DANCING | jon snow

By eulogiesinautumn

19.4K 753 79

In where a targaryen with a purpose greets an old friend. 'DON'T YOU GIVE ME UP, PLEASE DON'T GIVE UP HONEY... More



2K 70 11
By eulogiesinautumn



"I though Arya was dead. I thought Bran was dead." He said, solemnly, looking back to meet familiar eyes.

"I'm happy for you." She responded, happily. "Why aren't you happy?" Annoyance filling her, when she caught the expression across Jon's.

"Bran saw the Night King and his army marching towards Eastwatch, if they make it past the wall-" Jon spoke, soon interrupted by another.

"The wall has kept them out for thousands of years, presumably." Lord Varys responded, looking around, who was sitting in a chair to Naerys left.

"I need to go home." The man in question sternly spoke.

"You said you didn't have enough men." Daenerys spoke up, looking straight to the man.

"We'll fight with the men we have, unless you join us." He said, hopefully.

"And give back the country to Cersei? As soon as I march away, she marches in." The Queen responded, waving her arm to gesture her feelings.

"Perhaps not. Cersei thinks the Army of the Dead is nothing but a story made up by wet nurses to frighten children. What if we prove her wrong?" Tyrion spoke up for the first time, who was standing to the right of Daenerys.

"I don't think she'll come and see the dead at my invitation." Jon said, a soft chuckle passing his lips.

Naerys couldn't exactly keep her eyes off of him as she watched the way he breathed in a pattern. Lord Varys quickly catching her attention, making it known that she was caught.

"So bring the dead to her." The hand spoke, stepping closer to The King in the North.

"I thought that was what we were trying to avoid." Daenerys inquired.

"We don't have to bring the whole army. Only one soilder." Tyrion said, looking back at Jon, who looked puzzled.

Naerys thought that her secret gazing was unnoticeable but the man in question seemed to be highly aware of the burning stare, teasingly catching her eyes. She flusteredly looked away before putting her attention on Ser Davos, who began to speak.

"Is that possible?" He questioned, looking to his king.

"The first white I ever saw was brought into Castle Black from beyond the Wall." he responded.

"Bring one of those things down to Kings Landing and show her the truth." Tyrion said.

"Anything you bring back will be useless, unless Cersei grants us an audience and is somehow convinced not to murder us, the moment we step foot in the capital." The Spider said, putting his input in, looking to the princess that was at his side, then to the queen.

"The only person she listens to is Jaime... he might listen to me." Tyrion said, looking to Daenerys.

"And how would you enter King's Landing?" Naerys spoke, confused and genuine.

Most of the council seemed to then turn to Davos, who got flustered by the attention.

"I can smuggle you in, but if the gold cloaks were to recognize you, I'm warning you I'm not a fighter." He said.

Naerys let a soft chuckle escape from her mouth, caused from the charming man words. Which had not gone unnoticed.

"Well, it will be for nothing if we don't have one of those dead men." Daenerys spoke.

"Fair point, how do you propose to find one?" asked Varys, all attention falling onto Jon.

Naerys could feel her heart picking pace from the sudden stress, hoping to whatever God that was listening to stop Jon from a stupid choice.

She watched as he looked down on the table, pleading inside her head, for him to spare her a glance so that she could silently agree with him.

"With the queen's permission, I'll go north and take one. You asked me to find a cure so that I could serve you. Allow me to serve you." The sudden voice of Jorah Mormont speaking up, made Daenerys look back at him heartbreakingly.

The soilder looked at Daenerys worried face to Naerys sad eyes, who then quickly looked infront of her, eyes threatening to spill.

Hands going to work as they started their bad habit.

"The free folk will help us. They know the real north better than anyone." Jon spoke up, his eyes looking at Naerys sadden face.

"They won't follow Ser Jorah." Davos spoke up, rationale.

"They won't have to."

At the words that spilled from his mouth, Naerys turned her head sharply to him, making eye contact, betrayal more than evident in her eyes.

Her heart had dropped to the bottom of her stomach, nausea filling her up.

She couldn't lose him once more.

"You can't lead a raid beyond the Wall, you're not in the Nights Watch anymore. You're King in the North." Davos reasond.

"I'm the only one here who's fought them... I'm the only one here who knows them." Jon spoke up, breaking eye contact to look at the council.

Her eyes going back to looking infront of her, in hurt.

"I haven't even given you permission to leave." Daenerys said, angrily.

"With respect, Your Grace, I don't need your  permission. I am King." He bit back, annoyed. "I came here knowing you could have your men behead me or your dragons burn me alive. I put my trust in you, as a stranger, because I know it was the best chance for my people, for all our people, now I'm asking you to trust in a stranger... because it's our last best chance." Jon ended, passionately.

Daenerys looked ahead before turning to look at Naerys. She made eye contact, a silent discussion happening. Her pained expression made Daenerys feel almost inclined to say no, for the sake of her sister, but deep down she knew what was right as queen.

She looked once more ahead to Jon, before nodding.

Naerys couldn't help but look down, hurt.

The room then filled out, Naerys being the last one standing inside it.

She carefully looked to the dragon carvings, her pale fingers delicately brushing against them, before making her way to the outside view.

She watched the dragons dance in the air as she let a silent tear fall, grazing her cheek. She didn't seem to notice it, but it wasn't until a hand came to the side of her face, wiping it away.

She startledly jumped away, a small gasp leaving her mouth.

Realizing that she didn't have to yell, she momentarily closed her eyes and sighed before looking straight back to the scenery.

"Viserys told me many things when he was drunk," Naerys said, ubrubtly breaking the silence that overcame them. "He told me things from Valyrian histories to The Dance of the Dragons...even told me of a dream. A conquerors dream. A Song of Ice and Fire." She gave a small chuckle, before continuing.

"He was told by a witch that found him drunk. Supposedly, it was a secret passed down by the Iron Throne successors. Viserys was the heir. He wasn't supposed to tell me but he was idiot," speaking the last word venomously. "It was about 'the coming war against the darkness in the north'... I thought he was joking."

"What?" Jon said, confused, searching for white lies.

"When I heard you speak about an upcoming darkness coming to the north, I immediately knew what you were speaking of. Targaryens are supposed to sit on that throne. We had a responsibility to protect the people from the darkness that was to come! Targaryens made that same Iron Throne, in which Cersei sits her ass on." Naerys said, heartedly.

"Aegon the Conqueror didn't just become a conqueror because he felt the need for greed. No." Shaking her head. "He did it because he had a dream... he saw the end of men...  'Tis to begin with a terrible winter gusting out of the distant north.' He saw darkness... "

"We sat on that throne because we knew what was to come. We were responsible for having all of Westeros against it, not divided. The witch told Viserys, that 'a Targaryen must be seated on the Iron Throne, strong enough to unite the realm against the cold and dark.' No one else, but the prince that was promised from the blood of Aegon. And we had dragons for that, up until we didn't... then I started having dreams, like Aegon the Conqueror. And dragons were born, once more..." She said, eyes finding Jon's as she played with her hands.

"We had a purpose and failed our ancestors. Folks from the blood of old Valyria have been having dreams for centuries that came true. The Doom of Valyria, Daenerys dragon eggs, and now this... If you still can't see on why I insist for my blood to rule over the Seven Kingdoms, then I don't know what to tell you." Naerys finished, passionately looking at him.

It stayed completely silent as she watched him digest the information she told him. His face seemed puzzled and worried before he closed his eyes and sighed.

She felt fatigue rush over her, as she herself closed her eyes just as Jon opened his.

His turn to watch her.

"If you'll excuse me." Was all she said, before she started walking away.

She walked through the hallow hallways of the castle, as she couldn't help but feel herself breakdown.

She didn't want for him to leave, with the possibility of death. Not when she had an idea on why she was feeling the way she was. She leaned against the rough walls, gripping her dress feeling herself sick and exhausted.

It was not later when they were ready to take departure to the Wall by boat. A month, was what it was going to take to get to their destination and who knows how long their adventure was going to take.

Approaching the shore with Daenerys and Baelon at her side, she anxiously held her son hand and stayed back as she watched Daenerys converse with Ser Jorah Mormont.

It seemed almost too intimate that it made Baelon giggle and look the other way.

Crunchy footsteps took to her left as Jon approached the boat and then to Daenerys.

Ignoring her and her son.

She gave a weird jerk to her head sharply, feeling hurt. Looking to Ser Jorah as she quickly replaced her frown with a smile, as he gave her a curtly nod and a far distance high five to Baelon.

She was focused on rubbing Baelon shoulders, as comfort to him seeing two men he enjoyed being around leaving to possible death, that she didn't notice Jon's approach.

She suddenly stopped rubbing Baelon's shoulder when he landed infront of the boy. Naerys looked anywhere but the man, arms tightly around her stomach, rocking herself. Eyes glossed with tears.

Baelon was looking down at his shoes, sadness evident. It was not long after that, that Jon grasped his chin and lifted it up.

"I will return and help you with your sword... I promise."

At this Naerys felt her heart drop, she didn't realize that they actually spent a bunch of time with each other since arriving on Dragonstone two months ago.

She felt herself look to the view of the ocean that was on his left side face. Unable to look at him.

"I'll come back princess," with this, Naerys finally looked at the man with a depressing look. "I always do."

With this, she still kept rocking her body, arms moving even tighter than before.

Eyes looking into his, as they threatened to spill from the sudden abandonment. Her eyes continously fluttered from maintaining blinking, as they threatened to spill.

She gave a short nod before she quickly looked away, and slightly moved away.

He backed away, before turning and moving back to the boats to help bring them in the ocean. She watched as he did.

She turned away with a frown before leaving the scene, unable to bear the emotions.

Baelon stayed to watch them heave away, into the distance.

He stayed there until the sun set. He already could feel himself disappointed from the lack of sword training, he spent with Jon, his supposed father.

Days and weeks turned into two more long months. Naerys accupied her time with Baelon or planning with Daenerys. Occasionally, walking the grounds with Tyrion or Lord Varys.

She did, although spend some time worrying and being alone in her drowning thoughts.

She had been feeling more ill as the days came and went. She didn't want to believe or accept it, so anytime it would come across her mind she quickly shut it down.

Though, she had known it to be true, and when a raven arrived she was quicker on her feet than she ever was.

She didn't waste a spectical on readying Aegarax for departure.

"I won't allow it. You’re her heir. Our cause is lost if all the Targaryens die in a quick braw." said Tyrion.

"I'm not going to fight, I'll just be there to assist the wounded and lend my Aegarax for backup," she argued back, calmly. "Baelon is also a Targaryen, he's a trustworthy boy."

With that Naerys flew away on dragon back, soon joined by Daenerys, as they rode to Castle Black.


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AN : Here's the chapter! This was supposed to be much longer but I decided that the other parts made more sense being put into the next chapter:) hope u liked ! New chapter should come out in the next few days - xoxo missy

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