Avery's Heart #4

By Brezzy31

202K 10.1K 788

This is Avery the youngest Flores brother's story of love and loss. He wants love more than anything else in... More

CH 1 My Life
CH 2 Memphis
CH 3 WTF Memphis
CH 4 Catching Feelings
CH 5 Working Man
CH 6 OH Shit
CH 8 Winning Avery's Heart
CH 9 Let's talk about Sex
CH 10 Home Sick
CH 11 Thanksgiving
CH 13 Memphis Broken Heart
CH 14 Avery has no plan
CH 15 It doesn't feel like Christmas
CH 16 Moving On
CH 17 Vegas Baby
Titan's Strength

CH 7 My heart

10.9K 590 29
By Brezzy31

Avery's POV--

Shout out to tacho17 and campbell1610 your comments are always inspiring.

I lay in bed panting from the kiss Memphis just laid on me. My mind is going a hundred miles a minute. What was that? Why did he just kiss me like that, like a lover. I rub my lips waiting for Memphis to answer my question. He just stares at me so I say it again. "What was that?"

Memphis starts making wild hand gestures ."You..I...Know... Stupid Lane.." I can't help but laugh at Memphis, he is so hopeless I sit up on my knees and grab his hand and pull me back on the bed. "Its ok Meme just tell me what your thinking and why you kissed me like that."

Memphis relaxes somewhat and takes a deep breath. "Oh ok, I have been thinking....ever since Lane said... what he said about our relationship. I think he might be right." I take in a shaky breath as my heart cracks a little because Lane said we were dysfunctional but I try not to show it. "Ok but that doesn't explain why you kissed me."

Memphis grabs my hand and looks at me. "I think he was right, I think we are more than friends and I'm thinking I want to be more than friends with you."

I sigh and hang my head. "Memphis I know you better than anyone. I know what being more than friends entails and it's bad enough when strangers don't call me the day after, if you did that to me it would destroy me."

Memphis squeezes my hand. "No, no Avery I love you. I would never treat you like a conquest. When we are together I spend my time doing what ever will make you happy regardless of my plans, I drop everything for you and I always will. I want to date you and spend everyday with you, I want to really be with you and yes that means intimately one day but I will wine and dine you I will pull all the stops because that's what you deserve."

I pull my hand out of Memphis' grasp and slip off the bed. I step into my shoes before looking back. "Memphis I don't know if I could handle it if things went wrong between us. Your the one I come to and you make everything better when some asshole breaks my heart. What am I going to do when your the one breaking my heart. I'm sorry but I need time to think."

Memphis rubs his temples but gets up and kisses my forehead. "Ok little man just know I mean it when I say I would do anything for you." Memphis kisses my lips again and I don't know if this will be the last time so I grab his face and control the kiss. I deepen it running my tongue in his mouth kissing him with everything I have. I pull back."Wow."

Memphis chuckles and walks me to the door. I leave with a hesitant little wave and jump into the safety of my car. All I can think as I drive home is what if Memphis is wrong about his feelings. I don't know if I can be just another notch on an already crowded headboard. (credit for that lovely one liner to campbell1610 I love you)

I decide against going home and drive straight to Mischa and Adrain's condo. When I finally get there my mind is still reeling so I walk up and knock on front door. Mischa answers the door with a worried look. "What's the matter Avery why did you knock?" I look around in a daze. "I'm not sure." Mischa laughs as we hear D shout. "Who is it Mika?"

We both walk into the living room and sit with D on the couch of course he is watching Gas Monkey Garage but I don't complain. D glanced at me. "Hey." I look at Mischa and he throws his arm around my waist cuddling me close. "What's wrong Aves you look so pitiful and sad I'm not even sure what to do."

I sigh and snuggle closer. "Memphis kissed me." I leave the statement hanging. I see D's eyes widen in shock and Mischa sighs into my hair. "Ok that's ok does he like you? Or was it a heat of the moment kiss?" I shake my head. "He said he loved me and wanted to wine and dine me and I think he might of meant it too......But I know Memphis better than anyone and I don't know how long he would be able to keep it up before he was chasing ass again. It would kill me if he did. I don't know if I could handle the pain on top of that we work together if things go to shit work would be miserable."  It to mention my life.

I look up at Mischa and noticed D has left the room at some point. Mischa looks thoughtful for a second. "Ok I get that I really do. But have you thought about what you would be missing if you didn't take a chance on Memphis? He treats you like your a precious jewel and I have seen the way he lights up when your happy. I don't think this is a spur of moment thing I think this has been building and I think it would be a mistake not to go for it, but that's just me."

I smile up at Mischa. " I was thinking the same thing before my fears got the best of me. What should I do now?" Mischa gets up and drags me to the door. "Go home, freshen up put on something to die for and go get your man." I smile and hug Mischa extra hard goodbye and jump in my car and head home.

Two hours later I am primed and dressed within an inch of my life and I think I look pretty damn good. I'm wearing my nicest jeans that make my ass look amazing with a tight button up shirt and my black converses. My hair is in soft waves from showering and I even put on some eye liner just in my water line but I think I look pretty hot.

I walk up to Memphis' front door and ring the bell. I wait a couple of minutes and ring it again, finally I get irritated and walk in screaming "Memphis". I look around but can't find him in the house anywhere. I go back out front and see his truck is here so I go to his work shop and take a peek in.

What I see makes me suck in a quick breath. Memphis is shirtless and sweaty with his back to me so I can see every muscle flex as he hand sands a long piece of wood. I'm so mesmerized I had to check the side of my mouth for drool. I walk up slowly and quietly until I can smell the sweat on him. I tap his shoulder and he lets out a very unmanly yell. "Awww."

He whips around and stares at me hard before cracking a smile. "Yes little man, why did you feel the need to scare the ever loving Christ out of me?" I put my hand up on my hip. "Hey I will have you know, I rang the door bell twice before I made my way out here. Anyways come on, go shower and get dressed I want to take you out on a proper date."

Memphis beams down at me."You do?" I shake my head yes slowly but keep smiling."Yes I do. Now I enjoy this sweaty working man look as much as the next guy but I want to take you somewhere nice so go change." Memphis sets all his tools aside and we walk back to his room.

I go straight for his closet as he goes into the bathroom to shower. I pull out a nice pair of black jeans and a grey vneck and set them out on the bed with a pair of socks. I make my way to the front door and look for his cowboy hat on the peg but it's not there. I look in the living room next. I end up finding it on the kitchen table as Memphis walks in all clean and dressed in the outfit I laid out.

I walk up to him and he bends down a little so I can set his Stetson on his head. I put my arm out like a gentleman and Memphis busts up laughing as he links his arm with mine. We walk out and I try to pull him towards my car and he just laughs and drags me to his truck. He opens the passenger door for me and I climb in grumbling about not being able to drive.

When Memphis jumps into the driver side he looks at me questioningly. "Where are we going little man?" I cross my arms over my chest. "It's a surprise that's why I wanted to drive in my car Meme." Memphis sighs and slips into the middle seat and lifts me over him into the driver seat. I smile like a mad man and rub my hands together.

I can't reach the pedals so it takes a minute of Memphis showing me how to press the button to make the seat go forward and how to bring the steering wheel down.When we are finally done I can reach everything perfectly. I set off and drive Memphis beast of a truck to our romantic dinner date.

When I pull up to Adiamo's, Memphis favorite Italian restaurant he beams and kisses me on cheek. "Man this is my kind of date already." I laugh at Memphis' enthusiasm. "Ok let's go eat cowboy."

We spend all of dinner eating and laughing. Memphis even orders a bottle of wine. Nothing is really different, like I thought going on a date with Memphis would be. We are still friends and act that way. We talk about work and Henley and besides Memphis holding my hand on the table nothing is different. I actually kind of like that nothing is different it makes everything a lot less stressful.

When I finally drive up to Memphis' house at the end of the night I start to feel awkward. We walk up to the door and I stop as Memphis opens the door. He walks in like always but I wait at the threshold. Memphis notices and turns and looks at me. "What's up little man? Why aren't you coming in?"

I smile shyly. "I want my goodnight kiss." I pout my lips at him. Memphis comes back onto the front porch and kisses me sweetly before pulling back but I grab both sides of his face and bring his lips back. I kiss him hard and when he finally pulls away he is breathless. I smile pleased with myself. "Ok goodnight Meme I'm going to go home now."

Memphis looks at me a little concerned. "Oh ok I just assumed. But your right I will call you in the morning and we will make plans, maybe go to the diner for breakfast?" I look up at Memphis. "Of course that sounds good." I wave goodbye and smile as I walk down the path to my car. Now the real test is to see if Memphis really does follow through and call me or not.

Has anyone noticed Avery calls Memphis Cowboy when they are being fun and playful but calls him Meme when it's an emotional situation. Anyways vote or comment and let me know what you think.

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