Till The End |✍︎︎


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She was loud and carefree with no filter and he was quiet and composed never letting anyone see behind the ma... Еще



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"I'm stronger, on missions,aint no foldin',a solider

my vision persistent,I took the game,its over

I made a name, its global"

Annihilate~Metro Boomin,Swae Lee,Lil Wayne,Offset

"You are meant to rest not gallivant on the streets-Where are you going?"Nat scolds as she follows me out the hospital door as I put my necklace on.

"This isn't my first rodeo and I'm going for a drink, you can come with me or go home."I say as I enter the elevator to go to the garage.Louis follows Nat,clearly amused and I smirk.

They both enter the elevator with me, soft music playing and Nat muttering how irresponsible it is and blah blah blah.

"Now I have to babysit the both you of you cause obviously Louis won't do that cause he is just as irresponsible."She shakes her head I chuckle under my breath but regret it as my slice wound thorns in pain.

I'm sure I look like shit but when has that ever stopped me."I am offended,I'm not irresponsible I'm letting Liam have freedom."Louis says as we enter the car me in the passenger,Nat in the drivers seat and Louis in the back.

I put the bar in the GPS and Nat follows as we listen to the music playing through the radio.Louis chats about how he is the most responsible and Nat disagrees but the slowly zone out.

Those painkillers don't seem to be fucking working, my head throbs and I shift in my seat.Maybe Nat was right but the only medicine that will fix me up is some alcohol and I can't go home cause I'm not ready to face Bella yet.

I'm not an idiot,I see the way she looks at Antonio and the way he looks at her but ugh I just can't go home yet.

I wasn't meant to live but I still do, every single fucking day.Lucky me.

I wince as my wound stings,a reminder of what Mattis did.He said he knew me but truth is, he doesn't cause if he did he would know anyone he tries to hurt me never lives to tell the tale.I'm can't wait to ring his neck and the things he said about woman, truly is a sick fuck.

We arrive at the bar and I turn to see Louis and Nat watching me."I'm alright, it's not like it's the first time and it won't be the last."I say ending it with a grin and Nat smiles back,"We just want you to be safe."She tells me and I roll my eyes.I work for a mafia who is at warmth best assassin the world has ever seen or witnessed meaning that I have a lot of enemies,I will never be safe.

"Welp Nat you go on home,I'm gonna have a drink with the grinch.Meet you at home."Lois says as he gives a wink and fast kiss on Nat's cheek as he heads out the car to stand by my side.

Nat seems to contemplate and finally makes a decision and with a final nod she drives off.

Louis wraps his arm around my shoulders as we enter the bar filled with people playing pool, some eating and majority watching the football game.

There's an underground club here, through the back door.Shrugging off Louis's arm,I head for the bar.Jimmy,the bartender, gives me a nod of recognition and starts on my drink.

I come here often sometimes to the bar or club."Jimmy my main man!"Louis shouts over the counter as he grabs a shot glass from behind the counter and pours some tequila for himself.Jimmy gives a wave and nod and Louis down the shot in one swoop.

Louis also come here often.I'm actually glad I got to know him, even though he can be a pain in the ass,we go everywhere together.

"Why do you look like you are about to right a book or something?"Louis says as he gives a look of disgust in my direction."Fuck off."I say as Jimmy passes me my drink.

The bar is in the shade of a round table and not many people are seated.A middle aged man sits there talking to his friend I assumed lady who looks like she's going through a mid life crisis and the Louis and I.

On any other day,I would look for someone to get laid butt I don't think I can,considering my injures.

"What have I missed?"I ask Louis as he gets excited."You have missed a hell lot.Hmm who should we start with?"Louis asks as he taps his chin and I chuckle at how excited he looks.

"Yep,so ever since we found Tonio,him and Maeve haven't been really close.I mean they are. close but sometimes like in the hospital  room ,he gives her this look.I don't know it's weird.Then him and Bella are closer than ever and I was going bat-shit crazy cause you weren't't there.Ooooo Ric and Mae have been getting cozy, what I saw in the car today most likely blinded my eyes but yeah."Louis says and I smile but my smile seems fake.

Bella and Tonio are getting closer huh?

Antonio must've heard something about Maeve and confronted her about it.I'll find out what it is soon enough.

"Been interesting  in the house.How's Leo?"I ask my mind going to one of my favourite children, well sometimes.He can also be a pain in the ass and he does that shit on purpose."His alright,worried about you but made a new friend.There was a child captive with Tonio and now she's under our care for a bit."Louis points out as he takes another gulp of another shot.

I nod my head, smiling knowing he isn't alone.

"Ugh I am tired,so I'm gonna go to the club.I might come home with you or with someone else but don't you worry little Grinch,I will let you know."Louis gives me a wink and salute as he walks over to the back, the kitchen where he will go through another door and to the party.

I should follow him but he'll be okay plus there's camera's everywhere and I'm cozy with the owner so she will call me once she notices Louis is gone.

I roll my shoulders as Jimmy pours more whisky into my glass."Rough nights?"He asks as he pours and I give a small smirk,"Just the usual bullshit."

He laughs while shaking his head and walks away.Jimmy is about 18 years give or take and isn't meant to be working here but he was desperate.He needs money for his mother who's really sick, his a good kid.

Never takes big tips from people but I always manage to sneak in a few into his bag, he always helps the guys or ladies who are to drunk to stand and listens to everyone's life stories.Sometimes he even takes day shifts but that's rare and when I get here sometimes I see him struggling with some homework so I help him while Louis handles the bar.

Hopefully this world doesn't corrupt another good soul.

I feel someone settle a seat from me and I turn my head slightly to see a woman with blond hair in all black.Black leather pants,a black corset that might be a bit small in the bust but you do you boo,a black leather jacket and black heels.

I can't see her face as she hangs her head down but as if she can feel someone staring she lifts her head up.Scarlet red paints her lips and her blue cold eyes, blue like the sky blue.Skin as soft as a babies ass and I smirk as her eyes meet mine,a snarl on her lips.

"What the fuck are you looking at?"She asks, an American accent I notice."Just observing..."I say, a smirk still playing on my lips and turn my head to my drink.A group of people cheer and I take a gulp, feeling the stinging sensation in my throat.

My eyes lift to see her ordering another drink, tequila."Rough night?"I ask.She looks up with a snarl but it quickly turns into a smirk."Say's you, seems like a rough year."

Chuckling,I down my drink and get up, giving nod to Jimmy."Put her drinks on my tab."I say and turn to leave."I can pay for my own drinks."The lady says with the roll of her eyes.

I walk over to her and settle on the chair next to her as I lean on my arm to face her."It's free drinks, who turns down free drinks?"I ask as she downs another shot."People always want something in return."She responds with her her eyes staring into my soul.

Up close I notice her eyes are icy, but not like sky more like the ocean blue when its frozen.A storm rages within her eyes though, she's tough."What would you want?"I ask as the crowd behind us cheers again.

She comes close to my face and I smirk,her tainted red lips close to mine,"For you,"She starts as she licks the side of her lips and raises her eyes to mine.

My smirk only grows and hopefully Jimmy tells Louis that I own't be coming home tonight.

"To fuck,"She continues as she draws close to me.

"Off."She finishes and pushes herself away, my smirk drops and her smile only widens.In the corner of my eyes,I see Jimmy laughing his ass off and give him a snarl.I stand up from my chair and roll my eyes,"You're a very interesting sweetheart huh."I say as I dust imaginary dust off my clothes and look up to see her smirking ear to ear as she watches me act like a clown.

"Many have said that, thank you."She says and gets up to leave.

As she walks to the door,I have this voice in my head that I have to know her name."My names Liam."I blurt out and she stops short my the door just as she opens it and turns to me with a devilish smile.

The crowd cheers again, louder this time indicating the end of the game.

"I know."She simply says and head out and onto a black bike, placing a helmet on she drives off.

What does she mean she knows?

Turning towards the bar I see she left some cash on the table and I roll my eyes.She also paid for my drinks in the process and my fits clench, she's mocking me.

"Tell Louis I left to go to the house, make sure he doesn't do anything stupid please."I say to Jimmy and head out, ordering an Uber.

Lighting a cigarette ,I inhale feeling the dusty and burning sensation go though my throat to my lunges then exhale, my shoulders relaxing slightly.

That women is a very interesting one, it's a shame I'll probably never see her again.I just know she knows how to have fun.


"Liam you beautiful idiot!"Maeve yells at me as she runs down the staircase, nearly tripping."No one saw that."She mutters to herself but I'm pretty sure everyone saw that.

She jumps onto me for a hug and I carry her,I wince softly.My injures are still very much sore,I'm not superman."Ay,sorry sorry."Mae says as she quickly gets off to check my injures.


"Ow,what happened to nurse Maeve?"I rub my cheek softly, she really has a strong hand.She actually looks pretty funny, hands on her hips and a frown on her lips not to mention but she shorter than me.

"You are meant to be in hospital not running out,going to a bar,walking!"She yells.

Well after the bar,I asked the driver to circle around then we eventually came here and took a nap but I couldn't sleep so I went to the conference room to find out where the Morreti's are so I can fucking kill them and then went to the gym.

So now its around 9am and the house is buzzing, Riccardo has locked himself in his office,Louis is really hungover and is somewhere watching cartoons and eating cereal and Nat and Rome are training topgtehr with the rest.

I haven't seen Belle yet, either she's avoiding me or I'm avoiding her and my mind thinks she's avoiding me but it's the other way round.

"I'm sorry love."I say and she instantly goes back to her normal self and gives me a softer hug.I hug her back."I should fill you in on the latest updates."She says with a wide smile and begins skipping into the kitchen where Leo and a young girl sits by the counter.

"Uncle Liam!"Leo yells at the top of his lungs and jumps onto me making me wince for the second time."What's up little man."I say as I. put him back down, ruffling his hair a bit.

"I missed you and I was so worried, everyone said you are gonna come back but then I saw that car that dropped you off and-"

"I'm right here alright."I give him another hug and nod to the girl."Who's she?"I ask as Maeve brings out three plates and puts omelet's on each plate.

I've seen her somewhere just not sure where.Heading to one of the stools I dig into my omelet that tastes so heavenly.I haven't eaten proper food in a while, hospital food wasn't so bad but ugh this-this is heaven.

"My omelettes are badass huh."Maeve says as she gives me a wink while the two kids next to me stare."What's badass?"Leo asks, with a mouth full.Mave eyes widen and she laughs it off awkwardly,"It means cool."She says.

"You should say it to Ric."I whisper to Leo and he smirks.

I noticed the girl hasn't said one word at all."Remember the question I asked before you influenced Leo into saying badass?"I ask, finishing my food and putting it in the sink.

"Fuck off and secondly this is Amelia Cortez.She's 8 and Leo's bestie."Maeve says as she hands the girl,Amelia,a drink.

Amelia smiles softly and takes it, first tasting it then taking it in big gulps."Come Lia,let's go play some games.Liam is still recovering from not being a badass."Leo says as he gets off the stool and helps Amelia down.

"I am the baddest badass!"I yell out as they run off,Leo saying the word 'badass' and laughing.

Wow I missed Leo.The only kid I actually like."She was in the jail-like dungeon with Tonio,she was there longer.She hasn't said much but what we do know is that. they hurt her in so many ways."Meave's voice lowers into a grim tone.

I know what she means though.Those assholes are literal assholes.And to a little girl,fuck man that must've been tough.

"Leo has helped her adjust though."Maeve says looking up."Family?"I ask.

Someone must be looking for her.But Mae shakes her head,"Her mother turned their house into a brothel and the dad is a junkie and alcoholic.We think that her parents owed them money and as punishment, took Amelia until they paid."

They were never gonna pay...

"Sup losers!"Louis struts inside the kitchen wearing khaki shorts very colourful flannel shirt,sandels and sunglasses."Going on vacation?"I ask.

"I think you look cool, we should match."Maeve says getting excited."No.There can't be two icons just one and that's me."Louis says, grabbing an apple from the fridge.

"I was just joking, you look like a fucking clown."Maeve mutters with a roll of her eyes.

Louis and Maeve are so alike its kind of freaky.Like brother sister but twins or like copy paste of each other.The charity ball that Riccardo is throwing is today, not sure whether I should go or not though.

My mind drifts off to the girl at the bar.I'm not famous well underground I am but how would she know who I am.But damn was she gorgeous and stubborn.

I wouldn't mind seeing her again, she seemed fun and fierce.But  then again she was stubborn and mean-

"Oh yeah well at least I don't look like I'm having a midlife crisis."I hear Maeve say as I drown back into the conversation.Why did I drown back into children fighting by the way.

"Pa-lease ,you look like you're having an identity crisis, you are literally wearing a barney shirt and your hair is in tricking pigtails.You look like a child."Louis points out and sticks his tongue out.Mave gasps and I ca feel my heard pending.

"You act like a child!"Maeve yells and the fight continues.I should step in cause Maeve is moving very close to the knife section but hey, it's free entertainment.

"Um guys Gomez nis calling a meeting ,it seems urgent."Bella walks in with a nervous smile, wearing a morgues lime green dress that flows smoothly by her legs and tight by her chest.Her hair is tied up in a bun atop her. head and. we lock eyes.

We haven't really spoken since I came back,her and Antonio got closer while I was away it seems.

"Fuck you!"

"No fuckkkk you!"

Maeve and Louis yell at each other then Maeve finally pulls out the knifes butcher kiofe and points it at Louis.

"Why aren't you stopping this?"Bella says, her eyes wide."It's entertaining."I respond and she rolls her eyes.

"Mae,Louis stop it right now."Bella says in her mom voice which makes Maeve and Louis stop yelling.Bella gives them a pointed look and points at the knife that Maeve holds in hand,"Pu it down Mae."Bella says, her voice low and calm.

Just like her mother, they even look alike.

Maeve pouts and with the roll of her eyes puts down the knife and Louis sticks out his tongue making Bella start speaking in Italian about how they should be nice to each other and that she's too young to be dealing shit like that.Mave looks lost a bit, but Louis mimics Bella which makes her even more irritated.

Louis and Maeve ignore her and skip past her, hand in hand to the conference room.They are definitely siblings.

Pushing myself from the counter, my head pounds even more back stings a bit."Did you put the rub that doc gave you?"Bella asks from the doorway, her innocent eyes watching me as Walk towards her.

Truth?I didn't cause I can't reach each scar, but I can't say that to her cause that's a bit embarrassing that the best assign can't put a rub on his own scars.

"You didn't cause you can't reach."She says with a knowing smile and I begin to wonder, does she have a super power to read minds?

"The meeting isn't now so we have 20 minutes to put the rub."Bella says and begins walking to my room.Very bossy, but I follow her.How can anyone not, she's magnificent.

Arriving at. my room she waits by the door and I tilt my head a bit,"Scared to enter the lions den."I joke and head to my bathroom.I hear her soft small footsteps follow behind, looking behind a few times to see her analysing my room.

She moves towards my bedside table, picking up a picture frame it takes me a second to register what. she's looking. at.Quickly I head towards. her and take the frame from her, putting it face down on my bedside.

"Who was that?"Bella asks and I groan inwardly, should've jumped for it instead.

It's quieter question hanging in the air."It was my mother and I when I was 5years I think."I say softly ,my heart hammering and my fingers twitching so fist them up.

I haven't spoken about my mother literally anyone,or about my past or childhood.Bella looks up at me with her big green eyes and gives me a smile."Do you miss her?"

"Nope."I say instantly, it's not a hard question.Her smile drops and she has a perplexed expression on her face,she looks like a confused baby.

I think she's contemplating whether to press for more or stop and move on.I hope it's the latter.

Let's put the rub before Ric looses his mind on why we were late."Bella says and marches onwards to. the bathroom.I stay in place for a second and pick up the frame.

We were happy, my mother and I.In the picture her red hair flows, her eyes are wide with excitement, and her gorgeous smile is on.We weren't rich but we used to make the most of it, in the picture we were in the park and it was snowing so it must've been December ,Christmas time.

I as in the snow and made a snowman, but instead of a carrot it was her lipstick.There wasn't food in the fridge so I improvised.

That was the last December where I saw her smile.

Shaking my head I remove the thoughts and walk to the bathroom where Bella holds the cream in hand and I freeze momentarily.

The other reason as to why I didn't put it on is cause it stings like hell."In order for me to put the rub you gotta remove your shirt you know."Bella says with a charming smile.

I smile and slowly remove my shirt.I've never been a shamed of my scars in fact I'm proud of them,I've survived a lot and plus the people who gave me these scars aren't alive to tell their story except for the Morreti's which will end up on the list.

I don't  look at her reflection in the mirror,instead I. hang my head.It's different with. Bella,she forces me to be better and while I don't like it, I would do anything. just for her to smile.

It's stupid because everyone can see she's involve with Tonio and he is my brother,I. wouldn't wanna do anything to hurt him.

She. traces my scars on my back and when I look into the mirror we lock eyes, her  eyes are on the brick of a waterfall flowing and then kisses my back which makes me freeze.

"I'm so sorry Liam,for everything you go through."Bella whispers, but I don't respond .She begins rubbing the cream onto my recent whip scars.None of us speak during the.  time of her rubbing my back.

Once she's done she class her hands plasters a smile on.I turn to face her, my lips in a straight line."You're a good person Liam and you don't deserve all the pain you endure."Bella says as  her      hand meets my chest and she looks up to me, her green eyes big and she takes. a. step closer.

"We missed you a lot, you won't believe how many times Leo would ask us how much longer till you came back."She laugh and I smile,"That's because I'm the only badass here."I say with a smirk.

She laughs and shakes her head ,her dimples showing."Why?Is it cause of your tattoos or because you ride a bike?"Bella responds with a mischievous smile.I give her a wink,"Obviously it's both."I say.

She playfully rolls her eyes,"Obviously."She responds and touches my cheek so softly.My head leans. into her touch  and I close my eyes, breathing in her natural scent of blueberries and summer.

Opening  my eyes,I watch as she analyses my face.Bella loves art and always paints, theres a room for her to paint actually with the perfect view.She once painted me, for 4 hours I had to sit still like a statue and after that I was sent on a job that took a week.

When I came back home, she didn't hand me the painting she said she would keep it forever, as reminder for whenever I left on why long jobs.

See it's the little things that make me like herder kindness,consideration,selfflessness and her confidence.

I undo her bun and her long dark brown falling to her waist.Her eyes go dark and I smirk, putting my hand on her waist she takes deep breath.

Bella is a very attractive woman with freckles that run across her nose, olive green eyes with the slightest touch of brown.Dark brown hair to run my hands inside.

"Liam,we can't."Bella says in a soft whisperer mouth slightly open as she moves her hand up and down my chest with a slender finger."Can't do what?"I ask innocently .

Bella and I haven't had sex before, other things. definitely but not sex.She says it's cause she doesn't know where her mind is, that she. doesn't. wanna play. with my. feelings and shit like that  but little does she know, she has me. wrapped around her finger already.

"You know."Bella says as she holds my face in her hands.I give a weak smile and kiss. her forehead,"It's alright cupcake."I say and remove my hand from her waist.Slowly. she removes her hands from my face. and takes a step back, instantly I miss the warmth of her body.

"Well the meeting is starting, incredible how fats 20 minutes can go by."She chuckles and points the door,"I'll follow."I say and she smiles softly, her gorgeous. innocent smile and leaves, closing the door behind her.

Groan into my hands and look at myself in the mirror.Theres a small cut on my cheeky,a stubble is growing and I. think I like it, gives a more macho look.

Bella and I would never work out and that's the cold hard truth.She deserves more, not someone who closes off then open the closes, someone who can be there with her 24/7 and definitely not someone like me you know.

Fuck, why am I being emotional come one now.I roll my eyes and splash my face with cold water.Putting on a shirt,I head out my room and down the stairs to see the house is kind of quiet aside from some. people in the kitchen ,some in the den but usually the house is buzzing with people.

I enter the conference room to see most people there and Gomez in the middle of explaining something.

All heads turn my way, but I ignore them and settle in my seat.Gomez simply rolls his eyes and his lips turn into a scowl.

"This ball cannot go wrong, stay at your posts and report anything that looks even remotely suspicious.Let us know when specifically these people show up."Gomez points to the board and 5 pictures show upon that looks very familiar.

"These are the cops and guests of honour.Especially this one, Adria Castello's who is leading the team and her father is the director.She's manipulative, cunning and doesn't play by the rules like everyone else.Make sure to keep and eye on her at all time."Gomez says .

It's the girl from the bar,I realise.Scarlet red painted lips, dirty blond that cascades down her backs scowl and ciggarrette in hand but what makes me know its her ,is her icy blue eyes.

She said she knew me which means she's digging and going through the underground to do so.Someone is snitching.

That sneaky cop most likely put something on me maybe a bug.Ugh and I kind of liked her but oh well.

It's game on Adria Castello's.


Hi guys!I  will definitely make a collage for Liam's POV soon.

Thank again for all  the support and love I've been getting and all the laughs from the comments!

I love you loads and I literally can not wait for the upcoming chapters!

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