The Donor to a Vampire (Donor...

By The_Mailbox_

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Dess, a bartender and waitress with a complicated past, faces an impossible situation but finds a lifeline as... More

Chapter 1: No Rest for the Wicked
Chapter 2: Troubles
Chapter 3: Deal with the Devil
Chapter 4: The Auction
Chapter 5: Lysander
Chapter 6: Trust No One
Chapter 7: Embracing a Vampire
Chapter 8: Bonded
Chapter 9: The Terms of Conditions
Chapter 11: A Satan Instead of a Father
Chapter 12: Atonement
Chapter 13: Forging Acquaintances
Chapter 14: Like Your Life Depends On It
Chapter 15: Adrenaline Spike
Chapter 16: Morning After
Chapter 17: Effect of Affection
Chapter 18: Sins of the Father, Issues of the Son
Chapter 19: The Discovery of Dess
Chapter 20: The Face of Masked Regret
Chapter 21: Of Words And Actions
Chapter 22: The Man Who Cried Wolf
Chapter 23: The Testament of Celestial Affections
Chapter 24: Afterglow

Chapter 10: In The Dead of The Night

187 9 4
By The_Mailbox_

My heart raced as my back pressed against the wall, and I yearned to blend in with my surroundings like a chameleon. Suddenly, the mirror shifted under my weight, and I nearly stumbled. Whipping around on my heels, I came face-to-face with...myself. Startled by my own reflection, I stared at my wide-eyed, frightened expression in the mirror. It rotated on its axis as I touched the glass, revealing a hidden room beyond.

Thank you, my Guardian Angel, for paying attention to me at this moment and not getting me killed.

The sound of approaching footsteps grew louder and louder, thudding on the marble floor like gunshots in the otherwise silent room. With time running out, I knew it was now or never. Sneaking into a hidden chamber, I carefully placed a mirror in its primary position, leaving just a small crack so I could observe without being seen. I didn't care who or what was approaching; whoever it was seemed confident that the room would be empty. Peering into the pitch darkness, I waited for the person whose footsteps could awaken the deepest, most evil souls in hell. In the shimmering light of the water, I could barely make out two figures standing just beyond my line of sight. The dim illumination provided only a small amount of visibility, leaving me unable to discern their identities.

The first shadow's voice broke the silence, a deep and unmistakably masculine tone that sent chills down my spine. "Is he going to be a problem?" The sheer coldness of his manner made me tremble on the spot, goosebumps rising on my skin.

Talk about serial killer vibes right there.

"In my opinion, no," answered the second figure, her voice soft and submissive. I could tell from her tone that she held a deep respect for the person she was addressing.

As the conversation progressed between the two shadowy figures, something in the woman's voice tugged at my memory. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but I was sure I had heard it before. However, her reply was spoken in such a hushed tone that I only caught snippets of it. She mentioned something about the man being too busy and occupied with his donor, but her words were muffled and hard to hear.

Despite the difficulty in hearing their conversation, I caught a few more phrases: "Wasn't followed", "not suspect", and "too blind to notice." These words made me feel as though something was not right. The other figure mainly remained silent, yet his presence alone was enough to make me feel uneasy. Every fibre of my being urged me to run, to get as far away from these shadows as possible. I could feel the beating of my heart in my chest, so loud that I feared the figures might hear it.

Suddenly, the man spoke again, causing my breath to hitch in my lungs. "Hear that? Were you followed?" he asked, and my fear only intensified.

I held my breath, waiting for the woman's response.

She sounded alarmed as she replied, "Impossible."

I stealthily moved away from the peephole, taking care not to make any noise. With my hand covering my mouth, I ensured that even my breathing couldn't be heard. It was clear that if I were to be discovered, my time on this good Earth would be limited.

"The Rogues. It is time; you understand what to do?" With his question lingering in the air, the man began to fade away into the darkness like a phantom.

"Without a fault." Was the womans' reply as she followed him.

The footsteps faded away, leaving the room eerily quiet. Fear paralyzed me, rendering me motionless in my hiding spot. I couldn't bring myself to even consider leaving; the thought of being discovered was too much to bear.

If I was a villain, I would wait in the darkness to see if someone would emerge from their hiding spot and then attack.

The word Rogue tugged at my memory, knowing I had heard it somewhere, but fear made the neurons in my mind into mush. I remained still for what felt like an eternity, sitting on the floor, peering into the darkroom. The dim light shimmered, casting water reflections onto the walls and deepening the shadows, making me see silhouettes. The silence was deafening, like that of a tomb. Suddenly, a notification on my phone caused me to jump out of my skin. I fumbled with the device, trying to turn the sound off so as not to attract unwanted attention.

They know where I'm hiding now.

I sighed as I sat in my hiding spot, relieved that no one had discovered me and dragged me out by my hair. It was evident that I was utterly alone. I couldn't help but think about the potential risks of my phone's loud notifications. Even a vampire struggling with old age and hearing impairments could notice such a monstrous sound, meaning I had to be extra cautious.

"You secretly wish to get me killed, don't you?" Shaking the new smartphone in my hand only earned me a thunderous voice of a virtual assistant.

"Did you mean: 'places where you can statistically get killed by using a cellphone'?" the monotonous, robotic voice inquired.

"Go to hell!" I snapped with a hushed tone, and my phone obliged.

It started to play 'Highway to hell' at the top volume.

Karma truly is a Bitch with a twisted sense of humour.

The song was interrupted by a ring of a text:

Renée sent me a worried text about my whereabouts with an emoji that showed a laugh while still looking concerned.

"You have no idea." Mumbling, I lifted myself off the floor and spat out a curse as I stumbled. My legs felt like they had static electricity in them; I sat too long in one position.

Hurridley and slightly fumbling with the touch screen, I replied to Renée: " No, but I am completely lost... On which floor are the dormitories?"

Waiting and staring at the screen to receive a reply from Renée, I was surprised that it didn't come. Perhaps the phone was broken. Or I had no idea how to use it, or there was no cell reception. Probably all of the above.

As I slowly opened the secret door, my heart was pounding with fear, and I peered into the darkness with trepidation. Despite my attempts to remain calm, I couldn't shake the feeling that a madman with an axe lurked in the shadows, waiting to strike at any moment. For all I had, they were waiting for me to pull my head with my neck exposed. Then chop, chop, and I would be like a headless horseman with a pumpkin instead of my head.

With every passing second, I grew more anxious, but when I didn't feel the cold kiss of metal on my skin, I finally began to relax. I knew it was safe to leave, but I still hurriedly made my way back the way I came, constantly glancing over my shoulder and feeling like every shadow was alive and watching me.

Suddenly, a hand shot out and landed on my shoulder, and I let out a blood-curdling scream. My legs gave out beneath me, and I collapsed to the floor, clutching my chest as if I had a heart attack. With my mouth hanging open in terror, I looked up to see a tall figure looming over me, sending chills down my spine.

"Jesus bleeding fucking Christ!" Ly cursed, startled by the scream. "The dead would be woken and then die again of fright because of you screaming like that!"

"Ly, it is you." Whispering, I peered into him, still in shock. Then I felt a surge of anger rushing through my body. "Why, for fucks' sake, did you jump at me like that!"

"Jump? I touched your shoulder, and you let out an ancient battle cry!" Answering me with the same angst at me and unnerved by my response, Ly was raking his fingers through white-blond hair in irritation while shooting glares at me.

Before I could come up with a good reply, he offered his hand to help me stand.

As I lifted my hand, Ly reached out and pulled me up from the ground, a little too rough for my liking. I felt like a ragdoll as he dragged me into his arms; his strength was almost overwhelming. As soon as I was there, Ly's scent enveloped me, but our altercation at the gym earlier came rushing back to me. My cheeks turned scarlet as I shook his arms off and stormed towards the elevator, trying to push the memory of the feeding to the back of my mind. The way Ly had been so brusque with me afterwards had left a sour taste in my mouth. I couldn't help but wonder if his rough handling of me now was a continuation of his mood from earlier.

It still stung that he brushed me off in that way.

I couldn't help but feel frustrated with the situation. As a vampire, Ly had a natural strength I could never match, and I often felt powerless around him. But at the same time, his actions sometimes left me confused and hurt, unsure of where I stood with him.

Ly followed my steps, "You were supposed to be at Renées'; why are you down here?"

"How do you know I was supposed to be there?"

"I," Ly began, then cleared his voice with a cough before continuing, "Renée was worried, and she called me." He didn't meet my gaze, pointedly avoiding my eyes. "I figured you got lost yet again and decided to track your scent."

I decided not to acknowledge his sass about my poor navigational skill, "track my scent? Do I smell that bad?" Lifting my armpit, I did a sniff check, wondering if the sweaty scent clung to me even after showering.

Ly waved his hand dismissively, "it has nothing to do with that. I am more attuned to your scent due to our feeding."

"Glad to know I am not like a smelly sock to you." Grumbling, I continued to the elevator, only to stop in my tracks."Hey, how does your unsocial self even have Renées' number?"

There was a flash of something akin to guilt in his eyes before Ly adorned his mask of indifference. Lifting his brow, Ly shrugged and took my hand, and I let him drag me to the elevator with suspicion rising.

"As I said, Renée called me, and I have no idea how she got my number."

I remained quiet; nevertheless, the hunch of Ly not revealing the whole truth hovered; growing with each second, he avoided explaining how Renée obtained his cellphone number.

Ly was still holding my hand, and I felt his grip tighten. "Why were you so scared? It seemed you were frightened of something as if you expected something to attack you?"

"Oh, it is nothing. Being in the dark and lost, you know." I said quickly.

Liar, liar pants on fire.

It seemed almost like a knee-jerk reaction to tell him that lie. Why did I do it? Firstly, I hated lying, not only because I was not good at it but also felt guilty every time I did it. And secondly, don't do unto others what you don't want to be done unto you. So why had I just done precisely that to Ly?

"Oh, it seems reasonable," Ly replied, although he didn't seem entirely convinced.

With his yellowish-violet gaze fixed on me, guilt gnawed at my conscience, and I couldn't help but squirm. The elevator's ding interrupted the awkward silence, and I hastily withdrew my hand from his grip and entered the elevator. Ly nonchalantly followed me in, but the unease of my deceitful words corroded my insides, and I shifted my weight from one foot to another, consumed by the building sense of shame. Ly glanced at me, and I cracked like an egg on the floor.

"I'm sorry," I blurted out before I could stop myself. "I told a lie, and I can't bear the weight of it anymore." Ly furrowed his brows in confusion, preparing to ask: however, my relentless stream of words continued. "I was running away from someone scary, and I thought I was going to die. They were discussing a plan, and I overheard them. The man was creepy, like Voldemort in Harry Potter." My words spilt out of me like a runaway train, lacking any coherence or structure.

Ly raised his hand, signalling me to pause. "Hold on a minute, let me get this straight. You're telling me that you felt so guilty about a lie you just told me that you had to confess, or you'd combust on the spot?" He asked me with an amused expression, but his eyes conveyed a sense of seriousness.

Why is he so bloody cheerful? Shouldn't he be livid?

"Yes?" replying with worry.

Ly gawked at me, taken aback at first, but then burst into loud laughter. "Only I would be so lucky to have a Donor that cannot lie." He happily threw an arm over my shoulder, "keep up with telling the truth, Dess. You will see that I reward the truth more than lies." Instinctively he leaned in and kissed my forehead.

We both froze on the spot.

Clearing his throat Ly moved away from me, letting go of my shoulders with his eyes averted. "Will you do me a favour? Promise me that you will take me or G with you from now on, so you don't get lost. Again."

The emphasis on the last word didn't escape me, and I definitely didn't appreciate it. A bad orientation was no laughing matter; it was a genuine hindrance that could have serious consequences.

"Stake my heart and hope to die," looking away from Ly, I stared at the numbers of the floors the elevator passed, and then I smiled slyly. "Pun intended."

"Not funny, Dess."

"Then why do I see a microscopical smile twitching at the corners of your lips?"

Ly rolled his eyes at me in response, but his demeanour quickly turned serious. "Damn it, Dess, that blood-curdling scream nearly had me convinced that something terrible had happened," he said, stopping himself from finishing the thought.

I took advantage of the moment to plead my case. "Does that mean you'll go easy on me at the gym now? You scared me half to death! Just imagine how guilty you'd feel if I actually died and your last act was cruelly kicking my ass."

He smiled playfully but didn't look entirely convinced. "You're milking it a bit too hard, don't you think?" he said, raising an eyebrow.

"Perhaps," I replied with a cheeky grin, hoping to come across as lighthearted.

The frisky smile vanished, and Lysander's gaze locked onto mine with a fierce intensity that sent shivers down my spine. We remained transfixed, staring into each other's eyes for what felt like an eternity. I could sense his decision before he even moved, as the violet hue in his eyes darkened, and he began to stalk towards me with slow, deliberate steps. It was like Ly was hunting me, and my heart raced with incitement and fear.

Instinctively, I wanted to run, to feel the thrill of the chase. I could see the same excitement in Lysander's eyes as I stepped back, but the confines of the elevator gave me nowhere to go. It only took him a few long strides to back me into a corner, and I was trapped. His eyes were now glistening in the dim light of the elevator as he looked down at me. Placing his arm above my head and leaning on it, Ly narrowed the distance between us. I could feel his breath on my skin, and my heart was beating so fast I thought it might burst out of my chest. But despite the slight jitters, there was also an undeniable sense of desire between us, and I knew that whatever was about to happen would change everything.

"Um, Ly, didn't I fulfil my donor duties already?" My voice shook due to the hunger in his eyes.

"This has nothing to do with that," Lysander's voice was low and serious, and I could feel the weight of his words like a physical presence in the tiny elevator.

His eyes locked onto mine. I could feel myself blushing at the intensity of his gaze, my cheeks burning a brilliant shade of red. I couldn't help but remember how it felt when his fangs pierced my skin earlier today. The rush of pleasure and pain mingled, sending shivers down my spine. The weight of his body on mine, the heat of his breath on my skin - it was all still fresh in my mind. But Lysander seemed to be searching for something more in my eyes, and as our gazes met, I knew he had found it. There was an unspoken connection between us, a spark of desire that seemed to grow stronger with each passing moment. I felt myself getting lost in his gaze, drawn in by the intensity of his presence.

Lysander's hunger was palpable; his gaze fixated on me with an intensity that sent a tingle into my core. It was as if he saw me not as a person but as a succulent feast to satisfy his insatiable cravings. The violet in his eyes was slowly replaced by an intense red, spreading like a spilt ink blot on paper. His eyes were like precious rubies, with a small green dot in the centre, piercing through my pale gold ones. I felt like I was drowning in the depth of his gaze, unable to look away. Amidst my terror, I couldn't help but crave his touch. It was insane, even to entertain the thought of his hands roaming in all the wrong places. Was it so obvious that I was both scared and hungry for him? I shook my head, trying to fling that image out of my mind.

"Then what is it?" My voice hitched.

"I-I don't know yet." His confusion was evident as he spoke, his voice faltering slightly. But then, Lysander leaned in close, his breath tickling my ear as he whispered, "but I really want to find out. "

The intensity of his words sent shivers down my spine, and I couldn't help but feel the growing heat between us. As Ly leaned closer, his nose traced the curve of my neck, making me shiver. I closed my eyes, allowing myself to revel in the sensation of his warm breath on my skin. I knew I should be scared, but the overwhelming desire to feel his touch was all-consuming. With his hands pressed against the wall, caging me in, I knew there was no escape, not that I wanted to. My heart raced as I surrendered to the temptation, relishing the feeling of his body so close to mine. I couldn't help but wonder what it would feel like to have his lips on mine, to taste him and be tasted by him. The thought alone made my mouth water in anticipation.

Lys' voice was husky as he said, "and I think you want to know too, eh, Odessa?"

With a sudden surge of hunger, his mouth crashed onto mine, and Lysanders' whole body pressed firmly against mine. The sensation of his hard, silky and cool lips against mine was absolutely delicious, making my nerves sing with pleasure. My lips felt like they were on fire, and I could feel my body responding to his every move. The world around us seemed to fade away, leaving only the intense desire that was building up between us.


My mind was consumed with flips of happiness, and my body moved on its own, tangling my fingers in his luscious hair. As I tugged at the strands, his palms pressed against the small of my back, pulling me closer to his chest. I moaned into his mouth, and he took the opportunity to snake his tongue over mine, their dance feverish and wild. All that mattered at that moment was Ly, his hands, and his body pressed against mine. Time seemed to stand still as we were locked in a passionate embrace, lost in the moment. How long did we stay like that? Seconds? Minutes? Hours? It didn't matter. All that mattered was how he kissed me as if I were water, and he was parched beyond the ability to quench his thirst. But then, an alarm sounded in my head, interrupting our passion. It was intrusive, killing the moment.

Ly grunted in protest as he broke our kiss, his gaze filled with anger. "The hell is going on?" Mumbling more to himself than me, he angrily glared around to find the distracting sound.

Then we almost fell to the floor as the elevator skidded to a stop, and we were stuck, suspended in a thin box underground. When the lights flickered back on, the once-familiar neon glow had been replaced by an ominous shade of red. It was then that I knew we were in deep trouble. Above us, an alarm blared loudly, adding to the chaos and confusion. My mind was clouded, and my thoughts were muddled - perhaps due to the lingering effects of the kiss or maybe because I was in shock. Whatever the reason, I couldn't fully comprehend the situation, but I knew one thing for sure - this was not good.

"Ly, what's happening? Why are we stuck?" I asked in a worried tone, hoping for some answers.

Closing his eyes, Ly was focused intensely. "Shh, I'm trying to gather information from the commotion above," he replied.

As I watched him, I couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to have his heightened sense of hearing. Would it be a blessing or a curse to have so many sounds constantly buzzing in your head? We remained silent for what felt like hours, interrupted only by the blaring alarm that seemed to make Ly flinch with each repetition. Finally, he opened his eyes, which looked bloodshot from the harsh red light, and forced a smile.

"Something triggered the security system, and everything is on lockdown," he explained, maintaining a tense smile while patting, quite roughly, the spot next to him as he sat down.

The tiny elevator felt like it could be our home for days if the lockdown continued. While I wasn't afraid of closed spaces, the thought of having to use the bathroom in these conditions was a terrifying prospect.

I hope Lysander drains me entirely before the need to pee in front of him comes. Dying of humiliation is something I never want to have on my bucket list.

Ly looked both eerie and captivating in the red, ghoulish light. It was clear that he was tormented by some unseen demon. Sitting beside him, I couldn't help but notice the tight grip of his clenched jaw, as though his teeth were on the verge of shattering under immense pressure. With his eyes squeezed shut and his breathing ragged, it was evident that he was fighting a fierce battle within his own mind.

"Ly?" I asked, my voice filled with concern.

"I'm fine, I'm fine," he replied dismissively, waving his palm to brush off my inquiry and attempting to look nonchalant.

Confirming my suspicion that all was not well with Ly, he shrugged off my touch with rugged force as if I were someone he couldn't bear to be near. It was clear that he was far from okay. If we looked up the definition of 'Ly's okay,' there would be a postscript: in need of sedative or anti-anxiety medication ASAP.

Despite his attempts to hide it, Ly was on the brink of combustion, vulnerable like a small child. His trauma was visible, even if he refused to acknowledge it. Having spent years in hospitals, I knew that people who claimed to be okay were often the opposite. Eventually, the facade would crumble under the slightest pressure. If Ly had indeed been alive for ninety years, there was no way he could have avoided being scarred by his experiences. Beneath the flawless exterior he presented, Ly's inability to trust was a monster hiding in the closet. And as I settled into my Freudian-like, psychological-analytic brain, I knew it was time to bring that monster out into the light.

"Talk to me," I whispered to Ly, hoping to distract him from whatever was tormenting him. But he shook his head in response, refusing to open up. I looked around theatrically and begged him in a small voice, "Please, it would distract me from all of this."

Despite his bravado, I knew that Ly had a knight-in-shining-armour side to him. How did I know that? It wasn't something I could explain; it was just a feeling that came in waves, a deep understanding I had developed from years of growing up fast and working alongside people. I needed to be; at the end of my moms' life, she was so dosed up on narcotics that reading her expressions and energy was the only way to know what she needed. That experience makes you different, if you want to or not.

Lys' head snapped up, and he looked at me like he saw me for the first time in a while. I felt his guard was unconsciously dropped. "You have claustrophobia too?"

"No," I shook my head and gave him an encouraging smile, "But it appears you do."

I saw a range of emotions flit across Ly's face - confusion, pain, sadness, panic, fury, anger, and then ... utter blankness. Just as I thought I had an opportunity to reach him, he shut me out completely.

I hope my manipulation won't come and bite me in the ass.

"You are using fucking reverse psychology on me; I must say I did not expect that from you. I put my hat off to you, Dess," Ly laughed a dry and unamused laugh.

Oh yeah, it is already biting my ass hard.

As I pushed aside my guilt, I knew deep down that I had to repay my debt to Ly. He had gone above and beyond by agreeing to pay for Jeremy's hospital bills, even though he could have easily refused and left me to cover the cost myself. Ly's generosity made me feel even more indebted to him, and I knew it was time for me to step up and return the favour.

Shrugging nonchalantly, I focused my gaze on the marble floor in front of me. Ly already felt betrayed; me giving him a scanning look would probably get me killed. "Being in hospitals all the time, I learned something from doctors and psychologists. You can say I am a quick learner."

"Manipulating the answer out of me, they would applaud your ability to be a diligent student," Lys' voice was dripping with sarcasm and poison.

Ly felt threatened, and his best strategy was to deflect everything back to me in the hope that the conversation would be dropped.

"If you wish to call my help manipulation, then do. Ly, you know me; I want to help; please let me."

"I don't need-" Ly stopped mid-sentence, not wanting to acknowledge the problem, and bit back a growl. He knew that giving voice to the issue would make it all too real, and even a man as tough as him could be thrown into panic. His chuckle was laced with cynicism, a defence mechanism to deflect any further probing. "Only you could be trying to have a therapy session with a vampire. Do you have a complex for piecing together others' lives because yours is not entirely solvable?"

The words from Ly hit me hard, striking a chord within me. As I was trying to gain insight into his inner world, he seemed to push back, battling against my efforts at every turn. He fought and clawed to keep his emotions buried deep, unwilling to let a glimpse of vulnerability show, being .deliberately cantankerous.

"You can trust me," I repeated with conviction, not letting his words sting.

"You do not have my trust Dess," His brusk tone was like a whiplash. "Not entirely, anyway," Ly added with a grumble.

The words made me wince, and I looked over at Ly, hoping he would say more. But he just stubbornly stayed silent. I couldn't let the conversation end there, and even if I wanted to, my mouth blurted out the question that was swimming in my mind.

"Why? I give you no reason not to trust me."

The longer he remained silent, the more I was confident that Ly wouldn't give me an answer. I almost gave up hope when I was surprised by his voice.

"I don't even trust my own family, Dess. So why should I trust you blindly? My father hired you for me, and before you came here, anyone could have bribed you to spy on me and report back to your master. You were in a desperate situation to save Jeremy, and desperation has a way of clouding one's judgment. In Camaraderie, I learned that anyone can be corrupted for the right price."

I felt a wave of sadness wash over me as Ly finally opened up and revealed his deepest thoughts. His core feeling seemed to be suspicion, and I couldn't help but wonder what it was like to live such an untrusting life. Never let anyone in and constantly view everyone as a potential suspect in a grand scheme, constantly wary of those trying to get close to you just to gain your trust and the privileges that came with it.

The melancholic sentiment resonated with me. "Loneliness is your only confidant," I quietly spoke.

As I observed Ly, it became clear that his trust issues ran deep, and for a good reason. He must have been betrayed before, hurt by those he thought he could count on. Clearly, he was not the type to hand out trust like free samples at a market. Naïve was something Ly definitely was not. No, he was far too wise for that, and to suggest otherwise would be an insult to his intelligence. But despite my understanding, Ly remained lost in thought; jaw still clenched so tightly that I wondered how he managed to keep his teeth from cracking.

"Ly, you know everything about me, and I know almost nothing about you. Do you even realise how it felt when I saw that folder the night we met? It exposed everything about the history of my own life to a mere stranger. It took away my want of what I wanted to reveal in my own time. That folder was without the feelings I felt as I went through every stage of what was written there. It was a very, very big intrusion into my privacy. And you know what the worst part is? You formed your opinion and presumption about me before I even stepped through the threshold of your house." As I spoke, I couldn't help but feel a pang of vulnerability, baring my soul to someone who was still very much a stranger to me. But I knew it was necessary if we were going to work together.

On the other hand, Ly seemed lost in thought, his expression inscrutable. It was as if he was weighing his options, deciding whether or not to let down his guard even just a little bit. Finally, Lysander opened his eyes and looked at me, the intensity of his gaze taking me aback. For a moment, I felt like he was looking right through me as if he could see every hidden corner of my soul. Then, without a word, he turned away and stared into the distance.

It was a strange moment, one filled with an odd mix of intimacy and distance. I couldn't help but wonder what was going through Lys' mind, what secrets and fears he was hiding behind that stoic façade. But for now, I respected his silence and let the moment pass, content to just sit in companionable silence with him, the sound of the alarm blaring above us as a constant reminder of the danger that still lurked just beyond our walls.

"When I was younger, my father would throw me in an old dried-up well for days whenever I did something wrong or not up to his standards. When it was time for me to be educated by tutors, they were instructed to do the same."

At first, I was stunned into silence, and then the feeling shifted into aghast. "Ly, that's horrific! I can't even imagine going through something like that," I said, my heart heavy with empathy. As he shrugged it off, I could sense that he was trying to act tough, but there was a vulnerability in his eyes that he couldn't hide.

"I was raised to be strong, no matter what, and showing weakness was not an option, especially for a Stainless of Varshawsky line," Ly said, his voice low and restrained.

I leaned closer to him, trying to offer some comfort. "Ly, it's okay to be vulnerable sometimes, and it doesn't make you weak."

"What a human perception," Ly sighed and looked away. "I know that logically, but it's hard to shake off what you were taught since childhood, and it's like they're ingrained in your very being. It's different for a vampire; having and exhibiting human emotions can kill you."

In that precise moment, a different kind of intimacy enveloped me, one that I had never known before. It was not the kind that came from physical contact or sex, but a deeper one. It was the intimacy of vulnerability that arises when someone opens up and bares their soul to another. Our connection was humming, and the threads bound us were multiplying and growing stronger by the second. With closed eyes, I waited eagerly for Ly to continue his story, sensing that it would be traumatic.

"It did not matter if it was snowing, raining or thundering, and I was chucked down there until I was strong enough to climb out myself years later. One time it rained so hard that I almost drowned. The underground water was so full it was gushing under my feet, rising swiftly that in mere minutes I was submerged. That night I drowned over and over around twenty times." Ly exhaled sharply as though still relieving the pain. "When you are born a Stainless, your childhood is spent being weak, and it is twice as long as humans. We are fully grown and developed in the body after fifty years. Our mental development is quicker; we are fully adult. after ten years, Imagine yourself being stuck in a child's body while you can comprehend that you are about to die."

Lys' snicker lacked any sense of humour but was filled with a deep-seated hatred towards someone. He nervously drummed his fingers on the marble floor, creating a rapid and steady beat. His anxiety was almost tangible, and I could sense the fear he must have experienced in the past, mirrored now in this confined space.

I was shocked and speechless; I had expected it to be dark; however, being thrown into the well was a parenting tactic that was extreme to the next level.

What happened to the good old spanking and time-out?

I touched his hand and squeezed it tightly, hoping he felt slightly better.

"I always hid in small places when my biological dad and mom fought. It always felt like a safe and cosy space to run to. A place where I wouldn't be seen and felt warm, protected." I shared in return.

Ly squeezed my hand in return, his fingers trembling slightly even though they were warmed from my blood. I glanced at him, and our eyes locked. Pale amber and yellowish-violet eyes probably looked the same under the red light.

"For me," Ly confided, "the worst was the feeling that I was alone and knowing that no one would come to help me, to save me and that I was the only one I could rely on."

After a minute of silence, I nodded. "I understand why you would not want others to know of this, and camaraderie seems like a place where this would be considered a weakness."

Lys' gaze hardened like a rock, looking away from me with his lips turned downwards into a grimace, "It is a weakness, and do not dress it up as anything else."

It was sorrowful that Ly blamed himself partially for his claustrophobia. Nonetheless, he wasn't at fault; the one who was to blame was his so-called father.

I never met the gentleman, but I deeply loathed him for causing unnecessary pain.

"No, it is a trauma, Ly. Which can probably be cured over talk and therapy."

Sarcastic and downright bitter, Ly shook his head in utter amusement. "Ha! That's quite a humorous scenario. Can you imagine how that conversation with the shrink would unfold? 'Allow me to share my story, dear doctor. At the tender age of twenty-four, my father - who happened to be a vampire - decided it would be fun to toss me into a well during a heavy rainstorm. Oh, and did I mention that my physical body was that of a nine-year-old child while my mind was that of a thirty-year-old adult?' I highly doubt such a conversation would be productive, Dess."

With a cheerful smile, I replied, "I know you do not trust me, Ly, but I have two ears and can listen if you want to. What does not kill you does make you stronger."

With that, Ly turned away and closed his eyes, not answering. I sensed the conversation was over, and I was shut out for good.

"Well, since we have time to pass and luck is on your side, I have a ton of vampire jokes stored in my memory that are just waiting to be used." I tapped my temple with an index finger just to ease the tension.

Ly laughed in earnest for the first time since the elevator stopped. The laughter bounced off the tin walls, "Please spear me; I am in enough pain as it is."

I ignored his wishes and started with what was later a cringe and laughing session. Hours passed, and with it, Ly began to relax; however, I remained slightly tense, something eating at the back of my mind.

Ly noticed my stiff shoulders. "What is wrong, Dess?" "I can smell your brain going into overdrive; the smoke is almost coming from your ears." He poked my earlobe with his index finger.

His teasing demeanour didn't lessen the strain.

"Ly, earlier, when I told you I saw someone down below, they discussed a plan, and they mentioned Rogues."

Lysander turned me to him so quickly that my head spun while his voice was filled with an urgency mirrored in his gaze. "Did you hear anything else? Notice something? Did you see them?"

"No, I haven't seen them. I can only tell you that one was a man and the other a woman."

Ly started at me while he was pensive, thinking about it all. He stood up, grabbed my shoulders and let me in on his thoughts.

"Dess, if what you say is true, then this," his index finger pointed upstairs at the blaring alarm, "might be more than a misfortunate coincidence."

My eyes searched his, "There was also a talk about someone who might be a problem to their plan and that he is occupied with a donor."

His eyes narrowed then Ly pensively looked up, seeing more than a ceiling of an elevator. As Ly opened his mouth, a phone in his pocket rang loudly. We both looked at the screen as Ly fished it out, and the caller's ID was under the name Dickhead.

"Great, just great. Fucking marvellous." Grumbling, he moved as far away as the elevator allowed him.

"Yes," Ly answered briskly, knowing his caller.

On the other end, I just heard an angry male voice. I saw Ly put the speaker's volume on low; I suspected it was so I could not hear the entire conversation. After a while, Ly ended the call wordlessly. The anxiety that was dispelled was again present in his posture and breathing.

As I opened my mouth to inquire about the sudden change, the alarm abruptly ceased, and the glaring red light above us reverted to its typical fluorescent glow. The elevator lurched into motion, but the anxiety gripping Lys' shoulders remained and appeared to intensify with each passing second.

"It has been a long day, Dess; I will take you to your room, and please do not leave it. I do not have the time to search for you again, and I have other things to do," Ly sternly barked an order.

The closeness we had cultivated and the bond that flourished in our peculiar yet secure haven vanished in an instant with the chime of the opening elevator door. Ly ushered me hurriedly down the corridors until we reached my chambers. With a tender kiss on my forehead and a forced, strained smile, Ly departed, leaving me alone to contemplate the exhausting events of this never-ending day.

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