Helping Gwen 10

By AnimeEagleScout

194K 4.9K 2.3K

Ben is driving a while after the final battle in Ultimate Alien and ends up in a portal to another world. Ben... More

Random Portal
Family and Smoothies
Home and Work
Play with Fire
Wrinkle Brain thinking
I thought of it First
Null and Void
don't fuck with Terra [maybe a chapter?]
Grampa Proud
Human Race
Noticable Difference
it's a placeholder title
Malling About
What Grey-Matters
Galvin's Life
Kevin's Reward
Helping Out
Draining Work
Plastic Straws
The Think Tank
The Big Think
start running now. [not canon]
back on the grind.
After Shock
Week Off part 1
Week Off part 2
Week Off Part 3
Week Off Part 4
Week Off Part 5
Week Off Part 6
Week Off Part 7
Week Off Part 8
Week Off Part 10
Week Off Part 11
Week Off Part 12
Week Off Part 13
Week Off Part 14
Back Home
This is it Part 1
This is It Part 2
Incomprehension[what if]
turtle soup
Time slipping
Birthday Part 2
Birthday Part 3
Birthday part 4
Chapter Title
Ultimate Omniverse Pilot
Jade-s Christ-al
My Greatest Enemy
Ultra's End Goal [Not a Chapter]

Week Off Part 9

1.7K 59 25
By AnimeEagleScout

Day 5

Tournament and Ben testing out some features.


Albedo had gotten off and looked out.

Seeing Ben and Gwen waving had her knowing her goal.

"How was your flight?" Gwen asked.

"First Class was very interesting." Albeta said "You missed out on it."

"I honestly prefer being out in open space." Ben said.

Albeta looked at Ben till she shook her head. "Instinct difference." She said "Your grandfather was flirting with an Elder Tetramand most of the flight. His Vulpimancers were quite popular with them."

"Yeah it seems there are alot of elder Tetramand returning." Gwen said seeing a massive amount of them getting off the plane.

"It's more to make sure the population doesn't fight over things like resources or territory." Trixie said "Tetramands fight for anything but the longest stretch of balance was when they officially started moving off planet."

Max walked out with the Vulpimancers next to him and an old woman walking near him.

"I'll show you those painting of me and Mr Kippy later Maxwell." She said. This woman was taller then Gar and definitely looked less like the mostly human looking Tetramand and more like a monstrosity.

"It was fun talking with you Gertrude." Max said "There's my Grandkids."

"Oh they're so cute." She said as they approached "I remember when my little girl was that big."

"Hey Grampa." Ben said handing him a pass "Gonna need this to watch the Maiden Tournament."

"Oh I can't wait to see it. I remember my Winston the day we fought for our union. I managed to get him in a joint lock but the man could throw me across a valley." She said wiping a tear from her eye.


Gwen and Albeta had front row seats but Max took an invite to the Elder Seats being Ben's grandfather. These were mainly Retired Generals and other military men and women.

Albeta had been given sunscreen by Gwen and a hat. "Your very pale I don't want you getting a sunburn." Ben said kissing her cheek before they split.

"You know it's funny how much Ben makes you blush." Gwen said.

"He is an attractive male and a good provider." Albeta said "And he does possess a few other qualities I find...intriguing."

"So what's the...orientation situation for Galvan Prime?" Gwen started.

"Don't get it twisted." Omni said popping up "The Omnitrix transformations are you as that thing. Albedo is Straight and likes girls so Girl Albeta = attracted to guys."

"I honestly had found little attraction at all back during my life pre transformation however you humans have such a higher amount of energy budget for it." Albeta said "But yes if I was as Ben's Timeline Albedo and the Family Tree feature was not active you would most likely be a target."

Gwen's eyes widened. "No I'm not attracted to you but you do show qualities that would most likely orientate him to you." Albeta said "Stop looking at me like that it's very weird."

Gwen shook her head and looked down at Omni "Never let that be used on me."

"Already set by Ben. Tennyson Genome persevered in backup drive and Primus incase of mistake during Human Evolution Experimentation."

"Ben's been making backups whenever he is experimenting with the Ultimizer hasn't he?" Gwen said.

"Yes ma'am." Albeta said smiling.

"Ladies and Gentlemen today we bring the champions of the Pre-Torunaments all over the globe for the hand of Solara of the Night Gale, Granddaughter of Warlord Lar." An announcer said gesturing towards the princess waving from a seat.

"We have a special treat this go round with Off Planet visitors along with One Invited that will be kicking off the tournament." The announcement said "Member of the Plumber Inniative-" the sound of a piece of paper being moved "Ben 10!"

Gwen saw be walk out waving his arms hyping the cheers. He clearly knew how to work a crowd.

When Ben got to the center of the field. Solara jumped from her throne to the middle of the field.

A group of Tetramand holding weapon racks appeared "Now let's see what weapons each will pick!"

Ben had grabbed a mace and got on one knee handing it to Solara.

"Ohh and Ben is going Traditional in handing Solara her weapon of choice and she accepts it." This got a bigger cheer from the Tetramands of the crowd. "And Solara points to Ben's wrist?- oh OH! Ladies and Gentlemen we got ourselves a fight today."

The field cleared and Ben gave a bow with his arms out then gestured with both arms, pounding his chest while Solara gestured with her mace arm.

This got both to rush forward towards one another.

"Ben is definitely showing an understanding of the culture." Albeta said "During a weapon pick part of it is knowing your partners weapon of choice."

"Yeah that would be a factor now that I think about it." Gwen said "When you think fighting as the decision of-"

"And Ben knocks the Princess back and tackles her on her ass! Folks this is definitely a reason this is an Invited and before she can recover Solara is knocked back down."

Solara had tried to pin Ben but he was proven more slippery and managed to wrestle her further.

"Holy shit Ben's never been this relentless." Gwen said.

"He came here to fight not work." Albeta said eating.

Solara had grabbed Ben's arm and said "You picked my weapon! I picked yours!"

Ben didn't say a word till he waved for the crowd to chant.

Gwen shouted "Ulti-mate Ulti-mate!" Getting the crowd to join.


Ben's Nanite-Trix popped up and Solara slammed it down.

Ben's muscles popping out his body had been a shock to the crowd but not as much as the thing he turned into.

Except Solara and Gwen or both Warlords the crowd was shocked in silence till Lar and Solara had cheered causing them to realize they knew about it so they had cheered harder.


'Having fun Rath?" Ben asked

"Yeah." Rath said behind the sound proof helmet. Ben had decided to test willingly activating the Transformations controlling his body and had Rath dialed in before he went out.

'Remember we are married to her if you win." Trixie said.

[Auxiliary Memory-]

Ben canceled the activation. Rath could have this one.

It was when he flying suplexed Solara Rath was laughing.

"Let me tell ya something Ben Tennyson, Weilder of the watch Rath won't question how he's talking to you or controlling his body but Rath is having fun with Blue lady." Rath said as he was punched in the face then grabbed and an arm formed out his chin and punched out the grapple.

'Well you get to make up for lost times cause we're fighting everyone." Trixie said.

Rath let out a Roar loud enough to be heard outside the helmet and hooked his arms around Solara's waist and suplexed her.

"Gotta say you sure know how to show a girl a good time." Solara said.

'Rath click your tongue and wink." Ben said.

Rath did and she giggled as he was thrown across the stadium and Rath dug into the ground clawing back towards her.

His muscles in his legs twisting and digging in.

"Meteorite Closeline!"

The punch had cracked the thrown along with the arena.

"I can't believe it folks! Ben 10 has actually succeeded by a knock out!" The announcement got the crowd cheering as 'Ben' walked over pulling something off his belt.

'Crack it then wave it under her nose." Ben said.

Rath did and Solara smiled at him.

"I won right?" Rath asked.

'Help her up and then carry her to the throne. The crowd will love it." Ben said.

Rath did and the reaction was a Roar of the crowd louder then Raths Roars of victory.

Lar stood up and was handed the mic. "I see I had made a proper decision inviting you. But you still stand against the rest."

"Break some legs sweetie!" Solara shouted leaning back as she was being treated.

Rath smiled. He was feeling good.

[Auxiliary Memory Core-]

Ben had to concentrate on not letting it load. Ultimate Rath agreed to this if he just let Rath go nuts.

Rath slammed the dial and turned back into Ben.

He reached for the helmet and tapped the button to open the mouth.

"Let me tell you something people of Khoros! Ben 10 came to kick ass and get himself the Princess." Ben shouted loud enough for the crowd to hear "I've got the Princess...there's still more ass to kick!"

This had given a taste of the rest of the day. Rath had learned a humans endurance and sweat had allowed much more staying power in the tournament so it basically turned into Rath fighting everyone one by one.

7 rounds later

'Feelin' alright bud?" Ben asked as Rath sat down drinking water.

"Let... le me..." Rath panted "Rath...Rath has never...never felt so good...Rath always showed up when Ben Tennyson was-"

'Pissed yeah uh sorry about-"

"It's awesome!" Rath said "But Rath didn't realize how angry Ben Tennyson was till Rath walked around in his boots. Rath is sorry he made Ben Tennyson look stupid but I'm changing that today."

'You know when Ben told me he wanted to run your Neural Print through the Ultimizer I was scared but your the most clam one."

"Well Rath wasn't exactly the biggest or baddest." Rath said "Rath was puny and pathetic like you use to be so Rath did learn to fight but..."

'You were scanned before you actually got to fight anything." Trixie said 'You were 15 when you were scanned and the Generator put your body in a perfect adult form."

' you remember your real name?" Ben asked.

"Yes...and It's now Rath not..." Rath had shown more restraint then Ben thought he could "Ben Tennyson gave Rath somethin'...Rath doesn't know the word." Rath said "Back home anyone who'd call themselves a name like Rath were either dead or were the biggest baddest guy in the jungle. Ben Tennyson gave Rath a name worth the second one."

"Final fight Mr Tennyson."

"It's BEN 10!" Rath shouted putting his helmet back on.

'Blow a kiss to Solara when you head out. Crowds gonna love it."

"BEN 10. BEN 10. BEN 10!" The crowd cheered.

Rath smiled.

Looking forward was "Hey you look familiar." Rath said.

'That might be SixSix." Trixie said.

'Get his helmet off him." Ben said.

Rath had broke SixSix's arm and cracked his helmet.

"Smile for the Camera." Rath whispered.


"I don't understand you! That pisses Rath off!" Rath shouted.

'Do you translate?" Ben asked Trixie.

'Nope there's an Implant in the speech part of their Brain that encrypts it." Trixie said 'Need the form to recreate it.'

"Good enough excuses for Rath." Rath said.

"Damn you are ugly." Rath said as his eyes started glowing.

"Mutated Sotoraggian not avaliable."

"Ultimate thingy generate copy." Rath said.

"I said I can't-"

'Generating Copy." Ben said.

"What the hell?!" Trixie shouted as a form appeared in the Playlist.

"Rath remembers the Ultimatrix couldn't make Apex like Rath-" Rath started.

'But There is a Copy function avaliable in the Playlist." Ben said 'We'll replace it when we find an uncorrupted sample. He's a good one to have you know?"


"And the final battle is between Ben 10 with 9 consecutive wins in a row today and Zero Seven of- don't worry about it." The announcement said.

Ben and 'Zero Seven' walked onto the field.

"Uh Gwen could you please go to the bathroom?" Omni said.

Gwen walked off and Azmuth hologram appeared.

"Gwen what is going on with Ben's Nanite-Trix?" Azmuth asked "He's keeps asking for a Sotoraggian sample."

"Is that the ugly guy Ben ripped the mask off of?" Gwen asked.

"Yes and please tell Ben the Volaticus biopsis was killed before it could actually get an uncorrupted sample." Azmuth said.

"Ohhh damn I've wanted one of those girls." Gwen said.

"Well if your willing to find a child not augmentated and scan it you will be a very good help." Azmuth said.

"Stop fucking with Primus!" Other Azmuth shouted.

"The sample I have was not added due to...well I can't really get into that right now but just say a planet of Eugenics and Augmentations like Sotoragg the only unaugmented sample that could be gotten was given with...less then savory reasons."

"I...I'll tell..." a beep as Azmuth groaned as another sample was notified to be scanned and labeled to not add to Primus.

"Please hang up." Gwen said.

Azmuth disappeared.

Back with Ben

Ben had grabbed his throat and his own helmet lowed the visor and scanned.

"#*$*÷%&%#?!" Zero Seven said.

Rath was too tired to get pissed.
Ben was too pissed to be tired.
Trixie was actually blushing.

'I'M SORRY IT ISN'T HERE!" She said.

'Rath...just finish the fight." Ben said.


Ben canceled it again and Rath just threw Zero Seven.

Rath had let out one last Roar before Solara jumped down and held him up.

"Ladies and Gentlemen. I introduce my new Grandson in Law." Lar said "May your battles be as eventful as the ones we've seen here today."

Ben was carried to a castle with Gwen, Max and Albeta being brought via Palanquin.

"So is this a paid job or what?"

"Previous Warlord." The one in the back said.

"Losing general of last war." The other said.

"You two seem pretty chipper about it?" Gwen said.

"Hey the positions have changed hands before back when Lar was a young man." The one holding the back said "Loser get incentives to fight again."

"I'm sorry it's just weird sometimes." Gwen said.

"Different cultures." Albeta said "Not their fault and if they wanted out a space trip isn't out of the possibility."

"Yep. Might retire if Terra ever drops the Veil."

"Oh trust me there are so many I'd love to show When Day Breaks." Max said "So Lar my Grandson is officially your daughters betrothed."

"You will have a place at the council Maxwell." Lar said.

"Old men in fields where men die young." Omni said "Ben and Grandpa Max seem to be acclimating well."

"Gwen I've been in the Plumbers since the moon landing." Max said "If I were a little younger I'd love to join a tournament like this."

"From how you and Ben talk about being Plumbers you'd think events like this would...I don't know..." Gwen couldn't come up with words.

"Gwen when a police officer goes too hard on a civilian it's national news." Max said "Plumbers aren't given leniency of them being the same species. I could completely crush a Galvan or permanently hurt someone if I'm not careful. You and Ben can turn into things I have personally witnessed put a humans head through their own ribcage with a single slam."

"Ben's really been blowing off steam." Gwen said.

"And judging how he was cuddling upto Solara its out of his system." Albeta said "You humans...I can sometimes FEEL it in you when your under stress. I think that's why I was avoiding Officer Tennyson when he first returned."

They made it to a Greek like palace full of blue banners. Look off into the distance Gwen saw an exact copy on the other side of the city with red ones.

"Family Palace." Lar said "It's changed hands over 60 times in the last 2000 years since it was built."

"So is this like the capital city or-" Gwen asked.

"This is the exact middle ground for the whole planet. On the north and west exit is the Night Gale territory the south and east exits is the Red Winds." Lar explained "The city was built so we didn't have to deplete resources rebuilding."

"So...even when waring you live here?" Albeta asked.

"Well the little ones need something worth fighting for." Lars said.


The palace had amenities aplenty that made the Appoplexian in Human form find appealing.

"So...what's the plan from here?" Rath asked as the warm water of the shower had felt good on his skin.

'Tradition dictates 5 years till the actual wedding." Trixie says "But judging by Gar and Lars desperation something will push for a speed up to the process."

"Rath...Rath is tired." Rath said.

'Rath will relax. He's earned it. Enjoy a champions reward." Ben said.

[Auxiliary Memory-]

Rath groaned till he felt something on his back.

Solara was smiling at him. Naked and holding soaps and different cleaning instruments. "Well fought today."

"Thanks Blue Lady." Rath said before saying "Solara."

"That was truly amazing." She said.

"Listen...I have something I need to tell you before we continue." Rath said "Uh Watch Lady."

"Ben was running a transformation through the Ultimizer without activsting it." Trixie said "The one thst fought you and everyone was one called Rath."

"But it was still Ben correct?"

"Yeah." Rath said.

"And is Raths true form tougher?" Solara asked.

"Yes." Ben said.

"Then I find this acceptable." Solara said "But I would like to see what your true form is Rath."

"Ok but Rath..." Rath groaned as he felt the hands on his shoulders. A groan of relief cut him off.

Rath hit the Omnitrix and a red light coated his body.

Solara leaned back. "Oh my..."

"Sorry about lyin doll but Ben Tennyson wanted to give the crowd a show without showing off the Nano whatever completely." Ultimate Rath said "Ultimate Rath just wants a shower and to go back in the Omnitrix."

"Then allow me." Solara said grabbing the shampoo.

Rath let out a low growl as her hands worked it into him.

"Let me tell you something Solara Night Gale, Rath has been in alot of fights before but today...Ultimate Rath got to fight for something. If your up for another round some other was fun fighting you." Ultimate Rath said.

Solara kissed him and said "I look forward to another battle in a more intimate setting."

"Watch Lady remember to turn off the whatever that brought Ultimate Rath to life." Ultimate Rath said "Ben Tennyson can do the thing now."

[Auxiliary Memory Core Activated]

Ben sent the time out and Trixie confirmed it.

Solara held Ultimate Rath to her chest as the green light covered him and Ben's naked form was pressed between her tits.

"You know I will be fighting Looma as well if Gwen wins." Ben said as she ran her fingers through his hair.

"And you will require rest." Solara said "But maybe Looma would prefer you fighting."

"Please?" Trixie appeared on Ben's shoulder "Man even I'm exhausted after today."

"Yeah. We'll wait on that." Ben said 'Make Note about Ultimate Ben prototype and Turn off Sentient Ultimate Transformation."

'Done." Trixie sent "So do you wanna wait the traditional 5 years or what's our plan?"

"Well if you do defeat Loona 2 years for me and Looma immediately since tradition says the woman's 25th year is optimal."

"Your 23?" Ben asked "I'd have thought in your teens."

"Yes I am...I believe petite is the word that would be used." Being 8 feet tall. [Apparently Four Arms is 10 feet tall so Solara is shorter then Looma just for reference she is younger then her by 2 years. Kevin fought Looma when she was of equal age so for clearance. Looma is almost 25, Solara is 23. ]

"So just for future reference which one of me do you want?" Ben asked turning into his different Tetramand forms.

"I feel it proper for your true form if you can However I feel it proper for Red of Blue and Blue on Red." Solara said "You know my cousins has attempted to battle Looma due to its goal to merge our families."

Ben grabbed a brush and cleaned Solara while she talked.

"So about something. If Terra were to be voted into the Prime Circle what would be required?"

"Either a vote from the Elder Council or Both Warlords to agree to it." Solara said as Ben had scrubbed her back.

"So...Being both their Son and Grandson I could..." Ben hummed and said "As for their vote when the Prime Circle assembled again?"

"Yes that- ohh yeah that's the spot-" Solara said as Ben had got between between her lower arms "-That would wo-Oh-rk."

"So just for Clearly your New name would be Solara Night Gale Tennyson, Solara Tennyson Night Gale or Solara Tennyson?" Ben asked.

"Solara Tennyson of the Night Gale seems the best option." She said squealing as Ben proved his hands more skilled then she expected "However remember 2 years my betrothed."

"Oh I know and I'm gonna make you hate waiting every second." Ben said turning into Red Four Arms and bitting her shoulder.


Yes Ben was beta testing a Ultimate Ben by using the glitch that turned the Ultimates alive.

And the reason I picked Rath is if you look at him I think Rath was a kid when he was scanned. We see adult Appoplexians how they talk and how they behave. Rath I think was a kid scanned.

Also of all the aliens that would want to go through the Ultimizer and actually live it Rath definitely would want a million year fight.

Also Ultimate Rath talks like Wolverine since Rath is Hulk Hogan.

And to explain how Ben did this:

Go Ultimate Rath, then hit the button to turn into Ben_7 and then Ben needs to dial back the Data Cluster from loading. It's exhausting for all 3 of em.

And I have said Ben's brain isn't the main Thinker.

Whenever Trixie 'talks like this." She's talking directly to Data Ben but the connection is so Seemless Ben's meat brain is updated like it remembered the conversation.

Sorry if this chapter is strange or not wanted the name Ben 10 to get a name in the galaxy.

Also the Ultimatrix couldn't generate prime forms without Trixie it just copied. Ben can copy but it doesn't get saved to Primus. Ben's true TenTen is locked behind a side quest.

Yes that is another plot point later.

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