Out of my League

By Yangyang_soft_sheep

20.6K 491 51

"He is way out of my league..." Where opposites start to have feelings for each other. Ren x oc (you) I do N... More



918 22 2
By Yangyang_soft_sheep

C h a p t e r   5

{New Friends}

{song#4: Night Changes by One Direction}

It was finally the weekend, I was grateful that I didn't have to go to school for two days. I decided to finally get out of my bed after 10 minutes, heading towards the bathroom to get ready. I put on a white ribbed peplum tank top that created cute bows at the top of my shoulders and also put on some basic denim jeans. I did some light makeup and styled my curtain bangs before heading to the kitchen to eat. I smelled the amazing scent of Patongo, which are basically Thai donuts. I smiled upon seeing my grandpa and him frying the incredible mini donuts. I gave him a hug making him laugh lightly.

"Aren't you excited to eat Patongo."

I smiled at his remark and nodded,

"I am excited to eat anything you make dtaa."

I sat at the dining table and was browsing on my phone, seeing every news outlet or website filled with things related to the F4, making me annoyed. I put my phone down and noticed that Alia was there making me glare at her slightly. She looked back and her eyes were cold, but then she looked at me filled with guilt.

"I am so so so sorry for not telling you about the party, and the dress code, and just leaving you guys to get bullied. Jane and her gang finally let me be apart of something, they seemed to actually like me, and I didn't want to get bullied so I gave in. But then I realized at the party how sick they actually are. I am sorry."

She looked down, playing with her hands. I looked at her and smiled, taking her hand in mine. 

"It's all good, but remember, we stick together. Also you looked incredible in that dress, where did you even manage to get it?"

"Um...Kavin gave it to me."

I widened my eyes and bumped her shoulder with mine.

"Isn't someone getting close to Mr. Playboy"

She blushed and lightly hit my shoulder. I told her to get ready, since me and Gorya were planning on going to the mall together. She came back wearing a black t-shirt that was off one of her shoulders and some blue ripped denim shorts. We bid my grandpa goodbye and left the house.

We met up with Gorya, and headed to the mall. It wasn't that far away so we didn't have to walk too far. We made it and decided to go to multiple shops, not buying anything but window shopping. After a little bit, we decided to get some ice cream to eat. Gorya and I got chocolate ice cream while Alia got strawberry. We sat down on the nearest bench and ate the ice cream talking about random things until Alia suddenly looked nervous.


Me and Gorya looked and sure enough it was the F4 along with a million random fangirls and even some fanboys. We all looked at each other and decided it would be the best to hide. We ended up at another random clothing shop, discarding our ice cream before entering. Sadly, luck was not with us. The F4 decided to enter this clothing store. Until Alia had a really great idea to hide in the changing rooms. We ended up going into one changing room, waiting for a little while, until 10 minutes had passed. That was when we all got a bit tired of waiting around in the room and all agreed that we just had to get out of there. We exited the changing rooms and Alia immediately bumped into Kavin making me and Gorya look at each other with wide eyes. However we didn't see any of the others so we decided to stay.

"Oh look who is here, Alia and her friends."

Alia nodded and smiled looking at Kavin with hearts in her eyes, making me and Gorya gag. 

"H-hey P'Kavin, what are you doing here."

"Just getting new clothes. Oh...do you want to hang out with us?"

Me and Gorya's eyes widened.

"You can take Alia, she really wants to hang out with you, but me and Gorya will pass."

I said fake smiling and we were about to leave until Thyme stood in front of us, making me and Gorya look at each other signaling that we were screwed.

"Look who we have here, my two favorite people."

Thyme said smiling, but it wasn't menacing but kind of genuine, at least when he was looking at Gorya. Gorya is definitely going to have a love triangle.

"P'Thyme, move out of the way."

Thyme looked at Gorya closer and leaned in whispering in her ear.

"You should hang out with us too."

Gorya rolled her eyes and looked at me. I knew she wanted to have some fun so I nodded, maybe Thyme won't hurt her if he gets to know her.

We all ended up walking together. Ren and Thyme were beside Gorya at the front, Kavin was beside Alia behind them, and me and MJ were at the back aimlessly walking as the lovers were talking. 

"You're Aanya right?"

MJ suddenly said, trying to start up a little conversation of our own.

"Yup that's me."

I said with a tight lipped smile.

"Wanna be friends?"

He said bringing his hand out, making me laugh and take his hand in mine. We shook hands before laughing to ourselves.

We roamed the whole mall quite a lot. It was lots of fun and very chaotic. We had to hide from multiple fangirls and fanboys but managed to do so. It wasn't as bad as I expected it to be and me and MJ got much closer.

I had to leave early so I decided to quietly say goodbye to Gorya, Alia, and MJ. I was leaving until someone put their arm around my shoulder.

"How about I drop you off?"

MJ said smiling at me. 

I wasn't really going home, I just didn't feel like I belonged there. So I told MJ that we can hang out somewhere else.

"You want to go to the aquarium with me?"


We arrived at the aquarium and got our tickets to go in. I immediately ran towards the penguin exhibit. I sat down on the bench in front of them and was looking at all the cute penguins until I felt someone sit beside me.

"You sure like Penguins a lot don't you?"

I nodded at his question and smiled brightly.

"They are my top 5 favorite animals."

We both went out of the exhibit after 10 more minutes and went to look at the fishes. We saw all of the pretty fish and then I got an idea.

"Want to take a photo with me?"

I said smiling brightly, which made MJ laugh, agreeing.

We asked someone to take our photo together and I decided to set it as my profile picture, smiling at the cute picture we took together.

We visited all the exhibits and decided to end our day by getting smoothies together. MJ kindly decided to pay for the smoothies and we were sitting by the lake looking out at the pretty view and drinking our smoothies.

"I actually got something for you Aanya."

MJ said smiling a bit shyly and pulling out a penguin stuffed animal that he probably got from the aquarium.

"Oh my Ghosh....that's so cute. You really didn't have to. I definitely owe you for this."

I said shocked and ended up smiling brightly.

"You guys didn't go home?!"

We both turned around and saw everyone there. Me and MJ both looked at each other and smiled, looking back at the group, shaking our heads.

Everyone decided to join us, as we enjoyed the view.

"It's so pretty."

Gorya said, making Thyme look at her, making me and MJ tease them. Thyme was angry and he started chasing us, while MJ was in front of me. We all came back to sit down and I ended up sitting next to Ren this time.

"Did you have fun today?"

Ren said looking at me smiling. My heartbeat quickened but I tried to stay calm.

"Yeah it was lots of fun."

"That's good to hear."

He said putting his hand on top of my head and giving me that pretty smile.

We all decided to head back home after the long day. It was a lot of fun, and we all planned to go to the amusement park soon. It was so weird to me that the F4 were actually decent people sometimes, that shocked all of us. But I am glad that they aren't hurting Gorya or Alia.

(Note: Another chapter completed. Thank you so much for all the reads! I really do appreciate it. I will try my best to keep putting up chapters, but I might take a bit more time. Have a great day/night!)

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