gwen do you have your water gun with you?

Gwen: yes why?

Wade: take it with you just in case.

Gwen: it won't do anything.

Wade: I beg to differ.

The three of them went out to explore and find answers as Gwen had her purple backpack and Wade had his bat on his hand.

Gwen; so, where we headed, Sherlock?

Ben: we need to get to that trapdoor by the dumpster.

Wade made them hug the wall as some old people walked past. They were careful on their way to the dumpster.

Ben; it's right over there.

Gwen: just follow the disgusting smell.

They pass some old people that were sliding some discs on the ground. But then they snarl at them and hit the discs at them that Wade bashes and destroys with hit bat.

Wade: run!

They ran while dodging the discs and got behind a wall.

Max:<walks over> guys, what's going on?

Ben: they're everywhere!

Max: I know. Come here. I'll protect you. <was also an alien>

Gwen: let's get out of here.

Wade bashed Max away as they ran off but stopped when more aliens lifted a car and threw it at them. Wade grabbed Ben and Gwen and moved them out of the way as he jumped out the way and the car crushed alien Max.

Gwen: no!

Wade: no what? That's not the real Grandpa!

Wade was right as the green goop reformed back to Max but one eye was alien like.

Wade: come on.

Wade grabbed them both as he kicked the gate open and ran in. Wade moved the dumpster out of the way as Ben transformed into Wildmutt. Ben grabbed the dumpster and threw it at the alien old people.


Gwen: got it. <goes to the trapdoor>

Wade: you can understand him?

Gwen: that's scary. I'm starting to speak Mutt. <keeps trying> I can't open it.

Wade:<moves her out the way and bashes the trapdoor open> how deep does this go?

Ben got Wade and Gwen on his back and jumped down as he slowed his fall and landed.

Gwen: does the expression "look before you leap" mean anything to you?

Wade:<looks up> it doesn't apply when we're in a hurry.

They see the old people crawling down the rock walls like Moria Orcs.

Gwen; move it!

Ben started running as the old people landed and ran after them but they lost them temporarily as they arrived at a place where it has different tunnels.

Gwen: these tunnels must go under the whole complex.

Wade: but which one is the main one?

Gwen and Wade got off Ben as Ben senses alien Max extend his arms trying to grab Gwen but Ben caught his arms and threw him to a wall. Alien Max regained his footing and charged at Ben but Wade intercepted and bashed alien Max away hard. He ran at him and bashed him down multiple times before he lifted his bat for a final swing.

Max: you wouldn't want to hurt old grandpa Max, now, would you?

Wade: he never says he's old that casually.

Wade bashed the fakeMax's head into goop and his whole body turned to goop.


Gwen: <gets on Ben's back> rule one, he's not Grandpa. He's an alien freak. And that leads to rule two, which is we kick alien butt.

Ben:<senses something>

Gwen: what?

Ben put Wade on his back and started running very fast.

Gwen: woah! You don't come with seat belts! Remember?

They were coming up a green goo tunnel as the Omnitrix was timing out. Ben crashed through a boarded up tunnel then timed out. They all got up.

Gwen; hey, freak show, what do I look like, a crash-test dummy?

Ben: listen. I don't know what it is, but I picked up some kind of scent in here.

Wade: I'll go first.

Wade walks first as Ben and Gwen followed. They arrived at a large cavern as there was an alien ship in the middle surrounded by hundreds of green egg like shaped pods.

Wade: those better not be eggs that have little aliens latch to your face.

They go down as they look inside to see the real old people.

Gwen: it's like everyone in the retirement village has been podded up.

Ben:<looks inside one> Grandpa. <opens the pod>

Max:<gets up> oh, I was out for a walk, and then, oh, I can't remember what happened next.

Ben went to open another pod but got stopped by a voice.

Alien Vera: I wouldn't do that if I were you.

Ben: well, you're not me.

Alien Marty: not yet I'm not.

The old people turned to their real forms which were grotesque goop beings that show their intestines.

Max: you can fill me in later.

Gwen touched the ship as it opened to show more mods inside.

Gwen: looks what's back here.

Max: their ship.

Limax: they found it. We can't let them out. Get the pods on board. They've been marinating long enough.

Wade: marinating?

Gwen: they've got Aunt Vera.

Ben: you guys really burn me up.

Ben transforms into Heatblast.

Ben: now I'm going to return the favor.

Ben launched a wave of fire to the Limaxes but it didn't do anything as they merged.

Limax: whatever you are, you just made a terrible mistake. Us Limaxes live for the heat. Why do you think we came to the desert in the summer?

Ben ran to the Limax's leg and started punching it but it didn't do anything. The Limax grabbed Ben and started bashing him around. It saw Gwen, Max and Wade taking the pods out the ship. It sent two Limaxes as them as Wade bashed them but they kept reforming.

Wade: Gwen! Your water gun! Remember Aunt Vera in the kitchen!

Gwen grabbed the water gun and sprayed water on the Limaxes basically one shot killing them.

Gwen: they hate water! Like Wade said, Aunt Vera when she was in the kitchen.

Ben: or Marty when I was on the golf cart.

Wade:<looks up> Ben! Above!

Ben fired a heat beam at the pipe as let out water kind of like rain making the Limax drop Ben.

Ben: see you, slime ball.

The Limax died as Wade and Max got the last pods out of the ship.

Max: sorry. There's no dry-thru service here.

They got off as one Limax went in, the ship powered up and took off into the surface and out of the planet.

Max: we should put them all back in their condos so they'll think they never left.

Wade: this will take a while.

Gwen: try hours.

Ben: give me a few minutes. I'll see if XLR8 can help out.

The next day

Vera was saying goodbye to Max and the kids as Wade was already ready to leave inside the RV.

Vera: don't be strangers.

Max: we won't. <gets in the RV>

Gwen: bye, Aunt Vera.

Vera: bye, dear. Oh, this is for the road. <gives her a plate of green jello> Ben told me how much you liked my gelatin mold. This one's lime with chunks of grouper and chickpeas.

Gwen: uh, thanks. <gets in the RV>

Vera: I'm sorry, Ben, if there wasn't enough excitement here for you. I hope you weren't bored to tears.

Ben: actually, it turned out better than I thought.

Vera: I'm glad. Well, have fun on the road.

Ben: I will. <goes to the RV>

Vera: oh, and, Ben, keep up the good work dealing with all those aliens you were telling me about.

Ben: you're kidding, right?

Vera: of course, dear.

They got back on the road.

Wade: finally, away from that place.

Max: I'm sorry Vera reacted to you that way, Wade, how about we go somewhere you want to go?

Wade: anywhere?

Max: anywhere.

Wade: haven't had breakfast yet, can we stop at an IHOP?

Max: sure thing.

Max put on the GPS to a the nearest IHOP.

Meanwhile underground, one Limax was slithering through the tunnels.

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