Bite me (Sodoxoc) PAUSED

By Metal_slasher0523

11.6K 192 34

°~Katie Jaxson Gales~° Everyone expected her to be the perfect girl. Another perfect flower in a perfect fami... More

Take a second ♥️
Im sorry!!


549 9 1
By Metal_slasher0523

Its been a few months since The Ritual. Before I left all the girls gave me there numbers and snaps, Papa also gave me his number to text him when I have my awnser. He checks up on me from time to time, and lets me know how things would go if I did deside to join. In his words "Anyone who can play with Sodo and keep up deserves to play for the world." Heather and Matty say I should join. Even though I would play music for devil. My parents are livid. My father over heard one of Matty's and I's cobersations about it and it was like the world blew up. He took my phone for two months, Matty had to convince him to give it back last week. The girls blew my phone up every day asking if I was okay. The cops even showed up once to do a wellfare check on me. Thank god my parents were not home then. They gave my number to the rest of the band and even they called and texted every day to make sure I was okay. The girls Rain and I have gotten really close over the past few months. We have a group chat on snap for all of us and just send pictures of what we are doing randomly through out the day. We don't eve really need to talk anymore. When I sent them pictures of my room they all drewled over it. They plan on meeting up with me some time this summer. They don't want to distract me from my school work, or something. I think about how it would be to go on tour and play with the band. The conversations we would have back stage or in the practice room. I day dream about it constinatly. My biggest worry is about what my parents would do. My father and mother sat me down this morning and told me they set up a job for my my fathers brother my uncle James as his secritary and I start in the summer. Every conversation I have with them it's about other jobs or how they see my future going. My father went as far as to threat to sue them for corupting my fragile state. I told them they try and I'll spill all the dirty tea that goes on behind the walls of this house. That was the last time we talked, over a week ago. My sister keeps texting me on how greate it would be for me to get a real job and not run away with the cercius. Even friends of my parents crack jokes about it. I havn't told anyone but Matty about this. When I told him he threw one of my candles out at my wall and got hot wax everywhere. He and Heather tell me to do what I want, and do what I feel is best for my future, cause that's exactly what it is. MY future, not anyone elses.

I sit up and grab my phone thinking about everything that's been going on. It's a week till I graduate. I open my messages and click on 'Papa Copia'.

Me- "I'm In."

Is all I say before I close my phone and go to my closset to grab my casses and suit cases. I put my basses and guitars in there casses and put a lid on my massesn jar full of picks tossing it into on of my suit cases. Putting my ghoul costume into it and stuffing it full of clothes. I put clothes into my other suit case and all my most important things. I grab my keys for my Charger and take out two peaces of paper. One for Matty, one for Heather. I write letters to them telling my choice and why I'm leaving. I can't let anyone tant my choice or try to change my mind. I fold them and lay them on my brothers bed. He's at a friends house right now. Before I leave I grab another peace of paper and take out my red marker drawing a pentigram on it and in a black marker write 'FUCK YOU' In big black letters over the star. I stick it to my parents door and put all my suit cases and intriments in my car and take off.


I drive a city over and park in a hotel parking lot. I listien to 'Me And The Devil' as my phone goes off 'Message reseaved from "Papa Cpoia"'.

Papa- "Wonderful my dear! We will wait till you graduate to fly you over here."

Me- "Would it be possible to get me there sooner?"

Papa- "Are you okay Mio caro?" (My dear)

Me- "Not really, I just moved out."

Papa- "Oh! Well then we will fly you over here tomorrow morning!

I get a call from Cirrus and awnser it. "OH MY GOD!" I have to hold my phone out from my ear and turn it to speaker. "Ya?" I say rubbing my ear. "Are you okay!? Papa told us you moved out!" Cumulus voice chims. "Ya, I'm good." "Okay well we will fly you out here tomorrow so get some rest. I know it's pretty late there!" We say our 'love yous' and 'goodbyes' before hanging up. I lean my seat back and fall asleep.


It's 7:50 in the morning and I'm sitting on a plain flying out to England. The band is there setting up for a show. I fall sleep again till a flight attendent wakes me up telling me we are about to land. I buckle up and hold my breath. I fucking hate flying. The plane touches ground and I let my breath out. When I step off the plane I go through costumes and let me tell you holy fuck it coudnt have been longer... When I finaly leave it's sun down. I leave a pair of glass doors and the whole band is there waiting for me. "Oh my god girl! You took forever!!" Cumulus runs up to me. I hug her and giggle before I can let go I'm sandwhiched between cumulus, sunshine, cirrus, rain, and mountain. "Uh, guys....air." I squeeze out of my lungs and they all let go with a laugh. I hug everyone else and only get a "What's up" from Sodo. "Better now I'm off that damn plane." I say and he chuckles. "To the hotel!!" Papa says his arms in the air. Everyone lets out a chuckle and we climb in there van loading my stuff in the back. "Oh, I had my car shipped here, when can I pick her up." I ask. "Tomorrow. They need to check it." Swiss says sitting next to me. I nod and we pull out from infront of the air port. "Hey, didn't you graduate?" Aether asks from beind me. "I dont think i got enough credits to I really only went to art. If my parents really think I need to they will try to fly me back or get me on zoom at the least." I say. "Sis, your parents are way to controling." Cumulus says. and I nod. "Is it really that important you graduate? How would you even if you don't have enough credits?" Swiss asks. "Her parents are rich as fuck, they basicly bough her way through highschool credits." Rain says. "Obsessed with the perfect family." I say looking out the window. "Well, they can suck your dick." Sodo says quietly from the back of the van. "Right." I breath out. I hear him chuckle a little. Everyone asks me random questions and we just talk about how shits gonna go down at the ritual tomorrow tonight. I'm gonna practice with them and see how well I know the songs and maybe I could play with them then. I know the songs but I don't think well enough.

When we get to the hotel the boys cary my stuff in refusing to get me do it myself. I am sharing a room with the Sunshine. We put all of my stuff in the room and everyone goes to there own rooms to change into jammies. When they come back we all desided on the first Scream and settle into our spots. Im in the right bed with Sunshine Rain and Swiss while Cumulus is cuddling with Cirrus and Mountain somehow fits on the end of the bed. Aether and Papa chose chairs leaving the couch for Sodo. the the beggining half of the movie most of us fall asleep. Sodo, Papa, Swiss and I are the onlt ones up. "why'd they let him go, huh? Smart guy." Stu says from the TV. "God, I'd love for that man to jump my bones." I mumble and Sodo snorts. I look over and him and he just keep looking at the TV a slight smile on his face. His hair long slightly covers his face. I blush slightly and turn back to the TV. At the part of the movie were Randy explains the rules of a horror movie Swiss gets up and steaches. "I need to pee, I'll be baaack muhahahah." He says and I laugh at the joke. "Better not come out in a black dress and a white mask." I say and him and Sodo chuckle. Sodo and I sit in a comforble sighlance unitl Swiss somes back. He was gone for a while, He desided to go to his own bathroom. Swiss and Sodo's room is connected to Sunshine and mine by a brown door. When he does come back he sits back on my bed having 3 bags of Sour patch kids, two beers, and a white monster. He hands me a bag of candy and the monster. "Thar's not fair I wanna drink too." I grumble playfully opening both things. I put a few blue sourpatch kids in my monster taking a sip and Swiss looks at me weird. "Don't jusdge, it's good." I say and hold the monster out to him. "nuhu," He says playfully shaking his head. "I'm not pansie." Sodo says and takes my monster from me handing me his open beer. He takes a sip and looks at me in suprise, as I take a drink of his beer. "See!" I whisper yell, not wanting to wake the others. "That's not half bad." He says handing me my monster back. "Now we both had a sip I'm taking this back." He says taking the beer from my hand taking a big drink from it. The movie ends and I take the remote and switch the screen back to the movie line up screen. "What now. I'm not sleepy yet." I say and Swiss shakes his head. "Knock yourselves out. I'm headed to bed." He hands his half drank beer to Sodo and walks back to there room. "Here." Sodo says handing me one of the two beers. "I heard that!" Swiss says from the other room. I giggle and Sodo puts his finger to his lips letting me to hush. We deside on The Ritual becuas he's never seen it, and sit back to our comfy spots. I throw my Trick or Treat blamket I brought at Sodo felling the room get cold. He doesnt say anything as he puts it over himself.  I cuddle in a blaket that was already on the bed. It's black and had a red pentigram on it. It smells nice and I cuddle deeper into it. "So, wait. Who or what the fuck is the bad guy?" He says from his couch. "It's a god. One of Loki's children." I say back not taking my eyes away from the TV. My phone chimes and it's a text from my brother. "TELL ME YOU ARE OKAY! WHERE ARE YOU I"M COMING TO SEE YOU!' I smile and text back. 'I'm okay, I'm with the band. Also, it may be a little hard for you to come see me. I'm not in California anymore.' I type back and send it. 'Where are you? Sorry dad's in my room right now, or I would have called. He's flipping out Jax.' I roll my eyes. 'I'm not in the US anymore. I'm safe I promise. I'll call you tomorrow. When you have time.' I send back and all I get back is "K". I turn my phone off and set it into the night stand between the beds. "Your boyfriend texting you?" Sodo asks putting empty bottle on the ground. "Brother." I say drinking from mine. "So your boyfriend doesn't care your gone? or?" HE says eyes glued to the TV. "Single." I say snugging deeper into the blanket. He just nods and leans farther into the couch. I get up as the movie ends and go to the bathroom with a pair of Jammies. It looks like Sodo passed out on the couch. When I get into the bathroom I finish my buisness and change into a 'Ice Nine kills' XXL shirt and male black gym shorts. When I leave the bathroom I wash my hands and brush my teeth in the stink thats part of the bedroom. I get back into my bed next to Sunshine and cuddle in the blanket falling alseep the sent of it. Who evers blanket this is the smell nice. I think and pass out.


I didn't reach my goal of letters but that's okay, I got what I needed to into this chapter.

(2259 Words)

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