Team8s and Counting

By _SunnyPeaches

31.5K 835 3.5K

After a long, hard fought battle for The Power of Two, the members of Team8s are ready to start the next chap... More

About this book
1. Raised Suspicions
2. It's Exactly as it Looks
3. Holding Hands in the Park
5. Jealousy Problems
6. Saw and Gaty's First Date
7. A First Date Gone Wrong, Gone Right
8. Whispers and Stares
9. The 1st Engagement
10. Telling the Team
11. A Rough Day at Work
12. Engaged Times Two
13. A Happy Thanksgiving
14. Suits, Dresses, and More
15. The Pre-Wedding Bombshell
16. Love Takes Center Stage
17. Nothing Too Fancy
18. Cravings
19. As Autumn Approaches
20. Falling Into Marriage
21. A Glimpse of Joy
22. Whipping up Winter
23. The Final Wedding
24. While We're Still at Seven
25. Missed Connections
26. Just Days Away
27. The Arrival
28. The Eighth Team8
29. Adjusting to Parenthood
30. Expanding Out Together
31. Needle Takes a Tumble
32. Making it Through
33. Starting Our Own?
34. Thread Catches a Cold
35. Going Away?
36. That's What Friends are For
37. It's A Possibility
38. When to Tell Her
39. Welcome Home Mom!
40. Thread the Teether
41. Rushed Away
42. It'll All be Okay
43. Thread Turns One
44. It's Time, Gaty
45. Sharing the Spotlight
46. To the Park We Go
47. Lunch Time
48. A Day at the Beach
49. Bladey's First Giggle
50. Race Training Blues
51. Potty Training Day
52. The Goiky Half Marathon
53. Cookies for Mommy
54. How is it Possible?
55. How to Tell Thread
56. The First Day of Preschool
57. Why Her?
58. I Didn't Think I Was Crazy
(Not a chapter) Bladey + Thread Drawings!
59. Big Sister Training
60. Why Don't They Like Me?
61. The Gym Flutters
62. A Trip to Gelatins Steakhouse
63. The Nesting Needle
64. Doing it Her Way
65. The Stomach Bug
66. A New Student, A Familiar Face
67. Dimey Causes a Fight
68. What Have I Done?
69. The Trampoline Park Incident
70. It Will Never Be the Same
71. This New Reality
72. It's All My Fault
73. There is Still Hope
74. Getting Bladey to Talk
75. Operation Accessible
76. A Family Swim
77. Our Secret Struggle
78. Operation Accessible, Pt. 2
79. Back in Action
80. Unwanted Memories
81. A New Teaching Adventure
82. It Just Isn't Fair
83. Something They Need
84. Bladey's Masterpiece
85. We Really Needed This
86. Something We're Thinking About
87. A Change in Plans
88. Pranking the Throuple
89. Thread's New Friend
90. Accepting Defeat
91. Not With Those Two
92. A Quiet Walk, A Sudden Storm
93. We Miss You, Auntie
94. Princess Daddy
95. What's it Like to Have a Dad?
96. Ready to Try Again?
97. There's Nothing Wrong With That
98. Merry Christmas
99. What if it Happens Again?
100. A Trip Down Memory Lane
(Not a Chapter) Dimey and Flare drawings + meetup gift!
101. I'm Sorry, What?
102. Why Can't We Play?
103. What do you Want?
(Not a Chapter) 100 Chapter Q and A Answers!
104. I Should've Known Better
105. Moody Much?
106. Barf Bag to the Rescue
107. Our Little Partners in Crime
(Not a Chapter) Sunny Vents About TPOT 12 (SPOILERS)
108. Double the Reveal
109. A Battle for Understading
110. Whispers to the Little Ones
111. Dimey's First Steps
112. It's Too Early!
113. Our Rainbow Fighters
114: They're All Okay!
115. Leaving Our Babies Behind
116. Apparently it Doesn't Even Matter...
117. Green Beans and Screams
118. And That Makes Twelve
119. Lullaby Lane
120. The Unspoken Kiss
121. How Can I Help?
122. Chasing Her Dream
123. I Want Wheels Too!
124. A Family Stroll
125. A Lot's Changed...
126. You're Not Alone
127. She's Magic
128. A Little Accident
(Not a Chapter) Sprinkle and Sack Drawings!
129. The Early Morning Alarm
130. Dr. Bladey Pickets
131. Starting off Slow
132. Kicking Off a New Adverture
133. Dinner for Two
134. When Worlds Collide

4. What about us?

598 7 47
By _SunnyPeaches

Saw sat in the living room, flipping through the channels on the TV, while Gaty sat across from her, her eyes glued to her phone.

Ever since the rest of Team8s started dating each other, Gaty couldn't help but think about her current friendship with Saw. For a while, Gaty would start to get nervous around Saw whenever they were alone. At first, Gaty couldn't describe these feelings, as they were like nothing she had ever felt. But then, it hit her: Gaty had a crush on Saw.

As the two continued to watch TV, Saw couldn't help but notice that Gaty seemed preoccupied.

"Is everything okay?" Saw asked, putting down the remote.

Gaty looked up, her cheeks turning slightly pink. "Yeah, everything's fine," she replied, but her voice sounded unconvincing.

Saw raised an eyebrow. "Are you sure? You seem a little distracted."

Gaty let out a sigh. "Okay, fine. There's something I've been meaning to talk to you about."

Saw leaned forward, giving Gaty her full attention. "What is it?"

Gaty hesitated for a moment before finally blurting out, "I think I have a crush on you."

Saw's eyes widened in surprise. She had never considered the possibility that Gaty might be attracted to her. "Oh," she said, not sure what else to say.

"I know it's probably weird," Gaty said quickly. "I mean, we're friends and we live together, and I don't want to mess anything up. I just couldn't keep it bottled up anymore."

Saw took a deep breath, trying to process her own feelings. She had always considered Gaty a close friend, but she had never thought about her in a romantic way. "I appreciate your honesty," Saw said finally. "But I think we need to take some time to think about this. I don't want to rush into anything and risk ruining our friendship."

Gaty nodded, looking relieved that Saw wasn't pushing her away. "Yeah, I understand. I just had to get it off my chest."

Saw smiled warmly at her. "Thank you for trusting me enough to tell me. We'll figure it out together."

Gaty smiled at her, starting to feel a little drowsy, as it was getting late. The two friends got ready for bed, and were about to head off to sleep. As Gaty leaned over Saw's bed to say goodnight go her, she accidentally reached in for a kiss, her lips barely brushing against Saw's. She pulled back quickly, feeling embarrassed and unsure of how Saw would react.

To her surprise, Saw leaned in and kissed her back, her lips soft and warm against Gaty's. Gaty's heart skipped a beat as Saw wrapped her arms around her, deepening the kiss. They held each other close, lost in the moment, until finally, they pulled away, breathless and blushing.

Stunned by what just happened, Gaty ran into her bed and turned the lights off, trying to pretend that didn't just happen. Meanwhile, Saw stared up at the ceiling of their room, realizing that she does indeed like Gaty back.

The Next morning, before Saw had woken up, Gaty gathered the rest of the group to bring up what happened last night. She could only hide this from them for so long.

She took a deep breath and looked around at the rest of Team8s, who were all sitting in a circle in the living room of their shared house.

"Guys, I have something to tell you," she said, nervously shaking her foot.

"What's up, Gaty?" Donut asked, looking concerned.

"It's about Saw," Gaty said, her cheeks turning pink. "Last night, we were hanging out and talking, and...I don't know, things just got kind of intense, and we ended up kissing."

There was a moment of stunned silence as everyone processed this information.

"Saw? Like, our Saw?" Barf Bag asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, that Saw," Gaty confirmed, still looking embarrassed.

Pin leaned forward. "Are you okay, Gaty? How are you feeling about all this?"

"I don't know," Gaty admitted, shrugging. "It was just a kiss, you know? But at the same time...I don't know. It felt like more than that."

Coiny spoke up. "Well, there's nothing wrong with having feelings for someone, Gaty. Especially if they're as great as Saw."

Gaty smiled faintly, but still looked uncertain. "I guess I'm just worried about things being weird now. Like, if things don't work out between me and Saw, is it going to be awkward between us?"

Donut put a reassuring hand on Gaty's shoulder. "Hey, we're all adults here. We can handle a little bit of awkwardness. And who knows, maybe things will work out between you and Saw after all."

Gaty nodded slowly, seeming to feel a bit better. "Thanks, guys. I just wanted to be honest with you all about what happened."

Once Saw woke up, she immediately went to their room to talk about the kiss. Gaty was the first to speak up, feeling the weight of the situation on his shoulders.

"I'm sorry, Saw. I shouldn't have kissed you like that. It was a mistake, and I don't want it to ruin our friendship," she said, looking at her with a serious expression.

Saw shook her head. "No, Gaty, it's not a mistake. I kissed you back, and I meant it. It occurred to me then that, well...I've had feelings for you for a long time now, but I was too scared to say anything."

Gaty looked at her, surprised. "Really? I had no idea."

Saw nodded. "I know, I'm not very good at expressing my feelings. But now that it's out there, what do we do? Do we try to be together, or do we just forget about it and go back to being friends?"

Gaty took a deep breath, thinking about what he wanted. "I don't know, Saw. I care about you a lot, but I don't want to mess things up. We have a great friendship, and I don't want to risk losing that."

Saw nodded in understanding. "I feel the same way. But maybe we could give it a try, see where it goes? We don't have to jump into anything right away, we can take things slow."

Gaty smiled at her, feeling relieved. "Yeah, that sounds good. Let's give it a shot."

The two of them shared a smile, feeling a new excitement for what the future might hold. They walked back to the rest of the group, holding hands, and Saw announced that her and Gaty were going to start dating.

The rest of Team8s was happy for them, and congratulated the new couple. Barf Bag gave Gaty a hug, and Donut high-fived Saw. Pin, Needle, and Coiny all smiled, happy to see their friends find happiness together.

As the night went on, Saw and Gaty talked and laughed, feeling more connected than ever before. They knew that the road ahead wouldn't be easy, but they were ready to face it together.


Yeah so no way are chapters coming out this fast for the rest of this book lol. But hey, I had the motivation, and I (somehow) got four chapters out in 2 days! Not much else I have to say, hope you enjoyed, and see you in the next chapter!

- Sunny

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