What have I done...?

By TeresaSullivan427

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While at the ski lodge Rose has an attack of the darkness during which she confronts Dimitri about the way th... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44

Chapter 31

554 17 3
By TeresaSullivan427

I knew that the clothes that she had on, as well as the uniform that I'd had on, would all more likely than not have to be thrown away and most likely burned. Because it was very unlikely that anyone would ever be able to get all of those bloodstains out of any of them. Because the arterial spray when she had cut the heads off of six of those strigoi got all over her and set in. And when I took her into my arms a lot of undried blood had transferred onto the uniform that I had been wearing. Plus, I very seriously doubted that lyubov' moya would ever even want to wear those clothes ever again. More likely than not, she would never even want to see them again. There are just far too many bad and painful memories attached to them. (my love)

I set our bags back on the floor in front of the closet. Before going back into the bathroom, only to find my naked love standing in the shower under the spray of multiple shower heads still waiting for me.

I was sooo thankful that Adrian had thought to move mine and Roza's bags from the SUV, that we arrived at that house in, to the one that Roza and I had left that house in. And I was also very thankful for the guardian who had slipped in behind us and laid all of our bags in front of the closet, as Roza was telling me what she wanted to do, before he slipped right back out the door without a sound or a word.

My eyes, for some unknown reason, were drawn down to the drain of the shower stall. Where I saw that there was a massive amount of blood circling the drain. Before it thankfully made its way down the drainpipe and away from the love and light of my life forevermore.

I hated the fact that she'd had to make all of those kills. Even though I have always known that she would have a greater kill count than me someday. I had even told her as much on the night of the Equinox Dance while we were under the spell of Victor Dashkov's lust charm.

But I had never, in all of my wildest imaginations, thought that it would be this soon. Or all in one yeblya day. I could never have possibly imagined that she would have to go through something like this at this young of an age. Or at all really. She'd had to kill nine yeblya strigoi and four yeblya humans in that chert house. (fucking, fucking, fucking, damn)

'Thirteen kills... lyubov' moya had had to make thirteen yeblya kills in order to get the ad out of that yeblya house safe and alive and back to me right where she has and will always belong. My poor poor amazing lyubov'.' I thought to myself with a shake of my head. I had NEVER wanted her to have to go through anything like this in her whole entire life. But apparently life had other plans for angel moya. Apparently, GOD himself had other plans for lyubov' moya. (my love, fucking, hell, fucking, love, my, my love)

I knew that this was going to be a difficult thing for her to deal with. But she would never show it to anyone, at least not to anyone that isn't me. And even then, she would try her absolute best not to let even me see just how much it was affecting her. How much it was hurting her.

I dreaded, for her, when the nightmares started. But I would be there, right by her side, for the rest of our lives. I will always be by her side. Just like I should have always been. I should have never tried to hide from her or push her away. I should have told her the yeblya truth about exactly who I am as soon as I realized that we were falling desperately in love with each other. Ad I should have told her the truth pretty much right from day yeblya one. But no not me, instead I had to hurt her, I had to try to keep her at arm's length until she was no longer officially my student, until she was eighteen and until she had graduated from the academy. (fucking, hell, fucking)

If I thought that it would do any chert good, make myself any less furious with myself, I would bang my chert head against a brick yeblya wall. But it won't, according to lyubov' moya 'what's done is done and we can't change the past'. She is just far to yeblya forgiving of me. I had hurt her, time and time and time again but she has always forgiven me even though I don't and never have deserved it. (damn, damn, fucking, my love, fucking)

Once we get back to the academy Roza and I will be moving into a room together. And I don't give a der'mo what anyone, including and especially that hateful and cruel old suka Kirova, has to say about it. Roza moya and I will be living together when we get back to the academy. I will be there to help her through this, through the nightmares that are still yet to come, through those and everything else for the rest of our lives. Which we will be spending together, hopefully not too far off into the future as husband and wife. If that is still what she wants of course, which I hope and pray to the good Lord above that it is. (shit, bitch, my)

Thinking of Kirova brought to mind a couple of memories that I need to tell Aunt Tati about. I have overheard a few conversations between several of the younger guardians about Kirova. Apparently, she has tried 'chatting them up', as they called it, trying to get them to sleep with her. Of course, all of these guardians are under twenty years old. And I really do need to tell Aunt Tati about all of this and see if we can't possibly, hopefully, get Kirova replaced as headmistress of St. Vladimir's Academy soon. But to do that I would like to put forth a replacement idea, which I don't have yet.

For the next couple of hours, we followed my angels list to the letter and had a shower, a soak, food, and then a few hours of sleep and we did all of it together. Just exactly like I plan for us to do everything else for the rest of our lives.

Well, we got more than a few hours of sleep to be honest. We were woken up by the room phone ringing some almost twelve hours later. I don't know if whoever it was had tried our cell phones first or not because I sure as ad hadn't heard them if they had. (hell)

After what angel moya had been through the last almost week and my being awake for the whole entire time that she was away. I have no idea of just how long that we would have actually slept if we had been given the opportunity. A couple of days at least I would think. I figured that her nightmares didn't start last night because of the fact that she was just SOOOO yeblya exhausted, entirely too exhausted to even dream. But I knew firsthand that they would be starting very soon. (my, fucking)

"Hello?" I asked just as quietly as I possibly could, my voice gruff from sleep and lack of use over the last several hours, as I answered the phone. I was trying my best to be just as quiet as I possibly could be because lyubov' moya was continuing to sleep soundly on my chest. And I didn't want to change that or disturb her if I didn't absolutely have to. (my love)

"Belikov, this is Prince Badica's head guardian Pavel, Guardian Petrova would like to debrief Rose. Is she awake yet?"

"No, thankfully she is still very soundly and peacefully asleep." I whispered my response to my Roza's father's guardian's question.

"Do you think that it would be all right to wake her for a while? She can go right back to sleep after her debriefing if that is what she wants to do. But we don't want to wake her if you think that it would be detrimental to her mental, physical, and emotional recovery in any way."

"Where does she want to do this?" I asked quietly with a sigh.

"Here, in Abe's suite. We all had the thought that we could order breakfast and do her debrief over breakfast. The general combined thought is that an informal setting might help keep Rose as calm and at ease as possible."

"All right, please give us at least an hour. And tell Prince Badica to be sure to order lots of food, because Roza moya has a huge voracious appetite, even for a dhampir of my size." (my)

He laughed. "I will make sure to do that. Is there anything specific that she likes?"

"Chocolate doughnuts, double cholate brownies and pepperoni pizza are her absolute favorites. But I don't imagine that brownies or pizza are the best for breakfast. So just tell him a very very very large full American breakfast to go along with several chocolate doughnuts."

He chuckled softly. "All right, will do."

"Thank you."

"You're very welcome."

We hung up after that.

"Hmmm... who was that, Comrade?" Lyubov' moya mumbled to me as she snuggled even closer to the warmth and protection. That she knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that my body would and will always offer and provide for her. As she ran one of her hands up from my lower abdominal muscles up to rest on the top of my shoulder and against my neck. Her thumb coming to rest right up against my jugular. Right where she could feel my pulse and reassure herself that I was right there with her, alive and well. (my love)

"It was your father's head guardian, a guardian named Pavel. They are ordering breakfast to be ready and set up in your father's suite in an hour."

"Mmmm'kay." She moaned as she snuggled even deeper still into and against my body.

"We need to get up, so that we can get a shower and get ready for your debriefing detka." (baby)

She looked up at me, with one eye open, from where her head still lay on my chest. "Would you carry me to the shower?"

I chuckled quietly. "Of course, I will lyubov' moya, of course I will detka. Every single day for the rest of our lives if that is what you want angel moya." (my love, baby, my)

Almost a full hour later, I and, a still slightly groggy, Roza were knocking on the door to Abe's penthouse suite. Just as we saw several waiters, all of whom were pushing food carts down the very plushily maroon carpeted hallway from the elevator towards Abe's suite.

Pavel opened the door and motioned for us to quickly come inside. After we were inside, Roza moya and I watched as Pavel made sure to check all six of the food carts as well as the carts with the dishes, glassware, cutlery, and different carafes with drinks over completely. (my)

Some of the pitchers being made of clear glass, containing apple and orange juice along with another containing white and chocolate milk and still another with water. But there were three white ceramic carafes, those had coffee in one, tea in the second, and in the third was hot chocolate. There was also a large fancy cut crystal pitcher containing mimosas. Given all the different types of drinks on that particular cart, there should be something to fit everyone's tastes.

The food carts consisted of one with a wide variety of meats, another with various types of fresh fruits, another with several covered platters of different pastries, a fourth with several different cheeses, a fifth with different types of cooked potatoes and eggs and the last food cart had different flavors of syrups, butters, plain and flavored whipped creams, different types of spreads, and other toppings.

And just like the pastry platter, all of the platters had domed covers over them. Lifting each of the domed lids that covered each tray or platter of food. As well as inspecting the entire carts including the underside of them. And the food lids as well as all of the carafes and the cut crystal pitcher that held the different drinks. Any and all places that anything dangerous could be hidden, he inspected it. Including frisking every single one of the delivery people. And he did all of that just to make sure that everything was as it all should be. Before he would even so much as allow them to come inside the suite and set up.

He had even insisted that both Roza and I were all the way over to the other side of the suite, behind one of the sofas, before he started his inspection. And he did so just in case there was some type of explosive device or something on one of the carts or in case one of the waiters had a gun. That way Roza and I could duck down behind the sofa to be safe while he did what he needed to in order to protect us all.

I guess that once Roza and I come out with the truth about who we really are, someone is going to have to do the very same thing for us. I just had no clue who that would be yet, or when exactly we would be coming out to the rest of our world. That is all just one of the discussions that Roza and I would have to have together, and with my aunt and her father, sometime very soon.

But it will have to be done, and not only because we are both royals. But mainly because she is the daughter of Zmey, and when his enemies find out about her, she will be in even greater danger. Grave mortal constant danger as a matter of a fact. Which means guardians, lots, and lots, and lots, and lots of guardians of our own. And she isn't going to be any happier about that than I am, than I have ever been. But I have been blessed enough to be able to put that off until now.

But now that people are finding out who I really am, going without guardians is a thing of my past. Especially given my rank and status in our world, just like my Roza's. My being the future king and her being the future queen of our world, it will just be far too dangerous for us to be without guardians from now on.

Which is exactly why I have done my absolute best to enjoy my privacy and freedom while I could. Before I had to have several guardians following my every move. Ad, we will even have to have guardians both inside and outside of our home once we settle down at court. Even our children will have to have their very own guardians right from day one. So, by the time that they are old enough to realize what's going on they will already be used to both their guardians as well as mine and Roza's always being around. By then their guardians will be just like any other member of our family.

Apparently, Abe had asked for a full buffet style breakfast to be brought in and set up. Because I could smell bacon, sausage, ham, hash browns, ranch style potatoes, seasoned potatoes, eggs, pancakes, waffles, croissants, a few different cheeses, and a wide variety of fresh fruits. Including my Roza's favorites, fresh strawberries. I just hoped that they were the sweet ones, because she didn't like sour or tasteless strawberries. And I couldn't say as I blamed her for that because I didn't like those either. Eating the tasteless strawberries was like eating a wet paper bag.

Abe walked into the room and made his way over to Roza moya and I. As he looked at Roza moya he smiled what can only be described as a look of pure unadulterated happiness, joy, elation, awe and pride. (my, my)

"Belikov, would you mind introducing me to my daughter?" He asked me without ever taking his eyes off Roza moya. (my)

"No, of course not Prince Badica. Roza moya, dorogaya moya this is your father Prince Ibrahim Akeem Mazur Badica. Prince Badica, this is your amazing, talented, strong, brave, confident, dedicated, determined, fiery, fierce, fearless, kind, loving, generous, forgiving, and very very very beautiful wonder woman of a daughter Rosemarie Esmerelda Marinique Larana Hathaway." Ok so I may have gone a little overboard in my description of Roza moya, but I had not said a single syllable that wasn't true. In fact, I didn't even list a tenth of her wonderful qualities. But I thought that I should slip generous and forgiving in there just to help set at ease his mind and worry a little bit. (my, my darling, my)

"Rosemarie." He mimicked quietly, his voice was filled with just as much awe, pride and love as his eyes were. But that did not mean that there was not also worry, concern, a massive amount of fear that she would reject him and there was also the want and desire to have a good relationship with Roza moya. He didn't want his relationship with his daughter to become like her relationship with that suka Janine. (my, bitch)

"Please, just call me Rose, Rosemarie really bothers me. Of course, I suppose I could just not like it because of the way Janine has always said... Or I suppose that I should have said the way that she has always screeched and screamed it. I'm sorry I'm rambling, and I never do that I..." She looked at me, her eyes begging me to stop her.

So, I gently laid my hand against her lower back, my thumb putting a little pressure along her spine to calm and reassure her. And also, to let her know that I was right there for and with her and not ever leaving her side, before her nerves got the better of her. She leaned back into the warmth, comfort, protection and safety that she knew was, and always will be, right there in my touch for her.

"Rose." Abe smiled as he nodded. Letting her know that he understood not only the reason behind the name differential but also her nerves at meeting him for the very first time in her life.

She nodded and asked, "what should I call you?"

"You can call me Abe, dad, daddy or baba. Just whatever you are most comfortable with, it is completely your choice."

"What does baba mean?" She questioned.

"It's Turkish for dad, or as some Americans' say, daddy. But it also translates into father. So, it covers a wide verity of English words. Just like most Turkish, Russian, and Romanian words do."

She smiled and nodded. "So, I am half Turkish?"

"Well thanks to Janine you are half Scottish, but the half that you get from me is half Turkish and half Russian."

Lyubov' moya turned to look up at me, and with a dazzling smile on her beautiful face she said, "so now you have to teach me Russian." (my love)

And then she stuck her tasty, wonderful little pink tongue out at me. That very same tongue that reminds me sooo much of cotton candy in color and taste. And I couldn't have stopped myself if I wanted to, but I didn't, I threw my head back and roared with laughter. She is the only person who has ever caused me to feel so happy, light and carefree in all the days of my life. That just lets you know how much I love her and just how dear she is to me. Not to mention how amazing and miraculous she is.

I'd laughed partially because I had already started teaching her to speak Russian. And partially because she had been able to dig quite a lot of the translations from my mind. Meaning that I didn't really have to teach her, she has already taught herself a great deal.

"Happily, milaya moya, very very happily." I answered as I leaned down and kissed her on the top of her head and pulled her against my chest gently. My smile grew even bigger as I felt her wrap her arms around my waist lovingly. (my dearest)

"So, not trying to overstep my bounds or anything already here. But may I ask, are the two of you together? Romantically I mean."

"Yes." Both Roza and I answered as one our voices filled with steel and certainty, while also wearing matching smiles on our faces.

"And are you happy Rose dear?" Abe asked his newly met daughter.

She looked up at meagain, leaned against my side, lay her hand over my heart and smiled beforeanswering her father's enquiry. "I am now. Since I've had Dimitri in my life, Iam happier than I have ever been in all the previous days of my life puttogether baba." She answered as she continued to gaze lovingly into my eyesjust as I did hers. Before she reached up and cupped my cheek gently andlovingly with a matching smile on her face and in her eyes. (daddy) 

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