The Billionaire's Sweet Troub...

By sweetdreamer33

2.5M 143K 14.3K

After a hot-headed playboy billionaire stands her up for a career-making interview, blogger Sweet vows to rui... More

Standalones in the The Billionaire's Sweet Trouble series


31.5K 2.2K 273
By sweetdreamer33


Saturday morning, I woke up early. I could not wait to see Sweet. To pass the time, I went to the shooting range.

"No Sweet today, huh?" Marvin asked when we were getting ready to fire our shotguns.

I smiled at the mention of Sweet, "she's helping her brother move in in his dorm this morning. He's new to college and needs guidance in settling in. I won't be long though, I'll meet her at lunch."

I don't know why I need to explain and announce my date with her, when I could have just answered yes or no in his question.

"I see," he nodded, giving me an amused expression, "getting serious, eh?"

"Mm... seriously dating. She's not my girlfriend," I chuckled smugly, "you know me, I never do girlfriends."

"Oh, yeah. That's your golden rule," he shook his head, and talked in a sing-song manner, "that's too bad."

"What do you mean?"

"Don't be too confident in girls nowadays," he lifted the corner of his lips, "they're dating you now, dotting on you... and if you make a wrong move, she's out of your grasp."

My forehead furrowed at the thought of Sweet leaving me for another guy - particularly to her ex-boyfriend.

But I remembered the dating deal.

"Ah– she won't," I shook my head and grinned smugly, "right, Max?"

"Yeah... yeah. She's yours for the next two months," Max agreed without thinking. His concentration was loading a magazine in his shotgun, "come on, let's fire this baby."

"I'm ready...just waiting here," Marvin positioned himself in the range.

The topic about Sweet died, but it continued to linger in my mind. Max reminding me of dating Sweet for only two months brought a stabbing ache in my chest. It bothered me so much that I could not concentrate.

I positioned myself in the firing range and aimed at the target. My thoughts were at Sweet with her ex-boyfriend. After two months, she'd be free to date him and they'd be happy together.

Just the thought of it brought anger within me.

Fucking shit! I remembered seeing them hugged each other last night. What if the media saw them and thought that she might leave me for that bastard?

He couldn't wait to take my place and had the nerve to ask her out last night in front of my face.

Dammit. I can't let that happen. I need to try harder to get closer to Sweet and make this dating deal so real. Because my revenge will fail if she falls for that guy.

I fired rapidly at the target without breaks.

"Hey...hey..." Marvin tapped my back, "take it easy."

I removed my safety glasses and earmuffs. Feeling extremely irritable and wound up. I was overthinking when I shouldn't be. I have to leave before my brain explodes.

"Max, let's go."

"Too soon?" he asked, but followed me out of the range anyway, "are you okay?"

I stood in the broad sunlight, breathing the fresh air. I put my hands inside my pockets then turned to him.

"I like Sweet and thinking of the two months left, upsets me."

"Sorry boss for reminding you. It's not my intention to upset you," Max slightly shook his head.

"Tell me honestly, Max. Do you think I'll tire of her in the next two months?"

"Hmm, I'm not an expert on dating, I rarely have the time. But I think you'll have enough of her easily when you let go of your inhibitions. Forget the dating deal and go with the flow. Date her naturally like any guy would do."

I exhaled heavily, relieved at what Max said, "that would surely help, right? I've always been very careful with her. I'm afraid of offending her, or getting her hurt. I don't know why... I have this powerful urge to protect her."

"That's natural, because she's the only girl you're seeing now. I always feel protective of anyone that surrounds me, particularly to you."

"Ah- that's different Max. I'm paying you," I shook my head, and walked towards my Ferrari.

"You're probably right," he followed me in the parking lot, "don't worry, boss. You'll tire of her easily if you make it real. She'll be too clingy and needy, you wouldn't want to be around her. Trust me, two months would feel like a lifetime."

"Okay, I'll do that," I grinned smugly and gave him a salute. I entered my car, still smiling. All my ill feelings were gone and replaced with excitement of seeing Sweet.

I can't wait to make it so real this time.



The moment I woke up, I took the award plaque, feeling the cold metal and reading my name engraved in it. I couldn't wait to show it to Mom, Dad and Erin.

Last night was like a dream, receiving a prestigious award and standing in the podium giving my acceptance speech in front of the prominent entrepreneurs and professionals of New York. I felt so proud and happy for being recognized.

Before I got up on bed, I scrolled my phone, checking the internet about the latest news. I encountered some pictures of the event last night. Sebastian was the focus of attention again. The caption was, who is his real date? There was a picture of me and him, when he kissed my cheek. A picture of him with the socialite, Regina Stone, she was kissing his cheek. Third photo, he was with a famous young actress; they were hugging each other, and last, with a princess and her royal family.

Rolling my eyes, I threw my phone on the bed and went to the bathroom. Anger and jealousy overwhelmed me seeing him with the other girls.

They're all gorgeous, and with Sebastian's reputation with women, I'm sure he hooked up with any of them last night.

I sighed, feeling so disappointed in him. He would never change. Once a playboy, always a playboy.

Hmp, for all I care. I stood up and removed my clothes. I decided to take a cold shower to cool off my anger.

He can hook up with any woman he likes, it's none of my business. In fact, it's better if he does, so I won't be feeling this crazy powerful attraction for him. It has to stop and should start now.

I took a shower then changed into a comfortable outfit. Black skinny jeans, white plain shirt and matching white with black check Nike Air Jordan sneakers. My hair was slightly damp from the shower, so I let it fall on my back to dry fully.

At nine, I dropped Colton off at his dorm, returned the gown I rented for the event and went to see Jace.

Yes. To see Jace again.

When I woke up this morning, I was hesitant to see Jace. But after seeing those photos of Sebastian with the other girls, it gave me more courage to see him.

So, instead of meeting in a coffee shop, he invited me for coffee in his new office.

Following the direction that Jace gave last night, I parked my pickup in front of a ten-story building. A bold name, HAMILTON, in marbled stone, stood in the front. The security guard confirmed my suspicion. Jace owned the building.

"Hello! I'm glad you made it," Jace greeted me at the lobby with a warm hug. I responded, hugging him back, then let go.

"Hi, Jace," I looked around the lobby, it was empty with furniture but the place was huge, "I'm so impressed. You really did a great job. I remember how you wish to own your own building one day, and now, your dream came true."

"It was not easy, it involved a lot of hard work and research to achieve my goals," he shrugged, then smiled, "you know what I mean, since you made a name of yourself too. Come, I'll show you the building. We're still doing the renovation, to make it a more conducive working area."

He showed me every floor of the building and excitedly told me about the plans he had. Putting huge glass windows in every floor, changing the carpeted floor into wood tiles, painting the walls into gray, and others.

The last floor he showed me was on top of the building, where his office was located. It was already semi-furnished with his office table was at the far end, couches at the center, big meeting table with laptops and tablets on top, and bookshelf at the side,

I advanced inside the room and saw some familiar things. The heart shaped paperweight on his table was my birthday gift on him. It had our names engraved on it. The 7-inch Eiffel tower statue décor in the bookshelf, we brought it together in one of the garage sales we visited. He promised that he'd take me to Paris. The throw pillow on his high-chair was even mine.

He had a back injury in high school, and he liked my throw pillow on his back, it gave him some relief. I'm surprised that he was still using it until now.

"Come, let's have our coffee. I bought a new coffee machine and Arabica beans from Brazil," he showed me his kitchen area, an adjoining room of his office.

"Sure. I'd love to try it," I said, fascinated at the expensive looking coffee machine, "can you manage a café latte?"

"That's easy," he chuckled, with a smug expression.

I watched him grind the coffee with the grinder machine, then tampered the ground coffee before putting the portafilter to the group head of the coffee machine.

"By the way, how's your parents? Are they here in New York with you?"

His parents, Paul and Ana Hamilton, were very nice people. Sometimes they would join me and Jace when we watched movies in their house, on Friday nights. I was very closed to them, and they treated me like their own daughter.

"Nope, they're still in China. They really love it there because of the weather."

"I miss your Mom's pumpkin pie. It's the best ever."

"I agree. She made the pie every week because you love it. Now, she's into dumplings. I love it at first, but eating it every day, really sucks."

We laughed aloud, as we continued to talk about food. For two years that we've been together, we always went to night market to grab food after his basketball game. We were also fond of burgers, seafoods and fruit shakes.

"I guess you still love calamari and plenty of mayonnaise, huh?"

"Yeah, I won't get tired of it."

"I can't help but think of you every time I eat a calamari," he chuckled, then his expression turned serious, "I miss... I miss your mom's potato salad too. So delicious," his face flushed suddenly.

"I'm sure she'll make you one if you visit our farm."

"I can't wait," he nodded, "I talked to Mom this morning. I told her we were together last night. She's so ecstatic."

"Still our biggest shipper, huh?"

"Very," he laughed, "She'll be over the moon if she learns that you're here now."

The rest of the morning, we talked about our job, our family, former classmates and friends at Dansville.

"I still have the things you gave me."

"Yeah, I saw them in your office," I finished my café latte, then put the cup aside.

"Do you still keep the things I gave you?"

"You mean, all that love notes and letters?" I could not help but giggle a little. I nodded, and said, "yeah, I still have them."

He smiled, his eyes locked at mine.

Talking to Jace always feel easy. Our conversation was always interesting and meaningful. He listened to me attentively and he had a lot of things to say too. He's not opinionated and not easily offended or get bored.

While with Sebastian... it's different. I felt this kind of unexplainable thrill and excitement just being with him, like being so energized. The fiery passion was there, so hot like a fever that needed to be quenched.

Oh God, just thinking of him made me crazy.

My excitement to see Sebastian was back again. I realized I was overthinking again. I had nothing to be upset about. I'm not his girlfriend, for heaven's sake. I should stick to the plan and that is to fulfill our dating deal, do what was expected of me and at the same time, enjoy the process

I've been enjoying all our dates so far. Being with Sebastian was like an adventure. I experienced things I never ever had before. He also made me feel so much alive, giving more meaning to my life. I should enjoy being with him, while it lasts.

I checked my watch, and surprised that it was almost twelve.

"Oh my God!" I jumped out of my seat, "I have to go. I'm meeting someone for lunch."

"Sure," his lips pressed together, tightly. I had a feeling he knew who I was meeting with but didn't want to confirm, "how about dinner tonight?"

"I can't. I'm driving back to Dansville this afternoon," hurriedly, I walked to the door and he followed.

"Okay. I'll see you in Dansville then."

"Yeah, we can do that."

He walked me towards the parking area and gave me a quick hug before I left him.

Darn it. I spent too long talking with Jace that I forgot the time. Now, I end up running late for my lunch date with Sebastian.

Suddenly, I felt bad about lying to Sebastian about what I was doing. He thought that I was moving Colton in his dorm, when actually I was with Jace. But my inner self defended myself. I needed to do it, to break the spell I was under with Sebastian. I should save myself from falling for him, or I'd get hurt.

I focused at the road, while wondering, if I could make it in time for our date.

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