A New Trollhunter |~| A Tales...

By M00nLightAmber

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This story has barely started and will have very slow updates it takes lots of time to write one chapter but... More

Chapter 1 ~ This Is Only The Beginning
Chapter 2 ~ I'm A Trollhunter?
Chapter 3 ~ Well Shit
Chapter 4 ~ Welcome To The Hero's Forge
Chapter 6 ~ Changed
Chapter 7 ~ Wanted Gnome Theif

Chapter 5 ~ I Dont Know If I Can Do This

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By M00nLightAmber

I approached the door of my house and went to open it. I peak my head in and see that the lights in the kitchen are on. Mum and dad must be making dinner. I glanced from side to side to see if the coast was clear. Once I determined that it was, I tiptoed to the stairs quietly and began to crawl up as fast and quiet as possible. When I heard my mothers voice from the kitchen I realized I was fucked. "Amber honey we're in the kitchen!"

I came down from the stairs and approached the kitchen walking inside to see my mum and dad. "Hey mum. Hey dad. You guys will not believe what happened to Kirili..." I say trailing off from what I was saying to see how my parents would react.

"Mmhhh that's great honey." My mum answered not even caring about what I was saying. "Here's your dinner, now head up to bed." She said, thrusting a plate of food towards me.

"You-you don't even care..." I utter, upset with my parent's response. My dad was off to the side eating his dinner with a newspaper next to him.

"We're very busy Amber. We can't be distracted now, go to bed." My dad ordered sternly. My face scrunched up in anger. How dare they! Even though I didn't want to get in trouble they should at least be a little worried about me! I know Kirili's mum would be.

"Fine then!" Spoke venom dripping from my voice. I turned around and left the kitchen. The anger that was clearly shown on my face evaporated and morphed into a sad expression. Tears brimmed in the corner of my eyes. I approached the stairs and was about to go up them but before I did I heard what sounded like leaves rustling. I turned around and looked out the window but saw nothing.

I walk up the stairs and into my room I place the plate of food on my bedside table and collapse onto my bed, my face hidden in my pillow. I let a few tears slip from my eyes onto my pillow. Today has not been the best. I look to my left at my dinner and grab some of it and take a sad bite and place it back down and put my face back into my pillow and fall asleep.


I was currently in the Hero's forge training with Blinky. Kirili, Toby and Jim were off to the side watching me with Aaarrrgghh next to them. Kirili was trying to copy what I was doing despite the lack of a sword, while Jim and Toby were sitting together munching on popcorn which I have no clue where they got.

I was standing in the center of the forge, Blinky circling me. I was in my armour and standing still with my sword raised in hand. "Widen your stance." He ordered, I moved my legs apart so they were in line with my shoulders. "Keep your frame." I straightened up my back but stayed still "yes that's right. Perfect."

"Wow she's a natural." I hear Toby announce from the side and then the crunching of popcorn.

"Now raise your sword Mistress Amber." Blinky commands pushing my sword up slightly as I stayed in the fighting stance. "Yep. Mhmm. head up high stomach in. Yes. Magnificent." Blinky states.

Glancing to my side I see Aaarrrgghh dumping the contents of a brown paper bag into his mouth that Toby had given him. A loud burp could be heard from Aaarrrgghh after he finished what he was eating. "Mmm" Aaarrrgghh hummed "what's this?"

Toby looked to his side at Aaarrrgghh and started to explain what he had given him "Dander from my Nana's Persian and a couple of hairballs." He states extending the a in "and".

Aaarrrgghh lets out another burp then holds up the paper bag looking into it then drops it into his mouth. He pointed at Toby with a smile "mm, tasty." He states then burps again.

I was completely focused on my stance as Blinky was walking around. He then began to say, "the Trollhunter lives and dies by three rules." Only three really? He stops walking and stands in front of me, he points at me and states "Rule number one, always be afraid."

"Afraid? all the time?" I question, slightly confused by the first rule.

"Be afraid." Aaarrrgghh states.

"Except with goblins." Jim and Toby announce together, slightly pointing at me. "You'll learn that later." Jim finishes, continuing to watch.

"Yeah umm don't think being afraid is gonna be an issue." I respond, dropping my sword slightly looking forward. Then suddenly a small rock comes flying at me. I duck my head narrowly missing the rock. "Holy shit" I breathe out.

I looked towards where the rock went seeing Aaarrrgghh had caught it then threw it into his mouth swallowing it. Blinky then continues with what he was saying, my face full of concern and shock. "See? Fear is good. Keeps us alert. Keeps us on guard. Makes us vigilant." He announces.

Blinky then continued to throw two more rocks at me. I dodge them easily, straightening my back to dodge the first and then bending forward to avoid the second. He continues walking around me "A hero is not one who is fearless, but one who is not stopped by it." Blinky declared, pounding his stoney fist into the palm of his hand.

"Got it." I announce full of determination, moving forward pretty much ready for whatever Blinky was going to throw at me next. Literally.

"Two: always finish the fight." Blinky announces holding up two of his hands with one finger up on each. "An opponent must be given no mercy." He then threw more rocks at me and was LAUGHING he must be enjoying my suffering, one passing by me then more coming directly at me.

I block the rocks with my sword moving it from one side to another to avoid getting injured by the stones that were aimed at my face. As I block them they drop to the floor at my feet. "Ok think that's enough with the rocks! I got the memo!" I exclaimed out of breath and breathing heavily, "Always finish the fight?"

I quickly duck forward as rock was then flung at me from behind. Hey, not fair! I turn around looking at Aaarrrgghh with an annoyed face. Looking at Kirili, she was trying to hide her giggling. Bet she told Aaarrrgghh to throw it at me. How dare she! Maybe she should try this! It's not easy! "Wow even that didn't get her." I hear Toby mutter

"Kill!" Aaarrrgghh answers for my previous question about rule two. I take in a deep breath, closing my eyes for a second to calm myself down.

Blinky then begins to speak again explaining the Trollhunter rule. "Indeed. The Trollhunter must always vanquish their opponent through death."

"Wow, that's harsh dude." Kirili states surprised Jim and Toby were nodding their heads, their teeth clenched, eyes wide, almost avoiding eye contact. There has to be something about this they're not telling us. Or me at least.

"Ours is an unforgiving world, Kirili." Blinky announces, continuing his walk, "Hence, the third rule:" Blinky holds up three of his stone fingers "when in doubt, always kick them in the Gronk-nuks." He states holding his hand in a fist.

'Gronk-nuks'? Did he... just say... 'Gronk-nuks'? OH THIS IS THE BEST RULE! I JUST HAVE AN EXCUSE TO KICK SOMEONE IN THE BALLS! But... just to confirm... "Gronk-nuks?" I questioned.

And just as I said that Blinky stopped his foot twice as he stood still extremely calm. Then a large blade fell from the wall. I backed away from it as the blade fell in between my legs. Holy... shit... I let out a small yelp then begin to giggle a little bit at the thought.

A glance to the side I could see Aaarrrgghh shiver along with Jim and Toby at the thought of hurting their 'Gronk-nuks' "the horror" Aaarrrgghh utters.

The blade then goes back up into the wall and I begin to say "So, you're saying that I have an excuse to kick someone in the nuts."

I then hear Kirili yell "NO! BAD AMBER! It's a when in doubt situation!" I roll my eyes at Kirili's comment and pout a little, why'd she have to ruin all the fun.

I let out a huff of air, "anyway you're still saying that one-third of being a Trollhunter is kicking someone in the nards though." I state, looking at Blinky with an 'are you serious' expression.

A voice then cuts through our conversation as the blue troll from the trollmarket walks into the Hero's forge. I think his name was Draal, he had a grin plastered on his face that was clearly meant to taunt me.

His arms were spread out as he descended down the stairs saying "Ah! So, the Trollhunter's training begins. I thought the great Trollhunter might accept my services as a sparring partner." Draal was towering over me, and as he said 'sparring' he pounded one of his fists, making a loud noise that pretty much echoed throughout the forge. "Part of your training regiment, isn't it?" His arms were extended and he had a shit eating grin on his face.

As he said 'isn't it' he looked directly at blinky who's response was "In due time, perhaps."

He went to approach me but then the booming voice of Vendel made him turn back as did Drall who turned around to look at him "Why wait?" He announces "I am eager to see your charge demonstrate her mettle." He was standing in what you could call observation stands where he could overlook the entire arena.

Otherwise uh oh no clue what that means don't think he means my sword as I'm pretty sure it's made of daylight. I hold my sword in my hands looking at it, yep, definitely daylight. I look over to Blinky and utter "uh what does that mean?"

"He's talking about your way to cope in the face of adversity" Blinky answers, holding his hand up slightly to his mouth.

"Ooooooh. Right. Yeah, umm still sorta working on that. Also like y'know SAT words." I say, a lack of confidence in what I was saying.

Vendel chuckles then throws up his hands and declares "let them spar." Yeah uh don't think I know how to spar yet.

"No harm in it." Drall states as he and Blinky go their separate ways, Drall behind me and Blinky forward. Yeah Drall I'll have to disagree with what you said there. Definitely think there's harm, especially to my ego.

I quickly take a glance back towards Drall shock and slight fear shown on my face. I swear this will be the death of me. I jog forward and catch up with Blinky following behind him. "Ok so what do I do?" I ask.

"Hit him as hard as you can!" Blinky declares, shaking one of his fists still walking forward with me trailing behind him confused.

"No, umm I mean how? He's a giant troll with stone hard skin. How? He's also probably way stronger than me. Also, I haven't really hit anyone before..." I ramble terrified.

"Ever?" Blinky asks, stopping in his tracks and turning to face me astounded by the thought of me not ever getting into a fight.

"Haven't really been in much of a fight..." I state, but when I said that I felt like I was forgetting something. Eh, probably nothing important.

Blinky then snaps me out of my thoughts "In your entire life?" He queries, trying to press for more information.

"Well in all 15 years of it, not really. Honestly I'm like- incredibly weak believe it or not." I confess.

"You fought Bular however." Blinky reminds me then continues "although briefly yes but you were glorious nonetheless. Your blade-work was impressive."

"I made that the hell up!" I announced, in obvious distress. What am I going to do? I had no clue what I was doing back there. "I took inspo from fashion and cooking classes!" I continue freaking out and my voice going incredibly high pitched.

"Exactly!" Blinky declared, grabbing my shoulder and shaking me slightly "The fight is within you, Mistress Amber. Trust yourself. One hit!" He announces all excited with all four of his fists up. He then glances side to side and calms down saying, "One hit and you will be changed forever." He said with absolute faith in me and what I could do while I was doubting myself completely. He turned me around and pushed me forward slightly then turned back around and walked off.

"Begin." Vendel says his voice echoing throughout the hero's forge to start the sparring between Draal and myself.

I take a step forward holding my sword in my hand in my fighting stance Draal a few feet in front of me. He roars and pounds his fists into the ground at the same time bringing up a small amount of dust. He then pounds them once more and let's out another deafening roar. After he runs at me snarling.

"One hit." I mutter under my breath as I breathe in. I was about to attack when Draal jumped up slightly then rolled himself into a ball with his sharp and dangerous spikes on his back as he rolled towards me fast. I let out a yelp and jumped out the way quickly just barely dodging him.

Is this guy sonic or something?! He rolled into the wall and went up it all the way to the roof. Once he was on the roof he un-curled himself and jumped down his fist at the ready to crush me. This doesn't feel like sparing! I ran forward dodging Draal but as he landed the impact blew me forward. The floor was then coated in a grimly gray blanket of dust blocking out my vision entirely.

I was glancing around frantically to see if I could make out anything but despite my best efforts it was ineffective. I held up my sword in front of me thinking I was ready for what was to come. inevitably I was not, as I was suddenly hit from behind the depth of the hazy dust like fog. A blue mist had come from my armour and cleared away the dust making it clear to see one again.

I let out an exhausted groan at the impact after being knocked off my feet. I tried to pull myself off of the ground and back up but my legs felt like jello and I was extremely wobbly. I tried using my sword to hold me upwards, the blade in the ground and one arm wrapped around it.

I was about to lift my sword out of the ground and do something for once but I was hit with multiple hard punches from Draal. Each strike admitted a blue mist from my armour at the impact. With Draal's third blow he had lifted me up off the ground and punched me across the room near the edge of the cliff.

I was lying on my side, exhausted and in pain. My sword had landed far away from me and disappeared in a blue haze. I was panting, the wind had been knocked out of me and my strength (not that I had any) had depleted and worn out to its near brink.

As I looked up, Draal had been right in front of me and lifted me into the air by my body. He was holding me over the edge of the cliff. I let out shriek after looking down to see the dark endless abyss from which would kill me instantly if I was dropped. I was squirming around and grabbed onto Draal's hand for some form of stability.

I looked at Draal with an almost judgy face but fear was clearly evident in my eyes. I heard Kirili yell out my name in distress then she screamed "LET HER GO!" But she couldn't run towards me or intervene as she was kept in place by Aaarrrgghh.

I let out a small wimpier in fear as Draal looked at me with absolute disgust and disgrace. "I've waited my entire life to inherit the Amulet. I can wait until you fall in battle." He declared his voice dripping with venom, he squeezed my body slightly and I let out a scream at the impact.

It was as if he could break all my bones in my body if he wanted to at that moment, but he didn't. Instead he dropped me on the ground in front of him, landing on my side. I looked back up at him getting on my hands and knees as I tried to breath in, he began to speak again "I suspect I won't have to wait very long. If you know what's good for you you'll stay down and live"

He took a step backwards and lifted his head up full of confidence as he said one word "worm" and then he walked away leaving me there in my pitiful state. He laughed with his back turned to me and said "Trollhunter." Looking up at Vendel he sighed in disappointment and turned around and left.

This was an absolute nightmare. I'm not cut out for this. I could feel Blinky's six eyes on me as Vendel left I couldn't look at him. Not after what just happened.


We were walking through Trollmarket after my beating. Blinky, Aaarrrgghh,Toby, Jim and Kirili were walking behind me. I was doubting this whole Trollhunter thing. "He might be right, you know. What the hell was I thinking?" I say my voice showing how I was clearly upset. We entered a room made of glowing light blue crystals. If I was in a better mood maybe I would have inspected them and asked what type they were. "An amulet can't choose anyone. It's a bloody amulet." I cried out my face clearly showing my irritation.

"Amber?" Aaarrrgghh asked with sympathy coxed in his voice along with it covered in all of their faces not just his.

"I understand that you're upset, Mistress Amber, but you've had not a moment's training. There is no shame in what just transpired." Blinky said trying to comfort me but I was having none of it.

"Okay then. You were not paying attention over there." I announce turning around to face him aggravated "SHAME is the one thing I think 'transpired'. Shame a-and some form of realization." I let out a sigh as I choked on my words trying to regain some form of composure. I pulled out the amulet and it glowed a dark blue. "I-I don't know Draal, or if he should be the real Trollhunter or not and honestly I couldn't give two shits. All I know now for sure is that I am no trollhunter."

I throw the amulet down the light blue steps, it rolling down and landing in front of Blinky who picks it up holding it close. He looks up at me as I walk up the stairs leaving. He begins to say "Mistress Amber, despite what ever doubts you may have about the amulet's choice, it is now bonded to you."

He holds the amulet in the palms of two of his hands and it lifts up from them and flies towards me. I turn around and grab it as it lands in my hands. I look at it as I hold it in my hand in front of me. I look back to Blinky. "This is a mantle you cannot refuse."

I get over my slight shock from the behaviour of the amulet and a frown makes its way onto my face. I drop the amulet again, clinking as it falls down the stairs. I turn around and say "watch me." And continue onwards. After watching me, Kirili began to scurry up the stairs trying to catch up to me.


Word count ~ 3379

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