What It Means To Be A Hero. (...

By Dhruv_M1702

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I do not own My Hero Academia, credit for the anime goes to Kohei Horikoshi. I only own this fanfic. Kageyama... More

Chapter 1: Kageyama Kazuma
Chapter 2: Training
Chapter 3: The chance to prove one's worth
Chapter 4: A Fresh Beginning
Chapter 5: Battle Trials
Chapter 6: Battle Trials Aftermath
Chapter 7: UA Infiltration
Chapter 8: USJ Part 1
Chapter 9: USJ Part 2
Chapter 10: The Big Leagues
Chapter 11: Let the Games Begin!
Chapter 12: Battle... START!
Chapter 13: The Past Catches Up...
Chapter 14: Why do YOU want to be a Hero?
Chapter 15: When All is Revealed
Chapter 16: Letting it all out
Something I did (Not A Chapter)
Chapter 17: THE DATE~ (No, it's not (⁠≧////≦⁠)
Chapter 18: Hero Names
Chapter 19: Interning at the Ninjas
Chapter 20: Hosu in Trouble
Chapter 21: A Stain-ed Meeting (get it?)
Chapter 22: Stain Aftermath
Chapter 23: New Day, New Issues
Chapter 24: It's not over... Not yet...
Chapter 25: What goes around comes around
Chapter 26: What goes around comes around II
Chapter 27: Preparing for the Exams
Chapter 28: Seductive, yet, Formidable
Chapter 29: Encounter
Chapter 30: Boot Camp... Here We Come!
Chapter 31: Quirk Training
Chapter 32: Enter the Vanguard Action Squad
Chapter 33: When it all goes downhill
Chapter 34: Abducted
Chapter 35: HE is here!
Chapter 36: All for One vs One for All
Chapter 37: The Symbol goes out..!
Chapter 38: Aftermath
Chapter 39: Moving Into the Dorms
Chapter 40: Ultimate Moves!
Chapter 41: Provisional Examinations Begin!
Chapter 42: Rescue Exercises
Chapter 43: We Need To Talk
Chapter 44: Regrets and Second Chances
A glimpse into the future... (Not a chapter)
Chapter 45: Work Studies..?
Chapter 46: Mirio vs Class-1A
Not a Chapter, but a short notice
Chapter 47: Miyuki
Chapter 48: The Scoop on 1-A
Chapter 49: Begin Work Studies
Chapter 50: Eri
Chapter 51: The Meeting about Hassaikai
Chapter 52: Save Eri
Chapter 53: The final battle approaches
Chapter 54: Good Night-eye... Sry💀
Chapter 55: Secrets of One for All
Chapter 57: Preparations
Chapter 58: Golden Tips Imperial
Chapter 59: A Not So Gentle Battle
Chapter 60: I am a hero too!
Chapter 61: Hero Billboards
Chapter 62: The Surprise Internship...?
Chapter 63: Revelation
Chapter 63.5: Who are you?
Chapter 64: Let the raid begin!
Random Bullshit Go!
Chapter 64.5: Am I real?
Chapter 65: The raid continues
chapter 66: The Final Boss Approaches
Chapter 67: A flaming battle
Chapter 68: Shinokawa vs Kazuma
1 K Reads!!!
Chapter 69 (Hehe): Shinokawa vs Kazuma: The end
Chapter 70: Revisit
Chapter 71: Christmas and Mistletoes (Fluff)
Chapter 72: Dinner with the Todorokis
Chapter 73: The end of the beginning, and the beginning of the end
Chapter 74: The War Begins
Chapter 75: Dabi
Chapter 76: TomurAFO Awakens
Chapter 77: Father vs Son
Chapter 78: Shigaraki arrives
Chapter 79: I've Always Liked to Play With Fire
Chapter 80: Kibou no Hīrou
Chapter 81: The Mystery Savior
Chapter 82: All Hope is Lost... or is it?
Chapter 83: One for All
Chapter 84: The battle resumes
Chapter 85: The only way...

Chapter 56: The School festival approaches

27 1 2
By Dhruv_M1702

September passed away, as October soon started, meanwhile, some of class 1A students were with Ashido, as she started to show her dancing skills.

Ashido: Look! Look at me!

She then proceeds to break dance as Sero and Toru begin to cheer for her.

Ashido: Breaking! Breaking!

Sero/Toru: Pow! Pow!

Meanwhile, Izuku and Kazuma were looking at the girl dancing.

Izuku: Her fighting style is so fluent and flexible because of her quirk. It’s like she uses her whole body for her movements.
Kazuma: Hey, why don’t you ask her to teach you about that? It will help you with your quirk too, if you think about it.

Suddenly, Ashido stops dancing as she looks at Izuku.

Ashido: Okay boy, let’s dance!

Izuku: Oh, um, please teach me!

Ashido: First, the two step.

Ashido then describes how to do two-step to Aoyama and Izuku. But both the boys seem confused as to what the two-step is, and how to do it. They try to dance, but their movements were stiff and were anything but the two-step.

Kazuma and Kirishima try to hold their laughter in, but fail miserably, as they both burst out laughing, Ashido then looks at the two, as a chill goes down their spine.

Ashido: You two seem to know a lot about it, huh?

Kazuma: Well… umm…

Kirishima: Come on Kazuma! Let’s do this and show them how manly we both are!

Kazuma: Huh?

The two then proceed to dance..?

Ashido: Yeah okay, I think we’ve seen enough.

Meanwhile, an earphone jack goes flying towards Kaminari and stops merely inches away from his face, as a warning from Jiro, who seemed irritated at Kaminari.


It was now the end of homeroom, as Aizawa was getting ready to sleep in his lovely sleeping bag, and the students were all fired up about the upcoming School Festival.

Aizawa: Umm… we’re gonna have a sports festival.

Everyone: *happy screaming noises*

Kirishima: Hey, wait. But Mr. Aizawa…

Kazuma: Is it okay to be carefree as of now? Like, at such time?

Kaminari: Wow… you two’ve changed.

Kirishima: Well, it’s though, isn’t it? Villains are flourishing right now!

Aizawa: You’re right. That’s a very reasonable option. However, UA isn’t just about hero course, there are other courses too. If the sports festival is a huge event for the hero course, the school festival is a huge event for the support course, the general studies course and the business studies course to shine. I admit it doesn’t provide enough limelight to their talents compared to the sports festival, but still, it’s something they look forward to.
Kirishima: Well, when you put it like that, there’s no reason to not hold it.

Aizawa: Yeah, if you now see why we can’t just say that we won’t be doing it. Also, unlike the past years, this time, other than some people getting involved,the festival will be just for the school. Each class has to participate with something, so you have to decide today and now.

He then slumps on the wall and instantly falls asleep.

Then, Iida and Momo, being the class rep and deputy rep of class 1A respectively, step forward.

Iida: I, Tenya Iida,will take it from here. I suggest we take everyone’s choices, and chose the most suitable one among them. If you have a suggestion, raise your hand.

The representatives immediately regret saying that, because the moment those words came out of Iida’s mouth, the whole class exploded in a variety of ideas.

Iida: Their behavior changed in an instant! Okay, I’ll take everyone’s ideas into account! Kaminari!

Kaminari: A maid cafe! This is what I imagine!

Kazuma: But there are only 6 girls in our class though, so, if we do go with maid cafe as our idea, the cafe would be quiet empty. Oh, unless you wanna see Bakugo in a maid costume serving coffee and feeding you cake.

He then gets up and comes beside Kaminari to act like Bakugo in a maid costume.

Kazuma: *in a comical Bakugo voice* Hey, Sparkles, eat this cake or I’ll kill you~ Oops, I dropped my handkerchief, maybe I’ll just bend over and pick it up~

He bends down as he puts his arse on full display to Kaminari.

Kazuma: Eep! You pervert~


Meanwhile, our not so sweet and innocent Toru was having a huge nosebleed and faints while she was watching Kazuma’s little “act”.

Iida: Let’s continue! Ochaco!

Kirby: A mochi shop!

Iida: I see, something japanese!

Kirishima: An arm wrestling contest!

Iida: That’s intense!

Toru: A fun house!

Iida: I don’t know what that is, but pretty sure that’s interesting!


Iida: That’s absurd!

Toru: *sweatdrop* Is everything Katsudon to you?

Kazuma: *smug face* I know I’m amazing!

Ashido: A dance!

Iida: Sounds amazing!

Izuku: A hero quiz!

Iida: That’s so like you!

Tsu: Let’s sing “Frog Song” in a round.

Iida: How charming!

Koda: A petting zoo.

Iida: A petting zoo!

Shoto: Hand-made soba!

Kazuma: I like that!

Bakugo: A death-match!

Iida: An unexpected fight to death!

Tokoyami: A feast of students of darkness.

Iida: Oh-ho!

Aoyama: My twinkling show!

Iida: Huh?!

Jiro: Maybe a skit or something..?

Iida: I see!

Sero: An Asian cafe!

Shoji: A takoyaki shop.

Ojiro: Dance performance!


Once the students had provided their opinions, the class rep and deputy rep removed the options that seemed inappropriate, impossible, or confusing for that matter.

Which so happened to be Bakugo’s Death-match, Aoyama’s twinkling show, Tokoyami’s feast, and Kazuma’s eating contest.

Bakugo: Don’t ask in the firsst place, then!

Tokoyami: Merciless!

Aoyama: They don’t know how terrific my show would have been!

Kazuma: *sad Kazuma noises as Toru pats his back*

The students start to talk among themselves, deciding on one particular idea, as they all kept pointing out pros and cons of each, while Iida tried and failed to quiet down the class.

Soon enough, the bell rang, as Aizawa got out of his sleeping bag.

Aizawa: This was a very illogical meeting. Decide on something till tomorrow, or I’ll make it into a public lecture.

Kazuma instantly gets flashback of how he had to study while he had to stay with Aizawa a few months ago, as a shiver runs up his spine.

Kazuma: *scared* NO! Everyone, let’s decide on something by tonight!

Everyone: *scared as well* Yes!


The school was now over, as our group study students were now going through extra lessons to cover up for what they missed during their internships.

Kazuma: Hungry… Can’t think… Mind not responding…

Aizawa: *sigh* Since you all seem out of it, I think it will be a good time to tell you this.

Kazuma straightens up, as he intently listens to what Aizawa was about to say.

Aizawa: We got a call from the hospital where Eri was admitted, She’s gained consciousness, and her fever’s gone down. She wants to meet Midoriya and Kazuma.

All students, except Tokoyami, perk up as soon as  they heard Eri’s name.

Kazuma: Eri…

Izuku: Wants to meet us..?

Aizawa: Yes. Strictly speaking, she’s concerned for Togata, Midoriya and Kazuma. It was apparently her first request since she gained consciousness.

Kazuma/Izuku: We’ll go!

Aizawa: Alright, you two better be ready, because we’re leaving tomorrow.

Kazuma: Alright, first thing tomorrow, we’re going!


Kazuma and the others were now in the hospital as Aizawa opens a door to reveal Eri in her hospital gown sitting upright, looking straight at them.

Author: Eri Protection Squad. Roll Out!

Kazuma: Hey, Eri.

Izuku: You seem to be doing well.

Mirio: I brought a fruit basket! If you want, you can eat some! Is there a fruit you like? Let me guess, It’s peaches, right? Cuz you’re a peach?

Eri: Apples…

Mirio: That’s what I thought!

Mirio starts to peel an apple for Eri, as Kazuma and Izuku take a chair to sit and talk with Eri.

Eri: This whole time, even when I had a fever, I was thinking… about when you rescued me. But I didn’t know any of your names, I only knew Lemillion. I wanted to know your names.

Izuku: My name is Izuku Midoriya. My hero name is Deku! Um, maybe since Deku is shorter, it’s easier to remember… Deku, I’m Deku!

Eri: Hero name?

Izuku: It’s kind of like a nickname.

Eri: Deku.

Izuku: Yeah.

Kazuma: As for me, my name’s Kageyama Kazuma. You can call me whatever you feel like.

Eri: Lemillion, Deku… and Snowy.

Kazuma/Izuku/Mirio: Snowy..?

Eri then puts a finger on her head.

Eri: Your hair, it looks like snow.

Kazuma: THAT’S FREAKIN ADORABLE!!! Yeah, I’m snowy.

Eri: Lemillion, Deku, Snowy… and that man with the glasses… all of you… were injured so much because of me…

Tears start to appear in Eri’s eyes.

Eri: *crying* Because of me… You all suffered… I’m sorry… It… It was my fault you lost your power, Lemillion…

Mirio interjects by putting a hand on Eri’s head.

Mirio: Eri, no one thought they were suffering. That’s because we all think “I’m glad Eri’s okay!” There’s no point in apologizing to someone who doesn’t exist. So don’t worry about it.

Kazuma: That’s right, we’re all just happy that you’re okay.

Kazuma flashes Eri his iconic smile, as Eri starts to make strange faces which confuse the boys. After a while, she stops.

Eri: I’m sorry, but… how do you smile..?

The three stare at Eri in shock as they realized that Eri was trying to smile this whole time.

Author: Yes. Launch the heatseeker on Chisaki Kai, Team Alpha.

Kazuma suddenly gets an idea.

Kazuma: *standing up* Aizawa-sensei, can Eri leave the hospital for a day?

Aizawa: That’s not impossible, but anyway, she’s going to be-

Kazuma: Then can Eri come too?

Aizawa: I see…

Kazuma: Can she come to the school festival?

Izuku: That’s an amazing idea!

Eri: School festival..?

Mirio: Eri, that’s a great idea! A school festival is a festival that takes place at school. The people at school plan things for everyone at schools to have fun, and they sell food. Oh, apples, right? There might be candy apples!

Eri: Candy… apples..?

Kazuma: It’s a kind of candy.

Author: *sarcastically* Wow! Kazuma's such a genius!

Kazuma: Shut up Author!

Author: *gasp* You dare talk back to me?! That’s it! I’m confiscating your next lines!

Kazuma: What? That’s not fai-

Mirio: It’s a type of candy where they make apples even sweeter!

Eri: *drooling* Even sweeter?

Izuku lets out a giggle as he wipes her drool with a handkerchief.  Meanwhile, Aizawa calls up Nezu as he asks him regarding bringing Eri to the festival.

Aizawa: Alright, I talked to the Principal and we have his approval if Eri wishes to come.

Izuku: Well Eri… what do you think?

Eri: I… thought about… the people who saved me… when I was saved… I thought about how I wanted to know more about everyone.

Mirio: Well,it’s decided then, I’m on a leave from school right now, so it will be our little date!

Eri: Date..?

Mirio: An outing taken by a man and woman who are inti-

Kazuma breaks out of the author’s binds as he pushes Mirio away.

Kazuma: What I believe, my friend here is *glares at Miro while keeping a smile on his face* trying to say, is that you will have fun.

The three then start to tell Eri about what might be there at the festival, hoping that Eri will finally be free from Chisaki’s clutches in her mind, and will enoy herself.

A/N: AAAND, there you go. Chapter 56 published.
Also, do you like Kazuma's nickname by Eri?

Welp, till the next time...



Hehe, jk.

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