TANGLED, genya safin

By bel0valover

12.8K 561 98

As Vladim moved to turn the locks, I heard Genya whisper. "You definitely owe me a kiss after all this, Don't... More

act one.
chapter one.
chapter two.
chapter three.
chapter four.
chapter five.
chapter six.
chapter seven.
chapter eight.
chapter nine.
chapter ten.
chapter eleven.
chapter twelve.
chapter fourteen.
chapter fifteen.
chapter sixteen.
chapter seventeen.
chapter eighteen.
chapter nineteen.
chapter twenty.
chapter twenty-one.
act two.
chapter one.
chapter two.
chapter three.
chapter four.
chapter five.
chapter six.
chapter seven.
chapter eight.
chapter nine.
chapter ten.
chapter eleven.
chapter twelve.
chapter thirteen.
chapter fourteen.
chapter fifteen.
chapter sixteen.
chapter seventeen.
chapter eighteen.
chapter nineteen.
chapter twenty.
chapter twenty-one.
chapter twenty-two.
chapter twenty-three.
act three.
chapter one.
chapter two.
chapter three.
chapter four.
chapter five.
chapter six.
chapter seven.
chapter eight.
chapter nine.
chapter ten.
chapter eleven.
chapter twelve.
chapter thirteen.
chapter fourteen.
chapter sixteen.

chapter thirteen.

249 17 5
By bel0valover

chapter thirteen.
The Rise of a Grisha

AFTER GENYA WAS DONE GETTING ME ALL fancied up, we met up with Alina, who was in fact wearing black as well, the only difference in our Kefta's was mine had three colors, black, gold, and pale blue, and Alina's having black and gold. Her hair had two knots at the bottom of her head, but she looked as beautiful as ever.

Our Black Keftas caused quite the stir in the domed hall as Marie and Nadia and a group of other Etheralki dressed in blue velvets and silks swarmed around us. Genya had managed to slip away, as she usually did, but we held fast to her arm. If we were wearing the Darkling's color, then we intended to take full advantage of it and have our friend by our side.

"You two do know that I cannot go into the ballroom with you. The Queen would have a fit," she whispered to Alina and me.

"Okay, but you can still walk over with us," Alina said and Genya beamed.

As we walked down the gravel path and into the wooded tunnel, I noticed that Sergei and several other Heartrenders were keeping pace with us, and I realized with a start that they were guarding us— or probably just me and Alina. I suppose it made sense with all of the strangers on the palace grounds for the fete, but It was also still disconcerting, a reminder that there were a lot of people in the world who wanted Alina and me dead.

The grounds surrounding the Grand Palace had been lit up to showcase tableaus of actors and little tropes of acrobats performing for wandering guests. Masked musicians strolled the paths. A man with a monkey on his shoulder ambled past, and two men covered from head to toe in gold leaf rode by on zebras, throwing jeweled flowers to everyone they passed.

Costumed choirs sang in the trees. A trio of redheaded dancers splashed around in the double eagle fountain, wearing little more than seashells and coral and holding up platters full of oysters to guests.

We had just started to climb the marble steps when a servant appeared with a message for Genya. She read the note and sighed, "The Queen's headache has miraculously disappeared, and she has decided to attend the ball after all."

She gave Alina and me a little wave, promised to find us after the demonstration, and then slipped away.


Spring had barely begun to show itself, but it was impossible to tell that in the Grand Palace. Music floated down the marble hallways. The air felt curiously warm and was perfumed with the scent of thousands of white flowers, grown in Grisha hothouses. They covered tables and trailed down the balustrades in thick clusters.

Marie and Nadia appeared somewhere throughout the crowds and dragged Alina and me through groups of nobles, who pretended to ignore us but whispered as we passed by with our Corporalki guards. We held our head high and even smiled at one of the young nobles men standing by the entrance to the ballroom. I was surprised to see him blush and look down at his shoes.

I glanced at Alina to see if she had noticed, but she was gabbling about some of the dishes served to the nobles at dinner— roasted lynx, salted peaches, burnt swan with saffron. I was suddenly glad that we'd eaten earlier.

The ballroom was larger and grander than even the throne room we'd passed earlier, lit by row after row of sparkling chandeliers, and full of a masked orchestra seated along the far wall. The gowns, the jewels, the crystals dripping from the chandeliers, and even the floor beneath our feet seemed to sparkle, and I wondered how much of it was Fabrikator craft.

The Grisha themselves mingled and danced, but they were easy to pick out in their bold colors: purple, red, and midnight blue, glowing beneath the chandeliers like exotic flowers that had been sprung up in some pale garden.


The next hour passed in a blur. Alina and I held tight together, being introduced to countless nobles men and their wives, high-ranking military officers, courtiers, and even some Grisha from noble households who had come as guests to the ball. I quickly gave up trying to remember names and simply smiled and nodded and bowed. And tried to keep myself from scanning the crowd for the Darkling's black-clad form. I also had my first taste of champagne, which I found I liked much better than kvas.

At one point, we discovered ourselves face-to-face with a tired-looking nobleman leaning on a cane.

Alina gasped, "Duke Keramsov!" She exclaimed. He was wearing an old officer's uniform, many medals pinned to his broad chest.

The old man looked at Alina with a flicker of interest, clearly startled that she knew his name, "it's me," she said, "Alina Starkov."

"Yes... yes... Of course!" He said with a faint smile. He didn't remember her at all though.

They made polite conversation for as long while before we took the opportunity to escape. I leaned against a pillar as Alina went off to get us some more champagne. The room felt uncomfortably warm. As I looked around, I suddenly felt overwhelmed. I wasn't used to being around this many people or having this many people gawking at me because of the color combination of my Kefta.

Once Alina was back she handed over a glass of champagne and I took a long swig of it. Alina laughed and linked our arms together as we began to walk away.

We saw Genya then, gliding through the crowd towards us. Courts and dukes and wealthy merchants turned to stare at her as she passed, but she ignored them all. Don't waste your time, I wanted to tell them, her heart wants a gangly fabricakator who doesn't seem to like parties.

"Time for the show— I mean, the demonstration," she said when she reached us, "why are you two by yourself?"

"We needed a break." Alina said, "too much champagne?" Genya asked with a teasing smile, "maybe." I said, feeling slightly tipsy.

"Silly girls," she said, looping her arm through mine and Alina's, "there's no such thing as too much champagne. Though your head will try to tell you otherwise tomorrow."

She steered us through the crowd, gracefully dodging people who wanted to meet Alina and me until we'd made our way behind the stage that had been set up along the far wall of the ballroom. We stood by the orchestra and watched as a man dressed in an elaborate silver ensemble took the stage to introduce the Grisha.

The orchestra struck a dramatic chord, and the guests were soon gasping and applauding as Inferni sent arcs of flame shooting over the crowd and Squallers sent spires of glitter whirling about the room. They were joined by a large group of Tidemakers who, with the Squallers' help, brought a massive wave crashing over the balcony to hover inches above the audience's head.

I saw hands reach up to touch the shining sheet of water. Then the Inferni raised their arms and, with a hiss, the wave exploded into a swirling mass of mist. Hidden by the side of the stage, I had a sudden inspiration and sent light cascading through the mist, creating a rainbow that shimmered briefly in the air.

"Freya, Alina." We both jumped. The light faltered and the rainbow disappeared.

The Darkling was standing beside Alina. As usual, he wore a black Kefta, though this one was made of raw silk and velvet. The candlelight gleamed off his dark hair. I swallowed and glanced around, but Genya had disappeared.

"Hello," I managed, "are you ready?" Alina and I nodded and led us to the base of the steps leading to the platform.

As the crowd applauded and the Grisha left the stage, Ivo punched my arm, "Nice touch, Freya! That rainbow was perfect." I thanked him and then turned my attention to the crowd, feeling suddenly nervous.

I saw eager faces, the Queen surrounded by her ladies, looking bored. Beside her, the King swayed on his throne, clearly well in his cup, the apparat at his side. If the royal princes had bothered to show up, they were nowhere to be seen. With a start, I realized the apparat was looking directly at both me and Alina and I looked away.

We waited as the orchestra began to play an ominous, escalating thrum and the man in silver bounded onto the stage to introduce us.

Suddenly, Ivan was beside us saying something into the Darkling's ear. I heard the darkling reply, "Take them to the war room. I'll be there shortly after."

Ivan darted away, ignoring me and Alina completely. When the Darkling turned to us, he was smiling, his eyes alive with excitement. Whatever news he'd gotten had been good. A burst of applause signaled that it was time for us to take the stage. He took me and Alina's arms and said, "let's give the people a real show."

We nodded, my throat dry as he lead us up the steps and to the center of the stage. I heard eager buzzing from the crowd and looked out at their expectant faces. The Darkling gave us a nod, and with little preamble, he slammed his hands together and thunder boomed through the room as a wave of darkness fell over the party.

That's the first time I'd ever seen him use his power, I thought. He waited, letting the crowd's anticipation grow. The Darkling might not have liked the Grisha performing, but he certainly knew how to put on a show. Only when the room was practically vibrating with tension did he lean into both Alina and me and whisper, "Now."

Heart clattering, Alina and I gave short nods to each other and extended our arms out, taking a deep breath. I called up the feeling of surety, the feeling of light rushing towards me and through me, and focused it into my hand.

Alina's was the first to appear, brightening the room with little effort, mine came next and I focused it into my hand. A bright column of light shot upwards from my palm, gleaming in the darkness of the ballroom. The crowd gasped, mumbling amongst each other.

We pulled our arms together, making the light get brighter until two balls were formed. We pushed them to the center of the room, above the chandelier, making the light bounce off the mirrors and into every direction.

I locked my gaze with Genya somewhere near the back and she smiled at me. I nodded and then glanced back at Alina who'd turned her head in my direction as well and nodded. We brought our arms together and the light exploded around us, shimmering and shining brighter than ever.

The gasps only got louder, some of the nobles and their wives getting down on their knees silently murmuring, "Sankta Alina, Sankta Freya,"

And then we were pulling back the light, the light in the room dimming momentarily before the light-filled back in the room. I and Alina glanced at each other, bright smiles plastered on our faces before the darkling was standing before us, taking our elbows and leading us away from the stage as the crowd of people whispered amongst themselves.

The orchestra started back up again shortly after. And then he was turning to us again after we were far away, "Alina would you mind giving us a moment, I'd like to have a word with Freya."

Alina gave a nod and a glance at me before disappearing back into the crowd. The darkling held out his arm and I took it. He led me out of the ballroom and away from the crowds of people.

"Did you hear them? See them dancing and embracing? They know now that everything is true." He started, "about you, about Alina."

He took a step closer to me, my body pressing up against the wall. "Everything is about to change, Freya. Because of you and Alina."

I felt a blush creep up my neck and onto my cheeks, but I also felt a slither of uncertainty, "but aren't we giving the people false hope?" I asked, "No, Freya. I told you that you and Alina were my answer. And you are."

"But after what happened by the lake.." I blushed furiously and hurried to clarify. "I mean, you said we weren't strong enough."

The Darkling's mouth quirked in the suggestion of a grin but his eyes were serious. "Did you really think I was done with you?"

A little tremor quaked through me. He watched me, his half-smile fading. Then, abruptly, he took me by the arm and pulled me down a hall and into a room, lit only by moonlight pouring in through the windows. I barely had time to register that was a sitting room, because as soon as the door closed, he was kissing me and I could only think of nothing else.

I'd been kissed before, drunken mistakes, awkward fumbling. But this was nothing like that. It was so sure and powerful and like my whole body had just come awake. I could feel my pounding heart, the press of silk against my skin, the strength of his arms around me, one hand buried deep in my hair, the other at my back, pulling me closer.

The moment his lips met mine, the connection between us opened and I felt his power flood through me. I could feel how much he wanted me— but beneath that desire, I could feel something else, something that felt like anger.

I drew back, startled at the sensation, and closed my eyes. This felt wrong, so wrong. I opened my eyes to see the Darkling breathing hard, "I—" I started, "I can't do this."

A flash of anger came over his face, "but you want to." He said, "you don't have to hide it."

I shook my head, "it's not that." I said, "it is that you have feelings for Ms. Safin?" He suddenly asked.

My breath hitched in my throat. I looked at him, "how'd you know?" I said but then Alina was the only one who could have known, "Did Alina—"

The darkling laughed, "No," he said, "It's the way you look at her."

I swallowed, "oh," I said, an embarrassing blush creeping up my cheeks.

"I know you long for her." He said, "you want her but aren't sure you can have her." He finished with a look of pity coming across his face.

"I can help you with that." The darkling said, "I can help you get what you long for most."

I blinked up at him and then coughed, "I think I need a moment." Before he could say anything I was slipping out the door and back into the hallway.

Two guards were standing outside, "Ms. Julikov." the man said, "we are here to escort you to dinner."

I shook my head and smiled, "thank you," I said, "but I am not feeling up to attending, can you let Alina know I'm heading back to the little palace though."

They both nodded, the shorter guard was a female, Suli with dark brown eyes. They exchanged glances and turned on their heels leaving me to walk back to the little palace.


When I got back to my bedroom Baghra was there and the second I stepped through the door she was seizing me by the wrist and pulling me away from the door.

"Baghra?" I asked, peeing at the woman. "Come," she said, pulling at my arm and glancing over her shoulder.

"Leave me alone, Baghra." I tried to pull away from her, but she was surprisingly strong.

"You come with me right now, girl." she bit out, "now!"

Maybe it was the intensity of her gaze or the shock of seeing fear in her eyes, or maybe I was just used to doing what Baghra said, but I followed her out the door.

She closed it shut, locking it from the other side, "what is it? Where are we going?"

"Quiet." She hissed. Instead of turning right and heading towards the main hall staircase, she dragged me in the opposite direction to the other end of the hall. She pressed a panel in the wall, and a hidden door swung open. She gave me a shove. I didn't have the will to fight her, so I stumbled down the narrow spiral staircase. Every time I looked back at her, she gave me another little push.

When we reached the bottom of the stairs, Baghra stepped in front of me and led me down a cramped hallway with stone floors and plain wooden walls. It looked almost naked compared to the rest of the Little Palace, and I thought we might be in the servants' quarters.

Baghra grabbed hold of my wrist again and tugged me into a dark, chamber but what surprised me more was that Alina was there shaking and a half tear streamed face.

The room was sparsely furnished with a narrow bed, a simple chair, and a wash basin. "Here," Baghra said, shoving a pile of clothes at me.

"Put these on." She said, "I'm too tired for lessons, Baghra." She snickered and shook her head.

"Freya, just do as she says," Alina said, harshly. "There are things that need to be said."

I blinked and asked, "what are you talking about?" Baghra growled and spun around to face me, "no more lessons. You two need to leave this place. Now."

I sighed, "what are you talking about?" I asked but Baghra only rolled her eyes again, "No time for explaining, just hurry."

"Baghra!" I shouted, my voice cracking, "what's going on?"

Alina stepped closer and took my hand into hers before nodding back to Baghra who said, "The Darkling is close to finding Morozova's herd. Soon he will have the stag."

I furrowed my brow, "that's a good thing! Alina will be able to grow stronger." Alina shook her head.

"He doesn't plan on getting it for just me, Freya." Alina said, "he plans on turning us into his slaves."

"That's not true." I said, "I'm supposed to have the sea whip." Baghra scowled, "and just where do you think you are going to go looking for it girl?"

I shrugged my shoulders and said, "The bone road."

Alina and Baghra shook their heads, "you are a weak-minded girl."

"I thought you didn't believe in finding Morozova's stag," she waved me off as if brushing away my words.

"That's what I told him. I hoped that he might give up the pursuit of the stag if he thought it was nothing but a peasant's tale." Baghra said with a snort, "but once he has it, nothing will be able to stop him."

I threw my hands up in exasperation. "Stop him from doing what exactly?"

"Using the fold as a weapon."

Words written:

Authors note
Okay yeah, this one is the longest chapter I've ever written in my freaking 18 years of life.

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