Fight Fire With Fire (Tyga St...

By Missbhadd

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pain with pain,fire with fire More

XI Sraft
Pleaseeee i beg of u
Attention attention attention
New story\ apology


328 15 2
By Missbhadd

Me and alex chris and jordan are driving around in miami in my red Ferrari with the top down just enjoying the night, its a real nice night Calm and Breezy and Planes by jeremih are pounding through the speakers and alex keeps snapping selfies of us at every stop light she's wearing this long summer dress thats black yellow and pink its stripped and she has on some black flip flops and her hair straight down her back and she has her sun glasses on And honestly she looks beautiful and im glad she's mine.
"Baby girl the world is yourrsssss On a bimp" Jordan and Alex sang together
They're both in the back while im driving and chris is in the passenger seat
"Im hungryyyy" jordan whined
"How about red lobster?" I asked
"Hell yeah and make it quick.!" Alex said putting another piece of gum in her mouth
Its been about a month since..the hotel incident But i think she's forgotten about it but i haven't i cant even imagine how she felt and im surprised she still feels the same about me.
I pulled up at Red lobster and we went inside
"Table for 4" chris said to lady at the desk
"Right this way" she said smiling
We followed her to a booth and i sat next to alex and chris sat next to jordan on the opposite side of us
"What would you like to drink" she said handing us each menus
"Pine apple Margarita" chris interrupted
"Me too" alex chimed in
We all looked at her and she smiled, she's never drank Anything with alcohol in it and im suprised she's drinking tonight
"Make that 4" jordan Added
"Okay and I'll be back with those"she replied leaving
Then everything got quiet and everyone stared at alex as she was looking at her menu
"So um alex are you okay boo" jordan said breaking the awkward silence
"Yea why"
"Well uh you-
"YOU ON THAT SHIT AIN'T YOU AW SHIT I KNEW I FUCKIN KNEW IT COME ON ALEX JUST SAY IT WE CAN GET YOU SOME HELP IT AIN'T TO LATE"Chris Yelled standing up causing the whole restaurant to look at us
"We sendin her ass to the rehab house get yo phone out" he whispered to jordan but you could hear him clearly
"No fool im just tryin somethin new" alex laughed
"Yea now sit down dumb ass" jordan said smacking him in the back of his head
Then the waitress came back and placed all the drinks in front of each of us
"Has everyone made their choices" she asked
"Yeah can i get a uhh large lobster wit Uhh mashed potatoes and some gravy and Uhh let me get Some Green Beans too" chris Spoke Loudly
"I'll just have Shrimp Alfredo" Alex said smiling at her drink
"Me too" i said
"Ill have crab salad" jordan smiled
She wrote that down then she left
Alex took a picture of her drink then she put her straw and and took a sip
"Why didn't you guys tell me it taste so good"
"You like it" i asked
She nodded then took another sip
"I really dont want you drinkin al" i said
"Well for the last time your my boyfriend Michael not my dad"she said rolling her eyes
"Dont start this shit i still don't want you drinkin"
"Oh my god please shut up"
"Nah you need to chill out"
"Just shut up micheal why can't you be more like chris"
"Im not chris im micheal so get used to it"
"Guys stop it were suppose to be enjoying the night" jordan interrupted
"Well maybe i would if he wouldn't act like my dad"
Then the table went completely silent and i knew i was wrong
Alex got up and left i didnt chase after her because i knew she wouldn't listen to a word i said so jordan got up and went after her
A few seconds later jordan came back and started to hit me and cry
"Why did you say that you could've said anything on earth and you had to say that.!"
Chris got up and pulled her outside and i followed When we got outside there was no sign of alex anywhere and when we got home she wasnt there either soon it reached 12am and she still hasnt walked through the door i started to get worried and im never worried i pulled my sneakers back on and grabbed my keys to my range rover and went to go find my baby. Even tho i said something out of the way doesn't mean i dont care.
After that bull shit at red lobster i caught the bus too a hotel But not the same one.
When i got up to my room i stripped out of my clothes and got in the shower, Some how i felt like i've been in this position before, but this actually hurts I actually care about what micheal says or should i say tyga because micheal actually cares or he has a good way of showing it and the Tyga i know doesnt care about anything.
I got out of the shower and checked my phone and i had 30 missed calls 11 from Tyga 12 from jordan and 7 from chris and i wasn't gonna answer nun of them because im done being their im done getting hurt.
I heard a knock at the door and my heart dropped i looked through the peep hole and there he was there was tyga.
How the hell did he find out i was here, and why is he even here.
"What do you want tyga" i asked not opening the door
"Alex open the door"
"No fuckn way"
"Stop playin and open the door"
"No im not what the fuck do you want"
"im sorry i didn't realize what i said im so sorry"
"Kiss my ass"
"Okay then open the door"
I took a deep breath and opened the door a little but left the chian on so i couldn't open it all the way
He tried to push the door open all the way but it wouldn't because of the Chain
"alex please"
I went over to the door and kicked it since his hand was in it trying to take off the chain and i continued to kick it until his hand was eventually bleeding and tears were streaming from my eyes i didnt mean to hurt him but he hurt me to bad i couldn't control myself.
I thought the chian would stop him from getting in but it didnt because he kicked the door open and the chian came out the wall.
His face was red and i thought for sure he was gonna hit me but he didnt he came over to me and held me, and he cried and i began to cry with him
"Alex im sorry"
"Its okay just stop crying" i said wiping his tears and he wiped mine and we just sat there in silence as he held me, But he was the one who hurt me.

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