Helping Gwen 10

By AnimeEagleScout

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Ben is driving a while after the final battle in Ultimate Alien and ends up in a portal to another world. Ben... More

Random Portal
Family and Smoothies
Home and Work
Play with Fire
Wrinkle Brain thinking
I thought of it First
Null and Void
don't fuck with Terra [maybe a chapter?]
Grampa Proud
Human Race
Noticable Difference
it's a placeholder title
Malling About
What Grey-Matters
Galvin's Life
Kevin's Reward
Helping Out
Draining Work
Plastic Straws
The Think Tank
The Big Think
start running now. [not canon]
back on the grind.
After Shock
Week Off part 1
Week Off part 2
Week Off Part 3
Week Off Part 4
Week Off Part 5
Week Off Part 6
Week Off Part 7
Week Off Part 9
Week Off Part 10
Week Off Part 11
Week Off Part 12
Week Off Part 13
Week Off Part 14
Back Home
This is it Part 1
This is It Part 2
Incomprehension[what if]
turtle soup
Time slipping
Birthday Part 2
Birthday Part 3
Birthday part 4
Chapter Title
Ultimate Omniverse Pilot
Jade-s Christ-al
My Greatest Enemy
Ultra's End Goal [Not a Chapter]

Week Off Part 8

1.9K 55 11
By AnimeEagleScout

Day 5

Ben meets someone and Gwen gets mugged


'This fucking sucks.' She thought looking at her armor. God she hated when she needed to change.

The tournament would have let them just go about their business in their regular battle skins but since it was a Plumber they were after they couldn't wear their true selves. SixSix and SevenSeven had gotten a Pre-Tournament victories for the Maiden Tournament.

"White and Silver... the color of the pussys of the galaxy." EightEight said in her native tongue, specifically tailored to fuck with the translators those dipshits use.

"We need to find the guy." SevenSeven said.

"Split...ground...cover." SixSix said.

EightEight nodded. The broken voice of her baby brother had been a reminder of a failed job for Vilgax and on the planet that birthed the Pussy Inniative.

For 240 years the Plumber's wanted peace in the galaxy though diplomacy. The Digit Assassins had existed for 200 and believed in conquest they'd achieve a place among the stars.

It's easier for 3 sides to get along if the other 2 are dead.

Sotoragg was like Earth where it wasn't under a Prime World but wasn't a Prime itself. The Digit Assassin Order had picked the best of the best of the species to augment and brain condition for murder and death.

EightEight knew how to hold a gun before she knew how to use a toilet.

Her father, Colonel Twelve Twelve, born 80 years ago was the Apex Male Specimen of the species who had seen the weakness in flesh.

Her mother Eleven Eleven was scanned from the entire population to be a completely unrelated while also being the Apex Woman on the planet at a genetic level.

The perfect woman for the next 60 years of development that her father had pushed with the governments funding.

He gave his children the best of the best when they proved the Genetic Programming was avaliable.

Seven Sevens limbs were replaced with multifunction weapons.

Six Six was Mutated by an old Mutagen stolen from Nanya.

EightEight was the first to receive Bloodstream Nanobots and internal implants that made her look unaugmented if you were to see her face. She saw hers as the most insulting.

The augmentations made you beautiful to their society. She dry heaved at the thought of fighting exposed like some barbarian.

Was she concerned if she ever had to fight naked? No but their society had tradition about showing your face to anyone not your family or your mate.

The positive to her Nanobots was her body could integrate equipment quickly without surgeries so her suit was more her own skin then her skin.

The color of her country instead of the White of the Universe's biggest bitches.

She had passed many well constructed weapons which got her attention. A new knife would be something.


Ben saw EightEight bend over to look at a display and lowered his sunglasses.

'Can't get her DNA Through that suit." Trixie said.

'Figures. But we are getting it. Can you just look for the sample?" Ben asked.

'Yeah about that...that is kinda hard to do." Trixie asked.

'Will admit she's got a rocking body at least." Ben said.

'I am seeing a fucking novels worth of reasons to immediately run." Trixie said as Ben pretend to be examining something.

'I feel it's a duty to dick one down in my life." Ben said "So Gwen see anything interesting?"

"I mean everything looks way too well made." Gwen said "Is 10 Tayden a good price for a blanket?"

"Check the stitch pattern." Ben said looking.

Gwen looked and said "I don't see any."

"It's got a slip up from when a Sand Swimmer knocked over my machine." They said showing a single like of it that wasn't exactly like the rest. "I'm selling it in my reject pile."

Ben handed Gwen the money and headed to see a metal worker.

"Can you do custom pieces?" Ben asked.

The Tetramand took of the goggles and said "Sure can."

Ben closed his eyes as a triangle formed on his right arm and he held it out.

The yellow light broke the pieces opening the thing to the intrigued Smith.

[This is the length of Ben's thumb just for size reference.]

"I need a more durable housing for an important item that is about this size." Ben said holding out the replica of the one over his heart.

"Can I hang onto this one?" The Tetramand asked.

"Sure." Ben said.

When the 2 had decided to put their stuff somewhere safe they headed into an Alley.

An Acurtian Hog walked out.

"Hello find day for a mugging." They said holding out a box with knives.

Gwen looked and Trixie giggled "Tetramand Culture dictates Muggers Supply the weapons."

"My apologies for not realizing Ma'am." The porcupine like creature said "I want your money."

"This is so weird." Gwen said grabbing one and getting into a stance. The creature picked one of the knives from the box and also got into a convincing stance.

Both Gwen and Ben could tell something was off.

The two circled while Ben Scanned.

'Acurtian Hog Transformation avaliable." Trixie said 'I think he's gonna either try to use his quills or-"

'Too late." Ben said as Gwen had got his knife out of his hand and struck him in the chest with an open palm strike in a fluid motion. The quills shot out the back of the Acurtian Hog and it fell over as if dead.

"Oh yeah. Getting my flow back." Gwen said flexing her hand before panicking. "Oh no!"

"Don't panic they can shut their pulse off." Ben and Omni said as the mugger went down.

The creature opened one eye looking up. He got up and said "You madame, can sure throw a punch. Names Glen."

"Gwen Tennyson." Gwen said shaking the hand that was previously holding a knife.

"Your friend here knows his shit." Glen said.

"Ben Tennyson." Ben said "You know a guy named Argit? Looks like a skinny version of you. Smells even worse?"

Before Glen could even speak a Tayden was thrown into his hand.

"I hear he's currently somewhere in Incursean territory moving some cargo." Glen said pocketing it "Don't know Didn't ask."

"Thank you sir." Ben said.

"So Gwen you planning on entering the Free-for-All?" Glen asked.

"Yeah uh if their doing stage names It's under Neon Flower." Gwen said.

"If betting is available I'm in the Maiden Tournament." Ben said holding up his badge.

"Oh thank you my friends." Glen said "If your ever on Aricia I know a few people who know some people."

They two were handed business cards and Glen scrambled off.

"Turn into your Charmcaster form." Ben said.

"Gwen-Caster." Gwen said reaching for her bag.

Putting everything into the pouch Gwen smiled and turned back.

"So what's the plan for your fight?" Ben asked.

"I'm kinda locked into Neon Flower." Gwen said "Or I could let the world know about-"

"No." The three said.

"Gwen if you pull the lid off that too soon your gonna regret it." Ben said "Ben Tennyson: Threat or Menace? Was the first news report when I got Doxxed."

"Excuse me?!" Trixie said.

'News Anchor calling me a one man invasion." Ben said "It's not as good as it sounds Gwen when the universe knows about the Watch like it did in my universe..."

"Things will get fucky." Omni said "The Omnitrix is a piece of Level 20 tech and they still call it a weapon. The reason I'm supporting you joining the fight as a Atasian is because Tetramand are a warrior culture."

Gwen blinked just staring at Ben.

"Sorry just...keep it a secret to the universe as much as you can. It won't stay one for long."

Gwen nodded.

The rest of the day was spent walking around. An Opera house was surprisedly entaining when the 2 leads had to sing while fist fighting one another while the other singers hung back.

[You know in God Of War the choir singing 'Kra-tos'...basically imagine a live version of someone doing that.]

"This whole planet seems like it's made of Spartans." Gwen said.

"Not completely." Omni said "Their culture does push competition in fields including crafts."

"How does that work for things like farming?" Gwen asked.

"Gwen have you ever seen the Rocky movies?" Ben asked getting a nod "Tetramands would rather pull a plow for a field themselves for a workout then have an animal do it."

"This species has perfected combat to a point that their weapons development has straight up called Nukes boring." Trixie said.

"Glad you take an interest in culture Ben." Gwen said.

"Yeah it's kinda a feature." Ben said.

"No more leaving Ben out of the loop for the shit I know about places." Trixie said "I'm pulling up records from Primus and using his Badge to keep up with things."

"I'd have spent a week researching for this trip like it was a mission but now...I'm enjoying myself." Ben said.

They walked to the Arena where the ticket booth had been lined up.

Ben saw the signs said 'Participants' and 'Viewers'

They walked to the Participants line and Ben held up the invitations "Uh Maiden Tournament for me, Free-for-All for her, and I have a non-blood plus 1 I need to get a stadium pass."

3 passes on lanyards were handed to them for Grampa and Albeta and Gwen would need one for watching Ben's fights. they'd need the invite when they were actually entering the fight.


When they made it back to their rooms Gwen asked Omni why everything was written in English?

"Oh I got an update with the recalibration. I'm not just translating sound but written languages." Omni said.

"Oh thanks." Gwen said "So if you can do that why does Ben need to use his badge to translate?"

"He doesn't since Trix is back on his arm but his speech pattern is still talking like he's using the Plumbers Badge." Omni said "Also you want to spend the full day as Neon Flower or only change for the actual fights?"

"The chairs here seem big enough so maybe staying as her wouldn't be an issue?" Gwen asked.

"Ok well tomorrow is just Ben's Tournament so I think that'd be plenty of Energy to handle that." Omni said.

Gwen yawned and got comfortable. "Night Omni."

"Night Gwen." Omni said.


Ben checked and the ship would be here in the morning and the fights didn't start till noon. Ben saw Trixie pop up on his naked chest and asked what's the plan for the first fight?

Ben just lay there looking at the ceiling.

'Wanna Dance again?" Ben asked.

Trixie nodded as her hologram had laid on its back.

The triangle, Ben needed a better name for it, opened up from Ben's chest. Yellow and Blue Nanites swirled out with the greens staying around the Omni-Pellet.

The figures formed and the surge of them touching had made both of them smile.

It wasn't as intense as the core being plugged in but the connection made the Nanites surge gently as they sway and bump into one another.

As Ben's eyes grew heavy he had sent the order for them to return and they both packed up their respective Nanites.

"So what's the plan for the fight?" Trixie asked.

Ben sent a memory to her and said "do you think you could do that intentionally?"

Trixie pulled up a transformation and adjusted a few things. "We'll give it a shot. Sleep now."

Ben looked down at Trixie and reached for her. When his finger had phased through her he just shook his head and closed his eyes.

He felt a surge in his hand. Like a second pulse was felt. Like he was holding someone's hand.

Ben opened on eye to see Trixie's holograms hand on his finger curled up so it looked like she was in his hand. 'What was that?"

'Selective surge." Trixie said 'You can't actually touch me but...I think I can make a haptic feedback for me."

"Give it a shot." Ben said out loud.

Trixie's Hologram walked in a circle on Ben's chest where he could feel like a tiny woman was on his chest.

'We should wait on experimenting with that." Ben sent 'But you can spend the night there. It feels nice."

'Same." Trixie said as Ben's torso had a circuit pattern on it of yellow and Trixie's Hologram curled up on the Ultimatrix Tattoo with blue circuit patterns being under her.

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