Miracle/stray kids ff

By btsarmyforeverforlif

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"I will bring them back no matter what it's take" "I'm sorry I'm so-rry I don't want to leave you yn" "Don't... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter: 3
Chapter: 4
Chapter: 5
Chapter: 6
Chapter: 7
Chapter: 8
Chapter: 9
Chapter: 10
Chapter: 11
Chapter: 12
Chapter: 13
Chapter: 14
Chapter: 16
chapter: 18
Chapter: 19
Chapter: 20
Chapter: 21
Chapter: 22
Chapter: 23
chapter: 24
Chapter: 25
Chapter: 26
Chapter: 27
Chapter: 28
Chapter: 29
Chapter: 30
Chapter: 31
Chapter: 32
Chapter: 33 (Final)

Chapter: 17

168 12 9
By btsarmyforeverforlif

Infront of us was an ancient palace, gaining the color of black, instead of original, color an another palace will. It was gothic, that send shivers down my spine. But to say, it at the same time, look regal, for a devil, of course.

"I never see something like this."
An amused Han spoked "Me nether." I shook my head realizing it's not time for crushing over a castle.

"Hannie, pull out the pen and write something in the book." I ordered, keeping in mind I'm the leader here, doesn't matter if Han agree or not.

"But what?" Han ask pulling the pen from the backpack while I hand him the book.

"Anything, I want to see how it's work."
Han nod opening the book and write a Hi.

I look at him with my done expression and said. "Seriously?" Of course, it's Han. "Nothing else come to my mind!"

I shook my head, but watch the book in amusement when Han writhing disappear and something else appear.

"Hello?" I read our loud. But it was not it. The Hello disappear and some more writhing appear.

"Use me. Write what's bother you, I will help." Han read. "Wow, a magical book, I'm impressed." I take a step forward followed by Han from behind.

Of course my kitty can't go anywhere without it's owner.

"Okey, so the book will help us? Let's go and place the crown on the right place!" I excitedly shout that just I got from the inside of me.

I move towards the bridge that we have to pass in order to stand Infront of the castle. I looked down in wonder at how up we are.

"Look, it's too high." I nod at myself, while turning my lips a little downward, like I'm impressed. I feel Han's hands cling on my arm.

"Don't say that! I'm scared of heights!" He shout.  "But you did bungee jumping!" I shout at him, just as he did.

"It's because I want to! I'm scared right now so please!" I shook my head with a cluck and pinch his soft cheeks.

"Awww, is my child's scared?" He removed himself from me and move a little forward, at my words.

"I'm not your child! I'm not scared now!" He cross his arms trying to show he is tough.  "You were, like just right now." I announced.

"It was about two seconds ago! Now I'm a brave boy!" I laughed at his silliness and step closer to him to make sure he don't fell off the bridge, knowing how clumsy he is.

"Pfff! we reach! Finally!" Han breath in relief when we were out of the bridge.

I look at the big door Infront of us with nervousness. I won't let it show to Han. If he saw me scared, he won't care about himself but me, I don't what that to happened right now.

"Han remember, do not talk okey?"

He nod, taking a step beside me placing his hand on mine intertwining our fingers.

My eyes land on his shiny sprinklers eyes, giving him a warm smile.

"Would the door open on it's own like in movies?" I asked out loud my curiousitiy.

"Shut up." He shuu-ed me and place his free hands on the door and push it open, making a way for us to inter.

We step forward seeing a totally destroyed garden on the left while a river which has too much less water, on the right.

Another door come Infront, but not as big as the previous one. We don't get the chance to open the door as it swing open on its own.

I slightly widen my eyes, thinking my words come true fast.

I feel Han grab tighten on my hand, I look at him. He did the same once he feel my eyes on him. I give him a smile and mouthed.

It's going to be alright.
He just nod but I can tell it does not help him.

I was the one to step inside first pulling Han with me. Inside there was a huge stair leading upward, the first thing to land your eyes own. Some couches which has old white dirty covers covering them, some huge and small picture of I don't know who or what.

A really large black hallway with broken celling lights, broken tables with the same covers on.

And right above the center of the place Infront of us, was a really big chandelier made of glass. In the first view it doesn't look like a glass chandelier but if you look closely, it is.

All the broken furniture, all the dirty things, the dust, make it look more horrible, nothing was elegant, like a palace should be. It wasn't timeless, it was effected as time pass. By the look of it, one can say, it was opulent once. Now was decrepit.

Not to mention the mystical feeling coming out of the every corner of it. I say the truth, I fear the imposing palace. Wasn't as dignified as thought it would. But that is, what it's look.

I turn my attention to Han, tapping him on the shoulder to get his attention.
Once his attention was on me, I signal him to ask the book about the crown place, with much difficult as he was too empty up there to understand ehet I'm saying.

He nod when he finally realized and pulled out the book and pen to write.  Where to find the crown place?

His writhing disappear, like last time and a new writhing appear.

A secret chamber, hidden in the dark, search it.

But where? Han write back.
Where would you hide your treasure? The book write.

I look at Han trying to understand what does it mean. If I have to hide my thing somewhere it will be..my bedroom!

I smile when I realized and hold Han's hand, to make him look at me.

I mouthed him the word bedroom to which he understands quickly and smile.

He hold my hand making a run only to be stop after two steps.

I look at him waiting for him to tell me what happened.

He mouthed something but I don't understand so I signal him to do it again but my stupid brain still don't get it.

He sign and open the book to writhing something. How to take without making sound?

Hmmm, I have to say, he is quite smart sometimes.

Touch your foreheads together.

I look at Han confused, only to find him already looking at me. He come closer and just attach our foreheads together without my permission, making me narrowed my eyes at him, but bow a kiss to him to which he immediately back off.

The fuck-

My eyes widen when I heard Han's voice. Did he just talk!?

No I don't ! I frown when I hear his voice, but his lips aren't moving.

What is happening? I asked in my mind.

Idoit can't you see, we can hear each other thoughts! I heard his voice in my head and for some seconds I just want h him without blinking my eyes before screaming as loud as I can in my head.

He immediately hold his head whining in his head. What was this! He shout at me.

For fun. I wink at him with an expressionless face.

I turn to look at the stair and tell Han through my mind.

Should we go upstairs? Bedroom must be there. I suggested. We got another choice?

We begin to make our way to the stairs, stepping on the first one. I feel Han's hand holding my hand once again.

Stay with me, I must protect the child first. I roll my eyes playfully but don't say anything and begin to walk farther.

When we were on the 2nd floor we were face to face with many doors, and I hold the urge to rub my temple with a sigh.

Which one is it! I heard Han. Let's just check all of them. He nodded and make his way to the first door opening it to let us see a bedroom.

Is that's it? I don't replied to his question instead I walk to the other door opening it to saw another bedroom.

I walk towards the 3rd one finding it a bedroom as well. The 4th 5th 6th and others was also bedrooms, making me frustrated.

What should we do! I shout at my head in frustration.

Let me ask the book. Han open the book writhing something.

Which one is the right room? Soon Han's awful written disappeared and another sentence appears.

Search the blood.

I frown and look at the ground to search for blood, if there is any which I hope there is, or I don't know how will we find it. In the corner of my eyes some red thing catch my eyes, just as I thought the book us playing dump-dump with us.

I walk towards it only to find a really little blood beside the door.

Peter! I found it! Han run towards me immediately seeing the blood.

Stop calling me Peter! I ignored him and make my way inside the bedroom.

Opps! It's too dark in here.

Sophisticated interior in dark colors platted with black and gilded accent. Celling and walls decorated with ornate element and accent lighting to highlight the details. Neutral woolen carpet add coziness to the room. Custom made bed headboard with wall farming looks especially extravagant.

It was not like the outside, much better, and timeless.

I walk towards the bed trying to find something that can help us. I place my hand on the bed touching the sheets, pillows, headboard, nightstand but nothing.

I look at the wall light slowly putting my hand on it, to my surprise as soon as I touch it, it push backwards on its own, a sound of like something opening was heard behind us.

A secret door! Han shout in amusement.
Duh! Obviously! I roll my eyes at him, and at this point I lost count at how many times I rolled my eyes.

The wall behind us turn to the other side making a way. Han was the first one to go inside it.

Han wait! I run towards him entering the whatever this is to see, something I never saw before, what is this?

Whatever this is, it's beautiful.

What is this? Han asked me as he step forward. Normally I'm intelligent enough to answer right away but my brains leaves tye apartment with some of my nerves, sorry! This time he was the one to roll his eyes at me.

Like mother like son.

Unknowingly our feet make it's way to the red place Infront. I won't say I don't want to go there because I'm scared-well I am scared, but there's an excitement too. Not to mention I'm feeling like we may find some gold there too, and I might grab some.

When we were Infront of it, we saw an empty table on the center and nothing more, no gold, no silver, just a table.

Life's not fair..

Is that's the place. Han asked and I started to get annoyed by his voice in my head. I need to step out the voices.

I shrug. Maybe? Just put it? Han pull the crown from the backpack with a nood and hand it to me.

I took a deep breath looking at the crown and slowly put the it on the table now waiting for something to happen while holding our breath.

Nothing happened.

Is this even the right place? I expected a blast or something. I was about to answer but my eyes widen to the level that I think it will pop out.

What happened? You look ugly stop that.
I hold the urge to slap him, but I was freeze in my spot.

Han, seeing no improvement in my motion, try to turn around but I stop him by shouting in my mind.

Do not turn around!

W-why? His eyes widen in realization.
Don't tell me!

Yes I'm telling you! There is the spirit right behind you! Seeing the panic and scared face of my little quokka, my heart ache. He look so scared right now.

I hold his hand immediately and pull him with me running towards the exit not trying to look back.

We make it to the bedroom and immediately run towards the door. Running out of the room, but stop when we saw the spirit right Infront of us.

I cover my mouth because I nearly screamed. I feel Han's hand tighten on me telling me he is scared. At this moment I just want to punch the spirit on its ugly face for scaring my quokka.

But it's so ugly that I feel pity for it.

I turn towards the other side making a run there. I found some stair, and  immediately run down it still holding Han's hand. We come to an stop again, we saw her on the other stairs, beside ours.

Wait! Why is there too many stairs now! It was only one when we come here!

I run towards the place, which catch my attention first, to find it was the kitchen.
We hide behind the counter sitting down to catch our breath.

It was close! I spoke expecting a joke from Han but no. I'm scared. My head ache once again looking at his scared eyes. I crass his cheek and comfort him

Everything will come to an end soon, don't worry. He nod but still was scared. Of course I was scared too but Han is more important for me right now, I have to be strong for him.

Han ask the book how to stab the spirit. It's see through I can't stab it like that.

Han nod writhing it on the book, soon we get the answer.

You can't kill what's already death, travel the past.


Me and Han though at the same time but before we can understand anything everything around us become brown-gray.

We look around getting up. Soon everything gain its color back, but this time it's look more fresh. Like it's all new.

We hold hands taking some breaths before slowly walk towards out of the kitchen to saw two people one male and the other female.

"Don't you understand! It's mine! An I will have it!" The female yell at the other person.

Looking closely to the female face I recognize her. Han it's the spirit!
Is she? He recognize her soon.

"It's not yours! It's her's! And she will have it!" The male shout back.

The female smirk, walking toward him.

"You sure? Because..I don't think so!"
The man scream when the female thrust a knife into his chest, that she pulled from behind her suddenly.

I cover my mouth to not make an sounds.

How-how can she?

She stab him again on his chest, he fell on the ground. I look at the man only to find him taking his last breath.

The female smirk again and suddenly turn towards us, our eyes were widen by now.

She walk towards us, causing me to stumbled on my feet. But what surprised me was she walk through Han's body. Like he is a ghost or something.

'What the- did she just walk though me!?' 'Yes she did...I think she can't see us.'

We look at the direction she want to, and follow her, only to find her talking to a beautiful girl which look about my age.

"How dare you! It's my thrown not yours!" "Sister what happened!? Why are you screaming!?"
The beautiful girl ay in a worried tone.

The female scoff. "What happened!? You took everything from me and asking what happened!?"

The girl did not get the chance to reply as the female stab her on her heart.

I cover my mouth once again feeling tears come to my eyes, at the horrible sight. Han was no better.

Oh no...I have to stab her and quickly come back to present. But how I'm gonna stab her!? She has a body now but I can't touch her!

What should I do!? What should I do!?

I saw Han pull the knife out and hold it out for me. 'Try...try atleast once..'
I look at the knife, then to Han's eyes.

Right..I have to do it for him..

I held the knife tightly noodling, and walk towards the female. I try to hold her arm and to my mush surprise my hand really touch her arm.

So without wasting any time I turn her around and with all my courage, and strength, I stab her in her heart. She gasp aloud.

She look at the knife then slowly lefting her eyes to mine.

"W-why'd you sta-stab me?"

I pull out the knife, she fell on the floor. I can feel my hands shaking. She look up at me in pure anger but cannot do anything as everything again turn to brown-gray.

But my wide eyes never left her's. I look at her till she disappeared. Her dark liquid was dropping from my hands to the ground.

I feel two hands on my arm from behind.

'we did it...'
I look up at han and nood motionlessly, I can't believe I-I stab someone, I kill someone...

We quickly make our way to the front door only to find it locked. Han quickly pull out the book once again to write.

'How do we go back?'
'Use the key.'

'But which one!?'
I ask han.

He just pull out the white one and try it luckily it's open. We run out and find the big door but also locked.

I took the black one and try it. And yes! It's open. We quickly step out of the castle making us run to the forest and as soon as we step on the forest everything Infront of me disappear.

My eyes shut on its own, but I never let go of Han's hand.

End of chapter

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