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By bowuigiiscannon

106K 2.9K 7.2K

"It's just hard not to feel like a monster when that's all your viewed as." "I hope you know I don't see you... More

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2.1K 107 399
By bowuigiiscannon

Bowser's POV

It's been some hours since Mario took his brother from the castle. I found myself watering the blue roses I gave Luigi for his birthday. It felt weird being in his room without him being in it. It felt like he was supposed to be here.

I couldn't believe that he was actually gone. Part of me felt stupid for letting myself get so emotionally attached to a guy who I knew would have to go away.

Why did it have to be so soon? Why couldn't I just have this one thing? Was it so wrong that I wanted him to be able to stay? The one person that fell in love with me just had to be related to my biggest rival.

Part of me felt like I should have put up more of a fight. Not that I would be guaranteed to win, as the record shows that Mario usually rules victorious in our past battle's. And even if I did, I'm pretty sure Luigi wouldn't be happy with me hurting his brother.

There just seemed like there was no way I could win. I wanted to respect Luigi's wishes and trust his judgment. He said he would figure it out. I just had to trust that he would do just that.

Still, I don't know how long he would actually be gone for. If he were to end up gone for a long period of time, he might just move on with his life and forget about me.

I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard a knock on the room door. I turned back to see the door open to Junior who was still wearing Luigi's hat.

"I thought I might find you in here." Junior said.

"Well, this room is all I have left of him." I sighed before sitting down on the bed.

Junior hopped up on the bed beside me.


"Yes Junior?"

"That man that took Luigi away- Was that Luigi's brother?"

I gave him a small nod.

"I don't understand. Why won't he let Luigi stay?" He asked.

"I have a rough history with Luigi and his brother. Before Luigi came here, he and his brother were the sworn protectors of the Mushroom Kingdom and I was its biggest threat." I admitted.

Junior pondered to himself before speaking.

"I don't understand? Are you saying you were the bad guy dad?"

I gave him a look before letting out a heavy sigh. While I didn't want Junior's perspective of me to change, I didn't want to lie to him about my past actions.

"Yes. I was the problem. I kept kidnapping the ruler of the Mushroom Kingdom and had been trying to get her to marry me. It's not something I'm particularly proud of but, it's true." I frowned.

"So, why did you keep kidnapping the princess?" Junior asked.

"Well, in simple terms, I used to think having her here would somehow fix all the problems I had going on in my Kingdom. There's a little bit more to it than that but I think that's the best that I can explain it to you."


"Every time I took the princess, Luigi and his brother and I would duke it out until one of us lost. I was usually on the losing end of these battles."

"You and Luigi used to fight?" Junior blinked, seeming surprised.

"Uh.... Yeah. He, along with his brother, would interfere with my old plans."

"Wow. I can hardly imagine you two fighting each other. He looks so small compared to you."

"Well he's a bit stronger than he looks, and is a good bit faster than his brother. But he knows his limits, which is probably why he didn't bother putting up a fight against me when he was left here without his brother."

"So his brother is the better fighter?"

"Going off of my past battles with the two, I would assume so. The two are a formidable duo and our battles would often end with them taking the princess back to her castle. The problem we have now is that Mario has no reason to trust me with his brother. I've caused him, his brother, and Peach so much trouble. Little did I know all that battling would come back to bite me in the butt."

"So Mario's scared you're gonna hurt his brother?"

"Yes. It's not like me being a tall fire breathing koopa does me any favors." I said before facepalming."I messed up really bad."

"Can't you just tell Mario you're sorry?"

"It's not that simple, Junior. Though I wish it were." I sighed.

"So if Mario won't let Luigi come back, does that mean we'll never see Luigi again?" He asked

"I'm sure he'll figure it out. I'm not sure how but, he will."

Junior took off his hat, an uneasy look forming on his face. He tightly hugged it, a few tears sliding down his face.

"I miss him papa." Junior whimpered.

"I know. I do too." I said with a frown.

"He promised me he'd come back."

"And he will." I reassured him.

I'm not sure if I was trying to convince him or myself more that Luigi would return.

"It's getting quite late. You should probably get to bed Junior."

"Alright. Can you tuck me in dad?"

"Yeah. I can." I nodded.

I took Junior up to his room. Junior grabbed a book off his bookshelf and handed it to me.

"Can you read me this book? Luigi would always read me this one." Junior said.

"I probably won't be able to read it like how he does but, I'll still read it."

Junior gave a smile, flopping down on his bed. He took off the green hat, now hugging it tightly. I read to him until he eventually fell asleep. I put the book back on the bookshelf then left out of Junior's room.

I made my way back to my room, and lied down silently to myself. My eyes traced over to the small framed picture I had of the dance sitting on my drawer.

My mind couldn't help but trace back to the night we first danced together. How from that night on everything changed so much between me and Luigi. We drew closer and closer to each other and now- It felt as if we were so far apart. It hurt not having him here with me.

I missed hearing him talk to me and ease my stressed mind. I missed holding him close to me. I missed feeling him place his hand on my face and caress my cheek with his sweet smile. That lonely feeling I fought so hard to get rid of felt like it was coming back to me. For so long I had yearned for a connection to someone, and now that I had finally got it, it was stolen right from under me.

To think that right after I got to finally tell him about how I felt about him, just for him to have to go. The thought of him not being able to come back here was one that hurt me unlike anything I had ever felt.

He was the first person to not treat me like I was some sort of monster. After everything, he still took a chance on me and befriended me and loved me for who I was. His forgiveness is something I'll never take for granted. This past month has brought me more in touch with my emotions and showed me what I truly needed.

I had everything I needed when he was here with me. I had my troops, my son, and my trusty loving advisor. What more could I ever ask for? This place has never felt more right. He wanted to be here with me as much as I wanted him here. To think that after all this time, I had someone who wanted to rule this place by my side and loved my son as much as I did.

I know it's only my first night without him but it felt like a prelude of what the rest of my days were going to be like here. As I lied down, I found myself staring at the extra space I had on my bed. That space that on some nights, Luigi would fill. Everything in me just wanted to be able to have him right here beside me. I wanted to run my hands through his hair and feel him do the same for me. I longed to feel the weight of his head against my chest, his skin unbelievably soft to the touch. He was so gentle and warm to hold onto.

The little guy probably doesn't realize how happy he made me here. He didn't need to do anything mind blowing. Just his presence alone or the touch of his hand was, and always will be enough for me.

I tossed and turned for hours until my body eventually gave into its tired state.

Luigi's POV

I found myself sitting down in front of one of the many leave-less trees that occupied the Lava Kingdom's forest. It was pretty early in the morning and I hardly managed to get much sleep.

All night, the only thing I could think of was the argument me and my brother had. Hearing him call me delusional and act as if I was crazy hurt a lot more than I thought it would.

I was expecting a negative reaction out of him, but I guess I wasn't mentally prepared to hear him shut me down like he did. Whenever we disagreed on something, it was never anything this severe.

Whenever I did get me and my brother's argument out of my head, my mind couldn't help but wonder how Junior and Bowser had been holding up.

I know Bowser can't sleep well when his mind is clouded. I could only imagine how much he was hurting now that I was gone.

I missed everything about the castle. I missed tucking Junior in bed. I missed staying up playing board games with Bowser and Junior.

I missed being held in Bowser's arms and feeling his hands brush through my hair until I fell asleep. I didn't expect to lose everything I had grown to love so soon. I just wish I could go back and hold the two of them one last time.

I pressed the back of my head against the tree behind me before letting out a heavy sigh. It was then that I spotted Peach standing to my right with a frown on her face. She let out a sigh before sitting down beside me.

"I'm guessing you told him?" She asked as I gave a nod."He didn't take it well, did he?"

"No, not at all. He thinks I'm insane, Peach. He didn't believe one word I said. He threatened to attack the place if I went back." I explained leaning on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry to hear that Luigi." She said, landing a hand on my shoulder.

The two of us sat silently for a moment. She thought to herself for a moment, a small smile forming on her face.

"Tell me, what are some of the things you used to do for fun in the castle?" Peach asked, trying to lighten my mood.

"Pfft, where do I even start?" I said to myself." I guess we would just do whatever came to mind. We would play hide and seek around the castle, We'd bake, We'd have pillow fights. It didn't matter what the three of us really did, as long as we were doing it together."

Peach didn't say anything but gave me a smile to let me know she was listening.

"Not too long ago me and Bowser took a ride on his airship and the entire ride he was just smiling at me. And the night of my birthday, he called me beautiful. He's worked so hard to become the person he is today and I'm really proud of him. He's changed and I know he feels the same way I do. I get this warm, safe and secure feeling whenever around him. I just really miss him." I sighed."But, maybe this is for the best. You said the toads aren't the best with construction, right? Maybe I'll be able to help around the Mushroom Kingdom."

"Luigi, as much as I love having you around to help, I don't want it to come at the expense of your happiness. I don't want you to come back if it makes you this upset." She frowned.

"I know, but I don't have much of a choice."

"I'm sure we'll figure something out." She said.

I gave a firm nod, letting her know that I was taking in what she was saying. Our conversation stopped when we heard an interrupting cough come from above us.

The two of us looked up to see Mario standing over the two of us.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything." Mario said with his arms crossed, impatiently tapping his foot.

I simply crossed my arms, doing my best to avoid eye contact with Mario.

"Peach, do you mind giving us a moment?" Mario asked.

She stared skeptically at Mario before standing to her feet.

"Alright. You better not say anything else to upset him. He already has enough on his mind." She said.

"I won't." Mario responded with a huff.

"I'm serious Mario." She reaffirmed with a serious look on her face.

"So am I." He added firmly.

She gave me one last comforting shoulder rub before joining the other toads. I stood to my feet, still maintaining my closed off posture.

"Good morning, Mario." I greeted, doing my best to ignore the very present unspoken tension.

"Morning. How'd you sleep?"

I simply gave a shrug to his question. He let out a gentle sigh, his gaze softening.

"Relax. Look, I'm not here to argue, I just want to talk."

I let out a huff, the grip on my arms tightening. I silently waited for Mario to start talking.

"Look, even though I technically didn't do anything wrong- I'm sorry for how our conversation went yesterday. I did a bit of thinking last night and-"

"You'll let me go back?!" I interrupted hopefully.

"I wasn't finished." Mario said, an annoyed look forming on his face.

My excitement immediately faded.

"I was just thinking, maybe after we get back to the Mushroom Kingdom, we just put the last 10 weeks behind us."

"What do you mean?" I asked, suspicious of his intentions.

"I mean, after we get back home we just let things go back to the way they were."

"Why would I want to do that?" I questioned.

"I mean, why wouldn't we? We could throw a party for you and Peach's return and we could get things back on track."

"That's the thing Mario. I don't want to go back."

"Luigi, please don't tell me you're still thinking about going back with that monster?" Mario grumbled with a facepalm.

"I told you to stop calling him that." I glared.

"Luigi, I'm honestly starting to become worried about you. You shouldn't have romantic feelings for your captor. Let alone one so.... different to put it lightly. He could be seriously dangerous. He practically looks like he was born for destruction."

I gave a sigh before looking back up at him.

"I know it's easy to assume he may be that way, but trust me when I say he's much more of a lover than a fighter."

"Pfft, what would Bowser know about love?"

"A lot, actually."

"Right.... And how do you know that he reciprocates your feelings?"

"He told me so and he puts his feelings for me on display. He hugs me, gives me gifts, and says the sweetest things about me. He comforts me when I'm worried and he kisses me." I admitted.

Mario's eyes widened the moment those words left my mouth.


His reaction almost made me feel guilty for the feelings I had for Bowser.

"Luigi, y-you can't just do stuff like that with him! It isn't normal!"

"But I-"

"You're worse than I thought. I know you said you were in love with the thing but I didn't think you actually took it that far. Please tell me you're not serious?!" Mario said, not wanting to believe my words.

I simply shook my head.

"Luigi, I'm seriously worried. For all you know, he could be manipulating you! This just isn't making any sense to me!"

"He wouldn't do that! He apologized! Me and Bowser are friends! We actually care about each other! He said he trusts me more than anyone. We have a bond built on trust and mutual respect, Mario! Besides, he isn't forcing me to stay with him. He wanted it to be my choice to stay with him."

"You're his prisoner, Luigi."

"No, I'm his adviser. There's a difference, Mario."

"That doesn't change the fact that he kept you as his prisoner."

"Well he trusted me enough to help him even after our past confrontations. He wants me to rule by his side, Mario."

"And this is something you want?"

"Yes. Very much."

"But he's King of the Koopas, Luigi! Our enemy."

"But he's different now, Mario. He hardly even has a temper on him anymore. He's become patient and understanding. He agreed not to hurt you when you came back. He didn't even put up a fight, Mario! Why can't you see that?!"

"I'm sorry Luigi, but his bad outweighs his supposed good by a lot. He just can't be trusted. Besides, it's only been 6 weeks. He couldn't have changed that much."

"Mario, he and his troops surrendered against you. He put himself and his people at risk for me. Does that not mean anything to you?"

"That doesn't change what he's done, Luigi."

"People change, Mario."

"Yes, people. Not deranged monsters, Luigi! You're telling me that it doesn't worry you at all that this guy could theoretically try and kill you at any minute if he loses his temper?"

"Bowser isn't like that, Mario. He wouldn't hurt me. He makes me feel safe."

"You used to be afraid of this guy, Luigi. How could you possibly feel safe around something so... Monstrous?"

"Look I get we had a rough start but if you saw how he is now you'd understand. He apologized, and he's been nothing but kind to me during my stay. He gave me free roam of the entire castle. He trusts me just as much as I do him."

"In all that time, you never bothered at least trying to escape?"

"I didn't need to. I wasn't in any danger. I liked it at the castle, Mario."

"So the two of you are completely over all the fighting the three of us used to do? Do I have to remind you that we had to restrain this guy multiple times, Luigi. How does that not strain your relationship with him? Do those memories of you two fighting not bother you two at all? No grudges or anything?"

"For the last time Mario, he apologized. We're past all the fighting. With how close we are now, it doesn't even feel like we were former enemies."

"Well what about his henchmen?! Even if Bowser has changed, surely they must have something against you!"

"They've been accommodating to my every need ever since I became Bowser's advisor. And their seamsters made me some of the most beautiful outfits. They even helped Bowser put together a birthday party for me."

An upset look formed on his face, seeming taken aback by my statement.

"You.... You celebrated without me?" He asked, seeming hardly able to get the words out.

"I.... Yes, I did. But we can celebrate together next year, Mario. I promise."

"Luigi, that's supposed to be our day! We celebrate every year together!" He exclaimed, seeming genuinely upset.

"We can still celebrate..... Just after we get all of this sorted out."

He gave a small nod, seeming to put the thought aside for now.

"He makes me happy, Mario. Can't that just be enough for you?"

"Luigi, I have nothing against you dating someone that makes you happy. But Bowser isn't.... He isn't any good, Luigi."

"But he is, Mario. Please tell me you understand."

Mario simply facepalmed letting out a frustrated groan.

"Look, I think we should just leave this terrible place behind us."

I turned around, a frown forming on my face. Mario placed a hand on my shoulder.

"Trust me, once we leave this place you'll feel better."

"No, I won't."

"We can get you another boyfriend, Luigi. There's so many possibilities. Don't let this be the end all be all."

"It won't be the same."

"That's not such a bad thing. You've only been in that castle for a month. You probably got so attached to that thing since you've been separated from the rest of the world. Your mind was probably just trying to cope with a stressful situation. You probably aren't even in love with that koopa. There's so many guys out there Luigi. Don't give yourself to someone like him. You deserve better than him. I mean that." He said, patting my shoulder.

I turned towards my brother who had a concerned look on his face. Even though me and my brother had different opinions, I could tell his concern was coming out of a place of care.

"But, what about Junior?"

"He has his dad, doesn't he? He'll be fine."

"He said I was his best friend."

"Look, I don't know much about this kid but he looks to be around 5, right? I'm sure he'll forget about you in no time flat. It would be best if you did the same."

"I promised him that I'd come back."

"Some promises you just can't keep. You have to prioritize your safety."

"But I don't want to leave them."

"You have to. Trust me, five weeks from now, you'll probably forget why you even wanted to stay so bad."

Mario's eyes fell onto the necklace I was wearing.

"Also, you should probably get rid of that thing. It's only going to be a bad reminder." Mario said, eyeing the necklace.

I clutched the necklace, holding it close to my chest bringing a sigh out of Mario.

"You'll feel better once we get back home. This is just a rough phase for you, but I know you'll get through this. You just need time is all. I know you feel like you need that guy, but you don't. You have everything you need back home. I'll help you get through this Luigi." Mario said, smiling up at me.

Mario wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into a tight hug. I couldn't bring myself to give him a full hug back, rather a few pats on his back. He pulled back, raising an eyebrow.

"What kind of hug was that? The Luigi I know gives out hugs like it's candy." Mario teased.

"Guess I'm just not feeling it today." I said, bringing a frown to Mario's face.

"I'm sorry Weegee. I wish I was more cautious when we initially left to save Peach. You never would've gotten captured if it weren't for me. I wish I could have come back for you sooner. Maybe then you wouldn't be upset like this. Next time Bowser comes to kidnap Peach, maybe you should just stay behind. Just to be safe."

"There won't be a next time."

"What do you mean?" Mario said, raising an eyebrow.

"Bowser isn't going to be kidnapping the princess anymore. He said so himself."

"Well, maybe he finally learned his lesson. Though if he does, I won't let him get anywhere near you. I clearly have to be more careful when it comes to you." He said."With that being said, we should probably get a move on."

"R-right." I nodded.

"Oh, one last thing." Mario said, digging into his pocket.

He pulled out a fire flower, insisting that I take it.

"Just in case."

"Mario, I sincerely doubt that I'll need that."

"Better safe than sorry."

"I really don't need it."

"You never know."

"Except I do know. Bowser isn't going to send his troops after us."

"Just take the stupid flower."

"And do what with it? Attack the henchmen that helped put together my birthday party? I don't need it."

"Just take it Weegee."

"If I take it, will you stop?"

"Yes, I will."

I took the flower, placing it in my pocket.

"There, happy now?"

"Very. Come on, the others are packing. We should probably start doing the same." Mario said.

I gave a small nod, following behind Mario.

Me and my brother joined the others in packing our things. The toads seemed more than willing to carry me and Peach's belongings for us. After that, I continued behind the toads and my brother. As we walked, I found myself fiddling with the heart shaped necklace. I found myself smiling, being reminded of the night Bowser gave me flowers. I was glad that I at least still had this with me.

Our walking came to a stop when we came to a wooden shakey bridge with ropes to support it. This very bridge marked the exit of the Lava Kingdom.

Across that bridge, there it was. The accursed hot air balloon that was going to be used to take us back to the Mushroom Kingdom. I would've felt great relief a month ago being in this scenario. However, I felt a sense of panic.

The thought of going on board that thing scared me. Not because of my fear of heights, but simply because it would take me away from him. He who I had grown to trust and love over the past month. Everything in me just wanted to go back.

If I were to leave now, what then? How would I uphold the promise I made to Junior? Crossing this bridge would prevent me from upholding that promise. The small toads and the princess examined the bridge.

"I forgot how wobbly this bridge is." One of the toads stated.

"I take it Bowser doesn't get visitors much judging by this bridge." The princess added.

"Are you sure this thing is safe?" Another toad asked.

"We used it earlier, didn't we?" Mario shrugged."Besides, it's either this, or we take the long way around. That'll take us a whole extra 10 minutes."

"I'm kind of with the toads on this one." I pitched in.

My statement got me a skeptical look out of Mario. He walked over to me, ushering me away from the group.

"I see what you're trying to do here Lou, and it's not going to work." He spoke low enough for only me to hear.

"What do you mean?"

"You're stalling."

"I'm not stalling."

"You sure?"

"R-really. I'm not. I'm just saying the bridge looks unsafe."

"Alright. But again, we're going back home. Don't forget that." Mario reminded me.

"I know." I shrugged.

The two of us then brought our attention back to the group.

"Alright, I'll cross it first. Seeing as no one else is brave enough to." Mario volunteered."I weigh the most out of you guys so if I can cross it, it means any of you guys can. And I do mean any." He added, directing his gaze at me with his last sentence.

He directed that last part at me, seeing my unwillingness to actually want to follow through with this. The 6 of us watched as Mario steadily made his way across the wobbly wooden bridge. My anxious mind couldn't help but imagine the worst happening to my brother. Thankfully, the bridge didn't give out on him and he found himself on the other side.

With the concern of the bridge being out of the way, I found myself directing my worries of actually getting on that hot air balloon.

"Alright you guys. It's your turn!" Mario shouted from where he stood.

The group of us exchanged a look. I held myself, taking a few steps back, refusing to go before someone else. Peach noticed my hesitation, her visible frown showing her concern.

"You four can go first." Peach insisted.

The four toads nodded, as they now worked to cross the bridge one at a time.

"It's not your fear of the bridge holding you back, is it?" She spoke knowingly.

"No..." I sighed.

"Did Mario at least consider the idea of you going back with Bowser?" Peach asked,

"Not in the slightest. I explained everything to him but he's not budging."

"So what are you going to do?"

"I guess I'm going back with you guys." I huffed in defeat.

"I'm sorry Luigi." She frowned."Maybe after all the construction blows over in my kingdom, maybe we can sort something out."

"That could take months, princess. I'm not sure if I can wait that long."

"I know. I wish there was more I could do for you." She sighed, patting my shoulder.

Our attention was drawn to the last toad working to cross the bridge.

"Well, looks like I'm up." She spoke."Chin up. We'll figure something out."

Peach grasped at the ends of her dress and began making her way across the bridge. I found my gaze alternating between the princess, the hot air balloon and the bridge. After her, I'd have no more excuses to stall in place. This was something I'd have to face head on. After she made it across, the 6 of them redirected their gaze at me.

"Alright Weegee! you're up next!" Mario called out from the other side.

I felt my breaths becoming heavier as I found myself placing one foot on the bridge, an erie creek coming from it, the noise matching my unease. I crossed this bridge multiple times to come save the princess in the past with my brother. However, it was different this time. I used to get a sense of joy leaving this place behind. However, it carried so much weight this time around.

My grip on the support rope loosened, as my will to go across the bridge was teetering on the verge of collapse. I didn't want to disappoint my brother but, I just couldn't follow through with this. While my reputation at the Mushroom Kingdom as the princess's loyal assistant was great, and something I valued, I couldn't just let go of everything I had gained over the past month.

My status as both Bowser's adviser and his boyfriend. The respectful and admirable salutes I'd receive from the henchmen whenever I walked the castle halls. Not to mention Junior, the kid that I promised I would come back for. After an entire month being the kids' caretaker, the thought of not being able to see him again was too much to bear and overtook the need to go along with what my brother wanted.

If there was one thing I couldn't do, is go back on my word. I knew if I wanted to see both Junior and Bowser again, I couldn't just stand around waiting for permission to do so. I'd have to take matters into my own hands. As that very thought went through my mind, I took my foot back from the bridge. I could feel my entire body shaking from the decision I was about to make, but I fought against it.

With newfound determination, I found myself pulling out the very fire flower Mario gave me to fight against Bowser's troops. I found myself absorbing the flower's power, its extraordinary power granting me its signature fire abilities. My overalls took on white and green color scheme, confirming its transfer of power.

A burst of flames came shooting out of my palms, setting the bridge ablaze. Just like that, it was gone. My eyes then met with the other, who held very surprised expressions at my sudden decision. My gaze then focused on my brother.

"I'm sorry Mario. I know that if I don't turn back now, then I'll never be able to fulfill my promise." I spoke.

Mario's wide eye expression turned to a determined look. Seeing as he would have to take the long way around, I had a ten minute head start on my brother. While this was a rather short sighted decision, I couldn't turn back now. With that, I turned on my heels, taking off in the direction of Bowser's castle at full speed.

An: So... This took me longer than it should have. But I figured if it was going to take long, I might as well make it 5000 words 🤭

Is anyone even still reading this book-

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