the chaos within me

By normal_writer1812

3.9K 89 12

in the city of Scetas. many people just live their lives in peace. playing duel monster and minding their own... More

scetas city (rewritten again)
the mystery duelist (rewritten)
meeting with the enemy
night watchers
a date gone wrong (rewrite again)
the calm before the storm (rewrite)
it has only just begun
the man(s) behind the mask
the hunter of nightmares
growing hate
Bird hate

hanging out with friends, interuptioned

396 8 4
By normal_writer1812

Selen was sleeping very heavily like always. Then a butterfly landed on her nose which she tried to get rid of by swiping it away with her hand while her eyes were still closed. But then the butterfly landed on her nose again which she tried to get rid of again but then the butterfly came back again. It kept coming back to bother her to the point she started to open her eyes and wake up.

But then she noticed something, she wasn't on her bed nor was she at her house. She was outside.

Selen: What the hell?

Selen looked around to notice that she wasn't just outside but she was at a park. She looked to what she was sleeping on to see that she was sleeping on a bench that had the name of the park written on it.

Selen: "lork park"? Wait a minute, this is the same park where we first met. But how did I get here?

Selen looked around to see if there was anyone else that was there. She kept looking around to only realize that there was no one there at all. It was like a ghost town there. All she saw were trees and a bunch of red roses everywhere. Which was strange as usually the park was packed with people, especially with couples. Selen then started to look around to see if there was someone else there.

Selen: hello! Is anyone there!

She kept screaming for someone else but she never got a response. It really seemed that no else was there. She didn't give up though, she kept walking around the place to see if she could find anyone else but she got the same result, there was no one else there at the park besides her.

Selen: What the hell happened?

Selen started to get worried more as she stayed there. She was thinking the worst had happened and started to worry for her friends and family. So she decided that she needed to leave the park to make sure that they were okay. So she decided to run to the exit of the park to check if everyone she knows is fine.

After running for a bit looking for an exit. She finally found one. But then she noticed something else, next to the exit was a bench with someone sitting on it. Thinking that she finally found someone else, she decided to approach the person.

Selen: hey! Do you know where everyone is!

Selen started to approach the person. The closer she got to the person, the look she got of the person. Then she realized that the person was a child. The child was holding a light purple rose and was staring at it. But then she realized something.

It was him.

The person she was looking for

Selen: Wait, it's you. Is it really you?

Selen came closer and closer to the kid to get a better look at the kid to make sure she wasn't going insane. Once she was up close, she got a better look at the kid to realize it was really him. The person she was looking for.

Once she was next to the kid, she started to break down in tears as she fell to her knees. Looking down to the ground as she grabs her thighs.

Selen: I finally found you, all I want to say is that I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I really am. I should never have treated you poorly. I was a terrible person and a worser friend to you. I didn't mean any of this to happen between us. I really mean that. I just want to start all over. So we can actually be happy together.

Selen kept on crying her eyes waiting for a response. Then once she looked up to see that the kid wasn't even paying attention to her. All the kid was doing was staring at the purple rose that was in his hand.

Selen: wait a minute.

Then it clicked. Selen recognized the flower. Then she realized something. This was something in the past.

This was the day where she made the worst mistake of her life.

Selen: no! No! NO! Don't tell me she already left you here!

Selen tried to grab the boy but the second she did, the boy turned into black goo.

Selen: No! Please don't leave! I'm sorry!

Selen tried to grab the goo and tried to mold it back to the kid but she failed miserably. She started to cry even more and even harder. She kept on crying as she was being forced to remember one of her biggest mistakes of her life.

Selen: I'm sorry. I really am. I just wish I never made that mistake. I just wish I could meet you again so I can fix everything.

While Selen was in pain about the past, the black started to float into the sky. Selen looked at the black goo as it floated into the sky. Then she noticed that the roses in the park started to also turn into black goo. All of the black goo went into the sky and smushed together and started to turn into a black ball.

Then the black ball started to burst out its wings. Then its arms started to come out and once the arms were out, its claws came out as well. The claws looked very sharp, sharper than any animal in the world, the claws looked like they could have cut through anything including steel. Then it showed its yellow glowing eyes, the yellow color of its eyes felt like it was staring at her soul and judging it.

Selen could barely understand what she was looking at. All she knew was that it was some sort of monster.

Once the monster was finishing transforming, she saw that it was a dragon of some kind made of goo.

But the one she notice was that it had a number on its chest


She was terrified of the monster that she couldn't mutter a single word or even have the balls to even move at all. She can only stare at it as it towers over her. Then the monsters noticed her and the second it did, it let out a roar, mightier than a lion and louder than anything in the world, one that she never heard before. Then it ran towards her and the second it was close to her, it opened its mouth to reveal its sharp teeth, teeth that were sharper than a shark's teeth. It got closer and closer at really high speed. The second it was closer to her, Selen released a high blood curdling scream, she screamed like she never before. Then the second the dragon was in front of her, the dragon ate her.

Real world

Selen opened her eyes in a cold sweat and screamed like a Banshee. She thrashed on her bed as she started to panic.

Elira: Selen calm down!

Selen, not noticing that her sister was in her, kepting thrashing as she was too scared of what she saw. She kept screaming as if her life was coming to an end to the point that their parents entered her room.

Mom: What's wrong!

Elira: I don't know! I think she's having panic attack!

Their parents then tried their best to calm Selen down. She kept on thrashing on the bed like a wild animal but then started to calm down. She was still sweating though and was still breathing heavily but stopped thrashing on her bed. After a few seconds, she started to calm down and come back to her senses.

Dad: Selen, are you okay?

Selen took some time to respond as she was still progressing with what just happened.

Selen: no i'm not.

Elira: What happened?

Selen: I had a nightmare, a really bad nightmare.

Elira: just a nightmare. You were really having a panic attack over a nightmare.

Selen: shut up! It wasn't just some ordinary nightmare. It was a nightmare of the past. Something I can't forget.

Mom: oh, do you want to talk about it?

Selen: NO!

Selen screamed at the top of her lungs. Surprising everyone in the room. Selen seemed to be generally angry for once which was a surprise as they never saw her like this ever. Selen took some deep breaths to calm herself down.

Selen: I'm sorry, I just want to talk about it. Can you just give me 5 more minutes?

Dad: Okay, 5 more minutes.

Then they left the room to give Selen time to rest and calm herself. The second they left the room, she buried herself in her bed. She was having a hard time progressing with what happened. She had nightmares before but nothing like this. She was also thinking about what she saw, the monster that she saw. She didn't know why but she felt like she knew the card even though she had never seen it before. She doesn't know why she felt like she knew the card already though. It wasn't something she recognized either. It was weird but she was going to get to the bottom of this.

Time skip

Selen and Elira have just arrived at their college campus. Once they were there, Elira saw Pomu and Millie. She also immediately notices Pomu's injury.

Elira: pomu!

Elira ran up to her and hugged her tightly.

Pomu: ow!

Elira: Oh sorry Pomu.

Pomu: no it's okay, i'm fine.

Elira: oh thank god. So what happened to you?

Pomu: oh well i just fell down some stairs.

Elira: oh, well you need to be more careful next time. Okay.

Pomu: Okay I promised.

Elira: Good, now let's get going to class.

Then Elira then walked off to get to class. Selen then went up to both Pomu and Millie so she could talk to Pomu about what happened between her and the duelist she just fought.

Pomu: your sister just hugged me and sooner or later, she is going to do more than just hugging me.

Then Selen punched her in one of her bruise spots

Pomu: ow! Watch the bruises!

Selen: serves you right.

Millie: yeah!

Then Millie just punched Pomu as well

Pomu: ow! What the fuck Millie! What I do to you!

Millie: nothing, i just wanted to punch you.

Pomu: you bitch!

Pomu then tried to strangle but Millie fought back but before things could escalate any feather. Selen broke them up.

Selen: guys, no fighting. We don't want to get into trouble.

Pomu: fine!

Pomu was still salty about it but she didn't want to get into trouble and get detention so she decided to suck it up.

Selen: So Pomu, do you remember anything now about the mystery's deck.

Pomu: You're still on about that?

Selen: yes! Now do you remember or not?

Pomu: um, all I remember now is that he had a number card.

Millie: a number card! But those are one the rarest cards there are! How does he have a number card?

Pomu: How am I supposed to know?

Selen: Pomu, was the number card number 95?

Pomu: why does that matter?

Selen: Answer the question! was it or was it not?

Pomu: no! I think it was the number 107.

Selen eyes then widen.

Millie: 107? I thought there were only 100 number cards in the world. How is there a number above 100?

Pomu: yeah i thought so too.

Selen: you have to tell me more!

Pomu: why do you care so much about the mystery duelist?

Selen: that is none of your business.

Millie: Selen, we're your friend, you can trust us.

Selen: like i can trust you. You're the reason why my sister even knows about me having a crush on Finana.

Millie: So you do admit that you have a crush on her.

Selen: yes—I mean no! That isn't important! What is important is trying to figure out who this guy is.

Pomu: But how! We don't have any lead of this guy or the gang he's in.

Selen: We'll figure something out, we'll find out who this guy is. If it is the last thing I'll do.

Then Selen started to walk off to her class.

Millie: Is it me or is Selen taking this guy very seriously?

Pomu: yeah it is, she never took anything this series.

Millie: other than crushing on Finana.

Pomu: That is true.

Then they walked off to their classes.

Time skip

It was the end of the school day. School was over for the day and everyone was ready to go home. Selen and Elira were about to leave but then Finana came up behind them to talk to them.

Finana: Hey guys!

Selen: oh—hey Finana.

Selen said in a shy voice as she blushed.

Finana: I was wondering if you guys wanted to hang out today.

Selen: like right now.

Finana: yeah!

Selen: well, um—

Elira: I'm sure that Selen and I would love to hang out with you, Especially Selen.

Elira said in a teasing voice as she tried to get her sister closer to her crush.

Finana: Great, I already told Millie, Pomu, and Enna so they will be coming as well.

Selen: You did.

Finana: Yeah, they're waiting for us at the ice cream shop. Now let go.

Finana then grabbed Selen's hand and started to run off with her.

Elira: They grow up so fast.

Time skip

Right now, Selen, Finana, Pomu, Elira, Millie, and Enna were at the ice cream to hang out with each other. They entered the ice cream shop and went to the counter to buy some ice cream.

Ice cream worker: hello there. Can it get you anything?

Elira: Yeah, can I get a milkshake?

Pomu: yeah can a milkshake too.

Ice cream worker: coming right up.

Then the ice cream worker made them their milkshake.

Ice cream worker: that will be 10 dollars.

Elira was about to pay but then Pomu placed 10 dollars on the counter before she could even get the money out of her wallet.

Pomu: your welcome

Said in a conference voice as she tries to impress Elira.

Elira: Wow, thanks.

Meanwhile, Millie was having ice cream with Enna

Enna: this ice cream is pretty good.

Millie: not as good as your singing.

She said in a flirting tone.

Enna: aw, thanks Babu.

Millie was just blushing to her response.

With Selen, she has just gotten her milkshake and sat right next to Finana who has also gotten her milkshake.

Selen: So Finana, how's your days so far?

Finana: It's doing pretty great. How's yours?

Selen: It's also doing great, now that I'm with you.

Finana then blush at what Selen just said which made Selen blush as well.

Finana: Thanks, I think my day is going better now because I'm with you.

Selen just blushed even harder than before. She felt her face start to get red and heat up which Finana noticed.

Finana: Are you okay?

Selen: yeah! I'm just a bit hot right now. Maybe the milkshake will help me cool down.

Then she started to drink her milkshake and while she was doing that, she looked at Finana's eyes to realize that her eyes looked really beautiful. She couldn't stop staring at them for some reason. While she was looking at Finana's eyes, Selen then noticed something outside the window.

It was him, the kid from the dream. He was outside the ice cream with the purple rose in his hand.

The second that Selen noticed him, she spat out her drink and spitted on Finana's face.

Selen: shit i'm sorry i didn't mean to!

Selen tried to clean the mess she made on Finana but while she was doing that, she was looking outside the window to see the kid again only to see someone in a black cloak with a mask on. She was confused at first and was wondering where the kid went and was also wondering who was the person in the cloak. Then she heard police sirens and so did everyone else in the ice cream as there were many police cars passing through the ice cream. Many people were confused and were also worried but Selen was curious as to why there were so many police cars. She didn't know why she cared at all but something was telling her she needed to find out. So she decided to find out why herself.

Selen: sorry i just remember something that i forget and i need to go back to go back to get. I hope that is okay with you.

Selen got up from her seat and ran out of the ice cream to see what was happening

Finana: hey wait!

But Selen didn't listen as she ran out of the ice cream.

Pomu: god damnit Selen!

Pomu and Millie got up from their seats and ran out of the ice cream shop as well so they could follow Selen to make sure she didn't do anything stupid.

Selen was running in the city trying to follow the police car to see what was happening. After running for a bit, she finally found where the police cars went. She saw a crowd of people surrounding a bank.

Selen: What the hell?

Selen then pushed through the crowd so she could see up front and figure out what was exactly happening. After pushing through some people, she made it to the front and saw the Police officer had VFS on their vest.

Selen's thought: 'VFS, this must be serious if they're getting involved."

Usually VFS would deal with a lot of serious things especially if it involved the mafia. So she went up behind one of them to ask them what was going on.

Selen: hey what's going on?

VFS officer: someone has broken into the bank somehow, we also believed they have taken hostage as well.

And after he said that, the front door opened. Many people backed away as they feared the worst. Then many people run out of the doors.

VFS officer: it's the hostage!

Many people were running out of the bank and were also screaming as well. Many VFS officers had their guns open expecting the worst to happen. Then they heard a loud stomp. It felt like a mini earthquake just happened out of nowhere. Then they heard another stomp, and then another. Each stomp felt like it was getting closer and closer.

Then a giant dragon burst out of the bank with a safe in its hand. The giant dragon was huge, it had light blue outlines on it and it also seemed to be wearing armor of some kind.

VFS officer 1: what the hell is that!

VFS officer 2: who cares, shoot it!

Then many VFS officers grabbed their guns and shot at the dragon but none of the bullets affected it at all. They kept shooting at it but all that did was anger the dragon. The dragon let out a mighty roar before stomping again on the ground which caused many people to trip and fall.

People from the scene started to run away as they feared for their life but for Selen, she just stood there, she recognized the dragon.

It was the same dragon that attacked their base.

But not only that but it also felt familiar as well

But then she noticed something as well, someone was on top of the dragon. She got a closer look and noticed that it was the cloak person she saw before. But before they could even progress this even more, the dragon let out an even louder roar then before flying off to the sky with the safe in hand.

Pomu/Millie: Selen!

Both of her friends came up behind her to check she was okay or not

Pomu: Are you okay?

But Selen didn't respond at all. She just stared at the sky where the dragon had flown away with the safe and with the person on its back.

They only thing she could think is one thing

Was that galaxy eyes? 

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