Loki's Family

By Irish_Wolves

88.8K 3.3K 548

By: darkoraclegirl Published with permission Five year old Harry is running from his cousin and friends when... More

New friends and new problems
The trials p1
Trial of Albus Dumbledore
Thr Calm before the storm
The grand Asgardian ball p1
The Grand Asgardian Ball p2
A heart is a heart, regardless of colour
On the way to Hoggywarts
A look into things on Asgard
First day and a song
Problems in Asgard are a family matter
Personal history problems for teacher
History and stuff that matters
Asgard the realm of strife
Nundu in the garden
A smashing ball part one
Stormfront brewing
A smashing ball part 2
Trials and Quirrelmort
Coronation and banishment
Coronation and banishment p2
The road to redemption
New faces and planning
Surprise, you have family!
Family and chaos

Musical Hoggy Warts

1.5K 52 17
By Irish_Wolves

~Hospital Wing of Hogwarts~

After Harry, Hermione, and the others gave a summary of what happened with the Nundu Amelia and Shacklebolt left, saying they would get full statements later. That left the six students alone with Loki, who was now looking a little drained of energy as he turned to Madam Pomfrey.

"I'm taking Harry out into the hall to speak privately with him. I'll be sure to return him to his bed shortly," He told her, waiting until she gave a nod of consent before he took hold of Harry's arm and pulled him out into the hallway. "What am I to do with you and that daughter of mine? First I learn she is actually an American witch and now you are slipping out to fight Nundu's as if you were Thor and his friends!" Loki ran a hand down his face. "I dread the pride he's going to feel learning this. I'll never hear the end of it!"

Harry tried not to smile at the thought of Thor boasting about Harry's battle against the Nundu, even though it wasn't near as epic as it could be. "I'm sorry about this, but I couldn't leave Hermione out there once we heard it was loose on the grounds!" he declared.

"I know Harry, I know, that is just the sort of person you are. The type of person to not sit idly by when you know someone is being hurt." Loki blamed what the Dursleys put Harry through for this. Harry had suffered for years under them before someone came to his rescue, in a fashion, and because of that Harry clearly doesn't want to see other people suffer if he can help it. "However, you do need to think more before you act. You should have told someone, even a fellow Hufflepuff, that you were going after Hermione. What if the battle had not gone the way it had? What if you had failed to protect the girl? Any number of things could have gone wrong!" Loki scolded.

"I know," Harry hung his head, "It's just, when I heard what was happening I reacted without much thought. But we did come up with a rough plan once we got to the pumpkin patch!" Harry pointed out.

Loki gave a nod. "Yes, that you did. A very rough plan that you are lucky worked as it did." It really was a miracle that Harry's plan worked the way it did and that everyone got away from the Nundu in one piece. "Next time though, kindly bring someone more experienced to the battle with you, preferably someone who has more knowledge of combat spells then you currently do. Norns only know what the next beast you face might be!" Loki finished.

Harry gave Loki his word that he would try to remember to do that next time. But then Harry's mind turned to Nundu itself. "Strange, that a Nundu found its way onto the grounds. Has anyone figured out where it came from yet?" he asked.

"Not to my knowledge, they are currently checking it for some form of identification so they can learn this but at the moment there is nothing revealing that information. A Nundu is no easy creature to move, even those trained to handle them have trouble moving one," Loki answered as he thought on the events he'd been informed of. "At first, I thought perhaps the Care of Magical Creatures class had been studying one and it got loose, but there is no chance at that, as the Nundu is far too dangerous to be kept on school grounds safely. Which means it would have to have come from elsewhere," he concluded.

Harry knew this would be pressing his luck but he had to ask. "Um, would you let me know where it came from, once you know that is?" he asked cautiously.

Loki went to answer that he would before he stopped himself and gave Harry a knowing look. "You're trying to get information out of me, and I didn't even notice until now," Loki gave a chuckle and shook his head. "Clearly you've learned more from me then I thought I had been teaching you. In answer to your question though," Loki stopped and thought about it. After all if Harry wanted this information, it could mean Harry was planning to dig deeper and thus put himself more at risk, "I'll pass along some information, understood. Only what little I think you should know but no more." While it's dangerous for Harry to be digging like this, Loki was interested in seeing just how far Harry could get with a little help from him. "And I want you to keep me informed about your discoveries, are we clear?" Loki finished.

Harry nodded his head and gave a mock salute. While it wasn't what he'd been hoping for it was still something. Plus he kind of had Loki's permission to go ahead with his own investigation. "I promise...Grampy."

Loki hung his head with an annoyed sigh. "Darcy is going to pay for teaching you to call me that..." He grumbled before lifting his head and fixing Harry with a glare. "Now then, I don't want to hear one more word about you doing something as foolish and reckless as...as this, for some time. Do not think that you will not be punished by me if you go against my wishes. Now get back to your hospital bed and do as you are instructed," Loki ordered.

"Yes Grampy," Harry said as he once more saluted before going back into the Hospital Wing.

Loki sighed as he then went off to meet with one Rita Skeeter.


~Next Day~

Professor Sprout had Harry helping her out in the Greenhouses to take care of the various magical plants, after some convincing by Godiva, Sprout had welcomed some additional help taking care of the plants by Godiva, Ari, Runa, and Jarl, though, granted, Jarl was less helpful with the delicate work needed for some of the plants.

"So, Harry," Sprout asked suddenly, "Tell me what it's like in Asgard," she said conversationally.

"It's really nice," Harry replied as he carefully pruned the Venomous Tentacula's leaves. "To be honest, I like caring for plants," he finished.

"Do you have any...what's the word, Midgardian, plants on Asgard?" Sprout asked curiously.

"Quite a few, though I think that only Loki has magical plants from Midgard in his garden," Harry replied, "For example, I know he has Gillyweed both saltwater and freshwater, in his garden, as well as a Whomping Willow," Harry said, missing the shocked look on Sprouts face. Harry smiled now, "I remember Grampy Loki telling me of the first time he saw it had matured and then tricking great uncle Thor into going near it only to be surprized when it attacked him," Harry said, missing the smile that Professor Sprout sported at the affectionate way that Harry referred to Thor and Loki. "He even got Sif to come to his garden once, he wanted to apologise for some of his pranks when they were younger, and, unfortunately, it made things worse for him when she went near the tree only to be knocked into the garden's wall," here Harry smiled sadly. In Harry's opinion, Sif deserved it for the way she treated his grandpa when they were younger, but at the same time he wished that Loki had never shown her the garden. "Anyway, I am one of the few Asgardians, other than Loki himself, that can care for the Whomping Willow," Harry finished.

"So have you learned any useful tips for caring for plants so far today?" Sprout asked curiously.

"A few," Harry admitted, "We don't really have many servants who have access to Loki's private garden, mostly cause he has trouble trusting people..." Harry said trailing off sadly as he remembered how one of the servants had lost the privilege of going in to Loki's private garden to care for the plants after one of the plants had accidentally died under their care.

Sprout smiled, "So, I heard about your relatives, the one that you use to live with, the Dursleys, I think their name was," she said, "Many in magical Britain wanted their heads when they found out about what you went through with them," she said, causing Harry to look at her with confusion.

"Wait, everyone in magical Britain knows what I went through?" Harry asked horrified.

"Shortly after Dumbledore's trial, Rita Skeeter came out with a paper showcasing an interview with the Dursleys, apparently she got into a bit of trouble for it though, as she used a muggle version of truth serum to get the truth of your time with them out of it, at least, as far as the Ministry could prove it was a muggle version, regardless, with the photos she took to back the interviews up, there were riots across magical Britain Harry," she said seriously, "You, Harry, are a national hero for us, to find out you had been abused by a group of muggles, it even had Light families calling for the deaths of the Dursleys, strange thing is, they vanished," Sprout finished.

"Vanished?" Harry asked curiously.

"Yes, no one knows what happened, not even the neighbors of the Dursleys knew what happened, it was like, one day there was evidence of the Dursleys being at number four Privet Drive, and the next, all evidence of them living there was gone, the house was completely empty, it was strange, not even the Department of Mysteries could come up with anything, although some are of the believe that the DoM is covering up the disappearance of the Dursley family," Sprout replied.

"Well good riddance," Runa said, "They were rotten mortals!" she finished. She still remembered the stories that Harry had confided in his friends and bodyguards about his time with the Dursleys.

Ari nodded, "They were almost as bad as some of the Frost Giants of old, according to some of the tales we have been told of Frost Giant attacks against mortals," Ari added.

Runa smacked Ari upside the back of the head. "Idiot, remember we all agreed not to speak of those tales. There stupid and only serve to make people hate Frost Giants!" She scolded.

Harry smiled at his friends and shook his head before turning back to his teacher. "That is odd that they disappeared like that. Could they have been taken by Dark witches and Wizards?" Harry asked. Harry knew that there were many families hoping to get in good with his Grandfather, and what better way to do that then by taking the Dursleys and making them suffer horribly.

"Not entirely impossible, but unlikely," Pamona responded, "Dark Wizards and Witches would be unlikely to have cleaned out the house of everything leaving it an empty house," she continued, "No, some of the more logical people think that someone did a cover up, but to be honest, few truly care what happened to the Dursley family after what they did to you," she finished.

Harry frowned at that. A Muggle family, no matter how bad they were, disappears without a trace, belongings and all, and no one seems to care? "But shouldn't this be looked into? After all if one Muggle family disappears then couldn't others? And if no one gets a head start on this then the next family could be in big trouble. And what if the person behind it starts targeting Magical families next?"

Pamona smiled, "While your concern is warranted, no leads have been found, at least, not ones made by anyone but the Department of Mysteries at the Ministry of Magic," she replied, "If even they aren't talking about what was found, then it's best not to worry about it ourselves," Pamona finished. She then turned to Harry, "Want to get a head start on next year by helping me deal with the Mandrakes in Greenhouse Two?" she asked.

"Sure," Harry nodded and followed her to Greenhouse Two with his friends behind him. "Even if the Department of Mysteries isn't talking about any finds shouldn't people still be worried? A whole family just vanishes without a trace, with all their stuff, in the middle of the night, and no one knows why. I may not have liked the Dursleys all that much but it still worries me that this happened," Harry sighed, wondering if anyone was taking this seriously. After all if everyone in the magical community hated the Dursleys for what they did to Harry, then people could be looking the other way because it's them that this happened to.

Godiva moved up next to Harry and smiled at him. "Maybe you could contact Prince Loki and see if maybe Hiemdal saw something that night. If not then maybe Prince Loki could look into this," She suggested.

Harry shook his head. "Grampy's got enough to deal with right as it is, best not to ask more of him," Harry would just have to trust the Ministry was dealing with this. "Maybe I could ask Minister Bones later about this."


~With Rita Skeeter and Loki; Location: Outta Da Way, Knockturn Alley~

Rita had enjoyed quite a few years being employed by Prince Loki, thanks to him, she had skyrocketed in stardom for journalism, and all because she was tipped off by Loki to Harry Potter's former residence and family. Thankfully, she had been given some potion by Prince Loki to interrogate the Dursley family with. She was also one of the few to know what happened to the Dursleys, but she would never say what, she had even sworn an oath to Prince Loki to never tell. As she looked at Prince Loki now, she wondered what he could have hired her for this time.

"Recently," Loki began once they had their drinks and the server had walked away, "I learnt that there have been...inconsistencies...with the Potter Vault. I was brought in as a suspect of these inconsistencies, which I quickly proved myself innocent of. Now, there are two names of other suspects that are being looked into, two names that are quickly becoming the bane of my family, Fudge and Dumbledore. Though there is little record of them entering the vault after it was sealed I am certain they are behind it," He explained, "What I want from you, is for you to dig more into their past. Look for any items that may have come into their possession suddenly, gifts they have given that they shouldn't have had to give, etc. Fudge may be working with the Ministry, but I suspect that there is much he has yet to tell. As for Dumbledore, well, he still holds too much support in this world. It's time to fully break what remaining support he has for the good of everyone. Any questions?"

"Do you care about what methods I use to get things done?" Rita asked carefully. She did have her unregistered animagus form after all, not to mention a few...other things...she had acquired in her younger years.

Loki could see in her eyes that Rita had some...sneaky methods, to get information, and that worried him. "Just, don't do anything that will put the information you find at risk of being thrown out. This information has to be usable or else there's no point in getting it. So while I do not have a problem with sneaking into places, just be sure you are not caught, AND I advise against using anything to force the truth out of anyone this time. The Dursleys were one thing, Dumbledore and Fudge are another entirely. Are we clear?" Loki needed to be sure his asset/niece wouldn't mess this up for him.

Rita nodded, "As long as you don't ask how I got the information, I should be able to get it for you, as long as you keep paying well, of course," she countered with a devious smirk.

Loki narrowed his eyes at her, "I will remind you, Ms. Skeeter, that should you ruin things for me, that I can easily ruin you, because while you have been working for me I have been gathering information on you, information that," Loki stopped to smirk at her, "If it fell into the right hands, could find your next story being written from within a cell in Azkaban," Loki warned. "Fudge and Dumbledore have been thorns in my family's sides for some time now, and if you do anything to ruin my chance to finally be rid of them, you will see how quickly I can go from friend, to enemy, and as I'm sure you remember, my name carries more weight than yours does. So, Ms. Skeeter, I advise you to be VERY careful with how you gather information for me this time. Clear?" Loki did not once raise his voice as he spoke in an icy tone that promised no mercy if Rita did not heed his warning.

Rita smiled awkwardly and nodded, "O-of course Prince Loki, I wouldn't dream of causing you any undue suffering..." she said trailing off at the end, "I shall endeavor to do my best to dig up dirt on Dumbledore and Fudge," she said before packing up her things and hurrying out of the Knockturn Alley bar called Outta Da Way.

Loki smirked, glad to see his warning had finally gotten through to her. "At least one person takes my warnings to heart, unlike a certain grandson or daughter I could name," Loki then sighed heavily, "Or a father I could name. I just pray things turn out for the best in the end regarding all of those mentioned." Loki then downed his drink, payed and left. He had other matters to attend to.


~Hogwarts, Harry's second day of Detention with Professor Pamona Sprout~

As Harry worked on some Devilsnare, making sure to use a Lumos spell with one hand as he worked, he thought back to the statements he and his friends had given, about how the Nundu had seemed small and young, as they were described as being bigger than the one that they had encountered on the grounds of Hogwarts, needless to say, Dumbledore was the first one they questioned, though sadly they had to clear him as he had no connections in eastern Africa, or Africa at all, not since his role in the abuse of Harry Potter came out anyway.

Harry was soon distracted from his thoughts when Runa nudged him by flinging some dragon dung at him and ended up hitting him square in the back of the head. This caused him to glare at her as he realised that Sprout was trying to ask him something.

"So, Harry, do you have any interest in the Hogwarts music program?" Sprout asked curiously as she worked on some magical roses.

Harry smiled, "Not really, the music they teach here is a little...dated, if you know what I mean," he said, causing Sprout to chuckle at his response.

"I can understand Harry," she said with a smile, "Out of curiosity, do you have any favorite music groups Harry?" Pamona asked. When Harry looked her with a questioning look, she smiled, "It wouldn't hurt to suggest new groups of music for Flitwick to look into, besides, I rather miss the old festival balls that used to be held in my younger years, before Headmaster Dippet shut them down under pressure from the Board of Governors," she said with a smile.

"I have a few muggle bands I like cause of my 'Aunty Dart'," Harry said with a grin, "For example, thanks to Darcy, I got an interest in two different groups in particular, one does Irish rock and folk music, their called Flogging Molly, and the other is a rock band called Nickleback," Harry replied.

Pamona frowned in thought. She was sure that she had heard the name Nickleback being mentioned by some of the muggle born and half-blood children from time to time, but the other one, Flogging Molly was one she wasn't sure of. "I don't think I've heard any of those groups music before," She commented.

"Well, I do have the magical music player that Darcy gave me, here," Harry replies as he puts on the song Drunken Lullabies by Flogging Molly for Professor Sprout to listen to.

Pamona listened to the music, part of her surprised by the muggle technology that she was seeing working on school ground, but mostly she was focused on the music. "Hmm, the music is very interesting. Would be good for dancing, though I don't think many here would know how to dance to it," Pamona replied.

Harry smiled, "Me and my friends would be happy to set up a dance club for those interested, if you are willing to sponsor it of course that is," Harry said happily, "We could even talk to Flitwick into introducing new music from the Muggle side of the world, and then we can talk to Minerva about reinstating the festival balls!" he finished excitedly.

Pamona chuckled at how far Harry was thinking this through, clearly he was taught well before coming to Hogwarts. "You'll need her permission to start the club too, which means explaining to her what will take place in this club, when you want it to happen, rules for the club, etc.," She explained before raising a brow, "And since when do students call the headmistress by her first name?"

Harry blushed, "Maybe when they consider themselves family?" Harry replied, remembering when Minerva had taken him aside and told him how she had seen Lily as a surrogate daughter of sorts, and as such, she saw Harry as her surrogate grandson as a result, though she made it clear that this did not mean Harry would be getting any special treatment out of her during school days.

Pamona shook her head at that, "Still to get the club going you need to have everything planned out with her before it can start. I'll let her know that you wish to speak to her about a club you wish for form when I see her next."

"Thank you Professor Sprout," Harry smiled, "Me and my friends were also thinking of making a band," Harry added with a grin.

Runa groaned loudly, "Please, anything but that Accordion, I beg you Harry."

Harry stuck out his tongue, "Hey, I want to be a great polka player, okay?" he said, "Just like Weird Al!" he finished.

"Just don't break out that instrument in the throne room at random. No one will take you seriously when they see you playing it with that big silly grin on your face!" Ari chuckled, remembering the first time he saw Harry playing it for them. That big goofy grin Harry had worn while playing it had nearly made Ari die of laughter.

Harry just punched Ari in the arm playfully in response. As Harry continued to help with the plants, he asked a serious question, "Professor Sprout, do you feel suspicious of Professor Quirrell?" he asked suddenly.

Pamona frowned in confusion. "What do you mean?" She asked, "I know he is an odd man who could do with a bit more spine given the subject he teaches, but I've not noticed anything off about him." Her frown then became thoughtful. "Though, I do recall that Professor Snape tends to give him odd looks," She then recalled something else, "And when we were all called to McGonagall's office, Snape was the only one that did not follow us there, though to be fair he might have gone to check his potion cabinet for anything that could prove useful at the time."

Harry frowned, "At the feast, the way he fell was odd, as if he had really fainted Professor, he would have fallen face forwards, too lost to the world to care about breaking his face, not backwards!" Harry pointed out, with his friends nodding in agreement. Harry had learned that the hard way when, after training with his friends a tad too long once, he had apparently fainted, dead to the world before he hit the ground. When he had woken up, it was to find Loki irritated with him, although, granted, he had gotten some Asgardian eyeglasses out of that little mistake after everything was said and done.

Pamona wondered for a moment if what Harry had said was true. After all, even for a man as scared of things as Quirrell, it was odd how often he seemed to faint. Also, she did recall a time when she saw him faint and rushed to get the mediwitch, only to return and find him gone, he would then turn up a good distance from where he fainted and claimed that he woke up and had simply tried to get to the hospital wing himself but got lost in his confusion. While that did seem possible the first few times, it had started to seem odd how often he would faint and then find his way to other places in the castle. She would have to ask Poppy about it later. "Why would someone like him pretend to faint so much? What reason could he possibly have for it?" She asked Harry.

"I have no idea Professor, but, being magical warriors of Asgard in training, we can tell when someone fake faints, and really faints, and the day that Hermione was attacked by the Nundu, when Quirrell entered the Great Hall and fainted, well, it was not how someone really faints, I'm just telling you, in our opinion, to keep an eye on Quirrell, and if you could, pass that warning on to Headmistress McGonagall," Harry replied.

Pamona nodded in thought. She would bring this up to McGonagall, after all if a professor was faking something like that then there was a chance that he was up to something that would not reflect well on the school.

It wasn't long afterwards that they finished. As they parted ways, Harry and his friends went off to find their other friends, who should be enjoying the weekend around the castle like many of the students.

Coincidentally, most of them were found in the library studying together under Nym's watchful eye, and tutelage. Right now, she was currently teaching them some advanced charms that weren't part of the curriculum, but knew they would find useful outside of classes. Fred and George, of course, were taking copious amounts of notes.

As Harry walked up to them, Nym turned to him, "So, how were things with our head of house Cuz?" she asked cheekily.

"Wasn't too bad, I really enjoyed helping her out and they got some work done themselves," Harry answered, waving to the four behind him when he spoke of them. "I see you've kept them busy and out of trouble."

"Tell this lot that I will teach them some charms for pranks and even Hermione here got into it, especially when I mentioned they aren't part of school curriculum and that they fall into the category of 'self-study'," Nym replied. "So," Nym asked suddenly, "What did Sprout say about the band idea?" she finished.

"She said that we should speak with McGonagall about it but that she would try to arrange it, so there's still a chance for it," Harry smiled.

"And what about introducing some new music to this medieval castle?" Nym countered with a smile.

"I think she was saying to speak with McG for both introducing new music as well as the band," Harry shook his head with a chuckle. "Same with the dance club. We'll get there, even if I have to puppy pout my way to it!" Harry joked.

"Well, let's get a jump start on planning then, that way we can show we took initiative on our ideas, by the way, there's this girl I know, works in Diagon Alley, or, at least, just off it, she graduated last year, me and her got up to a lot of mischief, she goes by the name Gizmo, quite the ingenious little witch she is," Nym replied, "She even created recording runes, that allow a runic array to record and play songs and sounds," she asked, "I could talk to her into allowing us to showcase these for the other students and teachers so we can play music if we aren't allowed to form a band," Nym finished.

Runa's ears seemed to almost twitch when Nym mentioned runes. "Really? You'll have to introduce me to her someday. I'd like a chance to see these runes of her's."

Harry was impressed by this Gizmo woman. "I'd love to meet her as well. Sounds like she's a witch a head of her time if she's able to do something like that."

"Gizmo's interest is...more adultish, in terms of many of her inventions..." Nym replied nervously, "However, I will try and arrange a meeting, for the summer, of course," Nym added, "However, just so you know, she can be...blunt, if you catch my meaning," Nym finished.

Suddenly Fred and George spoke up, "We remember Gizmo, she and you were inseparable, especially when she would take you on dates!" Fred said with a wink at Nym, to which she replied by sending a stinking hex at his arm.

"Oh?" Harry was surprised to hear that Nym had dated Gizmo in the past. He was no stranger to same sex dating, his aunt Darcy had talked a lot about the girls she use to date while in school after all. "Well, whenever she can meet us will be great. After all, if she was able to get your attention I'm sure she and I will be great friends before long."

Ari shook his head and turned to Jarl. "Sounds like another headache for Prince Loki is about to join our growing group," He joked.

"I'm surprise he hasn't already taken us back to Asgard and banned us from Midgard already," Runa laughed a little. "We keep this up and he'll start to look like the Allfather before long!"

"And that's a bad thing?" Fred and George asked in twin speak.

Nym snorted, "Isn't Prince Loki already your grandfather Harry?" Nym asked, "Shouldn't white hair be on his head somewhere from that alone?" she finished cheekily.

Harry had to look away a little as he chuckled. "One thing you need to know about Grampy, is he is fond of his looks. If I start making his hair go grey I'm going to be in a lot more trouble than I was after the Nundu battle."

Jarl nodded in agreement, "You do not mess with Prince Loki's looks if you value your life," he added seriously.

Godiva turned to Harry and asked, "Aren't the twins back in Asgard still in hiding from Prince Loki after the accident with that bottle of cloth dye?"

Harry nodded, "Yeah, when they turned his outfit bright red like Thor's cape," he added, "It was an accident though, the twins are a bit clumsy after all," he paused, "Last I heard, Freya was making sure Loki didn't do them any serious harm as they are favored by the Queen, and the fact that the twins are the two guards who most care about our group in Asgard, and do their best to thwart Sif's attempts at harming us," he finished.

"They are lucky that Prince Loki cares so much for Harry and his mother. It's really the only reason they haven't died a horrible, agonisingly slow death yet," Runa shrugged.

"That's the truth, were it anyone else, they would have been killed right away," Ari nodded before clapping his hands together. "So, what do we do now? I'm bored just standing here talking."

"We make a list of artists and music we want to share with the school!" Nym said in a sarcastic tone like it should be obvious. "I suggest Sum forty-one, I love their song, In Too Deep," Nym said hotly.

"We don't know any Muggle bands," Fred and George said together, with Neville and Susan nodding in agreement.

"I would recommend the band The Backstreet Boys," Hermione said, blushing in embarrassment when Nym turned a questioning eye on her.

Harry bit back a laugh at that,. "Really? I'm surprised to hear that from you Hermione. But yeah, we should have some boy bands in the list," He agreed with that at least.

Lee Jordan suddenly perked up, "What about that one band, Flogging Molly, I think their called, they would be a hit for those who like Irish music!" he added.

"Mentioned them to our head of house so they are on the list," Harry told him, "That's two bands."

"What about the Spice Girls?" Hermione asked, "They were pretty popular in Muggle Britain in the nineties," Hermione said, she had also grown up listening to the Spice Girls music as a kid.

They would continue to pick Hermione, Harry's, Nym's, and Lee Jordan's brains for muggle bands. They would be at it till it was late in the night and Nym informed them it was time for bed, escorting the group to their various houses for the night.


A couple of days after Harry started his detentions with Professor Sprout, Hogwarts saw a special guest storm into Hogwarts. The guest was none other than Arthur Weasley himself, and he was not his usual, jovial, good natured self. He was livid, he was mad, he was outraged, he was so angry that there was no word that could do justice to how angry he was. When he entered the Great Hall, it was during lunch time, and Ronald, like usual, was stuffing his face like a disgusting piglet.

When the doors to the great hall had banged open, loudly, every head but Ron's turned to look, and you can bet that everyone was scared to see an angry redheaded man heading straight for Ronald.

"RONALD BILIUS WEASLEY!" the man shouted so loudly that dust fell from the cieling of the Great Hall, much to everyone's displeasure, especially Ronald, who went from angry to terrified when his father stopped before him. Now, Ronald may be good at chess, but never let it be said that he was quick on the draw. "THERE I WAS AT WORK WHEN MINISTER BONES WALKED INTO MY OFFICE AND INFORMED ME THAT YOU CALLED SOME YOUNG GIRL A MUDBLOOD!?" He thundered, "I HAVE HALF A MIND TO BEND YOU OVER MY KNEE, RONALD BILIUS WEASLEY, AND THEN TO HEAR THAT YOU HAVE BEEN INSULTING PRINCE LOKI AS WELL AS HIS GRANDCHILD TOO!?" He paused for breath before continuing, at less volume, "IF IT WEREN'T FOR THE FACT THAT YOUR MOTHER CONVINCED ME WE CAN SET YOU STRAIGHT, I WOULD TAN YOUR HIDE BOY!" Arthur continued to thunder loudly, "LISTEN HERE, AND LISTEN GOOD, RONALD, WHEN YOU GET HOME THIS CHRISTMAS, YOU CAN BET YOUR ARSE THAT YOU WILL BE GROUNDED MISTER, AND NEXT SUMMER TOO!" finally out of steam, Arthur began looking around, "Is Prince Harry Potter here?" he called softly but clearly, when Harry stood, Arthur went over to him, "Please, Prince Harry, accept my apologies for how rudely my son has behaved, we brought him up to be a nice boy, clearly someone who will be getting a talking to later has been filling his head with ideas," Arthur said, bowing profusely.

Harry gave Arthur a sad smile. "It's alright Mr. Weasley. He decided to use that word and to treat those that are not fully human like dirt. Though I can't help but wonder if he decided to call me a creature because I saw through his fake friendship attempt and turned him away the moment we met." Harry glanced at Ron when he said that and saw Ron glaring murderously at him. Harry then turned back to Arthur. "His actions were his own and so I don't blame your family, nor yourself for it. I'm sure my grandfather feels the same way as I do," Harry finished.

"When you do get him home for the holidays sir, I'd advise an attitude change through back breaking manual labor," Ari offered, loving the rage playing out on Ron's face.

"Also, you might want to show him your family tree in a more detailed way. After all," Runa started with a smile, "The brat thinks he's a pure blood, but Prince Loki informed him, in front of us, that you've got a non-magical in your bloodline."

Jarl sighed, "Your son has his head stuck in the ideal world of the past that was created by those who thought themselves gods. You need to shred that idea before his eyes and make him see the real world around him."

Godiva smiled up at Arthur, "Perhaps, as you possess a love for all things Muggle, you and him should spend time among muggles. Perhaps spend the summer traveling to different muggle locations so that he can learn more about them and hopefully gain more respect for them," She suggested.

"Those all sound like wonderful ideas!" Arthur said as he turned to Ron's whose expression turned to one of horror at hearing his father agree with the little Asgardian twerps. "You hear that Ron?" Arthur said, "Your summer is going to be one of learning!" he said with a grin. He then looked up, "There is another student I would like to apologise to on behalf of my family for Ron's actions, a one Hermione Granger," he called out.

Hermione, though knowing that Arthur wasn't there to say or do anything to hurt anyone but Ron, got up nervously from her seat and walked over to him, "That would be me sir."

"Please allow me to apologise on behalf of my family for Ronald calling you such a disgusting term," he began, "You have no idea how much it disgusts me," he continued, "I tired raising my son up right, but I fear my wife may have been filling his head with ideas," he sighed, "You can rest assured, if he pulls any other stunts like he did," here he turned to look at Ron with a hard glare, "We'll pull his arse out of Hogwarts faster than he can say Bludger!"

Hermione tried to give Arthur a smile like what had happened hadn't affected her that badly, but hiding things like pain had never been one of her strengths. "It's alright Mr. Weasley, like Harry said, it was Ron's choice to be a git and to lash out at someone who was only trying to help him with the class. I'm just glad your other sons treat people with more respect and kindness," Hermione told him. "I've moved on since his comment, with help from my friends, and am going to make sure that things like that don't get to me like they use to," She then turned a cold look to Ron as she said, "If he can't be bothered to see when he needs help, or to accept help when it is given to him, then a poor wizard he'll be when he leaves Hogwarts, though that's if he manages to graduate from here at all," she finished.

"He better graduate Hogwarts," Arthur replied, shooting Ron a cold look, "Otherwise, I will snap his wand myself!" Arthur finished loudly.

Ron looked at his father in horror at that. "Y-y-you can't do that! Dad! Anything but that please! It's not my fault the teachers favor those like her and let her pass while-"

Runa quickly cut in, "I don't think you should finish that sentence if unless you want that wand snaped right now. You're already in heaping pile of shite for talking like that before, no way will you get away with it now," Runa smirked as Ron glared at her but wisely heeded her warning.

"You're lucky I don't pull you out of school, Ronald Bilious Weasley," Arthur said, "Any more incidents, any what so ever," Arthur continued, "And I will pull you out of school faster than you can say Chudley Cannons, and then we will see about you coming back next year, am I clear?" Arthur finished.

"But Da-" Ron tried to but in.

"AM I CLEAR!?" Arthur shouted suddenly causing every student in the Hall to jump in surprize at its suddenness.

"Yes father," Ronald said submissively.

"Good," Arthur said, "Now I have to go and have word with Headmistress McGonagall, and Minister Bones, be thankful that I was able to smooth things over and not see you thrown out of Hogwarts for the near deaths that resulted from your fuck up," Arthur continued, "And Ronald, you have severely disappointed and angered me with your actions," Arthur finished.


~One week later, Headmistress's Office~

As Harry and his Asgardian friends stood before the Headmistress, Harry wondered if she had come to a decision about the bands. After all, also in attendance was Professor Flitwick and Professor Sprout.

"Harry, do you know why you and your Asgardian friends are here?" Minerva asked, trying her best to look intimidating.

Harry gave a nonchalant shrug. "I'm kind of hoping it's about the music and the dance club I spoke to Sprout about," He answered.

"It is, Filius here is in charge of the school music program, he wants to hear your thoughts from those of someone into 'modern music'," Minerva replied, "We have also decided to make our decision after hearing your thoughts about 'typical' Wizarding music trends," she finished.

Harry took a scroll that Godiva was holding out to him. "Well we do have a list of different music that we came up with along with some of the muggleborns and half-bloods. Also Nym is planning to introduce us to a friend of hers that knows how to make some muggle tech work among magic so we can show how the music sounds," Harry explained as he passed the scroll to Flitwick.

Flitwick looked at the scrolls and sighed, "I remember Gizmo, she graduated last year, troublemaker if ever there was one, but, talented at inventing new runes, she became a Rune Mistress this past summer, if my memory serves me right that is," he said.

"Yes, I remember her, she opened that shop you love so much Minerva," Pamona said cheekily as Minerva McGonagall blushed a deep crimson in the face.

"Enough Pamona, they are much too young to know about...that kind of stuff," Minerva replied, "Alright you lot, you have permission to start planning for a dance in December, but, you need to run all music you plan to play at the dance past Professor Sprout, and Professor Flitwick first, am I understood?" Minerva said finally.

Ari had grinned at the embarrassed blush on Minerva's face and when she stopped talking he couldn't help but say, "We might only be eleven years old, and while on Midgard you shield your children from such things, on Asgard most kids already know about sex, and the so called toys that can be used during it to enhance the experince," Ari then thought for a second before adding, "It's hard not to find out about that kind of stuff after the Allfather and the queen's sex life got that reboot after the first ball Harry got them to have!" Ari finished with a devilish grin.

Harry tried to forget the memory of what they found in his great grandparents' bedroom that one time they went exploring in there. That was so not something he ever wanted to see or find again. "We'll be sure to have the list ready and checked over by them before December." Harry promised, hoping everyone would just move past what Ari had said, he was also planning to have a little...'chat'...with Ari, about never bringing that up again unless he wants Harry to retrieve one of those toy's from his great grandparents' bedroom and stuff it down Ari's throat.

Minerva coughed, "Enough, regardless, run the music you wish to play by Professor Flitwick and and Professor Sprout first," Minerva began, "If they agree to the music, or you can convince them, that its appropriate, we will allow it for the ball," Minerva continued, "And depending on how the new Christmas Ball goes, we will see if there will be a Spring Ball for the end of the school year, and depending on how that one goes, well, then we will see about doing them annually, understood?" Minerva finished.

Harry nods in agreement to this, "Alright then. We'll get the music player from Gizmo as soon as possible, I'll then get it to my aunt Darcy so she can put the songs we want for the ball on it, and then we'll play them for the two professors. Thanks for this by the way, I know it's not normal but it should be a lot of fun for everyone." Everyone but a certain Old Goat that Harry knew would hate the idea. While Dumbledore had yet to do anything bigger then try to recruit some students with influential parents, the bastard had tried to 'talk' Harry out of his current look, claiming that, as the Wizarding world's hero, it wasn't right that he 'dressed like he wanted to be a Death Eater'. Harry had just turned to Dumbledore with an unimpressed look and told him 'maybe people like you should just shut the hell up then and stop making people think that different is always bad before my grandfather has to step in to speak with you'. That had put some fear in the old fuck's eyes as well as made him back off for a bit. "I know there will be some...resistance...from some of the older people connected to the school, I hope they won't be too much a problem for you," Harry sighed, thinking about the way Dumbles could twist this in letters to the parents that still supported him.

Minerva nodded, "I understand your concerns, which is why Professors Slughorn, Flitwick, Sprout, and while I am forced to include Professor Dumbledore, any decisions he makes will be up to a vote by the other three, and I am sure everyone will agree, that, Dumbledore is riding a narrow thread right now in popularity," Minerva smiled.

Harry sighed, "It's not his sway inside the school grounds that worries me," He admitted, "While I don't know everything about the Wizarding world, I do know that even after everything that happened to me that he allowed to happen, as well as his other crimes, became public knowledge that many people still continued to throw their support at him and thus, while his power has diminished significantly, he's still a threat. Like a viper in a box, all it will take is one dumbass opening it and everyone may end up paying a price no one wants to have to suffer." Harry could see Dumbledore becoming desperate to get back the power he once had for this 'Greater Good' he so believed in, the more time that passed the worse that desperation seemed to get, and desperate people are some of the most dangerous ones.

"That old bat needs to be given the rabid dog treatment already. Just take him out to the Dark Forest and bash his brains in with a Warhammer or something. Jarl could do it and then leave his body for whatever predators are out there. Then the next day, just report him missing and leave it at that, no one ever needs to know," Ari suggested with a slightly dark smirk. Truth be told Ari wanted Dumbledore to suffer more than anything else for the life he made Harry have before Prince Loki found him, but while he did want Dumbles to suffer, Ari wanted that part of Harry's life to end so that his friends can walk the school hallways freely and without some archaic fossil trying to contol his life.

Jarl sighed and 'tapped' the back of Ari's head. For a guy built like Jarl, and with the strength he has, a tap is more on par with a slap most days. "You really think he'd go for that without knowing something is up? Even if I'm the one doing it? He'd figure out something is up and be waiting for a trap, even if I said that I've started to see things his way," Jarl said unamused.

Runa gave both boys a look of annoyance. "That's really all you have to say on that Jarl?!" She questioned, "He's asking you to murder someone, never mind WHO that person is. Are you really ready to be the kind of person the people of Asgard think your father was?" She asked Jarl before turning to Ari. "No one is getting murdered. I'm sure McGonagall can find another way to end the power he has without resorting to that. Now shut it and let those of us with more brains than sheep dung do the thinking!" She ordered.

Ari glared at her, "Hey, I've got brains! How do you think I survived as long as I did before I met you lot?" He demanded arrogantly.

"You got your arse beat every day before Jarl found you. The only thing you could do that wasn't taking a hit, was hunting in the forest," Runa dismissed.

Ari went to snap something else when Godiva let out a little giggle. "Isn't it cute how they fight like they're already married?" She asked the people in the room.

"WHAT?!" Both Runa and Ari questioned before moving further away from each other, making Godiva giggle even more.

Harry sighed, "Are you both finished fighting? What happened back then doesn't matter anymore. What matters is right now and right now we've got a ball to try to set up!" Harry then gave Ari and Runa a teasing smile, "Please keep your lovers quarrel to yourselves." Then he burst out laughing as the two started yelling at him about how they will never be lovers and to cut it out.

Minerva coughed, "Anyway, if that is all, you're all dismissed," Minerva said trying her best not to laugh at Ari and Runa.


As Harry and his friends left the Headmistress's office, Minerva turned to Flitwick. "Their right, we are going to have to find some way to deal with Albus," she admitted.

"I know, but we're limited by what we can legally do, Minerva," Flitwick replied.

"While at the same time, we know from past experiences that Albus has no such compunctions about what is legal and what is illegal," Pamona countered.

"Indeed," Flitwick replied, "From the Goblin side of my family, the Goblins would love to get their hands on Albus," Flitwick added.

"Really?" Minerva asked in curiosity.

"Indeed, it seems that with what Albus has done, and how he did it, he in the process 'wronged' the Goblins something fierce, needless to say, they want his head, literally, on a spike," Flitwick added with a grimace.

"Damn, that means the Goblins have declared a blood feud, haven't they?" Minerva sighed exasperatedly to which Flitwick replied with a nod.

"However, the feud may give us the very edge we need to get rid of Albus," Flitwick replied.

"Oh?" Minerva asked, while Pamona was intrigued as well.

"Yes, here's what we do..." Flitwick as he began to lay out the plan for them.


As November had reached its midway point, Gizmo had finally gotten to supply a large quantity of Recording Runestones which Harry had promptly sent to Darcy to record songs from the seventies, eighties, nineties, and of course the two thousands to play for the ball. Needless to say, Darcy delivered, even if it had taken a half month to do so, as she had to supply a large quantity of music for Harry, as they were planning to have the ball go well into the night.

As November bled into December, rumors began to circulate about the Christmas Ball that Harry and his friends were going to throw, though no one could confirm who was behind the ball. Though, some of the rumors started when Hermione had been heard asking Madam Irma Pince about past balls held at Hogwarts, and where she could find fashion ideas for ball gowns. Despite this, it didn't stop students from going up to other students they liked and asking for them to go with them to the ball. Nym had been asked by no less then fifteen guys and seven girls before she starting hexing people. Godiva on the other hand, had had to scare some of the Slytherins away from her for bad mouthing her friends and pseduo family while asking her out to the ball.

Right now, Harry was playing some of the music for Professors Flitwick and Sprout, so far they had heard The Touch by Stan Bush, Stayin' Alive by the Bee Gees, some songs by Sum fourty one, and songs by a range of DJs and and other artists.

"I must say," Flitwick began as they were taking a break, "The muggles have come up with some very interesting music!" he said happily, he had particularly liked the music by Sum fourty one, "To think they made such influential music to get people to dance and feel such emotions, I wonder if the Goblins know of such bands?"

Pamona smiled, "I must say, I particularly liked that one song, The Touch by Stan Bush," she said with a smile, "However, we're going to have to start picking songs to play at a Yuletide Ball!" Pamona said, "I must say, I am eagerly looking forward to the ball myself," she said eagerly.

"Everyone is, though we've no idea how it could have gotten out that there's going to be a ball," Harry replied.

"I wouldn't be surprised it an Old Goat of the castle was behind it, hoping that some students would tell their parents, and their parents would put their foot down against it," Ari rolled his eyes in reply.

"Let's just focus on the ball and what will play for now. Leave the foul things like him for another time," Godiva suggested as she unrolled a scroll with the list of the most popular songs from the ones they'd collected on it. "These are the main ones everyone who knows muggle music are hoping to hear out of the ones we've gathered, in case you want the opinions of the school."

"How'd you manage to gather that in one month between everything else we've been doing?" Ari was surprised Godiva had found the time what with Harry's classes, training, studying, hanging out with friends, etc.

Godiva just gave Ari a smirk and said nothing. She had her ways and would keep them to herself for now. No need to reveal something like that right now when the surprise wouldn't be as fun.

Pamona smiled, "A woman has her ways of getting information young Ari, never question it," she replied.

"Especially be wary of this one," Flitwick said with a smirk, causing Pamona to shoot a glare at him, "She has ears all over the place now cause of how nice she is," he chuckled as he took a sip of his tea.


Omake: Why it is not wise to try and trick Darcy into telling the truth...

Darcy had just gotten a letter from Harry detailing the Nundu incident, which had apparently been the day before or two days before. She had been out for the last two days only to find Harry's letter waiting for her upon her return, and her father waiting for her too.

"Uh, hey pops, what's up?" she asked in a calm manner, she had an idea as to why he was here, having visited Gringotts before heading home from her last...romp around town... Needless to say, she was prepared for a battle of words.

Loki gave her a tight smile as he clasped his hands in front of him. "I was summoned to Gringotts not too long ago, where I learned many troubling things as well as some interesting things. Tell me, my dear daughter, can you guess what I might have learnt while I was there?" When dealing with Darcy, Loki was still learning how best to speak to her to avoid headaches and mental scarring. So far, he still was clueless how anyone could speak to her for great lengths and not need a heavy drink after.

"Maaaybe," Darcy began, "Or maybe not," she continued, "After all, I have been...out...the last two days with my recent hookup partner," she grinned, seeing Loki cringe at that, "Oh, and meeting my new employer too, she's a bit crazy, but, she's fun to tease. But, why don't you tell me what you think I did wrong, and I can tell you how wrong you are?" she finished.

Loki frowned at her, "Darcy, I do not need, nor wish to learn of your...exploits...unless one day they happen to come with the news that you are with child," He told her before crossing the room to stand closer to her. "As for what I have learned, it is not a matter of you doing wrong that has me here, more a matter of you keeping secrets from me. Now, think carefully about what you have yet to tell me about yourself," He would get it out of her own mouth if it took till Ragnarok if it was the last thing he did.

Darcy smirked, "Why pop pop, don't you know, I'm a magical baby?" she replied, "Just like you!" she smirked, "Come on pops, you should have known I had magic, after all, your how potent again?" she asked as she began taking out books on some of the myths of Loki she had purchased, "Let's see, a horse baby, a giant snake, a giant half dead woman who rules the dead, a giant wolf, me, my sister, what about these twins in this one myth?" she asked.

Loki shut his eyes and counted to ten. "Why do you read those things?!" He demanded before calming down somewhat. "Why did you not think to mention your magic to me? Not even after learning of Harry's own magic? Also why would I just think you HAD magic? Not all of my children in the past have had magic like myself after all!" At least he got her to admit it. That was a step in the right direction.

"Um, pop pop," Darcy began, "You DO know you had at least two children who could wield magic if you don't include me?" she smiled, "There's Hela, and Lily Potter," she continued, "How could I not be magical too?" she questioned, "Look pops, I also got something else from you, just so you know," she said, seeing his eyes go wide.

"If you are about to suggest that I am a rampant whore and you get that from me then I swear to the Allfather you are very mistaken and I shall be locking you away where you can cool those hormones of yours for however long it takes to stop the parade of lovers from coming and going from your chambers!" He growled in anger, annoyance, and a little embarrassment. After all he had been a little...care free...with his sex life in his youth, but that was a long time ago and he was certainly nowhere near as bad as Darcy was.

"Hey, I am not a whore!" Darcy said angrily, "And at least I never got fucked by a horse!" she added with a smirk, seeing Loki cringe at that, "Big bad Loki, fucked by a horse against his will!" she smirked again, "Here I was, going to say I was got your pranking genius, as I was the Prank Queen of Salem," she said smugly.

Loki had to shut his eyes and count to twenty this time before he could bring himself to speak to her. "In case the Mortals who wrote about that missed it, I ran from that beast for at least a month before my body couldn't move anymore. Let's see you do that!" He growled before sighing. "How did we even get on that subject to begin with!?" He couldn't believe she had changed the conversation from her being a witch to his having been raped by a horse. Not even Freya was as good at changing subjects as Darcy clearly is.

"Hey, you were the one who brought up our private activities!" she pointed out. "Anyway, I thought it would be a hilarious prank to pull over the 'Great and Mighty Loki', that he didn't know his daughter was a witch, and a darn thumping good one too!" she finished.

Loki went over to the desk and, after removing a couple of lacy bras, and a thong, from the chair sat down with a cringing sigh. "This must be what it is like to talk to me..." He couldn't even bring himself to look at Darcy after that. "I was told of your time at Salem, yes you did great there, among other things as I was told." He forced himself to look at her, "Does Harry know you're a witch?"

"YeppP!" she said, popping the P at the end. "When he found my wand in the back of my pants pocket once, while you and him were visiting, I swore him to secrecy and he agreed that it would be funny as hell if you didn't know I was a witch and that's why you kept having chairs break when you visited!" she laughed, "Oh, by the way, Jane, my new employer, is looking into something about worm holes or something, not sure if it would interest you or not, but, meh, thought it worth mentioning."

Loki sighed heavily, feeling like he'd just aged greatly, he almost missed the last part of what Darcy had been saying. "Hmm? Wormholes?" Since getting back in touch with Midgard Loki had done a lot of research, even bringing books from Midgard back for private study, so he understood how wormholes and the Bifrost were alike. "Can you tell me if she has made any progress in this field of study?" He wanted to know if he should prepare Asgard for a sudden visit from some random mortal woman or something along those lines.

"Hey, I am a political sciences major, I just chose her for some easy college creds," Darcy defended, "As far as I know, she may have discovered some of your visits to Earth, something about ours stars not matching up with the night sky around the times you visit Earth, I don't know exactly," Darcy finished in reply.

"If that is all then she is far from paying a sudden visit to Asgard." Loki nodded before standing. "Very well then, I had best return home then." He paused for a moment, not wanting to ask what he was about to but knowing he'd better, "Unless you have something else to tell me that I should know about?"

"Yeah, you need to visit more often," she said, "But, you can't do it in that fancy armor your always wearing, after all, you know about SHIELD, right?" Darcy replied.

"Yes, yes, I am aware of that group, what about them?" He asked, grateful that she hadn't said something to annoy or torment him.

"Just be careful you don't draw their attention dad, seriously, I just found my father after some twenty years, and I would hate for my father to be arrested by some jumped up goons with guns," she said pointedly as she began to pick up her dirty laundry strewn about the room. "And I mean it, dad," she said as she waved the thong in her hand that was clearly used, "Make sure that your careful, seriously, a friend of my mother's was targeted by SHIELD after some lab incident up north," she finished.

Loki gave her a smirk. "My dear, who do you think you are speaking to? I've toured the Nine Realms without the Allfather ever learning of my travels until I admitted to them myself. The odds of some band of Mortals capturing me is laughable at best, even with the advancements they have made." Though he seemed to be waving the matter off Loki was taking her warning to heart. After all, even if Shield couldn't touch him they could still get to both Darcy and Harry, and that was not something he wanted. "Now then, I had best be off, much still to do in Asgard before Thor's big day and there is a chance that I will be forced back if Harry cannot keep himself out of trouble. Good day Darcy." Loki headed for the door, relieved that she hadn't said anything that would haunt him long after he'd left.

"Oh and dad," she said, getting him to stop at the door, "Make sure to find someone special, Harry could use a grandmother who could spoil him rotten! And I'm sure you could stand to get laid again, clear those cobwebs off the 'family jewels' and have your sword polished again," she laughed.

Loki was almost running away from Darcy at that, not wanting to hear anything else that might come out of her mouth and certainly not wanting to think about how she seemed to be thinking about his current sex life. He needed more than one heavy Asgardian drink now.

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